NEVER FORGET: Not a Single Election Expert Has Been Able to Explain the “Drop and Roll” Phenomenon that Flipped the 2020 Election to Joe Biden

BREAKING: On Tuesday, January 16th, Wisconsin legislators will push for a floor vote on a resolution to impeach State Election Administrator Meagan Wolfe for violating countless election laws, her role in rigging the 2020 election in Wisconsin, etc

Wolfe used her authority as Administrator to issue illegal guidances to election clerks, illegally implement ballot drop boxes across the state, solicit absentee ballot applications (against state law as ruled by a recent court), etc

Although her term has expired, she is currently illegally occupying the office and Democrats are pushing for her to stay until 2024 because they know they can't "win" without their golden child.

As long as the Articles of Impeachment get through the State Assembly, the Supermajority Senate is prepared to convict. Senate leaders are urging the RINO Assembly Speaker Robin Vos to stop his continuous protection of election thief Wolfe

Accountability is coming
pOoR rEpUbLiCaN vIcTiMs

Wisconsin Republicans admit vote to fire elections chief had no legal effect​

Massive Election Fraud Involving Thousands of Fraudulent Ballot Registrations Took Place in Michigan in 2020 – Lawless Dana Nessel and Chris Wray Let ALL OF THE PERPETRATORS Walk Scot Free!
It's not over.

Looks like Georgia taking 1 big step closer towards the truth about the 2020 election

Over a dozen state Senators have sponsored and filed a bill to remove corrupt Sec. of State Brad Raffesberger from the State Election Board

These Senators will then investigate his involvement in the 2020 coverup

Remember, Rudy Giuliani has to pay $140 million for saying Georgia’s elections are rigged while the GA Senate actively investigates rampant election fraud

The truth will prevail in the end
Getting RED HOT!!

BREAKING: Georgia State Senators have introduced a bill to REMOVE corrupt Secretary of State Brad Raffesperger from the State Election Board, and grant the board authority to investigate him for election law violations

Sponsors of the bill include Majority Leader Steve Gooch, Senator Greg Dolezal and others

This situation started when Raffensperger failed to investigate the 2020 election fraud discovered by citizen election integrity advocate Joseph Rossi. "These initial findings and an inability to obtain explanations from Raffensperger's office led Rossi to provide the evidence to Governor Brian Kemp's office which performed its own independent analysis and then issued a written finding saying that Rossi's results were factual." Per @GA_Record

In other words, Raffensperger worked to cover up 2020 election fraud instead of doing something about it.

Debunking the Media's Claim That All of Trump's 2020 Election Challenges Were 'Baseless'

An Election Integrity review conducted on 92 court challenges filed over the 2020 election found that a clear majority of the cases decided on the merits were ruled favorably for the plaintiffs; particularly, the Republican Party and the Trump campaign.

The election review noted the cases decided on the merits and those that were dismissed for lack of standing or other procedural issues.

"Some Non-Merit reasons for stopping lawsuits from going forward are for: a) Standing, b) Timing [Laches], c) Judicial authority [Jurisdiction], and d) Moot (e.g. not enough malfeasance to make a difference)."

The list of court cases decided on the merits, meaning "the Plaintiff was able to argue the facts of the case, and, if applicable, given opportunity to present evidence via Discovery," as well as the links to the case information, can be found below.

“You’re gonna wanna bookmark this,” remarked Arizona Sun Times reporter @Rach_IC.

“This is a compilation of all of the 2020 election challenges and what became of them. Despite the MSM lies that 60+ election challenges found no evidence of wrongdoing, there were actually 92 cases, with only 30 decided on the merits, and of those 30, Trump and/or the GOP plaintiff prevailed in 22 of them.”

The case entries, many linking to Stanford’s Healthy Election Project, confirm the statuses and the rulings.

It is debatable whether affirmative rulings in all of the cases would have been sufficient to lead to Donald Trump being elected instead of Joe Biden.

The pivotal lawsuit may have been the Texas case brought by AG Ken Paxton contending that a number of swing states made unconstitutional election changes, because they did not go through the state legislatures. This case was denied by the Supreme Court, despite the Constitution stipulating its original jurisdiction.

Furthermore, many states have since decided that 2020 election practices such as the inclusion of privately funded "Zuckerboxes" were either illegal or were subsequently outlawed.

It is up for debate whether any particular lawsuit would have been the deciding factor, but the critical underlying point is that the election challenges were legal and valid. The sum of these lawsuits paint the picture that the "fortified" 2020 election was highly flawed and undemocratic, since it did not abide by fundamental practices of election integrity.

Thus debunks a widespread narrative: Trump's legal challenges to the 2020 election were all “baseless.”
My concern as well.

Unfortunately, Cernovich is correct; so far, there's no concrete plan to dismantle the election fraud apparatus that was used to steal the 2020 election. The only thing we are doing is being hopeful that we somehow stop the inevitable

We are talking about people who will do anything to keep their power. Did people forget how they justified halting vote counting in the most important counties in 2020? What are the Republicans doing to prevent it?

And then there are those who think we need to play the Democrats at their own game by voting by mail, ballot harvesting, etc. But I would like to remind people that Democrats aren't harvesting real votes from real voters, they're creating votes out of thin air and attaching them to real and/or phantom names. You can harvest 10 million Republican votes and they'll get 10 million and 1 Democrat ballots. It's just that simple. And the reason they'll do it again is because there's no accountability.

BREAKING: Yesterday in court, Michigan University professor & voting machine expert J. Alex Halderman hacked into a Dominion voting machine & changed vote totals while only using a pen IN FRONT OF THE JUDGE

Judge Amy Totenberg should immediately issue an order halting the use of these demonic machines. The Georgia legislature should also create a law that mandates hand counting of all ballots

The days of Fani Willis, Stacy Abrams, Brian Kemp, and Brad Raffensperger ARE OVER. Their gaslighting is falling apart in real-time

Trump was right, the 2020 election was STOLEN

BREAKING: Yesterday in court, Michigan University professor & voting machine expert J. Alex Halderman hacked into a Dominion voting machine & changed vote totals while only using a pen IN FRONT OF THE JUDGE

Judge Amy Totenberg should immediately issue an order halting the use of these demonic machines. The Georgia legislature should also create a law that mandates hand counting of all ballots

The days of Fani Willis, Stacy Abrams, Brian Kemp, and Brad Raffensperger ARE OVER. Their gaslighting is falling apart in real-time

Trump was right, the 2020 election was STOLEN
Hey Gomer, just because an election security expert can find a vulnerability doesn't mean the election was stolen. It would still require a determined, malicious actor with enough access to exploit but even then there are other protections in place to reduce the risk of it succeeding. Halderman has also said he's so "NO EVIDENCE" that these flaws were exploited.

In other words, you're stupid.
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Hey Gomer, just because an election security expert can find a vulnerability doesn't mean the election was stolen. It would still require a determined, malicious actor with enough access to exploit but even then there are other protections in place to reduce the risk of it succeeding. Halderman has also said he's so "NO EVIDENCE" that these flaws were exploited.

In other words, you're stupid.
This is simple. You condone massive fraud when it helps your shitty cause.

🔥FILES RECOVERED! House Jan. 6 Committee deleted more than 100 encrypted files days before GOP took majority: sources

🔥There’s a twist that most seem to be missing!

This 👇🏻:

“Fox News Digital has learned the forensics team has recovered all 117 deleted and encrypted files. Now, Loudermilk is demanding answers and passwords to access the data.”

“One recovered file disclosed the identity of an individual whose testimony was not archived by the Select Committee.”

“Loudermilk’s committee hired a digital forensics team to scrape hard drives to determine what information they were not given.

The forensics team, according to sources familiar with their search, determined that 117 files were both deleted and encrypted. Sources said those files were deleted on Jan. 1, 2023 – just days before Thompson’s team was required to transfer the data to the new committee.”

🔥FILES RECOVERED! House Jan. 6 Committee deleted more than 100 encrypted files days before GOP took majority: sources

🔥There’s a twist that most seem to be missing!

This 👇🏻:

“Fox News Digital has learned the forensics team has recovered all 117 deleted and encrypted files. Now, Loudermilk is demanding answers and passwords to access the data.”

“One recovered file disclosed the identity of an individual whose testimony was not archived by the Select Committee.”

“Loudermilk’s committee hired a digital forensics team to scrape hard drives to determine what information they were not given.

The forensics team, according to sources familiar with their search, determined that 117 files were both deleted and encrypted. Sources said those files were deleted on Jan. 1, 2023 – just days before Thompson’s team was required to transfer the data to the new committee.”
You know what you will find on those files? Evidence that Trump is guilty af.
Then why did they delete them if that's the case?
Here's something to think about - no matter how many files were deleted, no matter how many Catturd posts you share, no matter if you blame it on Antifa, the FBI or Aunt Jemima, Trump told the biggest lie in American political history, enraged his followers and invited them there. Nothing else matters.
Here's something to think about - no matter how many files were deleted, no matter how many Catturd posts you share, no matter if you blame it on Antifa, the FBI or Aunt Jemima, Trump told the biggest lie in American political history, enraged his followers and invited them there. Nothing else matters.
You got no answer nimrod.

BREAKING: Pennsylvania State Legislators have filed a comprehensive lawsuit against the Biden Regime, Governor Josh Shapiro, & the Department of State for countless election law violations

The Constitution gives state legislatures the sole authority to set the time, places, & manner of holding elections. Any other branch of government changing election procedures without legislative approval is in violation of the Constitution.

They want the judge to declare that many actions by the Regime, Governor, & Department of State were UNCONSTITUTIONAL

In 2021 the White House issued an executive order that required federal agencies to develop a plan to "increase voter registration and participation." That EO led to agencies like the Department of Health & Human Services creating ways for patients to get registered to vote, last I checked, the HHS is supposed to treat illness & disease, not register voters.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development instructed over 3,000 public housing authorities to run voter registration drives for 1.2 million units. Can you imagine that?

The Department of Agriculture introduced a program to carry out voter registration drives using federal funds. The Department of Education also sent funds to universities to fund registration drives across campuses. And also compensated students who got involved in the drives

Governor Josh Shapiro signed an Executive Order a few months ago that completely usurped the legislature's authority. The order allowed automatic voter registration after anyone got their driver's license. What could go wrong with that?

The Pennsylvania Department of State also issued multiple unlawful directives to counties like the one they issued to allow officials to still register voter applicants even if they provided an invalid ID, completely against state law.

This is a crucial lawsuit that MUST be won before 2024

H/T to
for an extensive article on The Epoch Times on this and
for their continuous work to expose & fight the fraud in Pennsylvania

BREAKING: Pennsylvania State Legislators have filed a comprehensive lawsuit against the Biden Regime, Governor Josh Shapiro, & the Department of State for countless election law violations

The Constitution gives state legislatures the sole authority to set the time, places, & manner of holding elections. Any other branch of government changing election procedures without legislative approval is in violation of the Constitution.

They want the judge to declare that many actions by the Regime, Governor, & Department of State were UNCONSTITUTIONAL

In 2021 the White House issued an executive order that required federal agencies to develop a plan to "increase voter registration and participation." That EO led to agencies like the Department of Health & Human Services creating ways for patients to get registered to vote, last I checked, the HHS is supposed to treat illness & disease, not register voters.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development instructed over 3,000 public housing authorities to run voter registration drives for 1.2 million units. Can you imagine that?

The Department of Agriculture introduced a program to carry out voter registration drives using federal funds. The Department of Education also sent funds to universities to fund registration drives across campuses. And also compensated students who got involved in the drives

Governor Josh Shapiro signed an Executive Order a few months ago that completely usurped the legislature's authority. The order allowed automatic voter registration after anyone got their driver's license. What could go wrong with that?

The Pennsylvania Department of State also issued multiple unlawful directives to counties like the one they issued to allow officials to still register voter applicants even if they provided an invalid ID, completely against state law.

This is a crucial lawsuit that MUST be won before 2024

H/T to
for an extensive article on The Epoch Times on this and
for their continuous work to expose & fight the fraud in Pennsylvania
It sounds like Republicans want to keep people from voting. What are they so afraid of?
It sounds like Republicans want to keep people from voting. What are they so afraid of?
We want to keep people from voting who shouldn't be voting. Like Illegal Aliens. Dead people. Fake people. We also want to make sure that there is one ballot per person. You know, a FAIR election. Maybe you havent heard of that.
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We want to keep people from voting who shouldn't be voting. Like Illegal Aliens. Dead people. Fake people. We also want to make sure that there is one ballot per person. You know, a FAIR election. Maybe you havent heard of that.
We have fair elections - you just don't like that. Illegal aliens and dead people can't vote and most of the fraudulent votes that were found were from Republican voters. Again, there is ZERO evidence of mass voter fraud no matter how badly the results hurt your vagina.

How the hell would the below be a problem?
Governor Josh Shapiro signed an Executive Order a few months ago that completely usurped the legislature's authority. The order allowed automatic voter registration after anyone got their driver's license. What could go wrong with that?
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