AM has a jury of his peers, not a nationally normed focus group that likely skews more educated. Were any of CourtTVs mock jury from the Murdaugh fiefdom of the Low Country? Do you think the educational levels of the women are commensurate with AM's juries?
The totality of a person's life experiences play deeply into the perception of "reasonable" doubt. The South has a conflicting layer of Christianity that plays to both extremes on a jury (some sit in judgment in lieu of God; others find it unforgivable to sit in judgment and forgive in lieu of God).
AM gave a jury enough to acquit him on a circumstantial case. I believe it will be a hung jury. I agree with
@tigerbean that the State should prosecute the financial crimes first and see how long AM's sentence is. I also agree that if AM is acquitted, he has a chance to return society.
If he didn't sock money away (and I think he didn't but spent it all like a drunken sailor), then he returns as a shamed and blighted man. The best thing AM has going for him is his family. They will stick by him (on his side) I believe.