what do you want highlighted in the closing for the state?
I will work on a closing argument and post it before they do their closings
I think the closing has to tug at the hearts to “do the right thing” and help the jurors get there. The closing argument is really only for about 2-3 of them anyways. What are those 2 or 3 people struggling with? I think they are struggling with believing AM could kill Paul the way he did and maybe Maggie but Paul for sure.
I think you hit on the facts but you have to hit on the depth of ”sick” that Alex really is and I think you have to highlight the wrong things he has done to people he “cared” for. People he claims he still cares for today. He is capable of doing really bad things to people he cares for when something else bigger is at stake.
He cared more about his reputation, his family name, and not being discovered. He cared more about avoiding disgrace and jail time than he did his own flesh and blood. Paul and Maggie were a sacrifice he was willing to make to save his own hide. It probably wasn’t as hard for AM to make that decision given that Paul‘s stupid actions were what put him in this position to begin with. If not for the boat accident, none of this comes to light.
I don’t doubt that Alex loved Paul and Maggie at some level, but Alex loved himself more. He is the type of person that did everything with the goal of helping himself, making himself feel better, look better and it didn’t matter who had to suffer for it.
Alex wouldn’t have blinked an eye to kill me or you. It probably gave him pause to do what he did to Paul and Maggie, but as the evidence shows, he did it anyways. He decided that the only way he could avoid destroying 4 generations of legacy and his own life was to kill Paul and Maggie in such a way that it would distract from the ever so tightening noose around his own neck.
Every one is entitled to a defense and it is the job of the defense team to propose different theories And point the finger at others. The only theory the defense can come up with in this case is a nameless 5’2” social media vigilante. The facts are so convincing and shine the light so bright on Alex Murdaugh, the best they can come up with is a 5’2” social media vigilante. Who by the way was clairvoyant enough to know he didn’t need to bring his own weapon to perpetrate the crime.
No, we don’t have a video of Alex shooting Paul and Maggie. No, we don’t have an eye witness, but what we do have is a lot of hard facts about where Alex was and when. What he did before and after Paul and Maggie were killed and they all point the finger in one direction... Alex Murdaugh. There is no mistaking that Alex Murdaugh was one of 3 people at the kennels on the 7th of June at 8:45 pm. After 2 plus years of repeatedly lying to law enforcement, friends and family, Alex finally admitted what we have known all along. He was at the kennels that night. We also know that of the 3 people who were alive at 8:45 two died shortly later and he is the last one to see them alive.
Alex would have you believe he “got out of there” and went back to the house and didn’t hear all the gun shots. That he wouldn’t have simply driven by the kennels to tell Paul and Maggie he was leaving. The only reason Maggie came to Moselle was to go with Alex, but somehow she didn’t go.
Alex has lied repeatedly in this case, over and over changing his story to try and fit it to the facts so he looks less guilty. I would tell the jury don’t let him get away with that. Alex Murdaugh has admitted in this very court room to living the life of a criminal for the last 15 years, stealing from the destitute, corruption, drugs and who knows what we haven’t discovered yet. This is just one more crime in a long series of crimes committed daily.
Alex was a desperate man and he was willing to try a desperate act to get the focus off of himself. He killed Paul and Maggie and they deserve justice, they deserve to have the father and husband they trusted, and who gunned them down in cold blood, go to jail for his crimes.
Don’t let the duty entrusted to this Jurry fall to others in the financial cases. You are required to serve justice for these crimes, not them. Paul and Maggie deserve Justice, the people of Hampton deserve justice, the people of Colleton County deserve justIce, this very State deserves justice. Don’t let Alex Murdaugh off scot free because of his last name, because he happens to be skilled in the art of BS. Don’t let him fool this jury like he has fooled so many for years, return a guilty verdict.