I haven't watched today. Did he actually say there was a 5'-2" vigilante there with them? Or was he speculating that's who did it after he went to the house?

Seems pretty wild. If someone else was there he should have said that all along instead of lying about his alibi.
An "expert" witness for the defense yesterday testified in his crime scene re-enactment that he believed the shooter(s) to be 5'2" bc of angles.
Alex has been in the a public light for quite awhile now. He has never seemed to be a smooth or the least bit of a convincing talker. Nothing about his conduct has seemed to me to be that of an experienced lawyer. Others have said he was a 'devoted father and husband and was loyal to his family'; nothing about his conduct from way before the boat wreck has seemed to be that of a devoted father, husband and loyal to his family. He has seemed to me to be less believable every step of the way that Susan Smith was. Why in the world would some think it would be hard for this habitual liar, thief, drug abuser, con artist who did not mind deal with crooked bankers and other crooked lawyers, the guy who rushed in to start a fixit it effort for his son after a boating accident, to have killed his wife and his son? What sort of armor does he have that so many see him as better than he obviously is and has been for quite awhile?

What is it about AM that seems to lead some to see positive attributes in his person? Is it because he is rich, prominent in a small SC town, and a lawyer? The whole of the man seems 'off' to me.
He is an excellent cryer

He has no conscience
This prosecutor is garbage
Surely seems the state could have found somebody better

He needs to understand he is not gonna break Murdaugh on the stand and quit getting frustrated. Murdaugh is gonna stick to his story even though it does not fit the timeline. He has to. He is a professional lier and I think he has convinced himself he did not do this.
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Somebody like Alec Murdaugh has to be absolutely convinced that there is no god, no authority, or no ultimate accountability for his actions. Completely convinced that he can lie enough, obfuscate, and aw-shucks his way to getting away with anything. It’s crazy.
If history has taught us anything, it’s that faith in a God does not preclude someone from committing horrible crimes and lying about it.
I don't live in the state and have mostly ignored this story until the last few days. One question I have (that I didn't really see covered in the Netflix or HBO documentaries) is: wasn't there some discussion about blood spatter on Alex Murdaugh's clothing? Did I imagine that? Even the video to me seems to be mostly circumstantial but blood spatter would be much harder to BS your way out of. My uneducated guess, at the moment, is that he gets off unless there is real physical evidence of some type.
Believe the crime scene guy lied about that to the grand jury
Courtv’s reporter claiming 2 jurors cried yesterday is being disputed by Fits News and one other person in court.
Was disputed last night by multiple people that were In the court room yesterday

There apparently was one juror that slid a box of Kleenex towards him when he was crying and snot was dripping out his nose
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Won’t he go to a different prison for the financial crimes than he would for a double murder? Does anyone know the answer to that?
Won’t he go to a different prison for the financial crimes than he would for a double murder? Does anyone know the answer to that?
He would but there's a better chance of getting out on good behavior. If you kill your wife and kid, you're probably getting life w/o parole.
Surely seems the state could have found somebody better

He needs to understand he is not gonna break Murdaugh on the stand and quit getting frustrated. Murdaugh is gonna stick to his story even though it does not fit the timeline. He has to. He is a professional lier and I think he has convinced himself he did not do this.
What should he be doing differently???
Surely seems the state could have found somebody better

He needs to understand he is not gonna break Murdaugh on the stand and quit getting frustrated. Murdaugh is gonna stick to his story even though it does not fit the timeline. He has to. He is a professional lier and I think he has convinced himself he did not do this.
Waters crushed it.
Waters did pretty well today except for stretches where AM was allowed to testify instead of giving yes/no answers and then an explanation. Rule #1 on cross is only ask leading questions which have answers which help the prosecution and hurt the defendant. You never let a professional bill shit artist ramble on.
You truly believe that Alex Murdaufh didn't kill them? Based on what? There is nothing reasonable about that doubt.
Yes I do not believe he pulled the trigger. I don’t buy in to half the circumstantial evidence that has been presented. It still leaves a crap load of doubt in my opinion. If he was on trial for stealing, or being a crappy person, yes. But he is on trial for murder, pulling the trigger, not accessory to murder. The state has no evidence that he pulled the triggers. I don’t care if Alex lied. It’s the states burden to prove and I see no quality evidence to murder.
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Have a ? for attorneys on here.

Sawtwo separate gun experts on shows last night who were asked to comment on the expert yesterday sayin the shooter likely was 5'2". they said you cannot determine the height of a shooter . Gun can be held on many ways, etc. Also refuted some of the sound stuff and other things. They basically laughed at what the guy said but did say his delivery was smooth

My question is ...can the prosecution bring an expert in after the defense closes to call the bullshit for what it is ? At this point that is all the defense has other than no man would butcher his family like that and claiming the prosecution's stated motive is BS
If he was sitting on the golf cart that height would fit. No way to know with Colleton co sheriffs all over the scene after the shooting.
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I see a father that did everything to protect his son by then the state claims he blew his brains out. Those don’t add up and without hard evidence that he had a gun in his hands and pulled the trigger, I would be a not guilty verdict. To me half this evidence does nothing to move the needle to he pulled the trigger.
Perhaps he “did everything to protect his son” b/c it was in Alex’s own self-interest?
Waters did pretty well today except for stretches where AM was allowed to testify instead of giving yes/no answers and then an explanation. Rule #1 on cross is only ask leading questions which have answers which help the prosecution and hurt the defendant. You never let a professional bill shit artist ramble on.
You absolutely let him talk and talk and talk. All the more likely he incriminates himself.
Alex has been in the a public light for quite awhile now. He has never seemed to be a smooth or the least bit of a convincing talker. Nothing about his conduct has seemed to me to be that of an experienced lawyer. Others have said he was a 'devoted father and husband and was loyal to his family'; nothing about his conduct from way before the boat wreck has seemed to be that of a devoted father, husband and loyal to his family. He has seemed to me to be less believable every step of the way that Susan Smith was. Why in the world would some think it would be hard for this habitual liar, thief, drug abuser, con artist who did not mind deal with crooked bankers and other crooked lawyers, the guy who rushed in to start a fixit it effort for his son after a boating accident, to have killed his wife and his son? What sort of armor does he have that so many see him as better than he obviously is and has been for quite awhile?

What is it about AM that seems to lead some to see positive attributes in his person? Is it because he is rich, prominent in a small SC town, and a lawyer? The whole of the man seems 'off' to me.
Giving away all of your knowledge and bias in this case, answer me this...

Between 8:53 and 9:06:

How did he kill two people, with two different guns, gather the guns, wrap said guns so as to not leave any evidence in the golf cart, drive golf cart to house 1100 meters away, enter the house and change clothes, clean all traces of blood and tissue matter from himself / shower / sink, bag bloody clothes, place guns, clothes, and Maggie's phone into Suburban, all while making calls and texts on his phone ??

I don't think so...

Do I think he was involved ?? Yes, yes I do... It only takes one juror from a town his family has corrupted for 100 years... My guess= Hung Jury
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I haven't watched today. Did he actually say there was a 5'-2" vigilante there with them? Or was he speculating that's who did it after he went to the house?

Seems pretty wild. If someone else was there he should have said that all along instead of lying about his alibi.
At one point the prosecutor did pretty much make the statement that Murdoch was asking the jury to believe that a 5’2” vigilante was able to find out that Paul was at the kennel and that Alex was going to be gone between 8:44 and 9:06 and was able to find two guns on the site and use them to commit the murders and get away before Alex returned.
I'm not sure if people here saw the trap set then sprung on Alek.
A loving husband and father who saw his wife and child 2-4 minutes before they died... lied to the investigators about being with them... then lied about the reason he lied. Then he told the truth he told the very first responder on the scene with the same story(but it wasn't a lie then).
Yes... he is a liar... fair enough... but when the lie is about killing your wife and children. HE IS the murderer.
It is cut and dried.
Giving away all of your knowledge and bias in this case, answer me this...

Between 8:53 and 10:06:

How did he kill two people, with two different guns, gather the guns, wrap said guns so as to not leave any evidence in the golf cart, drive golf cart to house 1100 meters away, enter the house and change clothes, clean all traces of blood and tissue matter from himself / shower / sink, bag bloody clothes, place guns, clothes, and Maggie's phone into Suburban, all while making calls and texts on his phone ??

I don't think so...

Do I think he was involved ?? Yes, yes I do... It only takes one juror from a town his family has corrupted for 100 years... My guess= Hung Jury
I don’t think it went down like you are suggesting. I think the guns were on the cart. Alex and Paul would ride around the property and shoot at things so to have guns there wouldnt have alarmed anyone. Paul goes into storage room and Alex surprises him and shoots him as Paul as coming out of room. Alex may have been sitting in cart when shooting him. Maggie doesn’t run away but starts to come towards them to see what happened. Had this been a stranger she would have been running. Alex then grabs the AR and shoots and kills Maggie. Evidence shows someone used the hose to wash something down. That was Alex quickly hosing himself and guns down. Alex then takes cart quickly back to house. Alex quickly strips his clothes off outside and then goes inside and maybe takes a fast shower to make sure he is clean but likely already clean from water hose. Alex puts on new clothes gets ready to leave. Alex goes outside and wraps up guns in tarp or raincoat and leaves Along with clothes that were put in trash bag. His phone shows a ton of steps while all of this is going on that he cannot explain. He doesn’t make any calls or texts until he is in car leaving so he could definitely do that is 15 minutes. When he gets to his Moms house he stashed the guns and clothes where he parked out back and disposed of them later. Unfortunately Sled. didn’t closely check golf cart. Sometime over the next week sneaks off and disposes of clothes and guns

There is no other remotely reasonable explanation. Do you think some random other person shows up to kill someone and doesn’t bring their own weapon and uses paul‘s gun. If you are going to kill someone you always bring weapon with you. They are there at dog kennels but dogs don’t warn them of strangers coming up? All evidence shows that Paul and Maggie did not flee and obviously trusted whoever killed them and Alex has admitted he was there within 5 minutes of them being killed.
Question for those who have been following: does anyone actually believe he took as many pills regularly as he stated? I’m no doctor but I’d imagine that’s near impossible to take that much without significant side effects.

Do y’all think it’s more likely he was actually a drug runner or dealer that took pills?
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Lack of any evidence whatsoever he pulled the trigger. I don’t lock down the time of death like the state does. Just because a phone locks doesn’t mean people are dead.

Someone like you will not convict without the gun and/or video. And that would be your right as a juror. But consider the following...

To say "lack of evidence whatsoever he pulled the trigger" is being intellectually dishonest. Alex stated today he's at kennels until 8:47. Time of death is clearly 8:49, perhaps 8:50. There is zero chance that any juror questions that. Maggie is not taking steps at 8:53, because she's dead. Paul is off the airwaves at 8:49, after being completely engaged in several conversations. He's habitually tied to his phone, per tons of testimony. Sometimes as a juror you are asked to use your brain and connect a few dots. Paul is dead at 8:50, there is no doubt. So, if Paul is dead at 8:50 then Maggie is too. The killer did not kill Paul at 8:50 and allow Maggie to live three more minutes.

Alex knows he must lie to LE about being there at 8:47, BECAUSE HE KNOWS TIME OF DEATH. An innocent Alex need not lie about being there, because he doesn't know whether they were killed at 8:50 or 10:05. An innocent Alex doesn't need to remove himself from the scene.

This is easy, folks. No, we don't have the murder weapon (at least we aren't certain we do, but the shotgun could be). No, we don't have video of Alex killing them. But what other answer is there? Boat case vigilante lying in wait who ambushes Paul AND MAGGIE? Nonsense. Did a Mexican drug cartel kill Maggie with Alex's own blackout 300? Did Aliens kill Maggie and Paul?