I continue to be shocked at the complete and total misrepresentation and just flat lies that many on the right state as facts about Public Education.
As I have stated multiple times, my wife is a teacher and has been in public education for over 20 years. I am frankly just flat tired and disgusted at the vitriol and hate we give public educators and teachers.
She would do it in a second and not every consider it in a situation of danger, and yet some of you, who have zero education,training, or experience in the field then think that you have a right to judge what they do.
I generally like
@Willence and think he means well, but this hatred of public education is just wrong. I believe he has stated that his wife had been a teacher and maybe she had a bad experience, but this blanket hatred and misrepresentation of teachers is wrong.
I know many,many public teachers and while there are some idiots, to paint the whole industry as some sort of weird, furry supporting, CRT peddling, Gender convincing, evil people is laughable, if it wasn't so sad.
It's so damn frustrating and probably why so many areas are struggling to find and keep teachers.