Abigail Shrier's book "bad therapy" is a wakeup call to parents

What if I don't want to read it or listen to Joe Rogan?

Would you be willing to give a paragraph or two summary?
Just another right winger with no experience as a mental health professional complaining about how mental health isn’t that important and going on about how kids are too coddled and more anti-trans stuff.

The exact kind of guest you’d expect on Rogan.
Just another right winger with no experience as a mental health professional complaining about how mental health isn’t that important and going on about how kids are too coddled and more anti-trans stuff.

The exact kind of guest you’d expect on Rogan.
That was my hunch. Amazing how much of this is really driven by the fact that they just want tax dollars funding their private, Christian schools.
That was my hunch. Amazing how much of this is really driven by the fact that they just want tax dollars funding their private, Christian schools.
lol.. if we wanted it paid for, we’d attend public schools. We don’t ask for a dime, and the amount of money I pay for county taxes should be helping a lot of kids in those schools.

We spend $60k/year tuition for this private Christian school education, and it’s well worth it. Values are crucial.
lol.. if we wanted it paid for, we’d attend public schools. We don’t ask for a dime, and the amount of money I pay for county taxes should be helping a lot of kids in those schools.

We spend $60k/year tuition for this private Christian school education, and it’s well worth it. Values are crucial.
Imagine paying someone $60k to teach your kids made up fantasies and myth. One day Christianity will be nothing more than a chapter in a history book right next to Greek mythology.
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Imagine paying someone $60k to teach your kids made up fantasies and myth. One day Christianity will be nothing more than a chapter in a history book right next to Greek mythology.
I see this upsets you. You’re welcome to send your kid(s) wherever you’d like.

My children are on their way to successful lives. Thanks be to God.
Just another right winger with no experience as a mental health professional complaining about how mental health isn’t that important and going on about how kids are too coddled and more anti-trans stuff.

The exact kind of guest you’d expect on Rogan.
LOL, "mental health professional" you have to love the cowards on the left. Who can't protect kids from these idiots who want to trans every 9 year old. And they hide behind well these people are the experts 🙄. Gutless cowards
I think both are bad policies, undemocratic and un-American.
Okay, only one is undemocratic in the literal sense, but you're perfectly within your rights to think otherwise. Alternative facts and such.

Still sitting this one out, or have you decided yet that you don't have a choice but to vote for Trump?
Just our own dbjork.
Not really a big fan of Maher. Always supported his takes on religion in general and share his lack of patience with those who refuse to acknowledge the inherently radical nature of Islamic beliefs, but now days he’s become just another grumpy old guy yelling “get off my lawn” and complaining about “wokeness.” He’s almost a conservative now.
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Not really a big fan of Maher. Always supported his takes on religion in general and share his lack of patience with those who refuse to acknowledge the inherently radical nature of Islamic beliefs, but now days he’s become just another grumpy old guy yelling “get off my lawn” and complaining about “wokeness.” He’s almost a conservative now.
It's been sad to watch. His show isn't as funny anymore because of how grumpy an old man he's become. And he's barely challenging any of the maga guests he brings on. He just gives them a platform to lie on.
You are welcome to be as selfless as I am and donate the same amount to the public good. I can send you the final tally once I finally file my taxes.
I am as selfless as you. We both pay the amount that is legally required. No more, no less.
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Seems like the left wing liberal's are now trying to tell others how to raise / educate their own children .
Another reason to home school or send kids to private school.
That’s rich coming from the side that wants to ban books and whitewash history and teach pseudoscience next to, you know, actual science. You’ve also got conservatives attempting to make it literally illegal for parents to make medical decisions about their children’s healthcare. So, sure, “left wing liberals” are telling others how to raise/educate their own children, but the other side is actually legislating it and then wants to use my tax dollars to fund private christian schools. No thanks.
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