Because Of Obamacare, Illegal Immigrants Get Taxpayer-Financed Care
Mar 25, 2016 @ 11:17 AM
The Wall Street Journal has an in-depth report that in today's print version is titled "
Despite Federal Health Law, Illegal Immigrants Get Care." The online version makes the same point "
Illegal Immigrants Get Public Health Care, Despite Federal Policy." I'm obviously not responsible for crafting headlines at that paper, but it seems to me it would have been more accurate to say "
Because Of Federal Health Law, Illegal Immigrants Get Care."
Let me be clear: Obamacare contains an explicit prohibition against providing federally-subsidized coverage to immigrants who cannot prove they are here legally. I am not arguing, nor did Louise Radnofsky demonstrate in her story, that anyone is explicitly violating this prohibition [1]. But no honest person can deny that because of Obamacare, more taxpayer resources at the state and local level are being spent on health care of illegal immigrants than would have been spent otherwise [2].
This is a matter of simple arithmetic.
Forty-nine states have balanced budget requirements. Thus, at the margin, every $1 dollar reduction in taxpayer-financed uncompensated care costs for the uninsured frees up a dollar that can be spent on health care for illegal immigrants. In that sense, the legal prohibition against using Obamacare funds to explicitly bankroll health care for illegal immigrants is largely irrelevant.
The federal Obamacare subsidies undeniably permit states and localities to make expenditures on health care for illegal immigrants that they otherwise would be unable to afford
In 2013, state and local governments provided
$19.8 billion in funds to help offset the costs of uncompensated care borne by hospitals and other providers. Such payments constituted 26% of all uncompensated care costs that year. The average individual who is uninsured incurs about $1257 in uncompensated care costs [
Table 1]. States and localities there save about $325 for each uninsured person who gains coverage as a result of the ACA.
This is not the place to quibble about he accuracy of President Obama's
claimthat the ACA has reduced the number of uninsured by 20 million. Taken at face value, that would imply that state and local governments now have
$6.5 billion (corrected: see note [3]) in additional resources to spend on illegal immigrants, whether it be for health care, education or anything else. We may never know the exact amount of such savings repurposed to provide health care to illegal immigrants. But it strains credulity to claim that the number is zero. So it should be beyond all doubt that the ACA has increased the amount of resources dedicated to health care of illegal immigrants--the explicit legal prohibition against this notwithstanding.
I leave it to readers to decide whether this is a good thing or bad thing. But we should have no doubt that this is one of the unavoidable outcomes of Obamacare and a perfectly reasonable factor to consider in deciding whether one concludes that the law should be supported or opposed. It is just one of many reasons why I believe a nation of 320 million people is much better off letting such resource allocation decisions be made at the state and local level rather than by federal taxpayers. That way people can vote with their feet if they don't like the idea of their tax dollars being used to pay for people who have come to this nation illegally.
When one party exploits a very temporary supermajority to enact sweeping legislation on a strict party-line vote that culiminates in outcomes strongly opposed by a majority of Americans, it should be little wonder our politics have become so contentious in recent years. The disturbing rise of Donald Trump cannot be laid at the feet of Obamacare alone, but the egregious manner in which Obamacare was enacted and has been too-often-lawlessly implemented certainly is an important illustration of why so many Americans feel that their elected representatives are simply not listening to them. It's sad to think so many millions of Americans have consequently concluded we need to elect a high-school bully to fight back.
The American Health Economy Illustrated (AEI Press, 2012), available at Amazon and other major retailers. With generous support from the National Research Initiative at the
American Enterprise Institute, an
online version complete with downloadable Powerpoint slides and companion spreadsheets has been made available through the Medical Industry Institute’s Open Education Hub at the University of Minnesota.
@ConoverChris on
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Facebook. Or, sign up to receive a
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The Apothecary.
INVESTORS’ NOTE : The biggest publicly-traded players in Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges are
Aetna AET -0.18% (NYSE:
AET ),
Humana HUM -1.22% (NYSE:
Cigna CI +0.44% (NYSE:
CI ), Molina (NYSE:
MOH ), WellPoint (NYSE:
WLP ), and
Centene CNC +1.41%(NYSE:
CNC ), in order of the number of uninsured exchange-eligible Americans for whom their plans are available.
[1] To be sure, fellow Forbes blogger Grace-Marie Turner has
pointed out that the way in which Obamacare is being implemented does in fact allow Obamacare subsidies to go to illegal immigrants, but that is a completely different issue and not germane to the argument I am making here. That is, rectifying the misguided regulation that permits such subsidies to be inappropriately channeled to illegal immigrants does not obviate the fact that reducing the burden of state and local government-financed uncompensated care permits such governments to use those resources to assist illegal immigrants in any fashion desired, including payment of their health care expenses.
[2] In a similar fashion, I have previously
argued that federal taxpayers currently subsidize abortions, the explicit prohibition against such expenditures notwithstanding.
[3] The original piece said $650 million but a reader kindly pointed out that $325 x 20m. = $6.5 billion. My apologies for this error.