Anyone else watching this travesty? Makes me shake my head...

Don't worry, appointing businesspeople for government who have no governing experience is going to be an unworldly success. One could say it's going to be bigly. Don't you know that multi-billionaires are much more ethically pure than government officials? Look for the next four years to go the way of the bush 8, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

So you are saying I should have voted for a lifetime government worker who has accomplished nothing and referred to me as deplorable? The choices were not great this time. They rarely are. I chose the person who does not start their day with an assumption that I am deplorable because I don't see things their way.
Idiots dressed up like Ninjas burning cars and stoning people and windows over a valid election helps me to realize we really have either a bunch of idiots in this country or far more babies get dropped on their heads than I thought possible. If they do not like this country and rather violate law with violence, it would be good in my heart to see them gathered up and dropped off in ISIS territory so they can get a real look at how violence and chaos and a complete lack of law and order really looks like before they lose their heads!!!
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Illegal immigrants are not covered under the ACA. If you are illegal you can not legally get health insurance in the United States. Period. Premiums are through the roof for a lot of reasons. First and foremost is profit margin. The Insurance companies claim they "had to" raise premiums but are, at the same time, enjoying some of the most profitable years in decades. There are more people being covered that were previously ineligible due to the things like max coverage caps and pre-existing conditions. Some businesses, when faced with the ACA chose to take actions to limit their exposure and passed that cost on to the insured. You want me to keep going?
You have no idea what you are talking about with regards to the ACA. This is simply drivel. The ACA had a component to control profit built in. BCBS lost $400M in NC last year alone, where are you getting your information? As a business owner, I'm very aware of the rate changes, which have resulted in a 110% increase over a 3 year period for less coverage.
Actually, no, I can and will do everything within the law to fight against his entire agenda.

Kinda like "I hope he fails?"

Until today this sentiment was racist, unpatriotic, unAmerican, makes you a terrorist and hostage taker, a bigot, a misogynist, an obstructionist, anti-science, mentally ill, and subject to demeaning anti-gay slurs from the President himself. But now that Trump's Prez you can express things like this consequence free. Trump has been president like 5 minutes and he's already doing great things for 'Merica.
Anyone more concerned about Trump being President than they are how the young snowflakes in this country have reacted to his win is a complete phucking retard. How can anyone watch our youngest generations need safe spaces and depression pets because Trump and feel confident about our nations future.
Anyone more concerned about Trump being President than they are how the young snowflakes in this country have reacted to his win is a complete phucking retard. How can anyone watch our youngest generations need safe spaces and depression pets because Trump and feel confident about our nations future.

Weird isn't it? 8 years ago it was the Republicans who were protesting the election of Obama. I guess being the snowflake and needing safe spaces just depends on which party won the election.

Politics...gotta love it.
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Weird isn't it? 8 years ago it was the Republicans who were protesting the election of Obama. I guess being the snowflake and needing safe spaces just depends on which party won the election.

Politics...gotta love it.

I don't remember any protests. You have any footage? Republicans are a lot tougher than libs.... we don't need safe spaces. Guess you just post whatever crap suits your narrative.
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Weird isn't it? 8 years ago it was the Republicans who were protesting the election of Obama. I guess being the snowflake and needing safe spaces just depends on which party won the election.

Politics...gotta love it.

Please provide footage of the protest, rioting, and looting over Obama's election. Don't dig up Obamacare protest either. We are talking about inauguration protest. Also, while you are at it, please dig up any articles about Conservatives needing safe spaces and depression pets, or demanding that their final exams be pushed back so they could mourn the Obama victory. Good luck snowflake.
Please provide footage of the protest, rioting, and looting over Obama's election. Don't dig up Obamacare protest either. We are talking about inauguration protest. Also, while you are at it, please dig up any articles about Conservatives needing safe spaces and depression pets, or demanding that their final exams be pushed back so they could mourn the Obama victory. Good luck snowflake.
Wonder if there were any Pubs setting themselves on fire
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Please provide footage of the protest, rioting, and looting over Obama's election. Don't dig up Obamacare protest either. We are talking about inauguration protest. Also, while you are at it, please dig up any articles about Conservatives needing safe spaces and depression pets, or demanding that their final exams be pushed back so they could mourn the Obama victory. Good luck snowflake.

Well back in 2008 the terms safe spaces and depression pets hadn't been invented yet. However, the bitching and moaning by conservatives were exactly the same as what the liberals are doing this year.

You're a smart guy. I'm sure you know how to use google. But I'm guessing any video or article I link would just be dismissed by you as lies and propaganda since it doesn't put your compatriots in such a good light.
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Well back in 2008 the terms safe spaces and depression pets hadn't been invented yet. However, the bitching and moaning by conservatives were exactly the same as what the liberals are doing this year.

You're a smart guy. I'm sure you know how to use google. But I'm guessing any video or article I link would just be dismissed by you as lies and propaganda since it doesn't put your compatriots in such a good light.
How many Republican congressmen sat out the inauguration in '08? Congratulations on inventing safe spaces and depression pets.
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Hypocrisy on both sides knows no bounds. But to insinuate(not saying you) that the sheer numbers are comparable is laughable at best.

Oh I agree the sheer number is not comparable. The Democrats have gone overboard. But to make it sound like the Republicans have always been gracious in defeat is amusing.
The people posting threads on TI criticizing Obama for everything he says will now support whatever outlandish things Trump say because in their minds he's "keeping it real".
feewings, nice. Great counterargument

I love this counterargument as well.

It seems the key is to ridicule and mock everyone while boasting about objectifying women. Also, it helps to be a successful businessmen where many of your investments have gone sour and many of your clients regret doing business with you
Wonder if you have a jo
You're a big turd. How's that for individual thought? Guess I'm just being a woman calling it like I see it.
you might be having a conversation with someone that is recently a teenager with no job and most likely a there you go
You should be embarrassed to link that rubbish trying to make a comparison between the two parties.
Conservatives are making plans to oppose his every move......???? That's some scary stuff right there.
Laughing at you snowflake.

Your was predictable.
Well back in 2008 the terms safe spaces and depression pets hadn't been invented yet. However, the bitching and moaning by conservatives were exactly the same as what the liberals are doing this year.

You're a smart guy. I'm sure you know how to use google. But I'm guessing any video or article I link would just be dismissed by you as lies and propaganda since it doesn't put your compatriots in such a good light.

You prove yourself a bigger snowflake with every word you type. To compare opposition to an agenda to protest, rioting, and looting makes you full retard. Congrats on the downs, and take a lap next time before you go all partisan hack. It truly is amazing that people like you will compare Conservative journalist and opinion piece media types to millions of snowflakes in the streets.
How many Republican congressmen sat out the inauguration in '08? Congratulations on inventing safe spaces and depression pets.

Not sure why you're asking me. I'm neither a Democrat nor Republican. I just find it amusing the political war of words going on from both sides when both parties are equally responsible for the current state of the country.
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You prove yourself a bigger snowflake with every word you type. To compare opposition to an agenda to protest, rioting, and looting makes you full retard. Congrats on the downs, and take a lap next time before you go all partisan hack. It truly is amazing that people like you will compare Conservative journalist and opinion piece media types to millions of snowflakes in the streets.

So in other words you didn't google it.
You sound pretty upset for a guy who's candidate won the election.
As is yours.

Trump supporters in this thread are just showing their ignorance and inability to grasp reality. They ask for proof and when presented with it they excuse it away as liberally biased. Trump said it himself, he could stand in the middle of the street and shoot someone and you idiots would still support him. Here is a serious question for you... how long into Trump's presidency will you continue to blindly follow like sheep? How many years will you excuse away his failures and lies as being Obama's fault?

Enjoy this, in four years trump is going to get slaughtered, if he does not get impeached before then. He has already violated the constitution on day one.
Trump supporters in this thread are just showing their ignorance and inability to grasp reality. They ask for proof and when presented with it they excuse it away as liberally biased. Trump said it himself, he could stand in the middle of the street and shoot someone and you idiots would still support him. Here is a serious question for you... how long into Trump's presidency will you continue to blindly follow like sheep? How many years will you excuse away his failures and lies as being Obama's fault?

Enjoy this, in four years trump is going to get slaughtered, if he does not get impeached before then. He has already violated the constitution on day one.

Well you idiots blindly followed Obama for 8 years..... so I'll give Trump 4. I'll define ignorance for you. You libs voting Obama is office for a second term. Ignorance personified!
Comrade Amy, just be sure to own your allegiance as this sh*t show rolls on. Don't be playing the "I only voted for him because Hilary was worse" card that many other trump supporters that I know are playing. Putin's puppet is your president. Own it now, a month from now and so on.

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Comrade Amy, just be sure to own your allegiance as this sh*t show rolls on. Don't be playing the "I only voted for him because Hilary was worse" card that many other trump supporters that I know are playing. Putin's puppet is your president. Own it now, a month from now and so on.


You will never hear me say that I only voted for the Republican because of my choice on the Democratic side. You would have to maneuver my cold, dead clammy fingers in the booth for me to vote for any Democrat. EVER. Understand, ami? And don't worry about me not owning my choice at the polls. I own all my decisions. TRUMP...... MAGA.

Au Revoir.
Not sure why you're asking me. I'm neither a Democrat nor Republican. I just find it amusing the political war of words going on from both sides when both parties are equally responsible for the current state of the country.
Man Please Allow Me To Buy Dinner @ Your Favorite Restaurant, Please! Brother You Understand, Fully!