What did he inherit that was a mess though? The border? Working vaccines? Covid distro on vaccines (already doing 1m a day when Biden was sworn in)? Israel and Palestine launching rockets up each other's buttholes? Sky rocketing inflation? I'm not seeing the mess here.
Sure, he did blame Obama and that's a fair shout but I'm not talking about presidents blaming former presidents.......as much as I hate that, it's common place and Obama did it to Bush if you'll recall. I'm talking about the media and public attacks. You have to admit, we've never witnessed a president that came under that level of scrutiny and discontent and that was driven by the media. I mean, he didn't do himself any favors but I'm not sure he ever had a chance from day 1 when the Russia nonsense started. In retrospect, they should have disabled his twitter in his first year......probably would have saved him a ton of grief.
Ramming through executive order after executive order is not the definition of changing course or working with both parties showing an open mind.......that's bottling his own agenda and forcing everyone to accept it regardless if half the country doesn't support it.
What did he inherit that was a mess though?
The border?
How is the "crisis" at the border affecting your every day life? Mine not much at all. I dont think it really is a crisis, but that term gets used a lot on your favorite fox news nightly shows. They know it stirs up the right and so they will do everything can to make it a crisis. Remember the 2018 midterms, when that roving horde of immigrant terrorists was heading to our southern border right up until election day? Somehow they vanished in the wind the day after the election, b/c we never heard about them again until the 2020 election.
Working vaccines? Covid distro on vaccines (already doing 1m a day when Biden was sworn in)?
Don't even go there Mr. Fair and Balanced. trump promised 20mm americans vaccinated by the end of 2020. He got 7% of the way there. Biden promised 100 vaccinated in his first 100 days. He beat that goal by 100%.
Israel and Palestine launching rockets up each other's buttholes?
I didnt realize that this conflict started when Biden took over as President. Are you saying no blood was shed during Trump's presidency? Did Biden tell Israel to go ahead and start kicking Palestinians out of their homes and give those homes to Israelis? I do think it is a mistake to not have an Ambassador in place by now.
Sky rocketing inflation?
Define "sky-rocketing". Again, this is a term you are parroting from your nightly Tucker Carlson. Inflation rose 4% from the previous year, sure. Thats the sharpest rise in 20 years. But you also have to factor in that at this time a year ago, the economy was hitting rock bottom under trump and inflation was unusually low.
As far as the scrutiny that Trump fell under from the press, most of that was self inflicted. He called the media fake news, and never once corrected any if his wildly inaccurate statements in his unhinged press conferences. You probably have not noticed, but when Biden flubs something his own White House issues corrections immediately. Trump's people would scramble to somehow justify whatever he said as being accurate. That is only going to invite more scrutiny. It also didnt help when Trump just stopped doing press briefings.
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