22 point drop in 3 months.
- Border is a still a mess. Administration has done 0
- Senior military leadership is in question
- Allies questioning us
- Inflation is going up, up, up
- Want to saddle us with a 3 trillion dollar budget
- Administration has zero COVID policy
- Administration refuses to answer questions from the American people
But hey, as one esteemed Joe lover said on here, "He is restoring the soul of the nation." LMAO. Just blame the problems on Trump though. That'll make everything better.
It's 1100 now....time for Joe to take a nappy nap.
I'm ur huckleberry.
The border is always a mess--it was under Trump (remember those awful stories about caravans that would pop up around midterm elections conveniently!) and Obama and Bush. Companies want cheap labor, Repubs don't actually want immigration and make legal immigration harder and harder, trying to deny any form of amnesty. Stephen Miller made things a mess and that has continued under Biden. It won't get fixed until repubs negotiate in good faith for a bipartisan immigration reform bill that is comprehensive and deals with dreamers, countries who got crushed by NAFTA and free marketer profiteering, etc etc.
Only people 'questioning' senior military are conservatives who question everything and anything Biden does. I'm assuming you are referring to the totally appropriate move to safeguard nuclear weapon capabilities, right? The latest reveal of the internal memo showed Trump knew there was no fraud and was just trying to stir things up and cause chaos.
You are worried about France being peeved? Since when do go it alone in the world conservatives care about allies? And no, allies are all fine and happy that Biden isn't abandoning every major alliance and siding with dictators.
Inflation is awful. I wish we could go back a few years and have someone raise fed rates? Who could have overruled their own fed chair to try and keep their family loans down...Inflation is a problem but not something that magically happened bc Biden took office (or shut down a pipeline that had one mile built in the US and was going to be operational in like 2030). Gas prices have at least leveled off and started to dip.
Ahh..yes. Conservatives caring about debt again after sitting on their hands during the last 4 years of dramatic spending (7 almost 8 trillion). Not a peep could be heard during that time. But yes--lecture us all on the debt.
Zero covid policy...hmmm...you critique him for no policy, so I hope you aren't critiquing him for things like mandates now, right? This is some great flippity floppy position with repubs--covid isn't real, no mask mandate, herd immunity, you aren't doing anything, oh no, mandates--freedom!!
Refuses to answer questions from the American people? Biden does hold regular press breifings--you do realize this, yes? Do you want him to waste taxpayer dollars with campaign rallies that enrich his hotels and businesses with secret service stays and plenty of brunches? I love that the latest thing is to get mad at biden for going on bike rides in deleware when trump basically lived at Mar a la go and golfed more than any president ever has and spent all his time watching TV. lol.
Oh and why do we keep bringing up Trump? Bc it shows the blatant hypocrisy of conservatives these days...simple as that.
And for the record--I have no problem with critiques of Biden, he should be doing more and get called out for dumb stuff and smelling hair or talking about corn pop. He shouldn't run for a second term. Trump tried to overthrow democracy and stop the certification of the electoral college. No patriot should ever support Trump ever again and it is only hard to see that bc ideology blinds conservatives (it blinds liberals too but not in the treason way like Trump).