Biden's Approval Rating Hits New Low of 43%; Harris' Is 49%
President Joe Biden's job approval rating has reached another low point in his presidency. The overall drop in approval is driven largely by political independents.

What are the rightest policies to improve climate or infrastructure or poverty? I know what their tax policies are. Slash taxes for the wealthy and tell us that it will pay for itself even though it never does.
wow you just got owned with the "BUT MUH CHICAGO VIOLENCE" line that republicans have been using since about 2008, despite there being roughly 20 other cities in the US with higher murder rates per capitaYou must live under a rock or you can't afford cable, it's one or the other.
And there it is. You admit that you get your news and opinions spoon fed to you from conservative entertainers on cable news opinion shows. I guess that explains why you so fervently supported a reality TV game show host for President. That’s sad and Pathetic at the same time.
yea I don’t watch that crap. I read.
wow you just got owned with the "BUT MUH CHICAGO VIOLENCE" line that republicans have been using since about 2008, despite there being roughly 20 other cities in the US with higher murder rates per capita
i wonder why they focus on Chicago and not say - Memphis, New Orleans, Birmingham, Detroit, Springfield, Cleveland, Little Rock, etc
i'm sure democrats run them locally, but Tennessee, Louisiana, Alabama, Ohio, Arkansas, Missouri are all red as shit on the state level.What party does the leadership of those cities belong to?
No clue. I've been pretty clear that I think the GOP sucks balls at articulating good policy. I know what I think it should be, but unfortunately nobody carries that banner.
That said, the leftist policies are far worse than doing nothing, so I simply hope for that. I don't want to grow the government. Entitlements are the vast majority of our federal budget ... and you want more?
In general, I think our politicians are a bunch of no-good douchebags. The last thing I want is them expanding their influence and spending more of my money.
And obviously people who pay single digit tax rates (or none at all), yet want to increase my taxes to pay for programs they want (while contributing nothing more of their own), are complete and total losers. Can you imagine?
i'm sure democrats run them locally, but Tennessee, Louisiana, Alabama, Ohio, Arkansas, Missouri are all red as shit on the state level.
my point is there's a reason Chicago is always brought up instead of other cities wrt gun violence and it's bc a certain president that a certain political sect seems to froth over comes from said city. it's disingenuous and makes your arguments lose merit
So I think we can both agree that the infrastructure bill (with bipartisan support) is a good idea. Sadly, that one may be killed by a combination of extremists on both sides (majority of the do nothing republicans and the progressives on the left).
The reconciliation bill is the tough one. It came out of committee at $3.5T but there is no way that passes. What parts of the bill would you support and agree to pay more taxes for?
Me personally, I think combating climate change, jobs program, infrastructure, and universal pre K and childcare credits are all worth paying a little more taxes for. They create more workers and a stronger economy. And I believe climate change is something we have to address. Most republicans I know actually agree with this as many own waterfront property and have had to deal with more and more flooding each year. They actually are frustrated with the @jakefest deniers in the party.
It might be "stupid" but most Americans abhor hypocrisy. Right or wrong-they do. One of the most interesting differences between the rightish and leftish in the US is that leftishers believe that making speeches and saying kind things(mean things about Trump) is leadership. Rightishers listen to the rhetoric and then see if there is action. Of course this is not ubiquitous across both groups. Just something I've noticed.Pulling out was the right decision - we should've done it years ago. also, lol at CNN supposedly not doing a thing about the afghanistan withdrawal. Jake Tapper put his twitter background pic as a map of afghanistan the day it was announced we were withdrawing, and has had multiple segments on his show devoted to how bad of a decision this was. furthermore, many other CNN hosts spent days criticizing the administration for pulling out of afghanistan, and also the manner in which it was conducted. they continually brought on people who harangued biden for his decision to withdraw and rarely brought anyone on to support the decision.
Jake Tapper Presses Sec. State Blinken: How Could Biden 'Get This So Wrong' in Afghanistan?
Jake Tapper grilled Secretary of State Antony Blinken over the collapse of the Afghan government following the withdrawal of U.S. troops.www.rollingstone.com
CNN's Jake Tapper calls out Biden's Afghanistan speech for being 'full of finger-pointing and blame'
The latest Speed Read,/speed-reads,,speed-reads, breaking news, comment, reviews and features from the experts at The Weektheweek.com
of course it's not the current topic on CNN - it was a month ago and everyone knows a week is about as long as you'll get on these topics because that's about how long the outrage machine works.
Matt bors is this guy:criticizing obama for buying ocean front property despite him being a proponent of climate change is just a stupid deflection. it's like people bitching about AOC being a communist but attending the MET Gala.![]()
I can believe it. What I'm curious about is how many people voted for him.Still hard to believe this guy got 81m votes .......
Joe Biden Booed by Fans at Congressional Baseball Game
Democrats in the stands cheered on the president, while a chorus of boos rang out from the Republicans' side of the ballpark.www.newsweek.com
Americans Give President Biden Lowest Marks Across The Board, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Majority Say The Biden Administration Is Not Competent | Quinnipiac University Poll
"Battered on trust, doubted on leadership, and challenged on overall competency, President Biden is being hammered on all sides as his approval rating continues its downward slide to a number not seen since the tough scrutiny of the Trump administration," said Quinnipiac University Polling...poll.qu.edu
Down to 38% approval rating. Low is great in a limbo contest. No so great for presidential approval ratings.
TI Mouth Breathers for four years when trump was president: "The polls are meaningless!"
TI Mouth Breathers for the first 6 months of Biden's presidency: "The polls are meaningless!"
TI Mouth Breathers for the last 3 months of Biden's presidency: "HA HA! We told you Biden was terrible! Look at his polling!"
Yall are the gift that keeps on giving.
I mean we all know Joe sucks at this point. Dems are just thankful he’s not trump. His presidency has been bad, he’s in mental decline, he can’t get his party to pass bipartisan infrastructure investment and he’s focused on a giant expansion of entitlements that are unpopular with all republicans as well as moderate democrats.
In private, my guess is most dems on this board would agree with that.
Wow!It is a little premature to say that he sucks and he is a terrible president when we aren't even through the first quarter of his presidency yet. While the past two republican presidents were handed strong economies by their democrat predecessors, the last two democrat presidents were handed economic messes by their republican predecessors. (that is a fact by the way)
There are two things I have been very disappointed in with him, and both track back to his admin's lack of foresight. Afghanistan and not anticipating the rush to the border when a dem became president. I was a little surprised by the vaccine mandate (that isnt really a mandate), but that worked, numbers are dropping significantly and he deserves credit for that. Good presidents have to make hard, unpopular choices some times.
I have said all along that the $3.5t bill wouldn't remain at $3.5T, so none of that is surprising. Something will get done, it just better have climate policy in it.
As for the bipartisan infrastructure bill... it is bipartisan in that it was written by both pubs and dems and has a few votes from the pubs. But the bast majority of pubs plan on voting against it. So if it fails, you cannot really put that all on Biden and the progressive dems. The do nothing republicans deserve some blame.
But Republicans of all stripes are facing fierce pressure from their leaders to oppose the bill. Representative Steve Scalise, Republican of Louisiana, who runs his party’s vote-pressuring operation in the House, is closely tracking which Republicans intend to vote yes. “We’re working to keep that number as low as we possibly can,” he said.
TI Mouth Breathers for four years when trump was president: "The polls are meaningless!"
TI Mouth Breathers for the first 6 months of Biden's presidency: "The polls are meaningless!"
TI Mouth Breathers for the last 3 months of Biden's presidency: "HA HA! We told you Biden was terrible! Look at his polling!"
Yall are the gift that keeps on giving.
Fact? Maybe on MSNBC but not in reality land.It is a little premature to say that he sucks and he is a terrible president when we aren't even through the first quarter of his presidency yet. While the past two republican presidents were handed strong economies by their democrat predecessors, the last two democrat presidents were handed economic messes by their republican predecessors. (that is a fact by the way)
the last two democrat presidents were handed economic messes by their republican predecessors. (that is a fact by the way)
I have said all along that the $3.5t bill wouldn't remain at $3.5T, so none of that is surprising. Something will get done, it just better have climate policy in it.
As for the bipartisan infrastructure bill... it is bipartisan in that it was written by both pubs and dems and has a few votes from the pubs. But the bast majority of pubs plan on voting against it. So if it fails, you cannot really put that all on Biden and the progressive dems. The do nothing republicans deserve some blame.
Fact? Maybe on MSNBC but not in reality land.
Trump turned over a strong economy to Biden despite democrats best efforts to damage the economy before the elections using COVID as an excuse. How many people became unemployed because of democrat shut down policies?
Obama's economy languished for 8 years and was slow, slow, slow to improve. Unemployment skyrocketed from 5% to 10% under Barry. The stock market plummeted from 12k+ to below 7k. While it did bounce back, it was in spite of Barry's economic policies. Due to the sh!t policies of Slick Willy, the housing market crashed during Barry's tenure. Yeah these were "golden" times for Americans.
A few quick things:
Trump's economy was on fire. Then COVID happened. It was not a result of his policies.
You say that, but we were 2 moderate, strong-willed democrats away from passing the full $3.5T bill. If left up to the vast majority of your party, we would have expanded entitlements permanently (and we may still) when we can't even pay for the ones we have. It's absurd.
The dems are trying to ram through massive government expansion and spending on a strictly partisan basis. Only the left wing of the left wing party wants this stuff. Hard to blame the republicans for not supporting other legislation in an attempt to slow down this garbage.
Fact? Maybe on MSNBC but not in reality land.
Trump turned over a strong economy to Biden despite democrats best efforts to damage the economy before the elections using COVID as an excuse. How many people became unemployed because of democrat shut down policies?
Obama's economy languished for 8 years and was slow, slow, slow to improve. Unemployment skyrocketed from 5% to 10% under Barry. The stock market plummeted from 12k+ to below 7k. While it did bounce back, it was in spite of Barry's economic policies. Due to the sh!t policies of Slick Willy, the housing market crashed during Barry's tenure. Yeah these were "golden" times for Americans.
If we have such a massive problem with poverty, why are we letting millions more poor people come across the border and why would we grant all the criminals here illegally (the vast majority of which you would classify as poor) immunity and or citizenship?What are the rightest policies to improve climate or infrastructure or poverty? I know what their tax policies are. Slash taxes for the wealthy and tell us that it will pay for itself even though it never does.
I wonder who the mouth breather was that started this thread about potus poll numbers and is now discounting them? Are you the pot or the kettle?TI Mouth Breathers for four years when trump was president: "The polls are meaningless!"
TI Mouth Breathers for the first 6 months of Biden's presidency: "The polls are meaningless!"
TI Mouth Breathers for the last 3 months of Biden's presidency: "HA HA! We told you Biden was terrible! Look at his polling!"
Yall are the gift that keeps on giving.
If we have such a massive problem with poverty, why are we letting millions more poor people come across the border and why would we grant all the criminals here illegally (the vast majority of which you would classify as poor) immunity and or citizenship?
I am not saying we have no problem with poverty. However, if you claim you want to try and fix the problem why in hades would you have policies that unquestionably make it worse? It is beyond moronic. We don't have the $$ to fix the problems(climate/infrastructure/poverty -per you) we have for or own citizens, yet there are people advocating adding 10's of millions more citizens to the group we say needs help.
I wonder who the mouth breather was that started this thread about potus poll numbers and is now discounting them? Are you the pot or the kettle?
You and I both know the millions I was referring to were those crossing the border illegally, you are not that dumb. We have laws FORBIDDING that. Laws that explicitly state it is criminal behavior. We hae zero laws that support that. Also, you can't honestly believe it is pubs who want more illegals and dems who want less. Who is in charge right now and responsible for the massive increase in illegals due to policy changes?Why are we letting millions more cross the border? Because it is written in our laws that we have to. I am all for reforming the laws. Biden sent a proposal on his first day in office but the pubs would not even read it. There is one party who really wants more illegals to come before next November, and it aint the dems. Pubs know that is their best chance at retaking the house and senate. Lets reform our laws to discourage illegal immigration. And I am not talking about executive orders.
As for the unauthorized immigrants here, I see no problem with allowing them a path to citizenship. They work hard, pay taxes and do the jobs most americans wont. Go ask farmers in the southern states and they will tell you.
I am pretty sure that bolded word right there is the definition of discounting what comes prior to that word in the English language, lol. Really?OK Jesco, please show me where I "discounted the polls". I only pointed out yalls hypocrisy.
I acknowledge that his poll numbers are low, but again we are still not even through the first quarter. He'll bounce back. Afghanistan will soon be a distant memory for voters.
They work hard, pay taxes and do the jobs most americans wont. Go ask farmers in the southern states and they will tell you.
Exactly. It's like people think you can change one factor in a situation( in this case monetary benefits to illegals) and expect everything else to remain status quo. Once they get the benefits of citizens, either more illegals will be required - which will happen anyway, or farmers will have to raise wages to the level where workers are willing to preform the service. If we are going to raise wages, lets employ people that are already citizens. It is insane to offer benefits without work requirements. Again, rewarding bad behavior(not working) only makes the problem worse.How long do you think that will continue once we give them welfare checks, SNAP benefits, free healthcare and enhanced child payments without work requirements?
They have to work hard and do hard jobs. We've given our citizens safety nets for either their incompetence or laziness. And we've seen what happens. We have POSs that will sit home and collect checks instead of doing hard, uncomfortable jobs. So we need illegals to fill those roles.
Exactly. It's like people think you can change one factor in a situation( in this case monetary benefits to illegals) and expect everything else to remain status quo. Once they get the benefits of citizens, either more illegals will be required - which will happen anyway, or farmers will have to raise wages to the level where workers are willing to preform the service. If we are going to raise wages, lets employ people that are already citizens. It is insane to offer benefits without work requirements. Again, rewarding bad behavior(not working) only makes the problem worse.
You and I both know the millions I was referring to were those crossing the border illegally, you are not that dumb. We have laws FORBIDDING that. Laws that explicitly state it is criminal behavior. We hae zero laws that support that. Also, you can't honestly believe it is pubs who want more illegals and dems who want less. Who is in charge right now and responsible for the massive increase in illegals due to policy changes?
Second, you do not reward criminal behavior unless you want more of that particular criminal behavior. Also, history tends to repeat itself. If you are not an idiot you know that we have been through this before. When you keep rewarding those who come here illegally, it only increases the number who take that path. It is moronic to say on one hand "lets reform our laws to discourage illegal immigration", while on the other saying lets not only ignore those who broke the current laws, but reward their criminal behavior.
It's so incredibly obvious, it's almost like there's another motivation.
That would come with the "path to citizenship"i may be a little uninformed but i haven't heard anything about undocumented immigrants getting welfare and other social programs. i'd like to read some data showing how Biden has proposed allowing undocumented immigrants to receive the same social welfare benefits that citizens have.
Your bolded statement just proved what I said was true. It is in fact illegal, and thus against the law, to cross the border ILLEGALLY . Maybe educate yourself first before trying to educate others.before calling me dumb, you should really educate yourself about our immigration laws. Currently, any immigrant caught crossing the border illegally (either over the border or through a port of entry) along with any immigrant presenting themself at the border can apply for asylum. At that point, they are entered into the court system to be processed. At this point, that court process can be backed up ten years. Prior to the Bill that Clinton signed in 1996, they were allowed to live freely while waiting for their court date. He changed it so that they would have to be detained in very inhospitable placed while they waited.
Trump used COVID to declare an emergency and say that they either had to remain in Mexico or in other cases were immediately flown back to where they came from. Biden eliminated the remain in Mexico policy, but is still denying asylum hearings and flying people home. I agree with eliminating remain in Mexico, the stories of what is happening to women and children there was tragic (rape, sex slavery).
We have been rewarding the illegals all the way back to Reagan. Our dirty little secret is that we need them here.
Now, I have no more time to educate you today. Here endeth the lesson.
so you don't want immigrants coming here, full stop? if undocumented immigrants partake in this "path to citizenship" that somehow bothers you? why?That would come with the "path to citizenship"