I suppose you believe that Biden is doing the REAL work? 😆 And Trump is not going to prison. I believe that if there is any justice in the country that Joe and Hunter Biden will be sharing a cell.
Of course you won't believe this information when it becomes public. They have Joe Biden with documents, audio conversations, bank records, LLC records, and oh course Hunter Biden's computer that shows his corruption. In a real justice system he would be toast. In an almost communist America he would be given more power, if he was cognitive enough to no where he is or what he's doing.
You said: "Our children won't be able to afford homes. But at least the tax cuts are working."
Jo Biden is NOT lowering taxes. They are raising taxes and interest rates. They have to because they are spending money like it is growing on trees on the Whitehouse lawn!!! While letting millions of illegal immigrants into the country, giving them phones and computers, a place to stay, and free healthcare, while millions of homeless Americans (many veterans) are on the streets being totally neglected. Then to start his ridiculous administration off, he essentially stops this country from producing enough oil and gas to sustain itself, then goes to Iran, Venezuela, and Saudi Arabia begging for oil, which puts our 32 trillion dollar debt even higher. Joe Biden is an absolute joke, even when he's on his B vitamin injection. Joe Biden is a puppet, a marionette, with the 'Deep State' and George Soros pulling his strings. As soon as he is indicted on Federal bribery charges, you will see the strings and handles dropping down to the stage.
But you likely want see that either, because you must live in a cardboard box in your parents backyard with the only feed to the outside world is with CNN!!!