Biden Crime Family Investigations

It's funny because they don't even understand basic concepts. He's gone so far into the Kool aid that he doesn't know the meaning of words anymore
This video of Dan Goldman is spot on. The republicans only have allegations. Thats it.

If I walked into a police station and said “ @TigerGrowls is a pedophile” they are going to create a report and investigate it. Should the existence of the report make him guilty?

My hope is that they will watch that video. But we know that they won’t. They only watch things that confirm their feelings.

"In a statement, Biden campaign spokesman Andrew Bates said, “we have reviewed Joe Biden’s official schedules from the time and no meeting, as alleged by the New York Post, ever took place.”

“Investigations by the press, during impeachment, and even by two Republican-led Senate committees whose work was decried as ‘not legitimate’ and political by a GOP colleague have all reached the same conclusion: that Joe Biden carried out official U.S. policy toward Ukraine and engaged in no wrongdoing. Trump administration officials have attested to these facts under oath,” Bates said.

Bates added that the Biden campaign could not immediately respond to the story’s allegations in the Post story when it ran on Wednesday morning, because the publication “never asked the Biden campaign about the critical elements of this story. They certainly never raised that Rudy Giuliani — whose discredited conspiracy theories and alliance with figures connected to Russian intelligence have been widely reported — claimed to have such materials.”

The Post did not address the Biden camp’s complaints, instead pointing to an editorial that accused social media companies of censoring the story to help Biden politically.

The Post story included a screenshot of what the paper said was a 2015 email from Burisma adviser Vadym Pozharskyi to Hunter Biden, thanking him for “the opportunity to meet your father.” But the email doesn’t indicate whether Pozharskyi was describing a meeting that had already occurred or one intended to occur in the future. Nevertheless, the Post reported that the existence of such a meeting undercut Biden’s long-held assertions that he had no involvement with his son’s business dealings.

Biden’s campaign would not rule out the possibility that the former VP had some kind of informal interaction with Pozharskyi, which wouldn’t appear on Biden’s official schedule. But they said any encounter would have been cursory. Pozharskyi did not respond to a request for comment.

And senior Biden advisers who spoke to POLITICO on Wednesday — including Michael Carpenter and Amos Hochstein, who staffed the vice president at the time — similarly said that while there was never an official meeting, it’s technically conceivable that Pozharskyi would have approached Biden on the sidelines of some broader U.S.-Ukraine event. But they emphasized that they have no indication that happened, and that they had never heard of Pozharskyi before.

“I’ve literally never heard of this guy in my life,” said Hochstein, a close Biden adviser
who served as a special envoy for International Energy Affairs at the State Department during the Obama administration.
“This is a Russian disinformation operation,” said Carpenter, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense who specialized in Russia, Eurasia and the Balkans and now serves as managing director of the Penn Biden Center. “I’m very comfortable saying that.”

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Yes, as most of you fail to do is factually comment on something. You are like the reporter that when up to a group, as you would rather call them 'neoliberal politicians' (it kind of sounds like the neo-nazis your side always talk about), and this group protested had really nasty signs accusing the conservative issue and people they were counter protesting, shout obscenities for his cause, but when the reporter asked him the reason why, or list the things that obviously had him upset, he stood there in a complete loss of what to say. So the reporter asked again what and why he was protesting, and he finally conceded that he did not know any facts. That is how you people operate. You get all riled up about a cause because you hear your talking heads tell you, but in reality no little to nothing about why or what the cause means to you.

Again, and speaking of Nazis, here is a Nazi you may be familiar with (or like?) that explains this type of indoctrination:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” ~ Joseph Goebbels

* And Hillary Clinton is a Marxist (type of Communist), and is associated with and has received donations from a known Communist in George Soros. They try to run around and package it with the sweet and kind title of Democratic Socialists, but it is Marxism and Communism. So I will continue to call it what it is, and not let it take the appearance to deceive people like the Wolf in sheep's clothing in the Little Red Riding Hood story. And I am glad to see many in the conservative circles start calling them (including Donald Trump) by what they are, Marxists and Communist.

I responded to these threads to share things with people who are truly concerned about what is going on in this country, and while-be-it, I don't hide talking with others who might believe, I didn't expect so many Marxist and Communists on TI to be coming out the woodwork, and as usual the come out hurling insults while try unsuccessfully to apply facts about their side. So, it would not hurt my feeling if you would just keep your insults to yourself, or like many on TI know I will do, is fire back with guns ablazing...
Oh, okay I get it. You’re a lunatic. Got it, good talk.
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"In a statement, Biden campaign spokesman Andrew Bates said, “we have reviewed Joe Biden’s official schedules from the time and no meeting, as alleged by the New York Post, ever took place.”

“Investigations by the press, during impeachment, and even by two Republican-led Senate committees whose work was decried as ‘not legitimate’ and political by a GOP colleague have all reached the same conclusion: that Joe Biden carried out official U.S. policy toward Ukraine and engaged in no wrongdoing. Trump administration officials have attested to these facts under oath,” Bates said.

Bates added that the Biden campaign could not immediately respond to the story’s allegations in the Post story when it ran on Wednesday morning, because the publication “never asked the Biden campaign about the critical elements of this story. They certainly never raised that Rudy Giuliani — whose discredited conspiracy theories and alliance with figures connected to Russian intelligence have been widely reported — claimed to have such materials.”

The Post did not address the Biden camp’s complaints, instead pointing to an editorial that accused social media companies of censoring the story to help Biden politically.

The Post story included a screenshot of what the paper said was a 2015 email from Burisma adviser Vadym Pozharskyi to Hunter Biden, thanking him for “the opportunity to meet your father.” But the email doesn’t indicate whether Pozharskyi was describing a meeting that had already occurred or one intended to occur in the future. Nevertheless, the Post reported that the existence of such a meeting undercut Biden’s long-held assertions that he had no involvement with his son’s business dealings.

Biden’s campaign would not rule out the possibility that the former VP had some kind of informal interaction with Pozharskyi, which wouldn’t appear on Biden’s official schedule. But they said any encounter would have been cursory. Pozharskyi did not respond to a request for comment.

And senior Biden advisers who spoke to POLITICO on Wednesday — including Michael Carpenter and Amos Hochstein, who staffed the vice president at the time — similarly said that while there was never an official meeting, it’s technically conceivable that Pozharskyi would have approached Biden on the sidelines of some broader U.S.-Ukraine event. But they emphasized that they have no indication that happened, and that they had never heard of Pozharskyi before.

“I’ve literally never heard of this guy in my life,” said Hochstein, a close Biden adviser
who served as a special envoy for International Energy Affairs at the State Department during the Obama administration.
“This is a Russian disinformation operation,” said Carpenter, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense who specialized in Russia, Eurasia and the Balkans and now serves as managing director of the Penn Biden Center. “I’m very comfortable saying that.”

China Joe is GUILTY!!
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Is it a coincidence that OANN got unfairly taken off the air when cable subscribers have hundreds of channels? Hell no!! OANN was doing real work and broke this back in 2019!! Last sentence in this article might be big. Honestly I am beginning to wonder if we see these Ukraine whistleblowers and their evidence go missing. The Biden body count might start giving the Clintons a run for their money.

In Case You Missed It: Chanel Rion and One America News Broke Down the Biden Bribery Scandal with Testimony from Ukrainian Officials Back in 2019 (VIDEO)​

By Jim Hoft Jun. 15, 2023 8:00 am


In 2019 One America News Network investigative journalist Chanel Rion released a three part made for TV series detailing Joe Biden and Hunter Biden’s criminal dealings in Ukraine.
The evidence Chanel Rion and Rudy Giuliani brought forth was enough to start a corruption investigation into Joe Biden.
Chanel traveled to Ukraine with Rudy Giuliani to investigate the money laundering schemes by the Biden Crime Family. What they came back with was a trough of evidence and documents that detailed bribes and payments to Hunter Biden for years and at least one bribe to Joe Biden for $900,000 from Ukrainian officials.

Chanel Rion and Rudy Giuliani interviewed several witnesses who destroyed Adam Schiff’s baseless impeachment case against President Trump. In the three part EXCLUSIVE report, Rudy Giuliani debunked the impeachment hoax and exposed Biden family corruption in Ukraine and Latvia.
Conservatives Are Looking For Ways To Boycott and Move Spending Away From Woke Corporations -- Here Is One Way To Do It
In the series Rudy and Chanel expose the numerous media lies told to the American public by the lemming media to protect Joe Biden.
The mainstream media is once again exposed as a very corrupt arm of the Democrat Party. Joe Biden should have been jailed years ago.
One America News Investigates: Ukrainian Witnesses Destroy Schiff’s Case (Part 1)

One America News Investigates: Ukrainian Witnesses Destroy Schiff’s Case (Part 2)

One America News Investigates: Ukrainian Witnesses Destroy Schiff’s Case (Part 3)

Here is background material The Gateway Pundit published back in 2020 before the presidential election. The DOJ ignored this evidence against Joe Biden.

Ukrainian Pariamentarian Andriy Derkach (pictured) held a much publicized press conference last October in Ukraine.

In his press conference Derkach revealed that Joe Biden was paid $900,000 for lobbying efforts from Burisma Holdings in Ukraine.​


Derkach even brought charts and images as proof during his presentation.

This is the same organization that paid Hunter Biden over $50,000 a month to sit on their board in an obvious pay-for-play maneuver.
Cristina Laila reported on this development back in October last year…

Burisma Holdings Paid Joe Biden $900,000 For Lobbying Activities


Former Vice President Joe Biden was personally paid $900,000 for lobbying activities from Burisma Holdings, according to Ukrainian MP Andriy Derkach.

Derkach publicized the documents at a press conference at the Interfax-Ukraine agency Wednesday as he said the records, “describe the mechanism of getting money by Biden Sr.”
“This was the transfer of Burisma Group’s funds for lobbying activities, as investigators believe, personally to Joe Biden through a lobbying company. Funds in the amount of $900,000 were transferred to the U.S.-based company Rosemont Seneca Partners, which according to open sources, in particular, the New York Times, is affiliated with Biden. The payment reference was payment for consultative services,” Derkach said.
During his press conference Derkach even displayed images and a timeline of Joe Biden’s nefarious dealings in the Ukraine.

The entire press conference by Andriy Derkach was recorded and posted online.​

For some strange reason the liberal mainstream media had NO INTEREST in reporting on this story at the time.
They totally ignored the information.

In October 2020 Andrii Derkach announced a second laptop belonging to Hunter Biden’s business contacts in Ukraine has been seized by law enforcement.

The Gateway Pundit is currently following up on this claim.
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China Joe is GUILTY!!
This Joe Biden pay for play scheme is unraveling more and more each day. They will have an interview with one of the close confidants in the Burisma scheme (he is pictured with Joe and Hunter Biden) before the committee tomorrow (Friday). There are also at least (probably more) 3 more juicy documents that the committee will have to get from the FBI. They may again have to hold the FBI and Wray in contempt of Congress. I also heard that they are working to get the Burisma executive to testify before to House Committee. I pray for that dudes health, as he needs to go in hiding, and then be secretly brought into the US, as I do not trust the FBI and CIA. But some are expecting (Kristi Noem mentioned) in the next two or three weeks something could be happening on a grander scale. As usual you won't see it in the media except on Newsmax.

They (the House committee) are connecting all of the dots. The FBI document aligns with the Hunter Biden computer, and the bank records and LLCs align with all of it. The Audio tapes will certainly be the smoking gun, but just with the documents and testimony it should be enough. The document that the committee got last week from the FBI mentioned that the money laundering scheme through the LLC and banks that the Burisma executive told the Biden's that it would take 10 years for it to be figured out. They must have been talking about the FBI (they have been on it for 5 years), because the committee and the earlier senate investigation unlocked it MUCH quicker!!!
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Hope this is not true but...........

So the guy with the tapes died in 2011. Before Rudy even went to Ukraine to dig up dirt on the Bidens. Before Biden allegedly went to Ukraine.

And didn’t Grassley tell us that the whistleblower had these tapes as an insurance policy in car anything happened to them?

You guys have been duped by Rudy… again. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so ****ing sad.
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This Joe Biden pay for play scheme is unraveling more and more each day. They will have an interview with one of the close confidants in the Burisma scheme (he is pictured with Joe and Hunter Biden) before the committee tomorrow (Friday). There are also at least (probably more) 3 more juicy documents that the committee will have to get from the FBI. They may again have to hold the FBI and Wray in contempt of Congress. I also heard that they are working to get the Burisma executive to testify before to House Committee. I pray for that dudes health, as he needs to go in hiding, and then be secretly brought into the US, as I do not trust the FBI and CIA. But some are expecting (Kristi Noem mentioned) in the next two or three weeks something could be happening on a grander scale. As usual you won't see it in the media except on Newsmax.

They (the House committee) are connecting all of the dots. The FBI document aligns with the Hunter Biden computer, and the bank records and LLCs align with all of it. The Audio tapes will certainly be the smoking gun, but just with the documents and testimony it should be enough. The document that the committee got last week from the FBI mentioned that the money laundering scheme through the LLC and banks that the Burisma executive told the Biden's that it would take 10 years for it to be figured out. They must have been talking about the FBI (they have been on it for 5 years), because the committee and the earlier senate investigation unlocked it MUCH quicker!!!

It seems like the next logical step would be a congressional investigation. Bring Rudy in and put him under oath and let him tell the story. Agree?

Ahhhhhh. But they won’t do that. They know that what Rudy says in the press is very different than what he will say under oath.
You do know PedoHitler wasnt even running for any office at the time right? He wasnt even in the conversation for running for 2020 at that time...

Did you eat paint chips as a kid? You really think Biden wasn't in the conversation to run as president in 2019? Come on man, even for you that is some next level delusion.
You do know PedoHitler wasnt even running for any office at the time right? He wasnt even in the conversation for running for 2020 at that time. Also PedoHitler is on tape bragging about a crime because he cant help himself...
LOL, then why did Trump try to bribe Zelensky into starting a fake investigation against Biden in July 2019 if he wasn't in the conversation?
Did you eat paint chips as a kid? You really think Biden wasn't in the conversation to run as president in 2019? Come on man, even for you that is some next level delusion.
He wasnt at the time Trump asked abut the quick pro quo Biden demanded on tape...
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LOL, then why did Trump try to bribe Zelensky into starting a fake investigation against Biden in July 2019 if he wasn't in the conversation?
Any evidence of a bribe? Of course not. Your star witness "Trump wanted nothing ". I know why you hate life so much. BTW are you still grounded....

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Wtf is he talking about? Y’all he has demntia without a doubt.

Maybe they sell Ak-47’s on the train across the pacific?

It seems like the next logical step would be a congressional investigation. Bring Rudy in and put him under oath and let him tell the story. Agree?

Ahhhhhh. But they won’t do that. They know that what Rudy says in the press is very different than what he will say under oath.
You Marxists are all the same. You take what is corrupt and illegal that your fellow Marxists and Communists are doing, but then try to do a fake and end around on everyone else that loves this nation by changing the narrative and accuse someone else. You people hate this country and the Constitution and the Bill of Right, so you want to destroy it and 'Build it back better'. Why don't you idiots just go somewhere else and start your Communist Utopia country? The North Pole or Antartica would be a good place to do that. Maybe you can convert some seals and penguins? Fvcking idiots...
You Marxists are all the same. You take what is corrupt and illegal that your fellow Marxists and Communists are doing, but then try to do a fake and end around on everyone else that loves this nation by changing the narrative and accuse someone else. You people hate this country and the Constitution and the Bill of Right, so you want to destroy it and 'Build it back better'. Why don't you idiots just go somewhere else and start your Communist Utopia country? The North Pole or Antartica would be a good place to do that. Maybe you can convert some seals and penguins? Fvcking idiots...

Aww, did I hurt your feewings?

I simply suggested that the pubs bring Rudy in and have him testify about all of this under oath? What is wrong with that? If he is telling the truth, it should not be a problem.

I mean, he was definitely telling the truth about all of that evidence he had detailing election fraud. Right?
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You Marxists are all the same. You take what is corrupt and illegal that your fellow Marxists and Communists are doing, but then try to do a fake and end around on everyone else that loves this nation by changing the narrative and accuse someone else. You people hate this country and the Constitution and the Bill of Right, so you want to destroy it and 'Build it back better'. Why don't you idiots just go somewhere else and start your Communist Utopia country? The North Pole or Antartica would be a good place to do that. Maybe you can convert some seals and penguins? Fvcking idiots...
  • Haha
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