Biden Crime Family Investigations

"White House spokesman Ian Sams said Thursday, “It is remarkable that congressional Republicans, in their eagerness to go after President Biden regardless of the truth, continue to push claims that have been debunked for years."

“These claims have reportedly been scrutinized by the Trump Justice Department, a Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney, and a full impeachment trial of the former President that centered on these very issues, and over and over again, they have been found to lack credibility,
” he said. “It’s clear that congressional Republicans are dead-set on playing shameless, dishonest politics and refuse to let truth get in the way.”

In the four-page document, the confidential informant claims to have been involved in various meetings some years earlier, in 2015 or 2016, with officials from the Burisma energy company looking to do business in the United States. The informant claims being told by Burisma officials about their relationship and dealings with Hunter Biden.

One company official said they kept Hunter Biden on the Burisma board because they believed through “his dad” it could protect them from all kinds of problems, the informant claimed.

In another instance, a top company official suggested payment of $5 million to each of the Bidens as the company sought to have Ukraine's prosecutor general at the time, Viktor Shokin, removed from office, according to the document.

Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, the top Democrat on the Oversight panel, said after lawmakers reviewed a redacted document in June, “Congress thoroughly reviewed and debunked" similar allegations that Giuliani had made.

“As the FBI explained, the allegations were also thoroughly investigated by Donald Trump’s own Justice Department,” Raskin wrote. That assessment was closed in August 2020 after eight months of investigative efforts, he said, and “found insufficient evidence” to warrant further investigation."

Trump had very few in the state dept working to help him at any point. The entire administrative wing of the govt along with most of the rest of it actively worked against Trump his entire term in a rolling coup. Anyone that cannot see and comprehend the implications of it is dumb.
Could you define communism for me in your words? Without using any outside help.
Are you serious or just stupid? Maybe I should get you to define a woman and a man, in your own words? But regardless of what the (or my) inside or outside definition of what communism is, I imagine that the you WOKE communists have redefined that too??? :rolleyes:
Are you serious or just stupid? Maybe I should get you to define a woman and a man, in your own words? But regardless of what the (or my) inside or outside definition of what communism is, I imagine that the you WOKE communists have redefined that too??? :rolleyes:

translation: you can't do it.

Tell me you are a ****ing idiot without telling me that you are a ****ing idiot.
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Much like the January 6th committee, which also submitted a lot of hearsay as evidence, this is great political theater. It won't result in anything other than potentially damaging Biden politically.

There is nothing in that document that is proof or evidence of an actual crime. Nothing. Sorry if your feelings can't handle that, but it is a fact.
translation: you can't do it.

Tell me you are a ****ing idiot without telling me that you are a ****ing idiot.
Dickhead, I was nose to nose with the communists at the East German and Czech boarders for 3 years. So take your stupid ideology and shove where the sun don't shine but where your boyfriend does...
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So you like Sidney Powell again, or nah?

It's really hard to keep track with you since you loved Lindell, and then you didn't.
Did I say that? This post was to remind everyone of a piece of the evidence of Joe bragging about one of his many crimes.
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“This Is the Strongest Case I’ve Ever Seen” – Rudy Giuliani Admits the Evidence Against Biden Crime Family Is Greater than Evidence Against Mafia’s Five Families (VIDEO)
It remains beyond reason the ends the lengths party aligned people will go to constantly fabricate position. Like your lives are 1 giant speech and debate circus.

There is no interest in these hyper political party endeavors to search for the truth. Congrats, most of you, on self serving your ideology.

I hope all of you sleep well at night. May your Republican and Democratic parties grant you the riches both literally and figuratively beyond your wildest dreams. Must be a glorious place filled with every indulgence possible.
FBI Hid Evidence Corroborating that Bidens Took $10 Million from Ukraine
It may be true but I would not be utilizing the once great prosecutor/mayor turned disgraced attorney for any comment whatsoever.

Rudy needs to find a MSM channel that will hire him.
It may be true but I would not be utilizing the once great prosecutor/mayor turned disgraced attorney for any comment whatsoever.

Rudy needs to find a MSM channel that will hire him.
Rudy is correct and it was pure character assassination by the deep state controlled msm imo that has his current public reputation destroyed.
DOJ was not working for Trump and you know it. They were not even neutral but actively participating in the rolling coup.
Then why should we put him back in power if nobody wants to do his bidding? After what he's done since the election, including the way he's trashed everyone who served under him, any new cabinet will likely consist of ghouls like Bannon, Kari Lake and Mike Lindell. We will then be the laughingstock of the world.
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Then why should we put him back in power if nobody wants to do his bidding? After what he's done since the election, including the way he's trashed everyone who served under him, any new cabinet will likely consist of ghouls like Bannon, Kari Lake and Mike Lindell. We will then be the laughingstock of the world.
It's only because he is not part of the evil criminal cabal running the show. He is a real threat to their power and that is why he has been attacked mercilessly from day one.
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It's only because he is not part of the evil criminal cabal running the show. He is a real threat to their power and that is why he has been attacked mercilessly from day one.
That's not it Growls - he's a terrible person with terrible intentions and good people won't go along with his corrupt administration. That's why he'll be reduced to hiring bad people to do his bidding if re-elected.
That's not it Growls - he's a terrible person with terrible intentions and good people won't go along with his corrupt administration. That's why he'll be reduced to hiring bad people to do his bidding if re-elected.
We have a profound disagreement here then.

You Read It Here First: Joe Biden Will Step Down from Office After Sudden Medical Emergency Before Weak and Feckless Republicans Muster Up the Nerve to Impeach Him​

On Tuesday the House Oversight Committee released a 14-year timeline of the Biden Crime Family’s influence peddling and selling out America to foreign regimes including Communist China.

The Oversight Committee is likely just scratching the surface of the criminal actions by Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and the extended Biden family.

The Biden family was selling out America to Ukraine, Romania, and Communist China.

There is plenty of proof.

On Wednesday IRS Whistleblower Joseph Ziegler confirmed in sworn testimony to Congress that the Biden Family received approximately $17 million in bribes from China, Romania, and other countries in exchange for political favors.

On Thursday Senator Chuck Grassley released the FBI document showing Joe Biden was involved in a $10 million bribery scheme with Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsky.

The FD-1023 form alleged then-Vice President Joe Biden FORCED Zlochevsky, a Ukrainian oligarch, to pay himself and his son Hunter Biden a total of $10 million in exchange for a political favor.

On Friday Rudy Giiuliani told The War Room audience the evidence collected against the Biden Crime Family is “the strongest case I’ve ever seen” and greater than the evidence his team had in New York in the 1980s to take down the mafia’s Five Families.

* * * * * * * * * *

So what now? What will Republicans do next? How will this end?

Democrats are moving to jail President Trump on illegitimate charges in garbage court cases.

Where are the Republicans?

We all know the answer to this.

Before Joe Biden is impeached he will have a slip, a fall, or a medical emergency. His administration will tearfully announce Joe is stepping down from office.

Democrats and their lapdog media will then insist the Biden Crime Story is “yesterday’s news” and “has already been prosecuted.” The American public will be lectured on what a great leader Joe Biden was and how he should be forever honored in our memories and the history books.

Republican leadership and Uniparty members will breathe a sigh of relief that they will not be forced to go through impeachment proceedings. They will tell us, “This is not who we are.”

Just watch. You know this is true.
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Rudy is correct and it was pure character assassination by the deep state controlled msm imo that has his current public reputation destroyed.
I’ll make this easy…. I grew up on Long Island, while he was burying the mafia 25 miles away. Amazing balls. He and John Miller(local NBC reporter) were the 2 bravest/crazy men on TV in NYC. Ironically that led John Miller to a career in law enforcement in big positions.

Then, as NYC was ripe with crime for 20+ solid years, Rudy became mayor in ‘94(Im at Clemson) he doubled the police, and NYC was amazing within a few years, amazing. I couldn’t believe the changes each time I went back.
Guided NYC and the USA through 9/11, couldn’t have done better. Total stud.

These 2 real estate people were always in the news: Leona Helmsley and Donald Trump. And being a big Stern fan, Trump was the best guest on Howard probably from 1986 through 2006. Those calls should be played. Hilarious.

People change, that’s normal. Rudy is absolute shell of himself. He was embarrassing through all the election nonsense. He had a lot of clout with me. He blew it all.
Trump….. was actually fairly normal back then, running real estate in NYC, opening his Atlantic City casino, saving a skating rink. Funny, bombastic but all over the place. He bounced around SEVERAL political parties, even Dem for a decade. He too is a shell of himself.

Biden….. isn’t even a quarter of a shell of himself. All these guys need to GO AWAY and play bocce together, period.

Each of them are a complete embarrassment to the office. Crazy that RFK Jr, Vivek, Youngkin are the best candidates we have for the job right now. Anyone supporting Trump or Biden don’t put America first for different reasons. And both of them are way too fvckin old constantly putting our country at risk. When you have to spend equal energy evaluating the VP as POTUS cause of Father Time, WTF are we doing?
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I’ll make this easy…. I grew up on Long Island, while he was burying the mafia 25 miles away. Amazing balls. He and John Miller(local NBC reporter) were the 2 bravest/crazy men on TV in NYC. Ironically that led John Miller to a career in law enforcement in big positions.

Then, as NYC was ripe with crime for 20+ solid years, Rudy became mayor in ‘94(Im at Clemson) he doubled the police, and NYC was amazing within a few years, amazing. I couldn’t believe the changes each time I went back.
Guided NYC and the USA through 9/11, couldn’t have done better. Total stud.

These 2 real estate people were always in the news: Leona Helmsley and Donald Trump. And being a big Stern fan, Trump was the best guest on Howard probably from 1986 through 2006. Those calls should be played. Hilarious.

People change, that’s normal. Rudy is absolute shell of himself. He was embarrassing through all the election nonsense. He had a lot of clout with me. He blew it all.
Trump….. was actually fairly normal back then, running real estate in NYC, opening his Atlantic City casino, saving a skating rink. Funny, bombastic but all over the place. He bounced around SEVERAL political parties, even Dem for a decade. He too is a shell of himself.

Biden….. isn’t even a quarter of a shell of himself. All these guys need to GO AWAY and play bocce together, period.

Each of them are a complete embarrassment to the office. Crazy that RFK Jr, Vivek, Youngkin are the best candidates we have for the job right now. Anyone supporting Trump or Biden don’t put America first for different reasons. And both of them are way too fvckin old constantly putting our country at risk. When you have to spend equal energy evaluating the VP as POTUS cause of Father Time, WTF are we doing?
Thanks for your honest opinion. I can see your point but I am still with Trump. He is the only one that I think has a chance in hell of breaking up the sick evil quagmire in DC.
ITS HAPPENING!! RFK JR just put the kiss of death on dirtbag joe.

In major shift, RFK Jr. calls for corruption investigation of Joe Biden​

Presidential candidate says release of FBI informant memo last week escalated his concern.
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LOL on the article title. We know Joe is a crook and is closely supervising the Hunter protection and the Trump witch hunt. If anyone supports Joe in this they are commie and I am not joking at all.

Grandpa Dementia showing up at the FBI’s office during Hunter probe — you can’t make this stuff up…​

July 20, 2023 (4d ago)

According to FBI testimony, Joe Biden was heavily involved in the federal investigation into his son, Hunter Biden. An IRS agent who was assigned to the case informed Congress that Biden was “extremely well known” to the authorities who were conducting the probe, and even made appearances at an FBI office during the investigation.
Wow. That seems highly unprofessional and unethical.
The New York Post:
“There were definitely potential issues I saw with working this case in Delaware,” IRS special agent Joseph Ziegler said in prepared remarks before the House Oversight Committee. “We were working with a small [US Attorney’s Office] who might not have ever worked a case of this caliber. Delaware was the state in which the subject’s father lived in, and the family was extremely well known throughout the state, including [by] people on the team.”
This was later evident by the president, Joe Biden, having to come into the FBI office on an unrelated matter, and it being joked [about] with the team,” Ziegler added, presumably referring to the bureau’s Baltimore field office. “Another example was that a magistrate judge in Delaware made inappropriate comments at the signing of the first electronic search warrant that had caused her to recuse themself from the investigation, which set us back an additional 4 months as we had to draft new warrants and redo investigative steps.”
Joe probably didn’t foresee that two of the main officials would emerge as incredibly professional, and highly-respected whistleblowers. These individuals have no reason to subject themselves to this hell on earth, other than their desire to do what’s right for their nation. One of these whistleblowers is actually a registered Democrat and is “married” to a man. The New York Post continues:
Ziegler and his boss, IRS supervisory agent Gary Shapley, affirmed their prior testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee that the president’s Justice Department slow-walked a five-year probe into the first son’s alleged financial crimes.
The IRS whistleblowers said Biden-appointed US attorneys interfered in the case by preventing Delaware US Attorney David Weiss from charging Hunter Biden last year with tax fraud in Southern California and Washington, DC.
Everyone knows this was a gigantic coverup. The Bidens believe they are above the law, and by the looks of it, they actually are. The piece goes on:
Weiss and Attorney General Merrick Garland have both denied the claims, maintaining the Delaware prosecutor had authority to bring any charges he sought.
The two IRS agents also said federal authorities tipped off Hunter’s legal team about a potential search of his northern Virginia storage locker and a December 2020 effort to interview him, preventing either from being carried out.
Other efforts to inquire about the president’s involvement in his son’s million-dollar business deals abroad and seek felony charges for $2.2 million in missed tax payments were thwarted.
It seems like the “Big Guy” wanted to make his presence known, possibly as a not-so-subtle way to make sure everyone stayed on “task.”
Looks like Archer is going to testify under oath.....seems that Joe did know about his son's business dealings. Time to review policy decisions to see what possibly might have been influenced by foreign relationships.

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Looks like Archer is going to testify under oath.....seems that Joe did know about his son's business dealings. Time to review policy decisions to see what possibly might have been influenced by foreign relationships.

When are Republicans going to address all the issues they ran on or is manufacturing a Biden corruption scandal all they're good for?

The time they're wasting on this and pulling in conspiracy theorists like RFK Jr is getting to be absurd.
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When are Republicans going to address all the issues they ran on or is manufacturing a Biden corruption scandal all they're good for?

The time they're wasting on this and pulling in conspiracy theorists like RFK Jr is getting to be absurd.
Manufacturing? Lolz ……..if the left had this much evidence on Trump, they wouldn’t even bother trying him.
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Manufacturing? Lolz ……..if the left had this much evidence on Trump, they wouldn’t even bother trying him.
Sure man - show me the deposits into Joe's bank account, the supposed "recorded tapes", a first hand witness who isn't a Chinese spy and most of all, prove to me he did something criminal.

Because the longer this goes on, the more it lacks credibility and the less they're doing for America. And this ain't helping nobody...