Biden Crime Family Investigations

claims to be false. In fact, the document Comer posted said the exact opposite of what he claimed! Comer continues to go on his humiliating witch hunts and has failed to find any proof of wrongdoing. He told Fox host Sean Hannity he "hopes" he can prove his claims. Comer, now desperate to save face with the GOP base, has resorted to manufacturing and deceptively framing his so-called 'evidence.' Now, Comer is even being blasted by members of the far right Freedom Caucus who acknowledge that he has not produced any proof of his claims whatsoever. This has resulted in backlash from Marjorie Taylor Greene, who is enraged that some members of the so-called Freedom Caucus won't play along with their corrupt stunt. Lies. Conspiracy theories. Deception. It's all they've got. You can see the proof for yourself here:…
Another China Joe Biden lie exposed. When will libs finally come back to reality?

EU memo directly conflicts with Biden story about axing Ukraine prosecutor probing son’s business​

Biden's story has been that he threatened to withhold loan to Ukraine only because prosecutor Shokin was not meeting anti-corruption standards. His own State Dep't said otherwise, now evidence shows that the EU concluded Shokin had met ‘benchmarks’ on anti-corruption reforms.

By John Solomon
Updated: September 7, 2023 - 9:02pm
Aweek after then-Vice President Joe Biden began pressuring Ukraine to fire its chief prosecutor in late 2015 by withholding U.S. loan guarantees, the European Union reached internal consensus in a memo saying that Prosecutor Viktor Shokin’s office and the country at large had met its goals for fighting corruption, organized crime and human trafficking.
The newly revealed memo directly undercuts the narrative crafted by Democrats during Donald Trump’s first impeachment and sustained during the 2020 presidential election, namely, that Biden fired Shokin over U.S. and European concerns that he wasn’t fighting corruption aggressively enough.
At the time, Shokin was investigating the activities of energy company Burisma Holdings. And Hunter Biden -- who had no experience in the energy industry -- was being paid at least $83,333 a month by Burisma.
“Based on these commitments, the anti-corruption benchmark is deemed to have been achieved,” the European Commission, a key governing body of the EU Parliament, declared in a December 18, 2015 report that gave a generally rosy assessment of Ukraine’s pace of reforms and specifically the efforts of Shokin’s Prosecutor General Office.
The report, obtained by The New York Post and Just the News, noted that Shokin, just a few months on the job, had already established a special national anti-corruption prosecutor’s office to aid the newly formed FBI-approved investigative unit called the National Anti-Corruption Bureau.
“On 30 November, the General Prosecutor appointed the head of the specialized anti-corruption prosecution,” the EU report noted, urging Shokin to continue to refine the appointment and safeguard it to ensure the office remained independent and free from influence.
The report approvingly noted numerous other commitments Shokin and other Ukrainian leaders made to fast-track and build on the progress they were making reforming anti-corruption tools and policies.
Calling Shokin's work "an important step forward" the report continued to say that “The progress noted in the fifth report on anti-corruption policies, particularly the legislative and institutional progress, has continued." The EU added that "civil society continued to play a key role in moving the anti-corruption agenda forward,” the report said, in one of the most glowing the Commission had given Ukraine since 2015.
Most notably, the report made no mention of firing Shokin or withholding any Western aid.
You can read the full report here.
The report’s tone matches the recomendations of internal State Department documents made public by Just the News late last month that show a task force of State, Treasury and Justice Department experts had recommended in October 2015 that Ukraine had indeed made adequate progress in fighting corruption and deserved to receive $1 billion in new U.S. loan guarantees when Biden traveled to Ukraine in December 2015. Biden disregarded that information.
The State memos also included a personal letter in which top U.S. official Victoria Nuland personally told Shokin her boss Secretary of State John Kerry and the department was “impressed” with Shokin’s progress.
The emergence of the U.S. and European documents in 2023 directly conflict with the story Biden gave starting in 2019 about why he took the extraordinary action of withholding the U.S. loan guarantee until then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko fired Shokin, who at the time was escalating a corruption probe against the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings that was paying his son Hunter millions of dollars.
Biden and his defenders claimed he was simply carrying out the U.S. policy recommendations of career officials and that European officials were in agreement that Shokin was corrupt and needed to be dismissed.
“It was a policy that was coordinated tightly with the Europeans, with the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank. But not only did we not see progress, we saw the PGO go backwards in this period,” Nuland, now Biden’s Undersecretary of State, told the Senate Homeland Security and Accountability Committee in 2020 testimony.
2020-09-03-Nuland Interview with Exhibits.pdf
Added former top U.S. envoy Kurt Volker: “When Vice President Biden made those representations to President Poroshenko he was representing U.S. policy at the time. And it was a general assumption I was not doing U.S. policy at the time but a general assumption among the European Union, France, Germany, American diplomats, U.K., that Shokin was not doing his job as a prosecutor general. He was not pursuing corruption cases.”
Joe Biden himself picked up the excuse. "I did nothing wrong,” the future president said during 2019 CNN-New York Times debate. “I carried out the policy of the United States government in rooting out corruption in Ukraine. And that’s what we should be focusing on.”
But the State Department records show Biden was urged to do the opposite: give the loan guarantee and Shokin and his team more time. The EU documents also show there wasn’t alarm in Europe, at least not in December 2015 when Biden told Poroshenko for the first time he wanted Shokin fired.
In fact, the EU issued a public statement on Dec. 18, 2015 with even more encouraging words than the report, praising Ukrainian officials who had made “enormous progress.”
“I congratulate the Ukrainian leadership on the progress made towards completing the reform process which will bring important benefits to the citizens of Ukraine in the future. The hard work towards achieving this significant goal has paid off. Now it is important to keep upholding all the standards,” EU Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos declared at the time.
Sen. Ron Johnson, (R-Wis.), who chaired the 2020 Homeland Security probe of the Bidens told Just the News on Thursday night the body of evidence from State and the EU leaves him convinced that Joe Biden changed U.S. policy and forced the firing of Shokin because it would benefit his son Hunter, who was being pressured by Burisma to deal with Shokin.
"The European Commission was satisfied with this. The administration was satisfied with this, I believe Ambassador Pyatt was satisfied with this. But Hunter Biden wasn't," Johnson said. "You start seeing emails where he's getting pressure. ... They start scrambling, I mean, he's got to start, you know, making good on the millions of dollars he's getting paid by Burisma, to protect them. And that's exactly what ended up happening. Joe Biden then on a dime, changed US policy to the surprise of everyone."
Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene, (R-Ga.), a member of the House Oversight Committee currently probing the Biden family businesses, agreed.
"It's shocking, absolutely shocking," Greene told the "Just the News, No Noise" television on Thursday night. "It seems like every single day, more and more comes out. Now we have this information that the European Union completely approved of Viktor Shokin's job and the job he was doing fighting corruption and his investigation into Burisma. But yet it was Joe Biden as Vice President of the United States. He was the one that didn't approve of Victor Shokin. And we all know why."
The European Commission report was the sixth in a series of reports the EU did starting in 2011 to monitor a key goal for the continent: to get Ukraine to liberalize its visa policies. The goal was not only to improve travel to Ukraine as a member of the EU but also to measure the larger fight against corruption and organized crime inside the former Soviet republic with a long history of grift and violence.
The December 2015 report concluded that Ukraine had not only met the benchmarks for anticorruption reform but also for document security, border control, human trafficking, organized crime and money laundering. Another goal met had a direct correlation to Shokin’s office. “The law enforcement cooperation benchmark is deemed to have been achieved,” it said.
The EU wasn’t the only important voice cheering on Ukraine progress with rosy assessments. The George Soros-funded and internationally influential Carnegie Endowment for International Peace also weighed in during August 2015 with assessments similar to those of EU body and the State Department. It even singled out Shokin’s office for being among the most active on reforms.
“Ukraine has adopted a package of anticorruption laws and established a set of institutions to fight corruption,” the endowment’s Ukraine Reform Monitor report dated Aug. 19, 2015 stated. “The general prosecutor’s office has been the agency most active in this agenda. Judicial processes have been improved to introduce greater transparency and opportunities for public oversight of corruption cases. There have been no high-profile convictions yet.
“A new law on the prosecutor’s office was approved in autumn 2014. It was amended in July 2015 to make prosecutors more active in anticorruption activities. Local prosecutors’ offices are being reformed. All local-level prosecutors and their deputies are being dismissed, and they will be replaced by some 700 new regional prosecutors, who will be appointed by the general prosecutor’s office in Kyiv,” it added.
Joe Biden’s role in pressuring then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in December 2015 to fire Shokin has been a searing controversy since April 2019, when the lead author on this story, as a columnist for The Hill, unearthed a 2018 videotape of the former vice president bragging about his role to a foreign policy think tank.
At the time Shokin was investigating Burisma for corruption, the company was paying Hunter Biden and Archer, $83,333 a month as board members.
“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recounted in the speech to the Council on Foreign Relations. “Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”
The disclosure prompted then-President Donald Trump to ask Ukraine’s new president, Volodymyr Zelensky, to investigate.
Democrats howled and eventually impeached Trump in late 2019. The Senate acquitted the former president. Today, the original column that prompted the controversy is preserved in the official records of Congress.
Evidence would show during impeachment and afterward that Biden’s conversation with Poroshenko occurred during a trip to Kyiv in December 2015. Under withering pressure from U.S. and Western officials, the Ukrainian president eventually buckled and persuaded Shokin to resign a few months later in March 2016. Poroshenko would tell Biden there was no evidence Shokin had done anything wrong but he forced the resignation anyway to appease the president.
“Despite of the fact that we didn’t have any corruption charges, we don’t have any information about him doing something wrong, I especially asked him … No, it was the day before yesterday. I especially asked him to resign,” Poroshenko told Biden in an audio tape call from March 2016 that was eventually released by a Ukrainian lawmaker in 2020.
Truth is winning the battle of competing narratives.

CNN Poll: Majority Of Americans Think Biden Directly Involved In Hunter's Dealings While VP​

A majority of Americans, 61%, think that President Joe Biden was involved in his son Hunter's business dealings with Ukraine and China while he served as Vice President under Barack Obama, according to a CNN poll conducted by SSRS.
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Its about fricking time.

BREAKING: Speaker McCarthy Orders Impeachment Inquiry into Joe Biden​

TDS out of control!! We have multiple on Trump. This thread is on China Joe!
We know that Trump has been indicted humpty dumpty asyou related multiple times per day and all the charges are fake bs from communists trying to take the downs the peoples champion.
Wow, enforcing laws is now Communism. I thought you backed the blue?
Is Trump still innocent until proven guilty by the commies.? Will you deny that Fannie Willis is communist?
We saw and heard with our own eyes and ears what he did, regardless of what a jury decides.

Has Fannie been advocating for a classless system in which the means of production are owned communally, and private property is nonexistent or severely curtailed? If so, I missed it!
We saw and heard with our own eyes and ears what he did, regardless of what a jury decides.

Has Fannie been advocating for a classless system in which the means of production are owned communally, and private property is nonexistent or severely curtailed? If so, I missed it!
Shes just a soldier for the cause comrade. The things you mention are not part of this phase of their plan, but are on the docket for a fact.
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Hell yes!! This is obviously in reference to McCarthy dragging his feet on the impeachment inquiry. Still no vote scheduled as of yet.

Hell yes!! This is obviously in reference to McCarthy dragging his feet on the impeachment inquiry. Still no vote scheduled as of yet.

And this is exactly why Congress will experience a blue wave next year. Those dysfunctional, do-nothing traitors have no business in that building. Weird thing to be proud of.
And this is exactly why Congress will experience a blue wave next year. Those dysfunctional, do-nothing traitors have no business in that building. Weird thing to be proud of.
It is absolutely what I want them to do.

Oops: Pelosi’s Words from 2019 Are Now Being Used Against Democrats in Biden Impeachment Push​

On October 15, 2019, three weeks after unilaterally declaring an impeachment inquiry, Speaker Pelosi, backed by Adam Schiff, insisted there was no requirement to hold an authorizing vote and she would not hold an authorizing vote.

— Byron York (@ByronYork) September 14, 2023

The Bidens: "Stone Cold Crooked" (9) -- When Can We Start Calling It What It Is, Namely Bribery?


Peter Schweizer just posted a “legal” game-changer about Biden’s “bribery” scandal that could upend everything…​

September 19, 2023 (2 days ago)

There are times when you come across a post that can truly be a “game changer,” and that’s precisely what famed biographer Peter Schweizer has just created — a game changer. He’s discussing Biden’s bribery charges that will likely lead to his ultimate impeachment – and the bribery charges are very serious.

The left dismisses all of this, calling it some kind of revenge “witch-hunt” by the right. What’s funny is how suddenly ‘”whistleblowers” are no longer revered as “sacred heroes.” Strange how that changed so quickly. Meanwhile, the propaganda media is busy trying to pin all of this on Joe’s crackhead son Hunter, the lowly “bag man” of the family. However, Peter just dropped a legal bombshell on the entire case. Despite the left’s efforts to protect Joe by portraying Hunter as the sole wrongdoer, who clumsily “tried” but failed to sell the “appearance” of influence with his father, Peter argues that it doesn’t matter. Because when you actually examine what the law says about bribery, Joe Biden’s goose is already cooked.


Read what the law says about bribery (18 USC 201). Joe Biden may or may not have been paid. But if his family got paid for official acts, that’s still bribery: “(1)directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers or promises anything of value to any public official or person who has been selected to be a public official, or offers or promises any public official or any person who has been selected to be a public official to give anything of value to any other person or entity, with intent—

And here are the facts from a July New York Post article.

The New York Post:

A bombshell FBI informant file describing a $10 million bribery allegation against President Biden and his son Hunter was released Thursday by Sen. Chuck Grassley, showing that a Ukrainian oligarch claimed that he was “coerced” into making the payoff.
Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of natural gas company Burisma Holdings, told the FBI informant in 2016 while meeting at a coffee shop in Vienna, Austria, that “it cost 5 [million] to pay one Biden, and 5 [million] to another Biden,” according to the redacted FD-1023 form.
“Zlochevsky made some comment that although Hunter Biden ‘was stupid, and his (Zlochevsky’s) dog was smarter,’ Zlochevsky needed to keep Hunter Biden (on Burisma’s board) ‘so everything will be okay,’” the June 2020 document says.
The source asked whether Hunter Biden or Joe Biden told Zlochevsky he should “retain” the younger Biden; Zlochevsky allegedly replied, “They both did.”
The federal informant — a Ukrainian-American who has been a trusted, highly credible FBI source for over a decade and been paid “six figures,” according to Grassley — described four conversations with Zlochevsky, beginning with a meeting near Kyiv in late 2015 or early 2016 and continuing through a 2019 phone call.
The informant said each of his conversations with Zlochevsky occurred in the presence of a man named Alexander Ostapenko — giving the FBI a possible supporting witness.

The question is, does the law still matter in the United States? Some would argue that it does not.

Many folks in the comments section argue that Joe Biden should be charged with treason, pointing to the evidence found in Hunter’s emails where he mentioned having to cover his father’s bills and the percentage of income that had to be paid to the “Big Guy.” Also, there are mentions of burner phones, offshore accounts, and multiple red flags regarding money received. All of this, according to many critics, appears to have been concealed by the corrupt DOJ.

Peter Schweizer just posted a “legal” game-changer about Biden’s “bribery” scandal that could upend everything…​

September 19, 2023 (2 days ago)

There are times when you come across a post that can truly be a “game changer,” and that’s precisely what famed biographer Peter Schweizer has just created — a game changer. He’s discussing Biden’s bribery charges that will likely lead to his ultimate impeachment – and the bribery charges are very serious.

The left dismisses all of this, calling it some kind of revenge “witch-hunt” by the right. What’s funny is how suddenly ‘”whistleblowers” are no longer revered as “sacred heroes.” Strange how that changed so quickly. Meanwhile, the propaganda media is busy trying to pin all of this on Joe’s crackhead son Hunter, the lowly “bag man” of the family. However, Peter just dropped a legal bombshell on the entire case. Despite the left’s efforts to protect Joe by portraying Hunter as the sole wrongdoer, who clumsily “tried” but failed to sell the “appearance” of influence with his father, Peter argues that it doesn’t matter. Because when you actually examine what the law says about bribery, Joe Biden’s goose is already cooked.


And here are the facts from a July New York Post article.

The New York Post:

The question is, does the law still matter in the United States? Some would argue that it does not.

Many folks in the comments section argue that Joe Biden should be charged with treason, pointing to the evidence found in Hunter’s emails where he mentioned having to cover his father’s bills and the percentage of income that had to be paid to the “Big Guy.” Also, there are mentions of burner phones, offshore accounts, and multiple red flags regarding money received. All of this, according to many critics, appears to have been concealed by the corrupt DOJ.
You could literally post a video of Joe being handed $5m in cash, from a Ukranian speaking person, in a back alley, with audio saying explicitly that it was a bribe and the usual characters would tell you it's a witch hunt. We've arrived at a place where it no longer matters if it's the candidate they support.

The simple question everyone should ask is why did Joe lie about his knowledge of Hunter's shady business dealings when he was running for office? Now that it's all out in the open, the narrative has shifted to "well, he didn't benefit". We are basically Ukraine, we are the corrupt nation that the US would normally invoke sanctions on. We are just more elegant in how we do it.

The reality though is it's not just Joe or dems, there are folks on the right that have done the same just not at the same scale. Truly smart people don't go into politics anymore unless they have a plan to arb the system. There simply isn't enough money in it without kickbacks, bribes, insider trading etc. Why make $190k a year and have your private life ripped to shreds when you can make 5x that in the private sector?

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FBI agent says prosecutors thwarted Hunter Biden charges, corroborating IRS whistleblowers​

Prosecutor efforts slowing probe also captured in emails, testimony transcript shows

By John Solomon
September 24, 2023 11:19pm
Updated: September 25, 2023 12:16am
An FBI supervisor has corroborated key aspects of two IRS whistleblowers’ testimony alleging that federal prosecutors slow-walked Hunter Biden’s criminal probe and declined last year to bring tax charges in Los Angeles and Washington D.C., according to an interview transcript reviewed by Just the News.
The female FBI supervisor, whose name the Justice Department asked be kept private in the transcript, was interviewed recently by the House Judiciary Committee, and she chronicled her interactions with IRS agents Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler and Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, the lead prosecutor in the Hunter Biden probe.
While the agent said she had different recollections than her IRS colleagues about certain aspects of the case and did not believe politics caused any delays, she confirmed there were instances in which prosecutors slowed the investigation.
Specifically, she confirmed agents were concerned that the DOJ tried to use the 2022 midterm elections to delay action in the Hunter Biden case even though his father was not up for election last year.
“I know that that had come up,” said the FBI agent, who worked in the Baltimore office that supervised cases in Delaware..
“Delays related to the election?” she was asked.
“Yes, I noted that had come up” the agent answered.
The FBI generally has a rule that public actions not be taken in cases in the weeks before an election that could impact the outcome of the election, a rule that was not followed in 2016 when the bureau opened the Russia collusion probe against Donald Trump a few weeks before Election Day.
Republicans have argued there was no reason to avoid action in Hunter Biden’s case in 2022 because Joe Biden wasn’t on the ballot during the midterm election.
The agent also confirmed that the offices of the Joe Biden-appointed U.S. attorneys in Washington, Matthew Graves, and Los Angeles, Miguel Estrada, declined to bring criminal charges tax charges against Hunter Biden last year like Weiss sought.
“Do you remember that Mr. Estrada also decided not to bring the case?” the agent was asked,
“Yes,” she answered.
“Okay. So he decided not to partner or he rejected the case, whatever the term is?” she was pressed.
“I understand that, yes, that a decision had been made that the Central District of California wasn't going to, I guess ‑‑ my understanding is that they weren't going to bring the case on their own,” she answered.
Likewise, she said, she had learned at some point that Graves’ office in Washington also declined to bring the charges wanted by Weiss against Hunter Biden.
“Do you remember learning that the U.S. attorney for D.C. decided not to partner with Mr. Weiss on bringing the tax charges for 2014 and 2015?” she was asked.
“I remember learning at some point in the investigation that Mr. Weiss would have to go through his other processes because the U.S. Attorney's Offices had, I guess, in that sense, using that terminology, wasn't going to partner,” she answered.
The interview transcript also revealed that House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan’s investigators have ascertained that some of the prosecutors’ efforts to block investigative steps are captured in contemporaneous emails between Shapley and Assistant U.S. Attorney Leslie Wolf in Delaware.
“In September of 2021, are you aware that Lesley Wolf emailed Gary Shapley stating, ‘I do not think you are going to be able to do these interviews as planned," adding that they would require approval from DOJ Tax Division? Are you aware of that?” the FBI agent was asked at one point.
At another point, the FBI agent was asked: ”Are you aware in October of 2021 Lesley Wolf emailed Gary Shapley and the investigative team that, ‘It will get us into hot water if we interview the President's grandchildren?”
In both cases, a DOJ lawyer blocked the FBI agent from answering the questions. But the existence of such emails would provide further corroboration to Shapley’s claim that agents were blocked from conducting certain witness interviews, including Hunter Biden’s children.
The FBI agent did acknowledge she had some differences of opinion and recollections from her IRS colleagues, specifically that she did not remember Weiss claiming he had been rejected by DOJ headquarters from being named a special counsel last year.
She also said she did not believe politics played a role in the delays and disputes between the agents and the prosecutors.
“Do you recall if anybody said they thought the case had been politicized?” she was asked.
“I don't,” she answered.
“And, if somebody had said that they thought the case had been impacted by any type of political pressures, would you have recalled that?”
“I think so,” she added.
She later added that if she had. been asked during a meeting about politics infecting the probe she would have answered: “I would say from my opinion that it has not been politicized by the investigators.
“I think everybody that was ‑‑ and is working this ongoing matter are doing their jobs and are doing their jobs to the best of their ability. And, if there's any political, you know, or anything being politicized, that is outside of the investigative entities,” she said.
But she added there were in fact problems with communications between prosecutors and agents.
“I believe that includes both U.S. Attorney's Offices and the investigative entities as well,” she explained. “So comprehensive of the whole team I think that there have been communication issues.
While Shapley and the FBI agenr have a difference of opinion on whether politics played a role in the case, the FBI agent saId she had no reason to believe Shapley was lying.
“My experience with Mr. Shapley is very limited. And so, with that limited experience, no, I didn't have any thoughts that he had lied about anything,” she told congressional investigators.
BOOM! Bidens are going down.

Derp, Hunter was living there you dingleberry and we've known for years he was doing business in China.

Is this the gamechanger? Why are you trying so hard to take Biden out when all that will do is bring a younger, more likeable candidate into the mix to give Trump the ass whooping he deserves?

Hunter Biden listed dad Joe's Delaware HOME as the address on $250,000 wire transfer from China, top Republican claims after obtaining bombshell bank records

  • James Comer, the chair of the House Oversight and Accountability committee, has claimed that Hunter Biden gave his father's Delaware address as his own
  • Hunter Biden was living at his father's home for two years following his divorce from first wife Kathleen Buhle in 2017
  • The address was given for $250,000 in wire transfers from Chinese individuals who Hunter was doing business with in 2019
Derp, Hunter was living there you dingleberry and we've known for years he was doing business in China.

Is this the gamechanger? Why are you trying so hard to take Biden out when all that will do is bring a younger, more likeable candidate into the mix to give Trump the ass whooping he deserves?

Hunter Biden listed dad Joe's Delaware HOME as the address on $250,000 wire transfer from China, top Republican claims after obtaining bombshell bank records

  • James Comer, the chair of the House Oversight and Accountability committee, has claimed that Hunter Biden gave his father's Delaware address as his own
  • Hunter Biden was living at his father's home for two years following his divorce from first wife Kathleen Buhle in 2017
  • The address was given for $250,000 in wire transfers from Chinese individuals who Hunter was doing business with in 2019
This is not scrambling for a first strike its continuing to pile drive them with more evidence of treason.
  • Haha
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This is not scrambling for a first strike its continuing to pile drive them with more evidence of treason.
Were these payments from the CCP or from a Chinese business? If the latter, why is it a scandal to receive money from companies he was doing business with? Millions of Americans do business with Chinese companies, including Trump. What makes these transactions a bombshell?