Biden drops out

If you don’t think the interest rates and inflation will be a bigger issue than abortion, I’ll definitely have to disagree.

Anyone concerned about abortion was already voting and voting Democrat. The candidate can’t sway that. A moderate Democrat that is at least fiscally moderate could swing voters that were not going to vote for Biden after his condition was illuminated.
The we fundamentally disagree. All good.
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I’m just curious as to what groups you think will vote Democratic based on abortion now that would not have before the switch?
I'm thinking she will bring back the disaffected Gen Z voters who had soured on Biden. Abortion would have been at the top of their list of issues that had them voting for him (pre-Gaza) but that group will probably come back strong and in greater numbers than ever before.
I'm thinking she will bring back the disaffected Gen Z voters who had soured on Biden. Abortion would have been at the top of their list of issues that had them voting for him (pre-Gaza) but that group will probably come back strong and in greater numbers than ever before.
We will see. Historically their turnout can’t be counted on.

Dems could court more moderates that don’t like trump in my opinion
We will see. Historically their turnout can’t be counted on.

Dems could court more moderates that don’t like trump in my opinion
That's also true and why her VP choice is everything. I saw a poll on X asking Dem voters who they hoped she picked and Mark Kelly was running away with it, Shapiro was second. Either of those two and moderates will feel a lot more comfortable voting for her.
Look at your looney ass using the MSM to make your point 🤣 🤣 🤣

And what's the problem here? You people constantly criticize the left for being too soft on crime and now you're criticizing her for being too hard. Make up your damn mind!
If I didn't use the MSM, you'd would have said muh Twitter. It really doesn't matter what source I use, your entrenched sheep mind can't think outside the pasture you're parked in at the moment.
Trumpers don’t watch cable. The republican old timers watch Fox. Paul Ryan’s of the world..

X is the hangout
This couldn't be further from the truth, man. Fox spews rhetoric 24/7/365 just like the other MSM outlets and the TV ratings prove people soak in fox news like a sponge.

X is a limited resource for research, but it's mostly surface level stuff that is always more nuanced than presented and requires the reader to delve deeper into the topic presented. Sometimes I follow the trail and find the tweet is full of shit and sometimes I find it's partially/actually true.

The onus is on us to challenge any information presented, no matter what team it helps, as to it's validity.
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This couldn't be further from the truth, man. Fox spews rhetoric 24/7/365 just like the other MSM outlets and the TV ratings prove people soak in fox news like a sponge.

X is a limited resource for research, but it's mostly surface level stuff that is always more nuanced than presented and requires the reader to delve deeper into the topic presented. Sometimes I follow the trail and find the tweet is full of shit and sometimes I find it's partially/actually true.

The onus is on us to challenge any information presented, no matter what team it helps, as to it's validity.
Do you ever follow the trail of Fox News and find them to be full of shit? MSNBC?

You have to filter through shit no matter your news source.

X is realtime. A lot of other sources are just repeating what they saw reported on x

I’ll stand corrected if need be. I don’t watch FOX so wouldn’t really know. Hannity lost his luster to me many moons ago. No reason to watch Fox News
You're my favorite sheep.
Your people will be offended by your betrayal
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Do you ever follow the trail of Fox News and find them to be full of shit? MSNBC?

You have to filter through shit no matter your news source.

X is realtime. A lot of other sources are just repeating what they saw reported on x

I’ll stand corrected if need be. I don’t watch FOX so wouldn’t really know. Hannity lost his luster to me many moons ago. No reason to watch Fox News

I find the the two distinct forms of thought fascinating with a sprinkle of the middle of both aisles tossed in.

Yes, I tend towards leaning towards Occam's razor and logic most of the time, which makes me a BOTH SIDES!!! asshole or an alt right loony toon with a hint of a libtard moron.

In real time, you get to see how each side embraces current events and then get to see what baseline narrative is going to be the foundation of each tribe's argument. The saddest part of this whole really is that only a few will truly open up their minds to listening to an argument counter to their entrenched reality.

The media does an amazing job at bolstering those surface level "truths" without ever providing us with any true objectional analysis of a situation without subjective bias poisoning the well of free thought.

X is the closest free speech platform we have at the moment, but don't ever forget it's got gutter guards up for our minds just like any other mass information outlet available.
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Maybe the Trump people won't lean into their overt racism after all. Let's go to Kellyanne Conway for her reaction

This is great example. We take 10-20 second clips as truth without ever actually listening to the entire source material: which in this case, is a fox news propaganda piece designed to entrench one side while causing the other to parse it for a 10-20 second clip that supports their belief(s.)

Get away from this shit and take 10-30 minutes a day to dive just a little deeper.
Are you arguing she speaks well?

It’s like watching nails on a chalkboard. She is god awful and that’s why she was polling at 1% in case you needed a reminder.
Yes, you just posted that a few minutes ago, so no reminder needed. 1%. Got it.

I'm not arguing that she speaks well, or that she doesn't. She obviously speaks well enough to argue cases very convincingly before a court of law, which is far more than your candidate or anyone associated with him can do.

So, good enough for me. And you might try not assuming that everyone hears her voice the way you do. When I hear her talk it makes me want to fvck my ex wife.
Inflation through the roof
Border disaster
High crime especially in Dem run cities

Just those 3 alone should be enough for anybody with half a brain to vote dems out. I guess if murdering babies and sexually mutilating children gets you off then I can see a vote for dems
This is great example. We take 10-20 second clips as truth without ever actually listening to the entire source material: which in this case, is a fox news propaganda piece designed to entrench one side while causing the other to parse it for a 10-20 second clip that supports their belief(s.)

Get away from this shit and take 10-30 minutes a day to dive just a little deeper.
Yeah, I've heard your whole spiel before. I could not possibly care less. Just keep being who you are.
Trump donated to two of Harris’s campaigns back before he turned into a Republican…

Legit questions from republicans on Harris covering up Biden’s condition.

This will be interesting
I'm thinking she will bring back the disaffected Gen Z voters who had soured on Biden. Abortion would have been at the top of their list of issues that had them voting for him (pre-Gaza) but that group will probably come back strong and in greater numbers than ever before.
@dpic73 and @okclem are busily constructing venn diagrams to find the new vote source in honor of kamalatoe.
Another day and more democrat corruption.

America, we have some MAJOR PROBLEMS right now…

I think it’s plainly obvious to see that we IN FACT lived through a COUP today of the @JoeBiden White House.

This should trouble EVERY American, because this is totally UNPRECEDENTED & DANGEROUS.

NEVER before has there been a time where a Sitting President steps down & leaves nothing but a note.

NO address to the nation.

NO Press Release.

NO pre-recorded message.



Right now, we have NO idea who is running our country. That is more par for the course at this point, but still.

There is a 50% chance that Biden isn’t even ALIVE anymore. We haven’t seen the guy publicly in 4 days, not since he got “COVID”.

Now, I’m not saying I wish ill will, or want harm to come to Biden, but the fact that we haven’t heard anything, or seen him is VERY CONCERNING.

I can tell you, there is something quite NEFARIOUS going on that we aren’t seeing. It feels unsettling to say the least.

One more thing…Biden did NOT sign that letter.
China Joe needs to go.

Does anybody really believe that Crooked Joe had Covid? No, he wanted to get out ever since June 27th, the night of The Debate, where he was completely obliterated. That was the big moment in Joe Biden’s demise. That was the point in time when Joe was revealed for what he is, an incompetent man who should never have been President. Joe Biden is not fit to serve - He is destroying our Country!

@realDonaldTrump Donald Trump Truth Social 03:23 PM EST 07/21/24

In Summary:

Biden comes down with covid and is sequestered at his beach home.

No one has seen him for 4 days.Biden's aides write a letter saying he is dropping out of the presidential race.

They don't tell anyone he's dropping out until the minute before the letter is posted on Biden's private Twitter account. The signature is obviously not Joe's.Biden makes no public address.

The White House calendar has no appointments for him for the next 2 days.

Biden's brother expresses concern for Joe's health.

Jill is flying to Paris this week.

Did I miss anything?
Yes, you just posted that a few minutes ago, so no reminder needed. 1%. Got it.

I'm not arguing that she speaks well, or that she doesn't. She obviously speaks well enough to argue cases very convincingly before a court of law, which is far more than your candidate or anyone associated with him can do.

So, good enough for me. And you might try not assuming that everyone hears her voice the way you do. When I hear her talk it makes me want to fvck my ex wife.
That is not “far more” than Trump can do. She argue in front of a court. Trump is the star of prime time tv and is a master debater. I don’t think she can hold Trumps jock when it comes to arguing convincingly. It’s so why she was polling 1% . Because she sucks at being persuasive.

And everyone does hear her voice like I do. Again, that’s why she polled 1%