Biden drops out

Most of us don't dispute the legality, just the morality. Those close to Joe knew he was sick. The lack of transparency, deceit if you will, disenfranchised millions of voters in favor of the elite.

U.S. politicians have a long history of good moral decisions…lol

Look at the last couple of years Storm Thurmond was a SC Senator. He wasn’t making decisions. His staff was doing it all…

Just how politics and power roll. is up to the candidate to decide when they drop out of an election. So, not sure this is cheating. It is more like a prudent step by someone that realizes they can't win. I mean Nicci Haley dropped she cheating? No. She made a prudent decision.

Plus, if you are not worried about Trump losing to Harris, this shouldn't matter.
The win or loss of Biden vs Trump was not a forgone conclusion and why did the dems ask Trump to debate so early which hurt Biden badly?