Alert: The following link comes from a left leaning, no fan of Trump website, Politico:
This article was written before the Inauguration. Let me remind you that Manafort was convicted from a piece of evidence that the press called "a black ledger" that was produced in the Ukraine and handed over to Mueller's prosecutors.
Here is an article from a Ukrainian source about the conviction of the two gentlemen who were working with the DNC to dig up dirt; as referenced in the Politico article. If you read the whole thing, you will notice that there is evidence that Manaforts name being on the Black Ledger is sketchy.
As for your statements regarding Trump people going to jail for lying: Have you never heard of a Perjury Trap? As a matter of fact, Muellers band of Left Winged, Hillary supporting lawyers used it quite frequently. Lt Gen. Flynn is about to have his conviction thrown out of court, and he plead GUILTY! Imagine that! WHat could cause a guy who pleads guilty to have a judge throw his case out. I'll tell what. It's called PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT. Mueller's lead prosecutor, Andrew Weissman has had books written about his prosecutorial misconduct. How he still has a law license, is a mystery. Jeannie Rhee was the chief lawyer for the clinton foundation.
You just watch. Now that John Durham has turned his inquiry into a full blown criminal investigation, the MSM will smear him, Barr, Horowitz, and anyone else involved with getting to truth. The truth is what I've been saying for 2 years. Obama's admin conspired with the Hillary campaign to illegally spy on Trump and other US citizens. They also used foreign intel assets from Britain, Italy, Ukraine, and Australia; to circumvent US law and "set up" Trump associates.