You are trying to frame it wrong. The investigation is of corruption at that highest levels and has nothing to do with a campaign....good try though with left wing talking points. Just because you have heard of Biden only does not at all mean its the only investigation. Pelosi, Kerry, and Romney children have also been pulling money from Ukraine serving on boards.
OH....and please actually answer my question....What business does Biden have messing with a prosecutor in the Ukraine. The US VP doesn't even mess with prosecutors in the US.
Framing it so that Trump actions DON'T appear completely innocent and so that Trump is blameless doesn't make it WRONG. Just like news coverage that doesn't flatter Trump isn't necessarily FAKE NEWS. No matter HOW much Trump and Hannety tells you it does. The fact is that Trump REPEATEDLY has asked multiple foreign governments to get dirt on one of his political opponents. Opposition research is a thing of value. Politicians PAY for that service to be done on their opponents ALL THE TIME. You cannot ask a foreign entity for anything of value related to an election. It's against the law. Period. It doesn't matter if the opponent is a criminal or not. The law makes NO provision for that. You simply can't do it.
AGAIN... I'm not defending Biden or his son. Maybe if you read that sentence out loud a few times you can remember it. Biden could be a criminal or he could be innocent. I have no problem with investigating it. UNDER THE LAW. If Biden broke the law, send him to jail. You won't hear me fussing about it. BUT that has NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING to do with Trump's behavior. The President needs to obey the law, not make excuses by focusing/blaming someone else. Trump is blaming anyone and everyone except himself. Trump should be investigated as well.
As much as I despise Trump, I'm not sure if the above violation of the law (If Trump actually did that) would rise to the level that he should be removed from office. I'd have to think long and hard about it, but with it being an election year, I'd tend toward letting the election take its course.