And I voted for the guy and would again. That doesn’t make me feel any better about how he has acted the last four years
Or good. Or anything.Biden’s probaly not gonna have the Senate. Most Presidents lose seats in the midterm as well. So 2022 not looking good.
He would be the first Democratic President since 1854 to not come in without a Senate majority. Without that, he can’t do much damage.
Impeached One Term President That supports Communists.
Wow - just read your extremely condescending post. I don’t know “amyhop” or even care about what you idiots choose to argue about (you’re supporting crooks on each side of the aisle by the way - you naive fool). But to insult someone by putting down a whole group of professionals cause I guess they’re beneath you ? Wow. You must be some kind of giant dick. Engineer by your handle I guess? I’m impressed. I bet you’re real smart too. In addition to being an internet tough guy. What a dick.
You obviously admit that you don't know her, and I would be willing to bet that you haven't seen the bullcrap that little miss innocent has put on here. So, you probably shouldn't respond without knowing all the facts. And you completely missed the point in my saying that she's a LPN because she's been on here claiming to be a neurologist. I'm not putting down LPN...I'm simply calling a spade, a spade. If someone doesn't know anything about the situation, they'd probably be best served to not jump in it.Wow - just read your extremely condescending post. I don’t know “amyhop” or even care about what you idiots choose to argue about (you’re supporting crooks on each side of the aisle by the way - you naive fool). But to insult someone by putting down a whole group of professionals cause I guess they’re beneath you ? Wow. You must be some kind of giant dick. Engineer by your handle I guess? I’m impressed. I bet you’re real smart too. In addition to being an internet tough guy. What a dick.
When was the election on the verge of being called for Trump? Which network(s) were you watching, OAN? There was never a moment that any legitimate news service or broadcast network was on the verge of calling the race for Trump.That's I've pointed out, when the election was on the verge of being called for Trump Tuesday night, the value of the Chinese yuan (currency) dropped to its lowest level in years...
The yuan recovered Wed morning after news broke that Biden may overtake Trump in several states...
Tells you all you need to know about who the Communists wanted to win ...& there's nothing to dispute that...
And guess'd be listed on the SC LLR license site. Try again!If you are over 60 you could be a nurse anesthetist. Back in the day they took associate degree RNs into nurse anesthesia programs. Which at the time were non degree granting.
You can still be an RN with an associate degree. As in Greenville Tech. In fact, I bet most RNs are still 2 year associate degree grads.
Why has this not been moved yet? The deprogramming after a cult collapses is one of the most difficult phases. Unfortunately the media apparatus on the right has brainwashed their adherents to such agree they are resistant to letting the delusion go. No healing yet.
Why would you write such garbage? Brain cancer? His son died from brain cancer. Would you want anyone to suggest you have brain cancer for making such a comment. No Democrat is going to kill Biden. Grow up, would ya.He won’t last 4 years. Was all a ploy to get that communists in office. The stooge has brain cancer! Maybe @24TIGER can reup to protect him from y’all killing him. I hope he lives 4 years and a day atleast. Praying for him.
Hey I know for a fact you have rioting and looting tips. Please share your best. Also if you have old George Soros cell number it would be awesome. Trying to organize our peaceful protest to the cheating.Why would you write such garbage? Brain cancer? His son died from brain cancer. Would you want anyone to suggest you have brain cancer for making such a comment. No Democrat is going to kill Biden. Grow up, would ya.
Because he's got nothing else to say...nothing intelligent anyway. No a lot goes on in BFE, GA.Why would you write such garbage? Brain cancer? His son died from brain cancer. Would you want anyone to suggest you have brain cancer for making such a comment. No Democrat is going to kill Biden. Grow up, would ya.
Hey look everyone it’s Mr 1.999 GPA! He the dumbest engineering graduate ever from Clemson. They rounded up for him.Because he's got nothing else to say...nothing intelligent anyway. No a lot goes on in BFE, GA.
Impeached One Term President thats a bigotJust China a communist country because the Bidens seem to really like them. Would you consider them a bigger threat than the Russians
Elected a Communist Vice PresidentImpeached One Term President thats a bigot
Switching out Russia for a China? Breitbart told you that. Or was it QAnon?He may be & if he is, I hope you got them lips puckered up cause we gonna be kissing China's ass for quite awhile....
The democracy lives! We didn’t re-elect that loser!Elected a Communist Vice President
Good lord, Trump train member are drinking all the QAnon kool aid!That's I've pointed out, when the election was on the verge of being called for Trump Tuesday night, the value of the Chinese yuan (currency) dropped to its lowest level in years...
The yuan recovered Wed morning after news broke that Biden may overtake Trump in several states...
Tells you all you need to know about who the Communists wanted to win ...& there's nothing to dispute that...
It all makes sense. You’re a QAnon guy!He won’t last 4 years. Was all a ploy to get that communists in office. The stooge has brain cancer! Maybe @24TIGER can reup to protect him from y’all killing him. I hope he lives 4 years and a day atleast. Praying for him.
I see you didn’t deny it. I deny we didn’t re-elect Trump. The election was stolen.The democracy lives! We didn’t re-elect that loser!
You can stand firm and even take up for yourself when necessary without being a total jerk and a narcissistic egomaniac.
Not sure what you mean. I’m on that list as a physician but you can’t find it because we are anonymous on here. Aren’t we?And guess'd be listed on the SC LLR license site. Try again!
Anonymous unless you use your real name as your username. And she has said that she works in SC. And you aren't a practicing neurosurgeon without a current license. Congrats on your retirement.Not sure what you mean. I’m on that list as a physician but you can’t find it because we are anonymous on here. Aren’t we?
But I won’t be on it next year because I retired June 1st. Not every nurse/MD maintains a license. And it may be in another state. I am keeping my NC one.
Significantly more educated and significantly older...Just curious... are you a college educated millennial?
Thanks!Anonymous unless you use your real name as your username. And she has said that she works in SC. And you aren't a practicing neurosurgeon without a current license. Congrats on your retirement.
@CU91ENGR is proof education means nothing. Just as all liberals prove.Significantly more educated and significantly older...
What a pussy!! Dude's head was turned when he got sucker punched...but hey, Biden presidency ya know...
His 2016 campaign brilliantly used the power of social media to win despite his ego. There have been several documentaries on this. Brilliant marketing and advertising that caught the very liberal Social media execs off guard.
The liberal social media world was not going to be fooled twice and 4 years ago laid the groundwork to prevent Trump from using social media in 2020 with the Russian interference hoax.
His campaign should have seen this coming from a mile away but they didn’t.
He needed to adapt and adjust but his ego wouldn’t allow it.
IMO he lost the election with the first debate. The ONE TIME he got to use what he calls the evil media to reach the general population and he came off as a complete ass.
the average joe/Jane expects his/her president to be more presidential. In the first debate he was anything but presidential.
FTR I’m very conservative and vote accordingly.
Not surprised he lost.
I would say they rejected socialism and defunding the police, both of which are distortions of the positions of the vast majority of democrats. It’ll be interesting to see how that plays out over the next 2-4 years in terms of actual policy and marketing.i appreciate you trying to take a reasonable look at this, but you are wrong on both fronts here.
first, nothing stopped the trump campaign from doing the same thing they did in 2016. The innovative work they did in 2016 was to identify pain points and the types of messages that moved people by combining ad testing in facebook with data and information purchased about voters outside of Facebook. Then they ran hundreds of iterations of each until they found the one that worked. nobody had ever been that sophisticated with Facebook targeting before. The problem here, is that they didn't innovate again. Everyone does this now, not just the trump campaign, and dem campaigns had ready access to this same kind of data and testing that allows us to microtarget messages. All the way down to state leg campaigns. Nothing the social media companies did stopped us or the trump campaign from doing it again.
Debates don't win or lose elections. They are a partisan spectacle. They might make one group of voters more excited to vote for a candidate, but unless you absolutely have the worst night of your career, you arent losing based on a debate. I do think trump was bad, but I don't think it was nearly as bad as you are positing. He's never been presidential, the debate didn't change people's minds.
voters rejected the democratic platform across the country last week. But they also rejected donald trump. They had enough, and they didn't trust him to handle the pandemic. Its as simple as that. To be frank, without the pandemic, trump likely wins in a landslide.
Hey jackass I know her, she has been more successful in business than our new President elect, unless you count take millions from from foreign governments. Damn your comments are a disgrace to Clemson and the college of engr.You obviously admit that you don't know her, and I would be willing to bet that you haven't seen the bullcrap that little miss innocent has put on here. So, you probably shouldn't respond without knowing all the facts. And you completely missed the point in my saying that she's a LPN because she's been on here claiming to be a neurologist. I'm not putting down LPN...I'm simply calling a spade, a spade. If someone doesn't know anything about the situation, they'd probably be best served to not jump in it.
Stolen???? Nah. Our democracy works. Disgraced one term President knew the majority of this great nation was smart enough to see his failure of a presidency and peddled a false conspiracy to people like you since he knew you would believe him.I see you didn’t deny it. I deny we didn’t re-elect Trump. The election was stolen.
You mean my comments pointing out that she's lying about her profession? I understand that Trump made lying cool, but in my profession people lose their license and get sued over lying about being something they're not. Pretty sure Clemson and the engineering dept. is proud of what my degree has led to. You may not agree, but they sure do ask for my opinion enough.Hey jackass I know her, she has been more successful in business than our new President elect, unless you count take millions from from foreign governments. Damn your comments are a disgrace to Clemson and the college of engr.
Oh ok, so everyone can count votes in a timely manner except the dumbass Democrats. Got itStolen???? Nah. Our democracy works. Disgraced one term President knew the majority of this great nation was smart enough to see his failure of a presidency and peddled a false conspiracy to people like you since he knew you would believe him.
You’re on the wrong side of history! We’ve spoken and bigotry is not welcome in the USA
Trump was voted out because he’s a bigot that told a white supremacist group to stand by, locked kids in cages, and let temper tantrums get in the way of competent leadership.i appreciate you trying to take a reasonable look at this, but you are wrong on both fronts here.
first, nothing stopped the trump campaign from doing the same thing they did in 2016. The innovative work they did in 2016 was to identify pain points and the types of messages that moved people by combining ad testing in facebook with data and information purchased about voters outside of Facebook. Then they ran hundreds of iterations of each until they found the one that worked. nobody had ever been that sophisticated with Facebook targeting before. The problem here, is that they didn't innovate again. Everyone does this now, not just the trump campaign, and dem campaigns had ready access to this same kind of data and testing that allows us to microtarget messages. All the way down to state leg campaigns. Nothing the social media companies did stopped us or the trump campaign from doing it again.
Debates don't win or lose elections. They are a partisan spectacle. They might make one group of voters more excited to vote for a candidate, but unless you absolutely have the worst night of your career, you arent losing based on a debate. I do think trump was bad, but I don't think it was nearly as bad as you are positing. He's never been presidential, the debate didn't change people's minds.
voters rejected the democratic platform across the country last week. But they also rejected donald trump. They had enough, and they didn't trust him to handle the pandemic. Its as simple as that. To be frank, without the pandemic, trump likely wins in a landslide.
Not her biggest fan, but she doesn’t pretend to be a medical professional. She jokes about it. Not surprising that you don’t see that.A disgrace is someone who comes on here and pretends to be some medical professional that they're not.
Georgia and Arizona are republican states. Pennsylvania was republican in 2016.Oh ok, so everyone can count votes in a timely manner except the dumbass Democrats. Got it
Significantly more educated and significantly older...
we need a 10000 like button---one like is not enoughI consider myself a staunch conservative. The guy who thinks he had the election stolen from him has himself to blame, which he will never, ever, ever do. You can stand firm and even take up for yourself when necessary without being a total jerk and a narcissistic egomaniac. He never really took the time to talk about any specific things he had done as POTUS because he was too busy applauding himself or speaking in generalities about how great everything he touched was. Yes I know this doesnt really fit ITT but wanted to get that off my chest.