CFP tweet

The sound of brakes, and laying rubber in reverse.
Not really sure what that means, but no way in hell 6 weeks ago I believed/thought nearly 30,000 people in the United States would be dead from COVID-19. And we all know that number reported is likely lower than the actual number. You made a sweeping statement about expectations and I merely commented on my own. But you keep doing you @Cocks are Number 1.
Not really sure what that means, but no way in hell 6 weeks ago I believed/thought nearly 30,000 people in the United States would be dead from COVID-19. And we all know that number reported is likely lower than the actual number. You made a sweeping statement about expectations and I merely commented on my own. But you keep doing you @Cocks are Number 1.

You may not have been one the extreme voices before, and if not, I apologize.
I’m not biased, they did great for my small business, but no leadership on testing/treatment, calling it a hoax, getting rid of the pandemic organization, etc. has let this go on longer than it would’ve with better leadership. It is what it is.

i didn’t know a manual existed on dissolving a worldwide pandemic. Please share with the rest of us.
Grow up dude.

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28,000 Covid-related deaths (some really questionable in regards to Covid) vs the 2.2 million that was originally predicted...

I’d say the Administration has handled this thing remarkably well.

See this is where the dumb ass in you shines through.

Herp derp only 28k (its 30k btw) deaths.

Why is that ok? General incompetence led to those deaths. There was no reason why that many people should have died.

28,000 Covid-related deaths (some really questionable in regards to Covid) vs the 2.2 million that was originally predicted...

I’d say the Administration has handled this thing remarkably well.

That was predicted AFTER he had already botched it. You realize NONE of these shut downs, etc. should be happening right now?
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See this is where the dumb ass in you shines through.

Herp derp only 28k (its 30k btw) deaths.

Why is that ok? General incompetence led to those deaths. There was no reason why that many people should have died.
Here we go...

Should 50, 60k die of the flu each year? Thousands from pneumonia??

Maybe, just was their time?!

I know, I know...such a horrible thing to say, blah, blah, blah...

The harsh truth is that PEOPLE DIE...usually from something...sickness, disease, virus, whatever...I don’t know why people act so shocked by that?! Without Covid, this country averages over 7-8k deaths per day...I guess that’s the President’s fault too? Smh
I’m not biased, they did great for my small business, but no leadership on testing/treatment, calling it a hoax, getting rid of the pandemic organization, etc. has let this go on longer than it would’ve with better leadership. It is what it is.

FYI, "getting rid of the pandemic organization" is not the cut and dried fact that you may think it is.
I swear some of you would defend him if he took a shit in your mouth.

I listed several ways he already botched this including getting rid of the very people who would’ve been qualified to advise on this.
People would also find a way to blame trump. If he cured cancer people would bitch that he didn’t do it earlier
People would also find a way to blame trump. If he cured cancer people would bitch that he didn’t do it earlier

He should take part of the blame because he’s the president. He has helped my pockets and appears to be good with money issues, but he botched this.
we are going to have college football in the fall. At worst it’ll be delayed a month bc i don’t see summer session happening, and the added month will give coaches etc more time for a true “training camp”. That said , we are going to have it. Mark it down
So, should we have shut down the country with the first case? The first death? Tell us genius...

It’s not just the idea of shutting things down. It’s about planning ahead, ramping up the ability to test and perform contact tracing, increasing supplies of masks, PPE, and ventilators.

Testing and contact tracing were a huge deal in South Korea and helped flatten their curve much quicker than just about anyone else.

We know now that there were intelligence reports as early as November laying out serious potential consequences from COVID, yet we say little planning to address potential needs in supplies. Perhaps if we had down more preparing with testing and tracing we wouldn’t have had the massive and extended shutdown that we have had and will continue to have.
It’s not just the idea of shutting things down. It’s about planning ahead, ramping up the ability to test and perform contact tracing, increasing supplies of masks, PPE, and ventilators.

Testing and contact tracing were a huge deal in South Korea and helped flatten their curve much quicker than just about anyone else.

We know now that there were intelligence reports as early as November laying out serious potential consequences from COVID, yet we say little planning to address potential needs in supplies. Perhaps if we had down more preparing with testing and tracing we wouldn’t have had the massive and extended shutdown that we have had and will continue to have.

Republicans blocked funding in 2014 which would've had us better prepared.

Dealing with a global pandemic was literally the hypothetical scenario chosen for the big handoff from the Obama administration to the Trump administration in 2017.

Yet, here we are. Unprepared and flying by the seats of our pants, shut in our homes with the economy withering. It didn't need to go like this and there are a number of countries worldwide to point at as great examples of how to handle this. That should've and could've been us. But, being prepared doesn't help the bottomline in a tangible way, so we don't do it. Brilliant.
It’s not just the idea of shutting things down. It’s about planning ahead, ramping up the ability to test and perform contact tracing, increasing supplies of masks, PPE, and ventilators.

Testing and contact tracing were a huge deal in South Korea and helped flatten their curve much quicker than just about anyone else.

We know now that there were intelligence reports as early as November laying out serious potential consequences from COVID, yet we say little planning to address potential needs in supplies. Perhaps if we had down more preparing with testing and tracing we wouldn’t have had the massive and extended shutdown that we have had and will continue to have.
South Korea has 15% of the population of the US, is smaller than the state of Florida, an isolated peninsula who’s influx of people is by sea or air and thus easily controlled. But go on with your “apples to kiwi-fruit” comparison.
South Korea has 15% of the population of the US, is smaller than the state of Florida, an isolated peninsula who’s influx of people is by sea or air and thus easily controlled. But go on with your “apples to kiwi-fruit” comparison.

For starters, Florida has approximately 21 million residents. South Korea sits at about 51 million. You're 15% number is correct, however. So while South Korea may be physically smaller than Florida, this only adds the the problem of population density. Florida has nowhere near the population density of South Korea.

South Korea is actually comparable to California in total population, though the population density of California's cities isn't comparable to the major cities in Korea (like Seoul) are. As a whole, SK has about 500 people per square mile, while California is around 250.

South Korea is 23rd in the world in population density. Comparing it just to New York, NYC has a population density of about 26k people per square mile. Seoul (Korea) has about 42k people per square mile. Yet despite that, the city of New York has more cases and more deaths than the entire country of Korea, and certainly more than the populous city of Seoul.

I understand the idea of being an "isolated peninsula" (though Seoul is a major hub and one of the busiest airports in the world), and I understand that the total number of cases they experience is limited because their population is more limited than the US.

So here are some more apples to apples type of caparisons:

The US state of California, which is similar in population but only half the population density has double the total cases that South Korea had.

New York City, which is comparable to Seoul, Korea in population but has only half the population density has about 11 times (!) the number of cases.

I'm not a democrat, nor have I ever voted for one. But I can look at things objectively and see that this administration's unwillingness to plan for this in the face of data that suggested it could become a major issue is why we are having a more prolonged shut down and why the economy will suffer more than it had too.
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I read a lot of threads on TI that strike me like the Hatfield/McCoy feud.
This is one such thread.
How so, spskillz?

We weren’t prepared although previous presidents had set up plan. He got rid of their precautions and then still didn’t prepare once he knew of the potential problem last year.
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There are numerous school that play football games every fall before the schools students show up to start classes. Never heard of that being a problem before. By all means if the collective doesn’t want to play games due to health concerns, that is one thing, but i am not sure why other students not being on campus should matter one way or the other.
Mike Pence is a fantastic Vice President.

Great to hear.
Has shown leadership skills above all others in this crisis. Many politicians, D and R, have looked liked clowns with no idea of the damage their stupidity is doing to this country. Too many playing politics with a situation that could leave our economy in ruins, not to mention loss of life. Finally, the media has such incredibly strong agendas, just let me hear the medical doctors and VP Pence.
There are numerous school that play football games every fall before the schools students show up to start classes. Never heard of that being a problem before. By all means if the collective doesn’t want to play games due to health concerns, that is one thing, but i am not sure why other students not being on campus should matter one way or the other.
If there is 1 thing I am 100% sure of is that if classes do not start on campus this fall, there will not be CFB this fall. There is no chance any Conf commissioner, President, or AD will have student athletes return to campus just so they can have a football season when the rest of the student population is not allowed to. They know that at that point they will have absolutely no ground to stand on to call them “student” athletes, and the next step will be the professionalization of CFB.

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