Clarence Thomas needs to go

The bottom line is that anyone who is charged with a crime - guilty or not - will have rights taken away if the crime is severe enough before they even go to trial.

You don’t seem to understand that and are incapable of reasoning why someone would lose their right to carry a gun before going to trial.
Haha hey it's just a very complicated issue...for Clarence Thomas...and for Willence...for some reason.
The bottom line is that anyone who is charged with a crime - guilty or not - will have rights taken away if the crime is severe enough before they even go to trial.

You don’t seem to understand that and are incapable of reasoning why someone would lose their right to carry a gun before going to trial.

OK. I agree with your first sentence. I said that originally too. Never once did I say it shouldn't be that way. Again, perhaps you would be better off educating yourself on what is said before opining just for the sake of creating discussion about which you seem woefully ill-equipped to have. One more time so that hopefully even you can understand.

This case was about someone having a restraining order again them (no criminal charges) and losing their 2nd Amendment rights. I am against that and I think Justice Thomas was right in his dissent about the matter. If someone is charged with a crime and arrested, then that is an entirely different matter. It's simple as that.

Innocent until proven guilty... I'm sure I read that somewhere. I seem to remember that being one of the fundamental precepts of our justice system. And as such, I'm sure that idea matters a little.
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OK. I agree with your first sentence. I said that originally too. Never once did I say it shouldn't be that way. Again, perhaps you would be better off educating yourself on what is said before opining just for the sake of creating discussion about which you seem woefully ill-equipped to have. One more time so that hopefully even you can understand.

This case was about someone having a restraining order again them (no criminal charges) and losing their 2nd Amendment rights. I am against that and I think Justice Thomas was right in his dissent about the matter. If someone is charged with a crime and arrested, then that is an entirely different matter. It's simple as that.

Innocent until proven guilty... I'm sure I read that somewhere. I seem to remember that being one of the fundamental precepts of our justice system. And as such, I'm sure that idea matters a little.
Jesus Christ dude. You are all over the place and are incapable of applying logic. Then you try to lecture me. You are delusional.

“until guilt is established, a person shouldn't have their 2nd amendment right taken from them.”

Jesus Christ dude. You are all over the place and are incapable of applying logic. Then you try to lecture me. You are delusional.

“until guilt is established, a person shouldn't have their 2nd amendment right taken from them.”


And you left what I said below out...quite intentionally I would imagine because you're just not an honest broker at all. It's what I have said since the start on this. It's so hard to have good faith discussions with people anymore. What is the benefit to you of willfully distorting and misrepresenting what someone says because you don't like it?

The idea of a restraining order is that that keeps the two parties apart. Going the additional mile of disarming the person is taking things to a larger degree than is necessary. Isn't that what litigation is for to establish guilt or innocence in a case where abuse is charged?
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OK. I agree with your first sentence. I said that originally too. Never once did I say it shouldn't be that way. Again, perhaps you would be better off educating yourself on what is said before opining just for the sake of creating discussion about which you seem woefully ill-equipped to have. One more time so that hopefully even you can understand.

This case was about someone having a restraining order again them (no criminal charges) and losing their 2nd Amendment rights. I am against that and I think Justice Thomas was right in his dissent about the matter. If someone is charged with a crime and arrested, then that is an entirely different matter. It's simple as that.

Innocent until proven guilty... I'm sure I read that somewhere. I seem to remember that being one of the fundamental precepts of our justice system. And as such, I'm sure that idea matters a little.
Never, ever, ever agree with these COMMUNIST. You do know that's who you're dealing with, right?

They are the same ones that tell you "ole Joe" is doing fine and don't worry about the fact he can't walk up stairs.
Never, ever, ever agree with these COMMUNIST. You do know that's who you're dealing with, right?

They are the same ones that tell you "ole Joe" is doing fine and don't worry about the fact he can't walk up stairs.
Could you even define communist? Or is it just your word, used incorrectly, for anything or anyone that differs from your mental fantasies?
As mentioned in another thread, it's funny how Barrett and Kavanaugh have actually been much more moderate than the hard-line MAGAs thought. They at least seem to be using legal judgement and not straight party line idiology like Alito and Thomas.

Despite the absolute ree’ing from the left with these two, Trump nominated two very qualified and capable Supreme Court justices.
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Despite the absolute ree’ing from the left with these two, Trump nominated two very qualified and capable Supreme Court justices.
Some portion of Barrett was due to McConnell’s high level of hypocrisy/double talk where it didn’t matter at all who was nominated, but agree with you.

Thought West Wing handled court nominations well back in the day if anyone remembers that.
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Could you even define communist? Or is it just your word, used incorrectly, for anything or anyone that differs from your mental fantasies?
They throw a hissy fit when you call them a nazi even though they've been calling liberals & democrats "baby eating pedophiles" going on 4 years now.

Magas are the most fragile snowflakes.
Absolutely not. Near zero time for that.
Between all your contributions to the betterment of society AND posting here 24/7, your time is just too valuable to educate yourself on matters as trivial as which Supreme Court Justice nominees might rip up the constitution.
State and local officials are not subject to federal law in that area. They are subject to state laws. How is that so complicated?
State and local officials are not subject to federal law in that area. They are subject to state laws. How is that so complicated?
Because not every state/local municipality considers gratuities as bribes, when they clearly are. A federally recognized rule to combat corruption seems like something everyone would support.
Because not every state/local municipality considers gratuities as bribes, when they clearly are. A federally recognized rule to combat corruption seems like something everyone would support.

That's up to the state/local municipality and more specifically, to the people that live there. It isn't the federal government's place to come in and fix these things. It's very hard because our technological society is built on central systems that manage processes and tasks. However, our nation was created in just the opposite manner and that is how it works best. Centralization has proven disastrous throughout history. It's not a realistic option in a nation with such variety of people, places, economies, etc. That's the absolute worst way to do things and we keep on trying to do that. I don't understand why it's not apparent that states and localities should do the job of governing their areas and the Feds should do as little as possible. So much better that way.
That's up to the state/local municipality and more specifically, to the people that live there. It isn't the federal government's place to come in and fix these things. It's very hard because our technological society is built on central systems that manage processes and tasks. However, our nation was created in just the opposite manner and that is how it works best. Centralization has proven disastrous throughout history. It's not a realistic option in a nation with such variety of people, places, economies, etc. That's the absolute worst way to do things and we keep on trying to do that. I don't understand why it's not apparent that states and localities should do the job of governing their areas and the Feds should do as little as possible. So much better that way.
Thinks the civil war wasn't about slavery.
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Thinks the civil war wasn't about slavery.

I do? I know it was about slavery. There was more to it but at the end of the day, any state's rights were a desire to have slaves to protect the economy and wealth of people in the South. There's much more we could discuss about that but I doubt it's worth the effort. Because...

I guess this is just you. You can't make real arguments because you don't have the knowledge. So instead, you turn to insults and making patently false statements to degrade others. Says a lot about who you are which I am truly sorry for you.
That's up to the state/local municipality and more specifically, to the people that live there. It isn't the federal government's place to come in and fix these things. It's very hard because our technological society is built on central systems that manage processes and tasks. However, our nation was created in just the opposite manner and that is how it works best. Centralization has proven disastrous throughout history. It's not a realistic option in a nation with such variety of people, places, economies, etc. That's the absolute worst way to do things and we keep on trying to do that. I don't understand why it's not apparent that states and localities should do the job of governing their areas and the Feds should do as little as possible. So much better that way.
The whole lawsuit came about because the mayor was steering contracts to a single hauling company and received donations because of it. It is absolutely the federal government’s job to set precedent when local governments are corrupt.

I do? I know it was about slavery. There was more to it but at the end of the day, any state's rights were a desire to have slaves to protect the economy and wealth of people in the South. There's much more we could discuss about that but I doubt it's worth the effort. Because...

I guess this is just you. You can't make real arguments because you don't have the knowledge. So instead, you turn to insults and making patently false statements to degrade others. Says a lot about who you are which I am truly sorry for you.
I appreciate your pity, and if you could pray for me as well that would be nice.
The whole lawsuit came about because the mayor was steering contracts to a single hauling company and received donations because of it. It is absolutely the federal government’s job to set precedent when local governments are corrupt.

American government at all levels is officially for sale. Corruption is ultimately what brings down every empire.
The whole lawsuit came about because the mayor was steering contracts to a single hauling company and received donations because of it. It is absolutely the federal government’s job to set precedent when local governments are corrupt.

It's a matter of opinion. The state government can handle this just fine. It's also to voters job to stop electing idiots. AOC and Lauren Boebert were re-nominated for the House of Representatives last night. Talk about corrupt people? If people are going to be that dumb, it's on them. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Pray harder for people starving and dying of childhood disease. God must be on a lunch break.

God doesn't promise us a life where we don't suffer unfortunately. It is a fallen world. John 16:33 makes it very clear. "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

I know you reject God and I am sorry you feel that way. Perhaps more understanding would help you with things. You are errant in a lot of the things you say. Just like @okclem.
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It's a matter of opinion. The state government can handle this just fine. It's also to voters job to stop electing idiots. AOC and Lauren Boebert were re-nominated for the House of Representatives last night. Talk about corrupt people? If people are going to be that dumb, it's on them. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
The bolded isn't very Christian of you. What do the people who didn't vote this person into office that are now dealing with a corrupt Mayor have to do? What about the people who did vote for this individual that didn't know he was going to be corrupt? This is the role of the Federal Government. They're supposed to step in when there's corruption at the local/state level and enforce the laws of this country.
The bolded isn't very Christian of you. What do the people who didn't vote this person into office that are now dealing with a corrupt Mayor have to do? What about the people who did vote for this individual that didn't know he was going to be corrupt? This is the role of the Federal Government. They're supposed to step in when there's corruption at the local/state level and enforce the laws of this country.

What isn't Christian about saying if people do dumb things, we'll get dumb results?

And again, we disagree. Government is corrupt. That is part of its nature. State laws can cover things fine. One thing this country definitely doesn't need is more government and certainly not more of the federal government.
What isn't Christian about saying if people do dumb things, we'll get dumb results?

And again, we disagree. Government is corrupt. That is part of its nature. State laws can cover things fine. One thing this country definitely doesn't need is more government and certainly not more of the federal government.
Ignoring the whole JC preaching about empathy thing, I’d say telling people who didn’t even vote for that person “tough shit” doesn’t come across as kosher to me.

Edit: I forgot paragraph 2. The whole point of this lawsuit was to establish federal rules for gifts to politicians - the one thing your “corruption” issues would address. Just because you have a hardon for shitting on the federal govt doesn’t mean in a situation like this it wouldn’t make the most sense.
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Ignoring the whole JC preaching about empathy thing, I’d say telling people who didn’t even vote for that person “tough shit” doesn’t come across as kosher to me.

Edit: I forgot paragraph 2. The whole point of this lawsuit was to establish federal rules for gifts to politicians - the one thing your “corruption” issues would address. Just because you have a hardon for shitting on the federal govt doesn’t mean in a situation like this it wouldn’t make the most sense.

Empathy is a word that didn't exist then. Jesus preached love and service and most of all, obedience to God's word. Even in forgiveness He said go and sin no more.

I am fine with establishing rules for Federal officials and not just the elected ones. But not for the Feds doing anything to control local laws and regulations. That's blatantly unconstitutional.
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Empathy is a word that didn't exist then. Jesus preached love and service and most of all, obedience to God's word. Even in forgiveness He said go and sin no more.

I am fine with establishing rules for Federal officials and not just the elected ones. But not for the Feds doing anything to control local laws and regulations. That's blatantly unconstitutional.
Ehhhh, empathy and compassion are synonymous and compassion is mentioned plenty throughout the bible.

I wish I had your myopic beliefs towards the federal gov't - it would probably make things easier for me. Sadly, that's just not in the cards for me.
Ehhhh, empathy and compassion are synonymous and compassion is mentioned plenty throughout the bible.

I wish I had your myopic beliefs towards the federal gov't - it would probably make things easier for me. Sadly, that's just not in the cards for me.

Sorry bud, but I am not at all short sighted about government. It's the folks who look situation my situation I want the government to fix things they don't think a right but have the myopic view. The long game on all these things is exactly why I am so reticent to ever involve the federal government in something unless it is absolutely necessary. The messes that we have made are because we have a group of people in this country who seem to want to involve the federal government in everything. That will ultimately lead to our ruin.

It's very important to be compassionate toward others. I am every single day toward every person I meet. But at a certain point, people also have to be responsible for the choices they make. I haven't seen too many posts from you over the last few years concerned about the fact that almost half the people in this country haven't been represented in the actions of this administration. Pretty sure that kind of a post doesn't exist.
Sorry bud, but I am not at all short sighted about government. It's the folks who look situation my situation I want the government to fix things they don't think a right but have the myopic view. The long game on all these things is exactly why I am so reticent to ever involve the federal government in something unless it is absolutely necessary. The messes that we have made are because we have a group of people in this country who seem to want to involve the federal government in everything. That will ultimately lead to our ruin.

It's very important to be compassionate toward others. I am every single day toward every person I meet. But at a certain point, people also have to be responsible for the choices they make. I haven't seen too many posts from you over the last few years concerned about the fact that almost half the people in this country haven't been represented in the actions of this administration. Pretty sure that kind of a post doesn't exist.
probably because what you are saying makes zero sense. It’s astounding how you have zero ability to apply logic to situations.
Sorry bud, but I am not at all short sighted about government. It's the folks who look situation my situation I want the government to fix things they don't think a right but have the myopic view. The long game on all these things is exactly why I am so reticent to ever involve the federal government in something unless it is absolutely necessary. The messes that we have made are because we have a group of people in this country who seem to want to involve the federal government in everything. That will ultimately lead to our ruin.

It's very important to be compassionate toward others. I am every single day toward every person I meet. But at a certain point, people also have to be responsible for the choices they make. I haven't seen too many posts from you over the last few years concerned about the fact that almost half the people in this country haven't been represented in the actions of this administration. Pretty sure that kind of a post doesn't exist.
Federal govt applying federal mandates about corruption to local/state govt officials is not some gross overreach of power. You have a myopic view about the federal govt bc you don’t seem to ever recognize any benefits it provides.

lol I make posts almost daily wrt all the draconian laws being passed in conservative states. I don’t make any posts whining about democratic policies bc they’re not trying to take away anyone’s freedoms bc of their interpretation of a 2000 year old book. Also, comparing people in a city not being able to do anything about their corrupt mayor to MAGAs across the US upset about Biden forgiving student loan are hardly comparable. Unless, of course, you view any of the things this administration has done as equivalent to open bribery schemes.

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