I am a conservative, @CoffeeIsForClosers. I feel very strongly about all this, but it is from my perspective. It certainly isn't the only perspective. I am not someone who believes my opinion should be gospel for all. It's just my view and if it makes someone think about things, great.
When you consider the fact conservatives have almost no power whatsoever anywhere, it's hard to see how they are forcing anything on anyone. I am of the mind that we're a vast nation of very different people with different priorities, beliefs and dreams. So my view is the best way to hold that together is to let people be people and have a much less muscular government so we can allow for our differences to not be so crippling. Live and let live as they say. I have no desire to force anyone to believe what I do about things. But I also want to be left alone to go my own way and raise my kids the way I think is best. All of this is within reason of course.
There is nothing about the modern left that wants to allow people to live how they want to. They want control and power. When I was a kid, the moral conservatives sought theocratical power to force people to live by their moral principles. It was wrong then and it's wrong now what people are doing on the left. Things are cyclical and we need to recognize when things go off the rails.
I cannot wrap around my mind that these two candidates were the best options the greatest country on Earth had to offer to lead us into the future. I can't even...
This is the most "lost" politically that I have been my entire life.
I absolutely loathe the concept of entitlement, the idea that the government should control how we live, or that socialism is the way to go. I spent some time in Europe and witnessed the demotivating effects of the entitlement policies. I saw sympathy strikes. I once saw the unemployed go on strike because they wanted a Christmas bonus. Blew my mind! How does an unemployed person go on strike you might ask? They occupied unemployment offices to prevent other people legitimately looking for jobs from getting them. They felt it was unfair they weren't getting a Christmas bonus. I saw people criticize the government because they hadn't purchased and distributed enough free solar sunglasses for the population to enjoy watching an upcoming solar eclipse. Some dumbass stared at the sun and blinded himself and people blamed the government for that... I'm telling you, once you expect the government to "provide", there is no motivation to start a business, work hard. It's a bottomless pit of expectations (I'm owed this and that). It's a form of cancer for society.
So, for the longest time I would have absolutely loved to consider myself a Republican. But what does it mean these days to be a Republican? Fiscal responsibility? Out the window. Patriotism? Replaced by partisanship. Used to be you were an American first and then a Republican. But now it's party over country as demonstrated by the constant demonization of the other side and the extent people will go to believe some of the B.S. regarding election fraud, etc. Principles and values? When you elect a president like Trump that brags about grabbing women by the pu$$y, had multiple wives and divorces, flip-flopped on abortion, is egocentric, surrounded by the Giuliani's of the world that are caught lying to the authorities, lives in a world of alternate facts, flirts with the alt-right, and dumbifies all issues to remove nuance and discussion, I have no interest in being associated with that. Yikes... Global leadership? Gone. More friendliness toward Putin and the North Korea MOFO than our long-standing allies.
How did we get into a situation where our choices are AOC and Lauren Boebert? Please tell me these people aren't representative of all of us. I'm truly worried about the future of this country and how it will impact my children
IMHO, a meritocratic system is the best way to get people to do the right thing. You want individuals to be motivated to be self sufficient and contributing members to society. But I do have concerns in how society works this days. The chair of the federal reserve said in 2019 that the greatest challenge and headwind for the U.S. over the next 10 years is income inequality. Why is it that a hard working American working full time on minimum wage can't afford the rent of a two-bedroom apartment in any county anywhere in the country? If you lower the cost to a single-bedroom apartment, only 7% of the counties in the U.S. become affordable. Gutting the middle class and removing the incentive for people at the bottom of the food chain to work hard and be successful is not a sustainable model for any society. I know the numbers need some nuance because of pass-through entities, but the contributions of corporations to the total federal taxes collected went from 33% in 1952 to 10% in 2013. So, we're just passing the buck to individuals and since that is not enough because we continue spending like crazy, we dip into more more national debt and dependency on countries like China.... Some of these issues are tearing at the fabric of our society and how we deal with them will change the future of this country.
The solution invented by the Millennials, gen Z, etc.? Socialism and letting the government handle everything. SMH.
But frankly, what have the counterproposals from the right been? I get people have been vocal in terms of pushback against government control. But the focus has been more on fear mongering regarding immigrants or demonization of the left. Not a lot of productive thinking that I can see. Lot of attacks though.
How about we "tweak" what's not working. There are some real areas of challenges that we need to address and I would be more comfortable if it was someone pragmatic handling those, not people that care more about ensuring people's pronouns are respected. It's not an attack on people that want their pronouns respected. But when you have a society that is being torn up, some of the priorities need to shift to what's truly important (and not cancel culture B.S.).
So, I ask, where do you fit when you hate the Woke policies but still want to make some tweaks to the system to make it more fair because you want all Americans to have a shot at the American dream? I'm lost...