Who cares. Nike makes better athletic wear than any other company. It’s just like the people who say they won’t eat at Chick Fil A because of what they believe/support. You’re only cheating yourself.
This is when you exercise your economic vote and refuse to buy their product. I think this move will hurt them. Believe in something.... even if offends Kapernick.
I am sick of Nike, and their support of the anti american Colin Kaepernick. Please Clemson cut ties with Nike as soon as possible, and find another sponsor.
I personally will not buy anything Nike again, I'm done...
So, you support our players on Saturday who believe there's a systemic injustice going on in the country and hate Kaepernick because he also believes there's a systemic injustice occuring and peacefully protests it?
Got it.
Buddy it’s not a hard concept. Police brutality is a problem. It’s an even bigger problem for the African-American demographic. Colin Kaepernick decides to peacefully protest by taking a knee during the national anthem to say “I can’t just blindly worship a country that continues to take no action when numerous unarmed African-Americans are killed by law enforcement year after year.”In short, I don't think/know a liberal such as yourself would understand.
So, you support our players on Saturday who believe there's a systemic injustice going on in the country and hate Kaepernick because he also believes there's a systemic injustice occuring and peacefully protests it?
He’s protesting the flag of the country that enables him to be a spoiled POS...
Cmon man, no matter which side of the aisle you’re on, you know that sometimes it’s just wrong...
Got it.
Came here to say something, but this one does it for me. Well-said.Hard to imagine getting rustled by something so irrelevant. I'm glad I have Nike stock and I'm also happy that Clemson is partnered with Nike. Best is the standard.
Do I agree with Nike's every move? No. Am I losing sleep over it? Hell no. Begging Clemson to cut ties with Nike over this is hilarious.
I think we're (Clemson) of our 'apparel' making much of a difference, Sir.Not really. Nike stock has continued to go no where but up. If millions really cared they would punish Nike, but they dont.
I disagree with Kapernick. I think he’s a pvssy and if I was in charge I would’ve never settled with him on that bullshit collusion lawsuit. That being said, Nike is BY FAR the best and most popular apparel company. Nike might not pay the most, but Clemson benefits greatly from being associated with them, and I want what’s best for Clemson. The last thing we need is opposing staffs using the fact that we are with UA against us on the recruiting trail.....which they would definitely do.
Nike is king, and that’s not changing anytime soon. Sometimes you have to separate your political beliefs from things.
Dammit!!!!!!!!And that is fine man. Nobody cares that you do not care that I won't buy Nike.
Have you ever taken the time to actually research the numbers of all of this police brutality on unarmed black men or have you watched a few cellphone videos on Facebook of people trying to get their “gotcha” moment??Buddy it’s not a hard concept. Police brutality is a problem. It’s an even bigger problem for the African-American demographic. Colin Kaepernick decides to peacefully protest by taking a knee during the national anthem to say “I can’t just blindly worship a country that continues to take no action when numerous unarmed African-Americans are killed by law enforcement year after year.”
You don’t like that because you think not blindly following the customs of the anthem means someone hates America. You think Colin Kaepernick is a POS because he took a peaceful and effective method to protest a blatant and continuous injustice in our country. He even consulted with veterans before doing so. To act like he has been reckless or inconsiderate in any way shape or form is simply ignorant.
So you can continue to think you’re some red-blooded, freedom-loving, picture perfect American and hate Kaepernick and anyone else who doesn’t like police killing unarmed black men. But the reality is YOU are the POS. YOU are the ignorant SOB who any decent person can’t stand when it comes to conversation about this topic. If you hate the guy who protests police brutality, I am forced to assume that you support police brutality.
Since that seems to be the case, I think I speak for most of the decent human beings on this forum when I say that YOU should boycott being a Clemson fan. You are an embarrassment to the fan base.
Lmfao. You’re one of the biggest leftist snowflakes on the WZSo many snowflakes ITT lolololololololololololol
I care. My Uncle was drafted into Vietnam. I am all about doing as you please in this country. I will not buy any Nike product again. Nike has a right as do I
Have you ever taken the time to actually research the numbers of all of this police brutality on unarmed black men or have you watched a few cellphone videos on Facebook of people trying to get their “gotcha” moment??
My guess is the latter...
When you consider the millions of interactions police officers have with public on a daily basis, you’d find that the numbers are miniscule...but that doesn’t fit your narrative either...
Hey, I hear ya man...& no, I don’t know what it’s like to be black man so I can’t totally relate...& I’m sorry you’ve had rough interactions with officers...I really am!At what number should we care? I don't want there to be one honestly. That one could be me. Problem is this isn't the same for you. You aren't afraid daily. I admit I'm assuming. I'm assuming because if you were afraid daily you wouldn't poo poo these numbers. I've never been armed but I've been pulled over an unbelievable amount of times with unbelievable explanations with unbelievable anger by officers. I'm terrified during those interactions because one false move will result in a death. Mine.
Doesn't have to be that way. I have not contributed to any of those interactions negatively, not one time. On a couple of occasions I believe my life was saved by another officer intervening. One day that officer won't be there and I'm dead and many of you will try and tell others that one thing I did wrong to get myself killed. Sorry but I don't want to die.
The vast majority of these interactions begin and end well. I have no doubt in my mind that this is true. But that makes me wonder why if the alternate is true why is it so hard to prosecute the bad ones in the minority that do bad things? I mean the standard that the majority has set by not killing unarmed black men should make us go harder after the ones giving the profession a bad name. But we strangely do the opposite. Justify this criminal behavior in the spirit of protecting the good ones? Makes no sense. Again, a completely innocent person like myself who has always operated with total respect of law enforcement should not be nearly as afraid as I am when I interact with them. I'm the guy who does exactly what the officer said when he says it AND I'm innocent and still get treated like crap. It gets old and I hate having to sacrifice my dignity as a man just to stay alive. Regularly. But I'll continue to bow down like I'm less than because I do want to stay alive and be there for my children. But it damn sure isn't right that any human being has to do that.
TLDRI say again, these ignorant SOB's want to disassemble this country and remake it in (for) their image. Full of K(r)aepernick and his group want to rip out the founding fathers of our nation because in their view it was a bunch of racists who founded this country, so that makes this county an illegitimate racist country/government.
Yes slavery was bad for any country on this planet. The principles of slavery in this nation were started by England, and helped along by France, Spain, and Portugal. And yes, the West African nations were selling captured peoples and selling them to the Europeans for profit. Not many want to acknowledge this. Yes we should have ended it when we became independent from England and we did not. There were several at the beginning who did want to end slavery, but they ended up backing away in compromise.
Here is where I will be a bit controversial, and I am not a racist. I am speaking strictly as an historian and genealogist. The institution of slavery is morally and biblically bad. It was an inhumane ideology, plain and simple. I (or no one) can come to this forum and effectively argue otherwise. But from the standpoint of a genealogist who traces generations, many African-American's would not be enjoying the benefits of the greatest nation on earth had their ancestors not endured the inhumane hardships of slavery. It is their ancestors who had to endure and struggle through this, seeing their children taken from them and sold to others, and working very hard and difficult tasks so that another could profit.
Again, I am in NO way minimizing the the struggles that those slaves and families had to endure. It was a horrible thing to have to endure physically and emotionally. What I am saying as a genealogist is, rather that bashing this nation and its founding, many should be appreciative for what their ancestors had to sacrifice so that they could be where they are today. Even today many African nations are dealing with famine, disease, civil wars, and despots killing (slaughtering) thousands of their own people.
I am not African-American, but as a genealogist, and seeing the slave records, seeing newspaper articles from the 1850/s and 1860's advertising the selling of slaves and the reward/bounty for the capture of runaway slaves, I appreciate what they had to endure, maybe even more than some who should.
Historically this premise is backed up. That is the premise I mentioned in which the slaves and what they had to endure paved the way for a better life today here in this country. Again I acknowledge that even after the Civil War African-American's were treated horribly and discriminated against. And women were to some degree too, not being allowed to vote, etc. But here we have at the very precipice of finally getting racial relationships better, we get these left-wing radical socialists setting this narrative that this nation and government should not be because of the sins of the past. I wonder how many of those you can look into the sins of their past and use the same principle(s)? So now in the minds of many they are going back themselves to the time of slavery and the time of post Civil War former slaves to tell the populace today that they are still enslaved and in chains? Thus erasing almost all of the gains that were made by the blood, sweat, and tears of many.
I hope that the African-American's can see that these socialists do not have their best interests in mind, but are using them and their heritage in order to dismantle this nation and everything that they and their ancestors have achieved. It is these socialist/fascists that are standing by waiting with the chains...
I say, "God bless America." And I am NOT sorry if that offends you!
Hey, I hear ya man...& no, I don’t know what it’s like to be black man so I can’t totally relate...& I’m sorry you’ve had rough interactions with officers...I really am!
On the flip side, I’ve had encounters with cops that weren’t the most pleasant...no, I’ve never been arrested for anything but I’ve came across a few that seemed to be on a bit of power trip no matter how nice I was trying to be...& it would aggravate me to a point so I kinda know where you’re coming from...
But then I put myself in their shoes...imagine dealing with the public on a daily basis, most of which who are assholes, pissed at you, bad mouthing you, cursing you...yet you’re always supposed to be in a great mood? I understand they are trained but they are people too. Compound that with the fact that they never fully know what the civilian’s intentions are when dealing with them. What are they reaching for? Are they gonna pull a gun? Why are they not cooperating? Etc. Remember, they wanna go home to their families too & sometimes it’s shoot first if you wanna survive. It’s easy to sit back & watch these Facebook videos & pass judgment of y’all what they “should have done” without the entire context of the situation. Sure, some look bad & if an officer handles a situation in a negligent manner, of course, he should be prosecuted. However, most of these videos you see are cut & made viral by liberal news outlets b/c, whether you want to admit it or not, there is a narrative out there the left wants to push. They want you to believe the police is after black people. They want to divide us as much as possible on issues such as these b/c there is old saying progressives live by & it goes by this....divide & conquer.
Hey, I hear ya man...& no, I don’t know what it’s like to be black man so I can’t totally relate...& I’m sorry you’ve had rough interactions with officers...I really am!
On the flip side, I’ve had encounters with cops that weren’t the most pleasant...no, I’ve never been arrested for anything but I’ve came across a few that seemed to be on a bit of power trip no matter how nice I was trying to be...& it would aggravate me to a point so I kinda know where you’re coming from...
But then I put myself in their shoes...imagine dealing with the public on a daily basis, most of which who are assholes, pissed at you, bad mouthing you, cursing you...yet you’re always supposed to be in a great mood? I understand they are trained but they are people too. Compound that with the fact that they never fully know what the civilian’s intentions are when dealing with them. What are they reaching for? Are they gonna pull a gun? Why are they not cooperating? Etc. Remember, they wanna go home to their families too & sometimes it’s shoot first if you wanna survive. It’s easy to sit back & watch these Facebook videos & pass judgment of y’all what they “should have done” without the entire context of the situation. Sure, some look bad & if an officer handles a situation in a negligent manner, of course, he should be prosecuted. However, most of these videos you see are cut & made viral by liberal news outlets b/c, whether you want to admit it or not, there is a narrative out there the left wants to push. They want you to believe the police is after black people. They want to divide us as much as possible on issues such as these b/c there is old saying progressives live by & it goes by this....divide & conquer.
I say again, these ignorant SOB's want to disassemble this country and remake it in (for) their image. Full of K(r)aepernick and his group want to rip out the founding fathers of our nation because in their view it was a bunch of racists who founded this country, so that makes this county an illegitimate racist country/government.
Yes slavery was bad for any country on this planet. The principles of slavery in this nation were started by England, and helped along by France, Spain, and Portugal. And yes, the West African nations were selling captured peoples and selling them to the Europeans for profit. Not many want to acknowledge this. Yes we should have ended it when we became independent from England and we did not. There were several at the beginning who did want to end slavery, but they ended up backing away in compromise.
Here is where I will be a bit controversial, and I am not a racist. I am speaking strictly as an historian and genealogist. The institution of slavery is morally and biblically bad. It was an inhumane ideology, plain and simple. I (or no one) can come to this forum and effectively argue otherwise. But from the standpoint of a genealogist who traces generations, many African-American's would not be enjoying the benefits of the greatest nation on earth had their ancestors not endured the inhumane hardships of slavery. It is their ancestors who had to endure and struggle through this, seeing their children taken from them and sold to others, and working very hard and difficult tasks so that another could profit.
Again, I am in NO way minimizing the the struggles that those slaves and families had to endure. It was a horrible thing to have to endure physically and emotionally. What I am saying as a genealogist is, rather that bashing this nation and its founding, many should be appreciative for what their ancestors had to sacrifice so that they could be where they are today. Even today many African nations are dealing with famine, disease, civil wars, and despots killing (slaughtering) thousands of their own people.
I am not African-American, but as a genealogist, and seeing the slave records, seeing newspaper articles from the 1850/s and 1860's advertising the selling of slaves and the reward/bounty for the capture of runaway slaves, I appreciate what they had to endure, maybe even more than some who should.
Historically this premise is backed up. That is the premise I mentioned in which the slaves and what they had to endure paved the way for a better life today here in this country. Again I acknowledge that even after the Civil War African-American's were treated horribly and discriminated against. And women were to some degree too, not being allowed to vote, etc. But here we have at the very precipice of finally getting racial relationships better, we get these left-wing radical socialists setting this narrative that this nation and government should not be because of the sins of the past. I wonder how many of those you can look into the sins of their past and use the same principle(s)? So now in the minds of many they are going back themselves to the time of slavery and the time of post Civil War former slaves to tell the populace today that they are still enslaved and in chains? Thus erasing almost all of the gains that were made by the blood, sweat, and tears of many.
I hope that the African-American's can see that these socialists do not have their best interests in mind, but are using them and their heritage in order to dismantle this nation and everything that they and their ancestors have achieved. It is these socialist/fascists that are standing by waiting with the chains...
I say, "God bless America." And I am NOT sorry if that offends you!
treetiger and 8 paragraphs? Not reading this shit.I say again, these ignorant SOB's want to disassemble this country and remake it in (for) their image. Full of K(r)aepernick and his group want to rip out the founding fathers of our nation because in their view it was a bunch of racists who founded this country, so that makes this county an illegitimate racist country/government.
Yes slavery was bad for any country on this planet. The principles of slavery in this nation were started by England, and helped along by France, Spain, and Portugal. And yes, the West African nations were selling captured peoples and selling them to the Europeans for profit. Not many want to acknowledge this. Yes we should have ended it when we became independent from England and we did not. There were several at the beginning who did want to end slavery, but they ended up backing away in compromise.
Here is where I will be a bit controversial, and I am not a racist. I am speaking strictly as an historian and genealogist. The institution of slavery is morally and biblically bad. It was an inhumane ideology, plain and simple. I (or no one) can come to this forum and effectively argue otherwise. But from the standpoint of a genealogist who traces generations, many African-American's would not be enjoying the benefits of the greatest nation on earth had their ancestors not endured the inhumane hardships of slavery. It is their ancestors who had to endure and struggle through this, seeing their children taken from them and sold to others, and working very hard and difficult tasks so that another could profit.
Again, I am in NO way minimizing the the struggles that those slaves and families had to endure. It was a horrible thing to have to endure physically and emotionally. What I am saying as a genealogist is, rather that bashing this nation and its founding, many should be appreciative for what their ancestors had to sacrifice so that they could be where they are today. Even today many African nations are dealing with famine, disease, civil wars, and despots killing (slaughtering) thousands of their own people.
I am not African-American, but as a genealogist, and seeing the slave records, seeing newspaper articles from the 1850/s and 1860's advertising the selling of slaves and the reward/bounty for the capture of runaway slaves, I appreciate what they had to endure, maybe even more than some who should.
Historically this premise is backed up. That is the premise I mentioned in which the slaves and what they had to endure paved the way for a better life today here in this country. Again I acknowledge that even after the Civil War African-American's were treated horribly and discriminated against. And women were to some degree too, not being allowed to vote, etc. But here we have at the very precipice of finally getting racial relationships better, we get these left-wing radical socialists setting this narrative that this nation and government should not be because of the sins of the past. I wonder how many of those you can look into the sins of their past and use the same principle(s)? So now in the minds of many they are going back themselves to the time of slavery and the time of post Civil War former slaves to tell the populace today that they are still enslaved and in chains? Thus erasing almost all of the gains that were made by the blood, sweat, and tears of many.
I hope that the African-American's can see that these socialists do not have their best interests in mind, but are using them and their heritage in order to dismantle this nation and everything that they and their ancestors have achieved. It is these socialist/fascists that are standing by waiting with the chains...
I say, "God bless America." And I am NOT sorry if that offends you!
What shoes will they wear to Outback at 4:30 on Friday now?I’m sure Nike will be just fine without amynhop and G-man buying their Air Monarchs.
Speak for yourself! I care!!!
Most Sensitive Fanbase in America