I say again, these ignorant SOB's want to disassemble this country and remake it in (for) their image. Full of K(r)aepernick and his group want to rip out the founding fathers of our nation because in their view it was a bunch of racists who founded this country, so that makes this county an illegitimate racist country/government.
Yes slavery was bad for any country on this planet. The principles of slavery in this nation were started by England, and helped along by France, Spain, and Portugal. And yes, the West African nations were selling captured peoples and selling them to the Europeans for profit. Not many want to acknowledge this. Yes we should have ended it when we became independent from England and we did not. There were several at the beginning who did want to end slavery, but they ended up backing away in compromise.
Here is where I will be a bit controversial, and I am not a racist. I am speaking strictly as an historian and genealogist. The institution of slavery is morally and biblically bad. It was an inhumane ideology, plain and simple. I (or no one) can come to this forum and effectively argue otherwise. But from the standpoint of a genealogist who traces generations, many African-American's would not be enjoying the benefits of the greatest nation on earth had their ancestors not endured the inhumane hardships of slavery. It is their ancestors who had to endure and struggle through this, seeing their children taken from them and sold to others, and working very hard and difficult tasks so that another could profit.
Again, I am in NO way minimizing the the struggles that those slaves and families had to endure. It was a horrible thing to have to endure physically and emotionally. What I am saying as a genealogist is, rather that bashing this nation and its founding, many should be appreciative for what their ancestors had to sacrifice so that they could be where they are today. Even today many African nations are dealing with famine, disease, civil wars, and despots killing (slaughtering) thousands of their own people.
I am not African-American, but as a genealogist, and seeing the slave records, seeing newspaper articles from the 1850/s and 1860's advertising the selling of slaves and the reward/bounty for the capture of runaway slaves, I appreciate what they had to endure, maybe even more than some who should.
Historically this premise is backed up. That is the premise I mentioned in which the slaves and what they had to endure paved the way for a better life today here in this country. Again I acknowledge that even after the Civil War African-American's were treated horribly and discriminated against. And women were to some degree too, not being allowed to vote, etc. But here we have at the very precipice of finally getting racial relationships better, we get these left-wing radical socialists setting this narrative that this nation and government should not be because of the sins of the past. I wonder how many of those you can look into the sins of their past and use the same principle(s)? So now in the minds of many they are going back themselves to the time of slavery and the time of post Civil War former slaves to tell the populace today that they are still enslaved and in chains? Thus erasing almost all of the gains that were made by the blood, sweat, and tears of many.
I hope that the African-American's can see that these socialists do not have their best interests in mind, but are using them and their heritage in order to dismantle this nation and everything that they and their ancestors have achieved. It is these socialist/fascists that are standing by waiting with the chains...
I say, "God bless America." And I am NOT sorry if that offends you!