Clemson professor gets deported

I see the snowflakes are still going at it in the thread. It truly is unreal that we have a perfect case study of what happens with unmitigated Muslim immigration in Europe, and we still have people who let there feelings override their brains.
How do you even attempt to equate the two? Our situation is different and the world isn't black and white. Americans would be stupid to not learn from France's problems but that doesn't mean we should shut the borders to entire nations (but not PAKISTAN!?) . You are pissed about the situation and not thinking logically. This EO hurts our relations and doesn't protect us.
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Europe was very welcoming and atheist and liberal, the terrorist animals, considered them gullible chumps and have turned family festivals in Europe into blood baths. We've had a few taste of the same, the Boston Marathon etc etc.

The marathon bomber wasn't even from one of those countries listed. This ban solves nothing. Your chances of getting struck by lightning are immensely higher than being killed by a terrorist from one of those countries.

Saudi was responsible for 9/11 and they're not even on the list. As are the other Muslim countries Trump conveniently has business relationships with and left off the list.
How do you even attempt to equate the two? Our situation is different and the world isn't black and white. Americans would be stupid to not learn from France's problems but that doesn't mean we should shut the borders to entire nations (but not PAKISTAN!?) . You are pissed about the situation and not thinking logically. This EO hurts our relations and doesn't protect us.

I'm sorry, but you are severely wrong and misguided. I am sure Europe thought years ago that allowing Muslims into their country would be just fine, just like you and a lot of other leftist are saying now. They refuse to assimilate, commit crimes at higher levels, and the majority end up on the government teet causing increases in taxes and health insurance for everyone else.

You and many others are making this about terrorism without the foresight to recognize that not allowing a bunch of uneducated, third world poors into our country to leech off the government, commit crime, and form their own little societies in effect does make the rest of us safer, terrorism aside. I agree with you though, it should have been all Muslim nations in order to be completely effective.
Don't know about the house, but this is the professor and her dog.


I'd hit it!
"No one warned me when I was leaving, no one cared what will happen to my dog or my job or my life there," she said. "No one told me what I should do with my car that is still parked at the airport parking. Or what to do with my house and all my belongings. They didn't say it with words but with their actions, that my life doesn't matter. Everything I worked for all these years doesn't matter."

I say tough shit! She should blame all this on the terrorists in her home country.

Snowflakes lack common sense.
I am all for more effective vetting. Just seems like this was done without much thought. Is a predominately Republican congress not going to have any say in any decisions of the Trump administration? Just curious.
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Because for me it is not a National Security issue. It is about preservation of our culture as we know it. Europe has been completely changed by Muslim immigration, that's indisputable fact. Not only did they bring them in in massive numbers, but they also didn't have the foresight to know that these immigrants were going to average just under 8 kids while their citizens were averaging around 2. In every single country, crime has gone up massively along with the immigration, and it's not a coincidence. National Security is way behind preservation of our culture for me, and I applaud Trump for not allowing the PC snowflakes to allow us to become Europe.

Unbelievable post. Reprehensible post. Back in the day you would have said the same thing about Catholics from Italy, Ireland or Poland. The Amish. The Mormons.

Our nation is a better place because immigrants came to the United States. We are richer for the diversity of the cultures and religions these people brought.

Do you fly the Nazi flag at your homes?
Unbelievable post. Reprehensible post. Back in the day you would have said the same thing about Catholics from Italy, Ireland or Poland. The Amish. The Mormons.

Our nation is a better place because immigrants came to the United States. We are richer for the diversity of the cultures and religions these people brought.

Do you fly the Nazi flag at your homes?

If it was up to you we would probably have open borders and allow just about anyone in.
I say tough shit! She should blame all this on the terrorists in her home country.

You should be embarrassed. I'm embarrassed you're even associated with my Alma-Mater. Betcha if DW4 was from Iran and you needed him to score TDs for the football team your ass would be crying for him to get back here so he could play. All about that #Clemsonfamily until a person is of no benefit to you, your likes, or your beliefs. Xenophobia is not a good look.
Unbelievable post. Reprehensible post. Back in the day you would have said the same thing about Catholics from Italy, Ireland or Poland. The Amish. The Mormons.

Our nation is a better place because immigrants came to the United States. We are richer for the diversity of the cultures and religions these people brought.

Do you fly the Nazi flag at your homes?
Really? Nope wrong. Go look back in the day in New York where most of the immigrants came into back then. You had Italian neighborhoods, Irish neighborhoods, Polish neighborhoods but they all assimilated into being Americans with "their" own heritage and traditions. They wanted to be Americans first not Italian Americans or Irish Americans or so forth. First and foremost they wanted to be Americans with a better opportunity than they had at home. That's not what these people today do. They do not assimilate and want to keep their own culture and want us to change to suit them but they don't want to accept our culture. Wrong!!! If they don't want to accept ours here then don't come here!!!
Unbelievable post. Reprehensible post. Back in the day you would have said the same thing about Catholics from Italy, Ireland or Poland. The Amish. The Mormons.

Our nation is a better place because immigrants came to the United States. We are richer for the diversity of the cultures and religions these people brought.

Do you fly the Nazi flag at your homes?
If you only knew who you were talking to. What a bitch post.
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Betcha if DW4 was from Iran and you needed him to score TDs for the football team your ass would be crying for him to get back here so he could play.
False. He would have already led ISIS to victory in the Middle East. The administration wouldn't be worried because their experts assure them that he has problems with the accuracy of his bombs.
Unbelievable post. Reprehensible post. Back in the day you would have said the same thing about Catholics from Italy, Ireland or Poland. The Amish. The Mormons.

Our nation is a better place because immigrants came to the United States. We are richer for the diversity of the cultures and religions these people brought.

Do you fly the Nazi flag at your homes?
So says the guy that believes most southerners are racist, poorly educated, and need to be told by "enlightened" persons such as himself what to do, how to think, and how to run their own state colleges.

Also said Clemson would likely never catch up to South Carolina's athletics because they were bigger and had more money to spend.
Sweet gentle Jesus this story is a microcosm of one of the major things wrong with our country. Any idiot with an Internet connection is a journalist. Now we can have a discussion about the EO in question but let's get a few facts out on the table in regards to this "news".
1. This woman was not deported. And as some one posted earlier in this thread she wasn't "effectively" deported. She left the country of her on volition and was denied reentry. This is in no way shape or form deportation.

2. She is not a Clemson professor. She was a TA while completing her PHD at Clemson. Additionally she is not currently employeed by Clemson. Per her own public information she is a data analyst for a small startup. She has no more or less affiliation with Clemson than any other alumnus. I have a theory why the Clemson connection was used but that is another discussion.

3. No one knows what the status of her visa or what particular visa she was using to be legally in the USA.

4. If her visa was expired, that alone even without the EO, is enough to deny someone entry.

5. The EO is TEMPORARY. If people would stop getting their news from baseless sources in Twitter and actually read the EO you would know this.

Now we can go on to debate the pros and cons of the EO but this thread title is a lie as well as the cited source (a tweet from some twit). If we can't start with the same set of facts then the discussion is pointless.
In the last 12 hours I've been sent two links on this specific story to provide donations to crowd funding pages to pay to "take care of this girls dog" and to pay legal/other expenses while she's in "exile". I really hope this is not the case but something about THIS specific story just does not seem right. I have no doubt that this person exists and went to Clemson. However again something just doesn't seem right based on the story/evidence available. After seeing sham charities set up for 9/11 victims I'm firmly convinced that people are capable of ANYTHING. There also are numerous other situations all over the net on this general situation and looking for financial support. Would amount to an epic troll if even some are not true.

None of the above is a comment on the general climate of this overall story but this specific story just doesn't seem to add up. Hope I am wrong.
Facts from her FB and LinkedIn to clear up some 'fake news' :

She got an MS in Industrial Engineering at Northern Illinois U and then a PHD in Philosophy at Clemson, graduated last Aug. The 2 degrees is why she's been in the US for 7 yrs.

Since she graduated she lists her job as a data modeler for a small industrial sensor / software company. She's not a professor, but was a TA as a student.

According to her colleague on FB, she does not have a green card, she's on a temporary student visa only so her permanent residence is still outside US, presumably Tehran. From this I assume she's on a standard F1 student visa which allows 12 months max after graduation. It's likely she is working to have an employer sponsor a working visa or green card.

Masters and PhD shouldn't take 7 years though. Great job investigating regardless. Much more than we've gotten from media sources.

Sweet gentle Jesus this story is a microcosm of one of the major things wrong with our country. Any idiot with an Internet connection is a journalist. Now we can have a discussion about the EO in question but let's get a few facts out on the table in regards to this "news".
1. This woman was not deported. And as some one posted earlier in this thread she wasn't "effectively" deported. She left the country of her on volition and was denied reentry. This is in no way shape or form deportation.

2. She is not a Clemson professor. She was a TA while completing her PHD at Clemson. Additionally she is not currently employeed by Clemson. Per her own public information she is a data analyst for a small startup. She has no more or less affiliation with Clemson than any other alumnus. I have a theory why the Clemson connection was used but that is another discussion.

3. No one knows what the status of her visa or what particular visa she was using to be legally in the USA.

4. If her visa was expired, that alone even without the EO, is enough to deny someone entry.

5. The EO is TEMPORARY. If people would stop getting their news from baseless sources in Twitter and actually read the EO you would know this.

Now we can go on to debate the pros and cons of the EO but this thread title is a lie as well as the cited source (a tweet from some twit). If we can't start with the same set of facts then the discussion is pointless.

To add on to your list if I may,
6. The 7 countries listed on this temporary ban were signed off on by President Obama in a 2015 law NOT chosen by Trump. They were chosen due to the lack of documentation and/or untrustworthy nature of documentation procedures in those countries.

7. Presidents Obama, Bush and Clinton all banned citizens from select countries from entering the US during limited periods of their terms.
Masters and PhD shouldn't take 7 years though. Great job investigating regardless. Much more than we've gotten from media sources.

To add on to your list if I may,
6. The 7 countries listed on this temporary ban were signed off on by President Obama in a 2015 law NOT chosen by Trump. They were chosen due to the lack of documentation and/or untrustworthy nature of documentation procedures in those countries.

7. Presidents Obama, Bush and Clinton all banned citizens from select countries from entering the US during limited periods of their terms.

Stop with all these facts! Killing the agendas
So says the guy that believes most southerners are racist, poorly educated, and need to be told by "enlightened" persons such as himself what to do, how to think, and how to run their own state colleges.

Also said Clemson would likely never catch up to South Carolina's athletics because they were bigger and had more money to spend.

So which part of today's posting do you take issue with?

I doubt she was deported as a resident alien from Iran. She likely just couldn't re-enter the country. I'm generally in support of Trump's executive order, but stuff like this is why they should go back and make sure they aren't applying it against people with green cards. I'm not sure that was the intent of the executive order, just from the language.

Here's a different, more sober perspective:
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The guy brings it on himself. He's a brash misogynistic egomaniac. They don't have to dig. It's all front and center.

And before you shout libtard, I vote on the right and am registered that way.
Agreed that Trump has a deficient character and never should've gotten close to elected office, but much of what's been reported about his policies is either wrong, highly exaggerated, or simply tainted by left wing bias. On this particular EO, I would strongly disagree with it if it turns out that it's supposed to effect people with green cards. But if it doesn't, then I don't think it's as terrible as people are trying to make it out to be. Please see my above post with some clarifications and context fir the EO.
Sorry, bad joke?

Glad u did not lose your job! You never know, things are gonna get very very crazy over the next cpl months I am afraid.


Not to mention about half of the adult population is packing heat in the Red States at least.
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Unbelievable post. Reprehensible post. Back in the day you would have said the same thing about Catholics from Italy, Ireland or Poland. The Amish. The Mormons.

Our nation is a better place because immigrants came to the United States. We are richer for the diversity of the cultures and religions these people brought.

Do you fly the Nazi flag at your homes?

@Frog209 Appreciate everything you've done. This guy has no idea
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Bringing up a nazi flag to someone you disagree with for starters.

The person I disagreed with shared a vision of a "European America." Unsullied by Muslims with many children who would corrupt the culture of the US. That sounds rather familiar, doesn't it? Wasn't that what the Nazis wanted for Germany? A pure race?
The person I disagreed with shared a vision of a "European America." Unsullied by Muslims with many children who would corrupt the culture of the US. That sounds rather familiar, doesn't it? Wasn't that what the Nazis wanted for Germany? A pure race?
You should stop posting while you're behind bc the guy you're calling a nazi sympathizer has done more for this country in your pathetic existence than you could ever imagine. There are sheep (you obviously), wolves (very bad people) and the sheepdogs (that protect you from these very bad people). Guess which one he is...
You should stop posting while you're behind bc the guy you're calling a nazi sympathizer has done more for this country in your pathetic existence than you could ever imagine. There are sheep (you obviously), wolves (very bad people) and the sheepdogs (that protect you from these very bad people). Guess which one he is...

I doubt that liberal fairy, @kgwillison, even cares.
There is an excellent first person account from this lady on gofundme titled 'Let Naz In'. I'm not linking it but for those curious (or who want to speak intelligently on this topic) I highly recommend reading it.
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