Clemson professor gets deported

People will find one error in the story and will then invalidate the entire thing. That's where we are these days.
No kidding. She's here on an F1 instead of an H1. Still a very thorough vetting process for a person of her nationality.
People will find one error in the story and will then invalidate the entire thing. That's where we are these days.

Looks to be WAY more than one error. So it's either true and the original text was presented extremely poorly, her Facebook was hacked, or it's a YUGE troll! Either way she ain't got too much in the way of common sense to be flying off to Tehran given the current climate.
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Just saw a report that a federal judge has granted a stay for citizens that already in those 7 countries to allow them to return. Not sure how it would affect the professor since it seems to only apply to citizens.
Nice I like it CU1! Even that Clemson cop that got shot in the leg, in 1999 I think, by that chick who he was letting play with his gun in TTT (or maybe TD's) would have solved this brain busting case wide open!
I was working at the hospital when they brought that dude in.
I am con
Wait...I thought the 2.5 million deportations made Obama and Trump the same--you conservatives need to get your stories straight.

How is this anything but a disastrous foreign policy move if it doesn't deal with countries that have actually sent terrorists to American soil like S. Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, and UAE.

Trump didn't even consult with Homeland Security before implementing the policy and messing with the rights of American citizens.

How does this have anything to do with right of American citizens?????
IMO this ban is doing its job if that is the case. Many of these immigrants leave, go train for ISIS and come back to the US and kill people. If we lose a few good people in the process I'm OK with that.
You people are fvcking crazy. Do you even understand the meaning of the word "many"? THERE IS NO SECURITY RISK FOR THIS GIRL OR ANYONE ELSE WHO WAS DENIED ENTRY TODAY.

Job applications of the future should require candidates to state whether they voted for Trump.
You people are fvcking crazy. Do you even understand the meaning of the word "many"? THERE IS NO SECURITY RISK FOR THIS GIRL OR ANYONE ELSE WHO WAS DENIED ENTRY TODAY.

Job applications of the future should require candidates to state whether they voted for Trump.

I agree because more than likely they will actually work instead of protest....
Did you even bother to read my post? "Race" was not the correct word, but my point was that Trump has precedent in his favor for what he is doing.

Precedent from the 1900s? Are you ****ing kidding me? Gravity is real and world is not flat...
The worst thing about all of this is I lost my job today because of this bullshit.

Mexico told me I could no longer pick avacado's legally. I guess I'm going to jump back over the fence to help you guys out.
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We will mostly lose good people. We may keep out a handful of terrorists. We will create many more terrorists in the process.

If you're here as a professor, you likely come on an H1-B visa. After five years on that you can apply for permanent residence (colloquially known as a green card). Five years after that you can apply for citizenship. This order applies to any non-citizen including permanent residents. So she could have a green card and still be affected by this. From this it does not sound as if she is eligible to apply for citizenship yet. Obviously I don't know this person's immigration history.

Let's see how good your writing would be if you were posting on Facebook from an airport after being informed you were going to be unable to return to your home, work, and life for an indefinite period of time. And there are no more details - she is Irananian and a non-citizen, therefore according to the President's EO of Friday she is banned from entering the country. What other details would you like?

Why am I not shocked that this well thought out and excellent response to these posts received no likes? Great post.

The moral decency in our country has decayed so far beyond belief it's sickening.
So nice to have a President focus on what's best for our country and not what's best for every other country. Every day is like Christmas, last 8 years were like Ramadan.
How much winning can I take in 1 week, just amazing!

Is this what you call "winning"?

From CBS News: (via Twitter)
"Just to be clear: Iraqi refugee held in cuffs for 17 hours at JFK before being allowed in was an interpreter for US troops during the war."

I hope those of you going to church tomorrow will hear sermons against this outrageous executive order. Thank God so many Americans are willing to stand up against the president.
Oh shut up. There was a drafted executive order that had all of that on Friday. I hadn't seen that yesterday he now says he will defer to Mattis, the day before he wants to waterboard and throughout the campaign he was fine with torture. It is tough to keep up with a President who is flailing around like a dead trout.

But the reason why I brought it up still holds. Yes neocons with the patriot act, war on Iraq, torturing 'terrorists, guantanamo bay--you are going to put the origins of that on Obama? Now that is rich. I'm not defending Obama, like I said he was stupid.

Wow you really suck at this.. badly.. He has been consistent the entire time. He said he believes torture works. He said he spoke with someone this week high up on the food chain who said torture without a doubt works, but he has also said all week that he would defer to the people he appointed to do the job. Good God no matter what he does he never has a chance with some people.
Is this what you call "winning"?

From CBS News: (via Twitter)
"Just to be clear: Iraqi refugee held in cuffs for 17 hours at JFK before being allowed in was an interpreter for US troops during the war."

I hope those of you going to church tomorrow will hear sermons against this outrageous executive order. Thank God so many Americans are willing to stand up against the president.
The liberals have lost most of their power, because of their bullshit, at the state and federal level. About to lose the Supreme Court as well. The American voter has put the Democrat party in jail. Obama lost more Senate and House seats than any President ever. So the American people are not behind you. Get your shit together Lib's or you'll be out of power for a generation.
Is this what you call "winning"?

From CBS News: (via Twitter)
"Just to be clear: Iraqi refugee held in cuffs for 17 hours at JFK before being allowed in was an interpreter for US troops during the war."

I hope those of you going to church tomorrow will hear sermons against this outrageous executive order. Thank God so many Americans are willing to stand up against the president.

My church would not speak against it because they are for it without a doubt. They want to keep Americans safe FIRST and foremost. I have no problem with it.
The liberals have lost most of their power, because of their bullshit, at the state and federal level. About to lose the Supreme Court as well. The American voter has put the Democrat party in jail. Obama lost more Senate and House seats than any President ever. So the American people are not behind you. Get your shit together Lib's or you'll be out of power for a generation.

agreed. All the libs do not realize that most Americans just DO NOT agree with them. No matter how loud they are.
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Jesus phucking Christ you snowflakes need to just STFU and stop whining for awhile. I still can't believe we are having this conversation after witnessing what Muslims are doing to Europe. Newsbreak for you liberals, if I have to read a few stories like this one I don't give a shit, because not allowing the U.S. To become a Muslim enclave like Europe is becoming matters much more to me than your precious little feelings, so go KYS pleas, and do us all a favor

wish I could like over and over
Two things. For years I've been told that under president Obama the borders went unprotected and everyone got in but now I just heard in this thread he deported more on his time than the history of the world combined.

Also, weren't the guys who bombed and killed folks at the Boston Marathon Russian? Serious question.

Finally, do we all realize how many Muslims from those 7 places reside in the US and how long they have been here? A lot! Seems we've had more domestic terror incidents than those from folks representing those 7 places. Going from memory tho.

I probably need more info tho.

true.. we should just let anyone from those countries come in anytime they want. Since they have such a great track record as you say surely nothing would happen if we just let them come and go as they please.
Now you need to do some research.

It was 2.5 million the vast majority were priority one defined as "threats to national security, border security, and public safety." That includes gang members, convicted felons or charged with "aggravated felony" and anyone apprehended at the border trying to enter the country illegally.

Priority two ""aliens convicted of three or more misdemeanor offenses, other than minor traffic" violations, as well as those convicted of domestic violence, sexual abuse, burglary, DUIs or drug trafficking."

In 2015, 81% were priority one. I'm failing to see why any conservative would have a problem with obama over this.

But my point that you missed is that this obama policy has nothing to do with Syrian children and refugees.

yes over and over with the "women and children" bullshit sob story.

wow you are going to love the next 8 years!! gonna be awesome. I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries. I was never a big fan but he isn't a politician and is getting shit done in week one. I am becoming a fan.

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