Clemson professor gets deported

Jesus phucking Christ you snowflakes need to just STFU and stop whining for awhile. I still can't believe we are having this conversation after witnessing what Muslims are doing to Europe. Newsbreak for you liberals, if I have to read a few stories like this one I don't give a shit, because not allowing the U.S. To become a Muslim enclave like Europe is becoming matters much more to me than your precious little feelings, so go KYS pleas, and do us all a favor
Hmmm.... still a lot of questions to be asked. In 7 years, has she tried to become an American Citizen or did she want to stay an Iranian citizen. What does her visa allow her to do? If school has started back, why is she going back to Iran? I think there may be more to the story but I don't trust TSA or immigration to do anything right. They haven't done their job well for the last 8 years so what would change in 8 days.

This particular specific story is total BULL$SHIT through and through. So many holes in what was written I could drive a cruise liner through it. However overall the situation is kind of tough. Assume others have picked up on the major failures of the story.
Trump won by a large margin in the electoral college and told everyone he was going to do this. Not sure why anyone is surprised.

I think most are surprised because people say random stuff to get elected and never follow through. I thought the wall stuff was just rhetoric, for example, or the Lock her up stuff. Who knows with Trump.
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Two things. For years I've been told that under president Obama the borders went unprotected and everyone got in but now I just heard in this thread he deported more on his time than the history of the world combined.

Also, weren't the guys who bombed and killed folks at the Boston Marathon Russian? Serious question.

Finally, do we all realize how many Muslims from those 7 places reside in the US and how long they have been here? A lot! Seems we've had more domestic terror incidents than those from folks representing those 7 places. Going from memory tho.

I probably need more info tho.
Sounds like Trump is putting his foot down and setting the tone for the next 8 years. He is trying to counter the spineless nature of the previous admin. Ive got my popcorn ready.
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If Obama wouldn't not have fvcked up Syria and Libya, we wouldn't be in this situation. You figured he would learn from our mistakes in Iraq.

And Obama didn't only deport felons. There aren't 3 million felons out there to deport.

Trump's ideas of deportation are no different than Obama, he is just not quiet about it like Obama was.

Now you need to do some research.

It was 2.5 million the vast majority were priority one defined as "threats to national security, border security, and public safety." That includes gang members, convicted felons or charged with "aggravated felony" and anyone apprehended at the border trying to enter the country illegally.

Priority two ""aliens convicted of three or more misdemeanor offenses, other than minor traffic" violations, as well as those convicted of domestic violence, sexual abuse, burglary, DUIs or drug trafficking."

In 2015, 81% were priority one. I'm failing to see why any conservative would have a problem with obama over this.

But my point that you missed is that this obama policy has nothing to do with Syrian children and refugees.
Sounds like Trump is putting his foot down and setting the tone for the next 8 years. He is trying to counter the spineless nature of the previous admin. Ive got my popcorn ready.

Wait...I thought the 2.5 million deportations made Obama and Trump the same--you conservatives need to get your stories straight.

How is this anything but a disastrous foreign policy move if it doesn't deal with countries that have actually sent terrorists to American soil like S. Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, and UAE.

Trump didn't even consult with Homeland Security before implementing the policy and messing with the rights of American citizens.
Oh shut up. There was a drafted executive order that had all of that on Friday. I hadn't seen that yesterday he now says he will defer to Mattis, the day before he wants to waterboard and throughout the campaign he was fine with torture. It is tough to keep up with a President who is flailing around like a dead trout.

But the reason why I brought it up still holds. Yes neocons with the patriot act, war on Iraq, torturing 'terrorists, guantanamo bay--you are going to put the origins of that on Obama? Now that is rich. I'm not defending Obama, like I said he was stupid.

Not sure how you drew the conclusion I was a conservative...but carry on.
Wait...I thought the 2.5 million deportations made Obama and Trump the same--you conservatives need to get your stories straight.

How is this anything but a disastrous foreign policy move if it doesn't deal with countries that have actually sent terrorists to American soil like S. Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, and UAE.

Trump didn't even consult with Homeland Security before implementing the policy and messing with the rights of American citizens.

Hmmm, im not a conservative. Quite the stereotype from you.
Now you need to do some research.

It was 2.5 million the vast majority were priority one defined as "threats to national security, border security, and public safety." That includes gang members, convicted felons or charged with "aggravated felony" and anyone apprehended at the border trying to enter the country illegally.

Priority two ""aliens convicted of three or more misdemeanor offenses, other than minor traffic" violations, as well as those convicted of domestic violence, sexual abuse, burglary, DUIs or drug trafficking."

In 2015, 81% were priority one. I'm failing to see why any conservative would have a problem with obama over this.

But my point that you missed is that this obama policy has nothing to do with Syrian children and refugees.

Of course Obamas policy had nothing to do with Syrian refugees...because his administration created those problems. If his administration didn't intervene (and yes, I know McCain and Lindsey Graham and other republicans backed obama on it) Syria wouldn't have likely had those problems.

Obama had no choice but to accept refugees from a crisis he created.....just like Bush did in Iraq.
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He missed the game but we were idiots and didn't take him to the hospital until after the game. Most of our group was inside of Friar's and I don't think anyone saw it happen. So we didn't know how bad it was and thought he just had a bad gash and some chipped teeth. We took him to my friend's at Oak Crest and had someone with him the whole time because a lot of people were visiting from out of town and didn't go to the game. We were all pretty drunk but still botched it big time.

Lose a few good American citizens? No biggie...undermine the Constitution, not even going to bat an due process...meh.

Here is my question to anyone who is still in love with Trump. We banned 7 countries, right? None of those countries has ever had an immigrant kill an American on American soil, right? But S. Arabia, Egypt, UAE, Turkey, etc. etc. all have produced tons of terrorists who have killed a bunch of Americans and aren't in the ban.

So what is the point? And guess which countries Trump has economic interests and which ones he doesn't? He didn't ban any countries where he makes $$$.

Bad foreign policy. Does nothing strategic in the war on terror and messes with the rights of AMERICAN CITIZENS.

Please explain. (and here is where I wish we had like 8 major political parties so some of you wouldn't mind numbingly run this through a conservative lens the same way that liberals do when it is the exact opposite with an issue)

Obama made a living on the executive order crap. It was fine when he did it, now you are screaming due process ???? Too bad, so sad......
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I beg your pardon, but Chinese and Japanese is not a "race." Those are nationalities. And to be clear, Trump imposed a TEMPORARY hold on persons from 7 COUNTRIES from entering the US until we can confirm those countries are properly vetted before we then vet them. I'm tired already if the news saying that we have banned 7 Muslim countries. We banned citizens of a country, not practitioners of a religion. What is a Muslim country? After answering that tell me what a Christian country is.

You don't know what you are talking about. The order specifically exempts religious minorities from those 7 countries from the order. So, Jews and Christians from those countries are good to go, Muslims, not so much. Read it yourself.
Looks like we need a new professor...what does he teach?

Also, what type of dog does he have and how much is he asking for his house?
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One minor point, this person was not DEPORTED. They left the country of their own violation and at current time are being denied readmittance. I'm interested to see how this turns out.

It's "volition" not "violation" my guy... I know you copy+pasted that from somewhere but damn.
Looks like we need a new professor...what does he teach?

Also, what type of dog does he have and how much is he asking for his house?
Don't know about the house, but this is the professor and her dog.

Jesus phucking Christ you snowflakes need to just STFU and stop whining for awhile. I still can't believe we are having this conversation after witnessing what Muslims are doing to Europe. Newsbreak for you liberals, if I have to read a few stories like this one I don't give a shit, because not allowing the U.S. To become a Muslim enclave like Europe is becoming matters much more to me than your precious little feelings, so go KYS pleas, and do us all a favor

Always happy to hear from you @Frog209 even if we don't 100% agree on our stances.

For God and Country.
Anyone from these countries that left the US in the last few weeks, absent a total family/work emergency, is not too sharp. I mean this move was totally telegraphed as a potential for at least a month and I wouldn't have put myself in that kind of jeopardy if I was from any of those set countries. Surprised it took Google that much time to recall their employees in similar situations. But to this specific story I hope nobody really believes it:
1). The text of the story is so poorly written and almost certainly not from an academic written in the US. More on that further down. Per the above I seriously doubt an academic professor would be flying anywhere for that long in the middle of a semester or who would have flown out of the country on Inauguration Day given the climate on EO's and being from Iran!?
2). We can all agree that the date noted as the origin of the trip 1/20/17 was a Friday (the inauguration) as indicated in the story. Then says it was not until MONDAY 1/22 that they arrived after 28 hours - Monday was the 23rd, and highly sceptical about the 28 hours making any sense time wise although with a layover it MAYBE possible.
3) spelling and structural/grammatical errors are so bad it's not feasible.
4) story mentions "drafts" of the action order being circulated ahead of its execution - don't believe there were any.
5) the story indicates that there were TSA agents on their flight in Dubai - everyone flying internationally knows that is not accurate as TSA officials would only be in the US domestic airports either flying in the US or flying out internationally from the US
6) the picture of that plane? Is that supposed to lend more creedance? It's extremely rare for passengers to be driving around an airport most specifically for an international flight. Also that plane does not look like a 777 but could be - definitely not a 787 nor does airbus 320 make long haul flights - clearly not an A380. Also that logo on the side appears to be something that would not fly to the US - Islamic writing. Definitely not emirates logo. Also if she flew out of DC (Dulles) that is so far fetched to do so on Inauguration Day!?
7) not clear on this persons visa status but almost certain the old rules that someone cannot be on a visa for more than 7years before having to get a green card or leave the country. If that was the case the green card process requires you to apply at least a year ahead of time and you are told not to leave the country during that period. So the almost seven years in the US does not jibe.

At the end of the day this whole situation is tough for a very small group of people whether you agree with the politics of it or not. The execution and lack of clarity or foresight warning is tough but honestly if I were this person I wouldn't dream of leaving the country with this uncertainty. This story is one hundred percent fake and is baiting people to be up in arms. That's really what annoys me about this kind of nonsense. The baiting of it all to make people cry fowl for a "trumped" up story.
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Anyone from these countries that left the US in the last few weeks, absent a total family/work emergency, is not too sharp. I mean this move was totally telegraphed as a potential for at least a month and I wouldn't have put myself in that kind of jeopardy if I was from any of those set countries. Surprised it took Google that much time to recall their employees in similar situations. But to this specific story I hope nobody really believes it:
1). The text of the story is so poorly written and almost certainly not from an academic written in the US. More on that further down. Per the above I seriously doubt an academic professor would be flying anywhere for that long in the middle of a semester or who would have flown out of the country on Inauguration Day given the climate on EO's and being from Iran!?
2). We can all agree that the date noted as the origin of the trip 1/20/17 was a Friday (the inauguration) as indicated in the story. Then says it was not until MONDAY 1/22 that they arrived after 28 hours - Monday was the 23rd, and highly sceptical about the 28 hours making any sense time wise although with a layover it MAYBE possible.
3) spelling and structural/grammatical errors are so bad it's not feasible.
4) story mentions "drafts" of the action order being circulated ahead of its execution - don't believe there were any.
5) the story indicates that there were TSA agents on their flight in Dubai - everyone flying internationally knows that is not accurate as TSA officials would only be in the US domestic airports either flying in the US or flying out internationally from the US
6) the picture of that plane? Is that supposed to lend more creedance? It's extremely rare for passengers to be driving around an airport most specifically for an international flight. Also that plane does not look like a 777 or 787 nor does airbus 320 make long haul flights - clearly not an A380.
7) not clear on this persons visa status but almost certain the old rules that someone cannot be on a visa for more than 7years before having to get a green card or leave the country. If that was the case the green card process requires you to apply at least a year ahead of time and you are told not to leave the country during that period. So the almost seven years in the US does not jibe.

At the end of the day this whole situation is a little tough for a very small group of people whether you agree with the politics of it or not. The execution and lack of clarity or foresight warning is tough but honestly if I were this person I wouldn't dream of leaving the country with this uncertainty. This story is one hundred percent fake and is baiting people to be up in arms. That's really what annoys me about this kind of nonsense. The baiting of it all to make people cry fowl for a "trumped" up story.

Wait, so youre saying I needed more information before getting all wound up? Interdasting.
Such as?

I work with a student from Syria who is starting her last semester in school. She's a great student and a great person. She looks after my kids from time to time. She went home for a small break we have at the end of January to see her mom in Damascus. She came back last week, but school doesn't start until next week so she could have stayed longer. If she had she would have been banned from entering the country. Do I need more information on that?

Sorry it is personal for you, but yea you kind of do need more information.
You don't know what you are talking about. The order specifically exempts religious minorities from those 7 countries from the order. So, Jews and Christians from those countries are good to go, Muslims, not so much. Read it yourself.
Well no crap... Minority religions in those countries are PERSECUTED. If I'm not mistaken, religious persecution is grounds for qualifying for refugees status. Even liberals like yourself agree to assist persecuted people, or do you not
UPDATE: She is not a professor for CU. More flaws in story is coming out.


From Post and Courier:

For recent Clemson University graduate Nazanin Zinouri, a trip to see family has turned into a nightmare.

The Greenville resident, who graduated last year with a Ph.D. in industrial engineering and won the university's Janine Anthony Bowen Graduate Fellow award, flew to Tehran to visit her family when she heard about an immigration ban signed by President Donald Trump on Friday. The order bars individuals from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia from entering the United States for 90 days.

Zinouri took to social media on Saturday to share her story.

"On Wednesday, we started hearing rumors about new executive orders that will change immigration rules for some countries including Iran," she wrote in a Facebook post. "Before I knew it, it was actually happening. Even though I didn't want to leave my family, I quickly booked a ticket to get on the next flight back."

Zinouri said left Iran a few hours after Trump signed the executive order and flew to Dubai where officials checked her documents.

She was questioned for 40 minutes before boarding a flight to Washington, D.C., according to the post. After she got on the flight, two Transportation Security Administration officers ordered her to disembark.

Zinouri has lived in the United States for almost seven years, according to her post.

"No one warned me when I was leaving, no one cared what will happen to my dog or my job or my life there," she said. "No one told me what I should do with my car that is still parked at the airport parking. Or what to do with my house and all my belongings. They didn't say it with words but with their actions, that my life doesn't matter. Everything I worked for all these years doesn't matter."

The Post and Courier has reached out to Zinouri for comment.

Clemson officials are aware of the situation and are "looking into it," said Robin Denny, a university spokeswoman. No further comment was immediately available.
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From Post and Courier:

For recent Clemson University graduate Nazanin Zinouri, a trip to see family has turned into a nightmare.

The Greenville resident, who graduated last year with a Ph.D. in industrial engineering and won the university's Janine Anthony Bowen Graduate Fellow award, flew to Tehran to visit her family when she heard about an immigration ban signed by President Donald Trump on Friday. The order bars individuals from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia from entering the United States for 90 days.

Zinouri took to social media on Saturday to share her story.

"On Wednesday, we started hearing rumors about new executive orders that will change immigration rules for some countries including Iran," she wrote in a Facebook post. "Before I knew it, it was actually happening. Even though I didn't want to leave my family, I quickly booked a ticket to get on the next flight back."

Zinouri said left Iran a few hours after Trump signed the executive order and flew to Dubai where officials checked her documents.

She was questioned for 40 minutes before boarding a flight to Washington, D.C., according to the post. After she got on the flight, two Transportation Security Administration officers ordered her to disembark.

Zinouri has lived in the United States for almost seven years, according to her post.

"No one warned me when I was leaving, no one cared what will happen to my dog or my job or my life there," she said. "No one told me what I should do with my car that is still parked at the airport parking. Or what to do with my house and all my belongings. They didn't say it with words but with their actions, that my life doesn't matter. Everything I worked for all these years doesn't matter."

The Post and Courier has reached out to Zinouri for comment.

Clemson officials are aware of the situation and are "looking into it," said Robin Denny, a university spokeswoman. No further comment was immediately available.

Why are you quoting me? She isn't a professor for CU and that is what I posted.
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