Communist Kamala Harris Refuses Debate. - Now Says Speech Must Be Regulated.

@fatpiggy are you ever going to acknowledge that Donald Trump donated to her campaigns twice?

Either she is a really great candidate, or he is a dumbass, the isn't really any other options.
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Facts are facts.

Y'all use a lot of nuance when it comes to Trump right?

Misclassified expense is a felony worthy of jail time when you are covering up an affair you had with a pron star while your pregnant wife was at home and you were trying to get a bunch of evangelical hillbillies to vote for you in an election.
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What nuance is there, he was found guilty by a jury of his peers. That's literally the way the system works.
The nuance is that if we were to explore your taxes i could find a misclassified expence.

You know, the word nuance.
@fatpiggy are you ever going to acknowledge that Donald Trump donated to her campaigns twice?

Either she is a really great candidate, or he is a dumbass, the isn't really any other options.
Sure, she is a great candidate for AG in California. She is in WAY over her head as VP much less POTUS.

This is proven as she failed at the one job she was given as VP.
Exactly. The two tiered justice system.

Misclassified expenses for everyone else
Misclassified expenses for Donald Trump.

Not to worry everyone. NyTiger, Yoshi, definitely have squeaky clean taxes. Not even ONE misclassification. Dpic doesn't even have any income to write his expenses off against so he doesn't count.
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Sure, she is a great candidate for AG in California. She is in WAY over her head as VP much less POTUS.

This is proven as she failed at the one job she was given as VP.

So she did a great job in California? Seems that failing the Bar Exam the first time wasnt that big of a deal.

You need help. You have gone nuts since this ticket was announced. You worried now bro?
The nuance is that if we were to explore your taxes i could find a misclassified expence.

You know, the word nuance.

Probably not since I don't itemize and it's just standard deductions.

I pay a shit ton in taxes since we are dual income no kids. Funny that you never hear me bitching about it though.
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So she did a great job in California? Seems that failing the Bar Exam the first time wasnt that big of a deal.

You need help. You have gone nuts since this ticket was announced. You worried now bro?
Dude, you completely disappeared "on vacation" for over 3 weeks because you were one of the last people to recognize that Joe Biden was demented and not capable of serving as President.

So forgive me if Im not concerned about what you think. I'm not worried in the slightest. Kamala is the worst candidate in my lifetime. She polled at 2% when several other more qualified candidates were available.

Im sorry your party is in Disarray and the candidate selected for you has been a total failure in the past and would be a total failure for the American people. Just like Bidenomics has been.
I'm also waiting for an explanation on why you have chosen to spell the Vice President's name as "KumAllah".
Because a lot of the reason she is where she is, is due to the fact that she was having an affair with a married man.

If Donald Trumps sex life is fair game so is hers. Or are we going to do the whole two standards thing AGAIN?
Probably not since I don't itemize and it's just standard deductions.

I pay a shit ton in taxes since we are dual income no kids. Funny that you never hear me bitching about it though.

No offense and I respect your decision not to have children, but maybe you are unaware that the cost of raising children has exploded under the Biden administration.
No offense and I respect your decision not to have children, but maybe you are unaware that the cost of raising children has exploded under the Biden administration.

You continue to play the blame game without acknowledging that the entire world shut down due to a global pandemic.

I would take you far more seriously if you would actually stop with the propaganda and just have discussions about policies.

Calling her "KumAllah" and claiming it is due to her having an affair is not believable at all. Explain why you chose "Allah" then?
His tariff hikes proposal is what i have issue with.
  • Candidate Trump has proposed significant tariff hikes as part of his presidential campaign; we estimate that if imposed, his proposed tariff increases would hike taxes by another $524 billion annually and shrink GDP by at least 0.8 percent, the capital stock by 0.7 percent, and employment by 684,000 full-time equivalent jobs. Our estimates do not capture the effects of retaliation, nor the additional harms that would stem from starting a global trade war.
I don't have an issue with the ACA. Privatized healthcare and the health insurance industry are anchors on this country and have led to more personal bankruptcies than any other policy i can think of. It pigeonholes workers into jobs due to fear of leaving and not having health coverage. It ensures people don't go to doctors for routine checkups, and only go when it's an emergency which ultimately leads to more outstanding medical debt and pressure on our hospital systems. Having a universal healthcare plan would undoubtedly be beneficial, at least in my opinion.

That's a beautifully muted bullet point explanation of Project 2025. There is literally nothing in Project2025 I support, nor does the vast majority of the country.

Your overuse of "communist" in your post leads me to believe you're not a very serious person. There's nothing communist about any of her policies, and if you think otherwise I suggest you go back to school and take a civics class.
I think it is you who are uneducated. Why don't you read the article at the link;

Some excerpts:

"Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor."

I will add that Communism also led to restrictions of freedoms and speech and Communists became the party of elites run through the Communist government - autocratic and controlled. This is what we have seen the Democrat party do in the past 10 years plus.

"Under communism, there is no such thing as private property. All property is communally owned, and each person receives a portion based on what they need. A strong central government—the state—controls all aspects of economic production, and provides citizens with their basic necessities, including food, housing, medical care and education.

By contrast, under socialism, individuals can still own property. But industrial production, or the chief means of generating wealth, is communally owned and managed by a democratically elected government."

Kamala wants to control the economy - further, higher taxes and spending lead to more economic controls by the Federal government on the economy. A key example is the "Green New Deal" which is a Socialistic policy the increase the power of government over the economy by controlling energy. It led to inflation in addition to out of control government spending.

Because there is so much corruption in the Federal government, there is therefore little difference in the barrier between Communism and Socialism. And Socialism is bad enough - and surely you cannot argue that the Democrat party is full Socialist.
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Dude, you completely disappeared "on vacation" for over 3 weeks because you were one of the last people to recognize that Joe Biden was demented and not capable of serving as President.

So forgive me if Im not concerned about what you think. I'm not worried in the slightest. Kamala is the worst candidate in my lifetime. She polled at 2% when several other more qualified candidates were available.

Im sorry your party is in Disarray and the candidate selected for you has been a total failure in the past and would be a total failure for the American people. Just like Bidenomics has been.

I was on vacation in NYC for two weeks. Do you want my itinerary?

When I came back I realized that my life was much better when I didn't engage with yahoos in pointless debate when they weren't even trying to discuss policy.

Sadly, I've allowed myself to be pulled back in. I recognize that there are some really good posters here who care about politics and discussing them. There are many on both sides here who I like to talk with, sadly there are a few who just insist on spamming the board with nonsense daily.

I probably should take another step away, but then I'd miss the discussions with the few serious posted on here.
Exactly. The two tiered justice system.

Misclassified expenses for everyone else
Misclassified expenses for Donald Trump.

Not to worry everyone. NyTiger, Yoshi, definitely have squeaky clean taxes. Not even ONE misclassification. Dpic doesn't even have any income to write his expenses off against so he doesn't count.

I have never paid off a porn star that I boned while my pregnant wife was at home and then lied about the payments to avoid being discovered prior to an election that I was participating in.

I believe that is what you guys refer to as.... ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!!!!!!!
I am about to author a truthful, brief, 21-point biography of Kamala Harris. The following statements are objectively and verifiably true. If you are a Democrat, you can decide to hate me for this, but you cannot deny the factual accuracy of what I am about to say:

1. Kamala Harris is the offspring of two foreign-born college professors, and they provided Kamala a prosperous childhood ensconced amidst the Ivory Towers of academia.

2. Kamala Harris’ mother comes from the Indian Brahmin caste, which sits atop India’s horrifically backward and oppressive caste system. Her father comes from a family of wealthy Jamaican slave plantation owners.

3. Kamala Harris’ father was an influential Marxist economist.

4. Kamala Harris spent her formative teen-age years living in Montreal, Canada. At no time in her formative years did Harris ever live what is customarily referred to as “The African-American Experience”; or, for that matter, the American working class experience.

5. Kamala Harris failed the California bar exam.

6. Kamala Harris rose to political prominence in California thanks to the support of a much older, married and influential Democrat pol, Willie Brown, with whom she was having sex while he advanced her career.

7. As California’s Attorney General, Kamala Harris knowingly engaged in numerous unfair and unethical legal practices that wrongfully denied many, many unjustly-incarcerated black men their freedom and liberty.

8. As a Senator from California, Kamala Harris was ranked by many non-partisan political analysts as the most extreme Leftist in the Senate.

9. Running as a Democrat Presidential candidate in 2020, while being incredibly well-funded, Kamala Harris nevertheless polled at the bottom of all major candidates and was one of the very first to withdraw. This was widely perceived to be a function of her unlikeability and her inability to offer cogent campaign positions of substance.

10. Joe Biden explicitly stated that he hired Harris BECAUSE she is a black woman. Thus, it is entirely fair to label her a “DEI hire.”

11. Kamala Harris as Vice President has had an unusually high staff turnover rate exceeding 90%.

12. The media is extremely hard-pressed to recount a single accomplishment of Harris as VP. Quite the opposite, they have white-washed her informal title as “Border Czar” as she failed to do anything to stop the extremely high flow into the USA of illegal immigrants.

13. Prior to becoming the Presidential candidate, Kamala Harris had the lowest VP approval ratings of any VP since Spiro Agnew.

14. Kamala Harris knew that Joe Biden had dementia and was incompetent, and took no actions of any kind to ensure that the USA had a competent President.

15. Kamala Harris, along with Barack Obama and other Democrat luminaries, engaged in some form of extortion to force Joe Biden to step aside as the Democrat Presidential nominee in 2024, so she could assume that mantle herself.

16. Kamala Harris never received a single primary vote in favor of the candidacy she seized from Joe Biden.

17. As the Presidential candidate, Kamala Harris was spurned by most of the Democrat party luminaries to be her VP candidate, and instead she settled for Tim Walz, a VP candidate with an extraordinary amount of negative personal baggage.

18. Kamala Harris has been the Democrat Presidential candidate for approximately six weeks, and has yet to engage in any sort of press interview of any kind.

19. Kamala Harris has never worked in a private business in her adult life.

20. Kamala Harris has stated virtually no campaign positions of any kind, and some major ones that she has stated are exact duplicates of her GOP opponent’s long-standing positions.

21. The most visible components of Kamala Harris’ campaign platform thus far are arguably “brat” and “JOY!”

All of the above is objectively true. These are not opinions, these are facts.
Great list of facts. And here is much of it documented in her own words. If people believe she has changed, then they are idiots. The list above and the X videos are all you need to know.

I was on vacation in NYC for two weeks. Do you want my itinerary?

When I came back I realized that my life was much better when I didn't engage with yahoos in pointless debate when they weren't even trying to discuss policy.

Sadly, I've allowed myself to be pulled back in. I recognize that there are some really good posters here who care about politics and discussing them. There are many on both sides here who I like to talk with, sadly there are a few who just insist on spamming the board with nonsense daily.

I probably should take another step away, but then I'd miss the discussions with the few serious posted on here.

Same here, i took a vacation from the board bc I was wasting my time arguing the same shit over and over with dolts. I may give myself another vacation here soon.

What I hate is how dishonest they are. Even when they know something is BS, they keep repeating it.

People like @fatpiggy and @TigerGrowls are trash.
Hard to believe TI allows a thread where one of the house deplorables refers to Kamala Harris as KumAllah 🤦‍♂️

She's never been anything close to Muslim btw and identifies as Baptist. Her mother was Hindu but took her children to Baptist churches from a young age.
I think it is you who are uneducated. Why don't you read the article at the link;

Some excerpts:

"Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor."

I will add that Communism also led to restrictions of freedoms and speech and Communists became the party of elites run through the Communist government - autocratic and controlled. This is what we have seen the Democrat party do in the past 10 years plus.

"Under communism, there is no such thing as private property. All property is communally owned, and each person receives a portion based on what they need. A strong central government—the state—controls all aspects of economic production, and provides citizens with their basic necessities, including food, housing, medical care and education.

By contrast, under socialism, individuals can still own property. But industrial production, or the chief means of generating wealth, is communally owned and managed by a democratically elected government."

Kamala wants to control the economy - further, higher taxes and spending lead to more economic controls by the Federal government on the economy. A key example is the "Green New Deal" which is a Socialistic policy the increase the power of government over the economy by controlling energy. It led to inflation in addition to out of control government spending.

Because there is so much corruption in the Federal government, there is little difference in the barrier between Communism and Socialism. And Socialism is bad enough - and surely you cannot argue that the Democrat party is full Socialist.
And here is the example of what a Communist government does - censor free speech - this is your threat to Democracy ...

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I have never paid off a porn star that I boned while my pregnant wife was at home and then lied about the payments to avoid being discovered prior to an election that I was participating in.

I believe that is what you guys refer to as.... ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!!!!!!!
Here is your election interference:

Twitter files have also shown the same thing.
Great list of facts. And here is much of it documented in her own words. If people believe she has changed, then they are idiots. The list above and the X videos are all you need to know.

So in your view, politicians cannot change their mind?

Trump used to be a liberal.

One month ago, Trump called RFK Junior a liberal left loon Now he says he agrees with him.

JD Vance called Trump America’s Hitler and said he was the detestable person now he gets behind you in line to suck off whenever he can
You continue to play the blame game without acknowledging that the entire world shut down due to a global pandemic.

I would take you far more seriously if you would actually stop with the propaganda and just have discussions about policies.

Calling her "KumAllah" and claiming it is due to her having an affair is not believable at all. Explain why you chose "Allah" then?
I thought WIllie Brown was muslim?
So in your view, politicians cannot change their mind?

Trump used to be a liberal.

One month ago, Trump called RFK Junior a liberal left loon Now he says he agrees with him.

JD Vance called Trump America’s Hitler and said he was the detestable person now he gets behind you in line to suck off whenever he can
Some of those changes with Trump have occurred over time plus Democrats have gone far Communist left so the Trump policies are centrist compared to policies of 10-15 years ago.

But sure - politicians will be politicians - I do not even like Trump as a candidate but the choice of Kamala is a disaster.

Sure politicians can change their minds but this is Kamala's administration. And if you are honest, you know that she is ONLY changing because of the election. Do you actually deny this?
I think it is you who are uneducated. Why don't you read the article at the link;

Some excerpts:

"Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor."

I will add that Communism also led to restrictions of freedoms and speech and Communists became the party of elites run through the Communist government - autocratic and controlled. This is what we have seen the Democrat party do in the past 10 years plus.

"Under communism, there is no such thing as private property. All property is communally owned, and each person receives a portion based on what they need. A strong central government—the state—controls all aspects of economic production, and provides citizens with their basic necessities, including food, housing, medical care and education.

By contrast, under socialism, individuals can still own property. But industrial production, or the chief means of generating wealth, is communally owned and managed by a democratically elected government."

Kamala wants to control the economy - further, higher taxes and spending lead to more economic controls by the Federal government on the economy. A key example is the "Green New Deal" which is a Socialistic policy the increase the power of government over the economy by controlling energy. It led to inflation in addition to out of control government spending.

Because there is so much corruption in the Federal government, there is little difference in the barrier between Communism and Socialism. And Socialism is bad enough - and surely you cannot argue that the Democrat party is full Socialist.
Okay, I really don't even know where to begin with this wordsalad of nonsense. Where has she proposed getting rid of all private property? Where has she proposed taking over the means of production and distribution of goods? Where has freedom of speech been taken away from Americans? It seems you're conflating freedom of speech with freedom of consequence. People getting fired from their private and public jobs for saying stupid shit online is not the same as getting thrown in jail. Trying to make a link between higher taxes on wealthy individuals being some form of socialism is brainrot theory. The Green New Deal is not socialism, no matter how hard you try and claim that it is. Some of their bullet points are below. Please point out the SOCIALISM that keeps you up at night in terror.
  • Providing investments and leveraging funding to help communities affected by climate change
  • Repairing and upgrading existing infrastructure to withstand extreme weather and ensuring all bills related to infrastructure in Congress address climate change
  • Investing in renewable power sources
  • Investing in manufacturing and industry to spur growth in the use of clean energy
  • Building or upgrading to energy-efficient, distributed, and smart power grids that provide affordable electricity
  • Upgrading all existing buildings and building new ones so that they achieve maximum energy efficiency, water efficiency, safety, affordability, comfort, and durability.
  • Supporting family farming, investing in sustainable farming, and building a more sustainable and equitable food system
  • Investing in transportation systems, namely zero-emission vehicle infrastructure and manufacturing, public transit, and high-speed rail
  • Restoring ecosystems through land preservation, afforestation, and science-based projects
  • Cleaning up existing hazardous waste and abandoned sites
  • Identifying unknown sources of pollution and emissions
  • Working with the international community on solutions and helping them achieve Green New Deals7
Hard to believe TI allows a thread where one of the house deplorables refers to Kamala Harris as KumAllah 🤦‍♂️

She's never been anything close to Muslim btw and identifies as Baptist. Her mother was Hindu but took her children to Baptist churches from a young age.
The democratic " I cant believe they are doing what we are doing".

Spare us the faux outrage.

All you could talk about for years was horse face.

Kamla got to where she is because she was sleeping with a married man.
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If he was there is no written reference to it that I can find googling it.

You know that isn't why you used that. It's the exact same BS as you folks insisting on referring to Barrack Obama by his middle name.
Oh, then why dont you tell me why i used it?

TO be honest, i just saw the name somewhere and knew it pissed you off in another thread, so i threw it in there. I'm going to count it as a raging success.
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Here is your election interference:

Twitter files have also shown the same thing.
Biden wasn't in office when the laptop story came out so that couldn't have been govt. interference, unless we're talking about Trump's administration. It also shouldn't have mattered anyway since there was nothing on it that implicated JOE in any crimes. Why can't you magaidiots just accept your historic loss and move the hell on?
Biden wasn't in office when the laptop story came out so that couldn't have been govt. interference, unless we're talking about Trump's administration. It also shouldn't have mattered anyway since there was nothing on it that inplicated JOE in any crimes. Why can't you magaidiots just accept your historic loss and move the hell on?
So drumming up a fake letter from 51 intelligence agents, which was designed to influence the debate as admitted under oath, is not government interference?
You are one of those who thinks that the Federal government is pure and not corrupt? That explains it all.
No, there's plenty of corruption in the government. For evidence look at all of the insider trading done by members of Congress and the funneling of government contracts to specific donor companies. I find it very hard to believe that there is a cabal of elites that are specifically targeting Republicans and MAGAs. A victim's mentality has never been foreign to the simpletons on the right, but it surely has gotten more vocal over the last decade or so.
Some of those changes with Trump have occurred over time plus Democrats have gone far Communist left so the Trump policies are centrist compared to policies of 10-15 years ago.

But sure - politicians will be politicians - I do not even like Trump as a candidate but the choice of Kamala is a disaster.

Sure politicians can change their minds but this is Kamala's administration. And if you are honest, you know that she is ONLY changing because of the election. Do you actually deny this?

When Dabo Swinney was an assistant coach to Tommy Bowden, he was very supportive of Tommy Bowden publicly. Once he took over his head coach, he made extensive changes based on his own philosophies. Do you think Dabo is a liar?
Same here, i took a vacation from the board bc I was wasting my time arguing the same shit over and over with dolts. I may give myself another vacation here soon.

What I hate is how dishonest they are. Even when they know something is BS, they keep repeating it.

People like @fatpiggy and @TigerGrowls are trash.
I waste way more time than I should on the internet talking to morons I wouldn't bat an eyelash at in real life. I mean seriously, if you encountered some piece of redneck shit who referred to Kamala Harris as Kum-Allah, you'd probably just keep walking and not actually set up shop at the trailer park to attempt a real discussion.

There's a scene in The Mothman Prophecies where Richard Gere asks Alan Bates why don't these supernatural entities just tell us what they want instead of just being seen randomly, and Bates looks at him and says "have you ever tried explaining yourself to an ant?". A lot of that notion holds true here and especially across the MAGAverse, except the ants can actually vote here.