Conspiracy Theories? (GOAT Thread)

Has it been discussed or has anyone wondered why when tested for COVID they ram a Q-tip to a spot at the bottom of the nasal cavity just above the back of ones throat?

I saw a diagram of this and wondered why they need to attempt to pull your brain out. But seriously logic would seem a simple nasal swap or throat swab should reveal the presence of COVID.

We know the pharmaceutical companies are money whores and produce unthinkable things like fentanyl. What if when tested they are giving people a viral load? If they wanted to do this the location described above would be the exact place to plant it. Can’t blow or cough it out?

Asking for a friend.

Oh my
PM me and I would be happy to discuss, you’re not exactly someone to trust bringing your cynicism to a thread which you obviously are too small brained to consider other possible outcomes.

Likely I would just fill your mind with half truths to see if you would run back to the board with the info.

or maybe out yourself, name, occupation, why you think you are smarter than everyone and beat your wife or girlfriend?

Love it when the guys with batshit insane theories call others too small minded to understand. Just gold .
Ok I’m listening. Notice how I worded the post? I’m asking for information and suspicious but don’t have evidence. Question anything that your gut says seems strange. That’s a double edged sword. It’s good and bad. Thank you for the information.

No problem, I would probably have been suspicious if I had not experienced the swabs for MRSA.
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Not the internet. I read books written by credible authors with countless sources sited. And if you and others can’t see there are people and evil at work trying to accomplish agendas I don’t have the words. Stupid isn’t good enough. Deceived may get close.

I agree 100% there is evil afoot in the world. But, in my opinion, so it has always been and always will be until there are no people left. The evil has new tools and new fools but it is nothing new itself.
The seven deadly sins are still the seven deadly sins.
I completely agree. There’s no limit to what these evil entities will do. And I literally mean entities because I am convinced they are no longer human. There’s no question many of the “doctors” are in on all of this. The love of money is the root of all evil. It will never be known how many people have died due to being put on ventilators. Most likely could have been saved. No family or friends allowed in the hospital. They are preventing family and friends making it easy to literally murder people for money.

Yep & depopulation, inflating the deceased numbers to keep cities & states locked down & businesses closed. Anyone in the NWO must give their allegiance to Lucifer. They’re all possessed!
Love Dave Hodges

I listened to him for about 6 years and then got a little skeptical but he seems to have gotten back on track. He has a lot of inside sources and I do believe his intent is good. He has given a lot of solid intel on things.
Yep & depopulation, inflating the deceased numbers to keep cities & states locked down & businesses closed. Anyone in the NWO must give their allegiance to Lucifer. They’re all possessed!

I listened to an exorcist speak yesterday. He said he’s never seen anything like it. Now I trust the Catholic Church as far as I can throw it but I think there are some good people still there. But my point is evil is being seen on a scale not seen since the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. When the fallen angles from Genesis chapter 6 corrupted all of creation just prior to the Flood to destroy them.
He’s a Committee of 300 member, which is the top level of the NWO. Evil, wicked man! He’s a Jewish Hungarian! He renounced his Judaism & is now a Satanist!
False. Soros is not on the Committee. Where are you getting your information?
I listened to an exorcist speak yesterday. He said he’s never seen anything like it. Now I trust the Catholic Church as far as I can throw it but I think there are some good people still there. But my point is evil is being seen on a scale not seen since the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. When the fallen angles from Genesis chapter 6 corrupted all of creation just prior to the Flood to destroy them.

The upper echelon of the Catholic Church is rotten to the core! In fact, in Revelation 17,18, Mystery Babylon is the Whore that sits on many waters. GOD commands, “Come out of her MY people so you don’t share in her plagues.

In the book, “The Jesuits,” Malachi Martin describes a war breaking out within the Catholic Church between the upper echelon & the priests due to the upper echelon’s occult practices. We all know who won that battle.
That guy is a complete lunatic, the worst kind of Christian. Blaming the NWO for gays in the military is beyond ridiculous. I hope he sits in his bomb shelter for the rest of his life waiting for an Armageddon that is still hundreds of years away at the very least.
I didn’t realize that the Clinton’s and Bush’s were mentioned in the Bible. That dude is crazy.
I didn’t realize that the Clinton’s and Bush’s were mentioned in the Bible. That dude is crazy.
I never said they were. I said the NWO & Papal Rome is mentioned in the Bible. It’s the fourth beast in Daniel 7! Check it out! The 7 heads represent the 7 mountains Papal Rome & The Vatican sit on. The 10 horns are 10 Global Leaders who reign with the antichrist. Revelation 17,18 backs this up!
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Adam Weiskauph started writing the Illuminati in 1770 & finished it in 1776. Thirteen Power Families funded it. Some of those families include the Rockefeller’s, Freeman’s, Dupont’s, Kennedy’s, Onassis’s, JP Morgan’s & Rothchild’s, who run the Illuminati. In a nutshell, The Illuminati calls for a One World Government, a One World False Religion & a One World Currency. The 13 founding Families called themselves The Illuminati. The Illuminati is on the top level of the NWO along with the Black Nobility, who run Hollywood & The Music Industry. On the same level, is the Committee of 300, who is run by The Queen of England.

Some of the people involved in the Committee of 300 are The Bush’s, Clinton’s, Al Gore, John Kerry, Colin Powell, Tony Blair, Jimmy Carter, Bill Gates & Warren Buffet to name a handful & many of the Global Leaders.

One level down, are the 33 Degree Masons & a couple of those members include Obama & Mitt Romney.

On the same level is the Knights of Malta. Robert Di Nero Is a Knight of Malta.

On the same level is the Skull & Bones. John Kerry & George Bush are both Skull & Bones members.

There are many other secret societies who make up the NWO. A couple of those are the Bilderbergers, the Council On Foreign Relations.

Many entities make up the NWO such as NATO, IMF, Big Oil, NASA, United Nation, FEMA, Tavistock Institute (The brought the Beatles & The Rolling Stones to America in the 60’s) The Media (David Rockefeller was quoted as saying in 1991, “I want to Thank The NY Times, Washington Post & Time Magazine, because without them, we would have never gotten this far!” He said this because the Media kept their secret & even helped deceive humanity.

Microchipping will be the Vehicle used to Implement “The Mark of the Beast” (Revelation 13) “They will cause everyone, small & great, rich & poor, free & bond to receive a mark in their right hand or forehead” in order to buy & sell. Those who refuse to take “The Mark” won’t be able to Buy or Sell! Those who take he “Mark/Chip” will participate in 16 plagues from GOD starting with the 6Th Seal in Revelation 6! Those who receive “The Mark” will also spend eternity in the Lake of Fire! (Revelation 14 & Revelation 20:15) I’m telling you this beforehand so when it happens, you’ll know I’m being Truthful. I encourage each one who doesn’t believe this to please read Revelation 6-22!

Worship of The Antichrist & or his Image will also be a requirement. Those who don’t, will be Terminated. (Revelation 13) For those who don’t believe this, please Read Revelation 13

Every person in Every Entity in the NWO is a Satanist. One cannot be in the NWO without giving their allegiance to Lucifer.

These people have infiltrated Every facet of our government. They are known as the Swamp or The Deep State. These people hate common people & call us “Useless Eaters!”
They only want 500 Million people on the earth.

The NWO is responsible for all wars, stock market crashes, 9/11, The Aides Virus, The Ebola Virus, The Drug Epidemic, Immigration Caravans, Socialism, which is the preferred Government of The NWO, They are behind Black Lives Matters, Antifa, Occupy Wall Street, ISIS, Al Queda, The Defacing of our National Monuments, The killed the Steel Industry, The Textile Industry, The put American Farmers out of business, Gays in the Military, They are the reason we will never have a cure for cancer, they were responsible for the Gulf Oil Spill, Global Warming through their Chemtrail Progam! Because of their own doing & under the guise of “Environmental Protection, they will tell us where we can & can’t live & visit. They will also roll out a Global Climate Change Tax & a Global Carbon Footprint Tax.

I’m sharing this with everyone because we are in The Tribulation! The First Seal has been opened, which is the Rider on the White Horse. That’s the Antichrist!

The people in the NWO believe with UFO Technology, they will be able to defeat GOD, JESUS & the Angels & Lucifer will set up his throne in Jerusalem & they will rule & reign under him!

I believe the opposite, I believe Revelation 19, when the armies of the world are gathered @ Megiddo (Armageddon), JESUS will return & destroy those armies. The blood will flow from the horses bridle for 200 miles. It will take 7 months to bury the dead. It will take 7 years to get rid of all the armament. The False Prophet & Antichrist will be thrown alive into The Lake of Fire, where they will spend eternity! Satan will be bound with a great chain for a 1000 years. JESUS will set up his throne in Jerusalem & Those who have trusted in Jesus, followed his commands & not taken the mark/computer chip & have not worshipped the antichrist or his image will reign with JESUS for a 1000 years.

After the 1000 years is completed, Satan will be released for a short time to deceive the nations one more time. The nations will once again surround Jerusalem & GOD will reign Fire & brimstone down on the armies who have come to destroy Jerusalem. Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire, where he will be tormented forever & ever. Those who did not participate in the 1000 year Millennium will be Judges @ the Great White Throne Judgement! Revelation 20:15 Whosoever name was NOT found written in the Lambs Book Of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire!
Kim Jong Un has to be pissed he is not at least on a skull and bones
I listened to him for about 6 years and then got a little skeptical but he seems to have gotten back on track. He has a lot of inside sources and I do believe his intent is good. He has given a lot of solid intel on things.
I know several years ago, he was talking about foreign troops heading to our country through South America. I was skeptical about that.
Someone I told about this thread said if this stuff is crazy you should look into adrenochrome, pizzagate, and frazzledrip...
Any leads on those? Honestly, I like reading this but have zero time to get into all of this.
Someone I told about this thread said if this stuff is crazy you should look into adrenochrome, pizzagate, and frazzledrip...
Any leads on those? Honestly, I like reading this but have zero time to get into all of this.
Look back through the thread I think I watched a video of pizzagate. No clue where but it’s in here somewhere. Pretty informative.
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Kim Jong Un has to be pissed he is not at least on a skull and bones
Truthfully, I’ve never seen him on any list, including Skull & Bones. Skull & Bones is a secret society associated with Yale.
The things of GOD are foolishness to those who are perishing
Agree to disagree. Soros is a mere puppet for the real folks in charge.
There are a lot of members in the Committee of 300 & Soros is one of them. The Queen of England runs the Committee of 300
So there is a list floating around of members to this supposedly shadow group? Something about that doesn’t make sense.
This is what I was thinking. That is why, if it a real thing, the leaked names are all fake.
There are a lot of members in the Committee of 300 & Soros is one of them. The Queen of England runs the Committee of 300
And the Queen is in her mid 90s.
There are a lot of members in the Committee of 300 & Soros is one of them. The Queen of England runs the Committee of 300
the Queen is 94. Soros is 89.. the clock has to be winding down for them.
Agree to disagree. Soros is a mere puppet for the real folks in charge.

You’re right . The real ones in charge aren’t seen on tv or the internet. Like shadows hidden in places we will never find. It’s nearly impossible to find who’s at the top at the moment. The names are never mentioned.
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