Adam Weiskauph started writing the Illuminati in 1770 & finished it in 1776. Thirteen Power Families funded it. Some of those families include the Rockefeller’s, Freeman’s, Dupont’s, Kennedy’s, Onassis’s, JP Morgan’s & Rothchild’s, who run the Illuminati. In a nutshell, The Illuminati calls for a One World Government, a One World False Religion & a One World Currency. The 13 founding Families called themselves The Illuminati. The Illuminati is on the top level of the NWO along with the Black Nobility, who run Hollywood & The Music Industry. On the same level, is the Committee of 300, who is run by The Queen of England.
Some of the people involved in the Committee of 300 are The Bush’s, Clinton’s, Al Gore, John Kerry, Colin Powell, Tony Blair, Jimmy Carter, Bill Gates & Warren Buffet to name a handful & many of the Global Leaders.
One level down, are the 33 Degree Masons & a couple of those members include Obama & Mitt Romney.
On the same level is the Knights of Malta. Robert Di Nero Is a Knight of Malta.
On the same level is the Skull & Bones. John Kerry & George Bush are both Skull & Bones members.
There are many other secret societies who make up the NWO. A couple of those are the Bilderbergers, the Council On Foreign Relations.
Many entities make up the NWO such as NATO, IMF, Big Oil, NASA, United Nation, FEMA, Tavistock Institute (The brought the Beatles & The Rolling Stones to America in the 60’s) The Media (David Rockefeller was quoted as saying in 1991, “I want to Thank The NY Times, Washington Post & Time Magazine, because without them, we would have never gotten this far!” He said this because the Media kept their secret & even helped deceive humanity.
Microchipping will be the Vehicle used to Implement “The Mark of the Beast” (Revelation 13) “They will cause everyone, small & great, rich & poor, free & bond to receive a mark in their right hand or forehead” in order to buy & sell. Those who refuse to take “The Mark” won’t be able to Buy or Sell! Those who take he “Mark/Chip” will participate in 16 plagues from GOD starting with the 6Th Seal in Revelation 6! Those who receive “The Mark” will also spend eternity in the Lake of Fire! (Revelation 14 & Revelation 20:15) I’m telling you this beforehand so when it happens, you’ll know I’m being Truthful. I encourage each one who doesn’t believe this to please read Revelation 6-22!
Worship of The Antichrist & or his Image will also be a requirement. Those who don’t, will be Terminated. (Revelation 13) For those who don’t believe this, please Read Revelation 13
Every person in Every Entity in the NWO is a Satanist. One cannot be in the NWO without giving their allegiance to Lucifer.
These people have infiltrated Every facet of our government. They are known as the Swamp or The Deep State. These people hate common people & call us “Useless Eaters!”
They only want 500 Million people on the earth.
The NWO is responsible for all wars, stock market crashes, 9/11, The Aides Virus, The Ebola Virus, The Drug Epidemic, Immigration Caravans, Socialism, which is the preferred Government of The NWO, They are behind Black Lives Matters, Antifa, Occupy Wall Street, ISIS, Al Queda, The Defacing of our National Monuments, The killed the Steel Industry, The Textile Industry, The put American Farmers out of business, Gays in the Military, They are the reason we will never have a cure for cancer, they were responsible for the Gulf Oil Spill, Global Warming through their Chemtrail Progam! Because of their own doing & under the guise of “Environmental Protection, they will tell us where we can & can’t live & visit. They will also roll out a Global Climate Change Tax & a Global Carbon Footprint Tax.
I’m sharing this with everyone because we are in The Tribulation! The First Seal has been opened, which is the Rider on the White Horse. That’s the Antichrist!
The people in the NWO believe with UFO Technology, they will be able to defeat GOD, JESUS & the Angels & Lucifer will set up his throne in Jerusalem & they will rule & reign under him!
I believe the opposite, I believe Revelation 19, when the armies of the world are gathered @ Megiddo (Armageddon), JESUS will return & destroy those armies. The blood will flow from the horses bridle for 200 miles. It will take 7 months to bury the dead. It will take 7 years to get rid of all the armament. The False Prophet & Antichrist will be thrown alive into The Lake of Fire, where they will spend eternity! Satan will be bound with a great chain for a 1000 years. JESUS will set up his throne in Jerusalem & Those who have trusted in Jesus, followed his commands & not taken the mark/computer chip & have not worshipped the antichrist or his image will reign with JESUS for a 1000 years.
After the 1000 years is completed, Satan will be released for a short time to deceive the nations one more time. The nations will once again surround Jerusalem & GOD will reign Fire & brimstone down on the armies who have come to destroy Jerusalem. Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire, where he will be tormented forever & ever. Those who did not participate in the 1000 year Millennium will be Judges @ the Great White Throne Judgement! Revelation 20:15 Whosoever name was NOT found written in the Lambs Book Of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire!