For those with more time on their hands, this gives anyone the ability to follow the money should they wish or choose and connect their own dots to specific people linked to each other and why?
Why would John McCain be so interested in Syria, the Bushes in Iraq, I am not going to do your work for you, you asked the question I provided you the response, if you want to insinuate that my linking this hidden money to conspiracy or government corruption is false, OK that is fair, I don't care enough to do the research nor do I wish to put my family at risk should I uncover something I am not supposed to see. It's there, it's public, one could connect dots to companies and interests in many countries where there has been regime change.
Funny thing is even if I did the research people won't believe it until they do it for themselves or care for that matter that our country is a big boiling pot of shit right now, and it's all related.
Lastly, we are not making a court case here, we are connecting dots. I am curious though what would be your agenda behind discrediting these findings? Are you an accountant that does not like the light shined into your profession? Some of the most vile criminals and even Putin can be linked to many of these organizations. Are you living in CHAZ right now by chance?