No links Brother! Read Revelation 6 & following! Everything I said will come to pass! The Bible is 100% Accurate, 100% of the time! Our REAL enemy is Papal Rome, the antichrist, the false prophet & The NWO! They started the KKK! Some Republicans & Many Democrats make up the NWO! They are responsible for all wars, racism, the drug epidemic, mass shootings, 9/11, all stock market crashes, the Great Depression, Global Warming, the Mark of the beast (won’t be able to buy or sell if you don’t receive it) the Aides Virus, Coronavirus, Ebola Virus, worship of the antichrist (will kill you if you don’t), they will tell you where you can & can’t live & will impose a Global Climate Change Tax & Carbon Footprint Tax.... They don’t about anyone but themselves! They think they’re going to have a Utopia here on earth after the kill all the Christians. But, what they don’t realize is the Christians still being alive on earth is why GOD hasn’t poured out his wrath on them. But, when the Christians are being executed In the FEMA Camps (800+ in the US), and while their hiding in their underground cities (Under Denver Airport... etc) The Sixth Seal in Revelation 6 will be opened & they will be allowed to see JESUS sitting on HIS Throne & they will call for the mountains & rocks to fall on them & hide them from the Lamb who sits on the Throne! This is when they know they’re toast! In this sixth Seal, there is an Earthquake so powerful, all islands & mountains are moved out of their places. This is the start of GOD’s wrath on those in the NWO, Those who take the Mark of The Beast & Worship the Antichrist & the antichrist & false prophet. One judgement down, fifteen more to go. You may have heard about the Murder Hornets migrating to the US! I believe this is one of the Woes in Revelation 9. It has the sting of a scorpion & the pain last for 5 months. Men will seek death but won’t find it. The 16 Judgements are separate from the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11. The Two Witnesses can release any plague at any any as often as they want. Whoever tried to kill them will be killed in the same way. The antichrist does eventually kill them & the world leaves them in streets & the people party & exchange gifts because the 2 witnesses cause so much pain & suffering to those in the NWO & to those who took the Mark of the beast (Computer Chip inserted in hand or forehead & worshipped the antichrist. They leave the two witnesses in the streets for 3.5 days & GOD raises them from the dead & they ascend into Heaven! Then you have the Vials, which are the 7 last plagues. The sun is so hot that men are scorched to death, painful & noisome sores break out all over men, 100 pound hailstones fall on them, the seat of the beast Papal Rome & the Vatican are struck with darkness & they naw their tongues due to their pain & Finally, the last Plague & last Vial is an earthquake so violent every city, mountain & island are thrown down. After this, JESUS returns & destroys the armies @ Megiddo (Armageddon) The blood flows from the horses bridle for 200 miles (5ft high), it takes 7 months to bury the dead & 7 years to get rid of the armament! The False Prophet, Antichrist are thrown alive into the Lake of Fire. Satan is bound with a huge chain for 1000 years! This starts the Millennium with JESUS! I’m sharing this with you because we are in the Tribulation! The Rider on The White Horse (Antichrist is Riding) First Seal... The Rider on the Red Horse, Second Seal is on the clock! He was given a Great sword so Peace would be taken from the Earth & So men would Slay Each Other! Romans 10:9 If You Confess with Your Mouth The LORD JESUS & Believe in Your Heart GOD Raised Him from the Dead, You Shall Be Saved! JESUS said, If You Confess ME Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before MY FATHER & HIS Angels. If You’re ashamed of ME & MY Words, I’ll be Ashamed of You When You Stand Before My Father & His Angels! GOD Bless You!