Conspiracy Theories? (GOAT Thread)

Yeah Fauci is an “expert” also, in whatever they need him to say that day.

Keep your head in the sand buddy rho. I don’t really care. There are enough people that do though, and I guess that means maybe you are right, but as more facts exist it will become harder to hide.
ok sir/ma'am. have a good one.
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I believe Pablo is deceased he’d be to get in touch with
Great point about whether this is a winnable argument. It’s been years since I have looked at the conspiracy side of this so I’ll look it up again now that you have piqued my interest.

However, I see nothing from the videos of the collapse that make me doubt they fell from anything other than the planes. And when it comes to whether the glass didn’t melt within 5 floors as being solid evidence, it’s not. Certain events that you would expect to happen don’t always happen in an incident like this. And things you wouldn’t expect to happen do happen. Look at any natural disaster and a lot of man made disasters and there are things that make you shake your head in disbelief.

I think In this last paragraph you just admitted that things outside of the realm of understanding are indeed possible, and therefore....? Yep, who the hell knows, I know that I can only use my brain, that people pay me to use, so it’s good for something.

If you search globally at the amount of chaos caused by members of our gvt over time, one can only imagine the forces at play.

Like when someone tries to prove to me the existence of God, blindly, one just can’t do it without faith. I wanna believe our government does things for the good, but I just don’t believe it anymore after what I see unfolding before us today.
You got any links for any of his crazy stuff? I looked but couldn't find any.
No links Brother! Read Revelation 6 & following! Everything I said will come to pass! The Bible is 100% Accurate, 100% of the time! Our REAL enemy is Papal Rome, the antichrist, the false prophet & The NWO! They started the KKK! Some Republicans & Many Democrats make up the NWO! They are responsible for all wars, racism, the drug epidemic, mass shootings, 9/11, all stock market crashes, the Great Depression, Global Warming, the Mark of the beast (won’t be able to buy or sell if you don’t receive it) the Aides Virus, Coronavirus, Ebola Virus, worship of the antichrist (will kill you if you don’t), they will tell you where you can & can’t live & will impose a Global Climate Change Tax & Carbon Footprint Tax.... They don’t about anyone but themselves! They think they’re going to have a Utopia here on earth after the kill all the Christians. But, what they don’t realize is the Christians still being alive on earth is why GOD hasn’t poured out his wrath on them. But, when the Christians are being executed In the FEMA Camps (800+ in the US), and while their hiding in their underground cities (Under Denver Airport... etc) The Sixth Seal in Revelation 6 will be opened & they will be allowed to see JESUS sitting on HIS Throne & they will call for the mountains & rocks to fall on them & hide them from the Lamb who sits on the Throne! This is when they know they’re toast! In this sixth Seal, there is an Earthquake so powerful, all islands & mountains are moved out of their places. This is the start of GOD’s wrath on those in the NWO, Those who take the Mark of The Beast & Worship the Antichrist & the antichrist & false prophet. One judgement down, fifteen more to go. You may have heard about the Murder Hornets migrating to the US! I believe this is one of the Woes in Revelation 9. It has the sting of a scorpion & the pain last for 5 months. Men will seek death but won’t find it. The 16 Judgements are separate from the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11. The Two Witnesses can release any plague at any any as often as they want. Whoever tried to kill them will be killed in the same way. The antichrist does eventually kill them & the world leaves them in streets & the people party & exchange gifts because the 2 witnesses cause so much pain & suffering to those in the NWO & to those who took the Mark of the beast (Computer Chip inserted in hand or forehead & worshipped the antichrist. They leave the two witnesses in the streets for 3.5 days & GOD raises them from the dead & they ascend into Heaven! Then you have the Vials, which are the 7 last plagues. The sun is so hot that men are scorched to death, painful & noisome sores break out all over men, 100 pound hailstones fall on them, the seat of the beast Papal Rome & the Vatican are struck with darkness & they naw their tongues due to their pain & Finally, the last Plague & last Vial is an earthquake so violent every city, mountain & island are thrown down. After this, JESUS returns & destroys the armies @ Megiddo (Armageddon) The blood flows from the horses bridle for 200 miles (5ft high), it takes 7 months to bury the dead & 7 years to get rid of the armament! The False Prophet, Antichrist are thrown alive into the Lake of Fire. Satan is bound with a huge chain for 1000 years! This starts the Millennium with JESUS! I’m sharing this with you because we are in the Tribulation! The Rider on The White Horse (Antichrist is Riding) First Seal... The Rider on the Red Horse, Second Seal is on the clock! He was given a Great sword so Peace would be taken from the Earth & So men would Slay Each Other! Romans 10:9 If You Confess with Your Mouth The LORD JESUS & Believe in Your Heart GOD Raised Him from the Dead, You Shall Be Saved! JESUS said, If You Confess ME Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before MY FATHER & HIS Angels. If You’re ashamed of ME & MY Words, I’ll be Ashamed of You When You Stand Before My Father & His Angels! GOD Bless You!
No links Brother! Read Revelation 6 & following! Everything I said will come to pass! The Bible is 100% Accurate, 100% of the time! Our REAL enemy is Papal Rome, the antichrist, the false prophet & The NWO! They started the KKK! Some Republicans & Many Democrats make up the NWO! They are responsible for all wars, racism, the drug epidemic, mass shootings, 9/11, all stock market crashes, the Great Depression, Global Warming, the Mark of the beast (won’t be able to buy or sell if you don’t receive it) the Aides Virus, Coronavirus, Ebola Virus, worship of the antichrist (will kill you if you don’t), they will tell you where you can & can’t live & will impose a Global Climate Change Tax & Carbon Footprint Tax.... They don’t about anyone but themselves! They think they’re going to have a Utopia here on earth after the kill all the Christians. But, what they don’t realize is the Christians still being alive on earth is why GOD hasn’t poured out his wrath on them. But, when the Christians are being executed In the FEMA Camps (800+ in the US), and while their hiding in their underground cities (Under Denver Airport... etc) The Sixth Seal in Revelation 6 will be opened & they will be allowed to see JESUS sitting on HIS Throne & they will call for the mountains & rocks to fall on them & hide them from the Lamb who sits on the Throne! This is when they know they’re toast! In this sixth Seal, there is an Earthquake so powerful, all islands & mountains are moved out of their places. This is the start of GOD’s wrath on those in the NWO, Those who take the Mark of The Beast & Worship the Antichrist & the antichrist & false prophet. One judgement down, fifteen more to go. You may have heard about the Murder Hornets migrating to the US! I believe this is one of the Woes in Revelation 9. It has the sting of a scorpion & the pain last for 5 months. Men will seek death but won’t find it. The 16 Judgements are separate from the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11. The Two Witnesses can release any plague at any any as often as they want. Whoever tried to kill them will be killed in the same way. The antichrist does eventually kill them & the world leaves them in streets & the people party & exchange gifts because the 2 witnesses cause so much pain & suffering to those in the NWO & to those who took the Mark of the beast (Computer Chip inserted in hand or forehead & worshipped the antichrist. They leave the two witnesses in the streets for 3.5 days & GOD raises them from the dead & they ascend into Heaven! Then you have the Vials, which are the 7 last plagues. The sun is so hot that men are scorched to death, painful & noisome sores break out all over men, 100 pound hailstones fall on them, the seat of the beast Papal Rome & the Vatican are struck with darkness & they naw their tongues due to their pain & Finally, the last Plague & last Vial is an earthquake so violent every city, mountain & island are thrown down. After this, JESUS returns & destroys the armies @ Megiddo (Armageddon) The blood flows from the horses bridle for 200 miles (5ft high), it takes 7 months to bury the dead & 7 years to get rid of the armament! The False Prophet, Antichrist are thrown alive into the Lake of Fire. Satan is bound with a huge chain for 1000 years! This starts the Millennium with JESUS! I’m sharing this with you because we are in the Tribulation! The Rider on The White Horse (Antichrist is Riding) First Seal... The Rider on the Red Horse, Second Seal is on the clock! He was given a Great sword so Peace would be taken from the Earth & So men would Slay Each Other! Romans 10:9 If You Confess with Your Mouth The LORD JESUS & Believe in Your Heart GOD Raised Him from the Dead, You Shall Be Saved! JESUS said, If You Confess ME Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before MY FATHER & HIS Angels. If You’re ashamed of ME & MY Words, I’ll be Ashamed of You When You Stand Before My Father & His Angels! GOD Bless You!

No links Brother! Read Revelation 6 & following! Everything I said will come to pass! The Bible is 100% Accurate, 100% of the time! Our REAL enemy is Papal Rome, the antichrist, the false prophet & The NWO! They started the KKK! Some Republicans & Many Democrats make up the NWO! They are responsible for all wars, racism, the drug epidemic, mass shootings, 9/11, all stock market crashes, the Great Depression, Global Warming, the Mark of the beast (won’t be able to buy or sell if you don’t receive it) the Aides Virus, Coronavirus, Ebola Virus, worship of the antichrist (will kill you if you don’t), they will tell you where you can & can’t live & will impose a Global Climate Change Tax & Carbon Footprint Tax.... They don’t about anyone but themselves! They think they’re going to have a Utopia here on earth after the kill all the Christians. But, what they don’t realize is the Christians still being alive on earth is why GOD hasn’t poured out his wrath on them. But, when the Christians are being executed In the FEMA Camps (800+ in the US), and while their hiding in their underground cities (Under Denver Airport... etc) The Sixth Seal in Revelation 6 will be opened & they will be allowed to see JESUS sitting on HIS Throne & they will call for the mountains & rocks to fall on them & hide them from the Lamb who sits on the Throne! This is when they know they’re toast! In this sixth Seal, there is an Earthquake so powerful, all islands & mountains are moved out of their places. This is the start of GOD’s wrath on those in the NWO, Those who take the Mark of The Beast & Worship the Antichrist & the antichrist & false prophet. One judgement down, fifteen more to go. You may have heard about the Murder Hornets migrating to the US! I believe this is one of the Woes in Revelation 9. It has the sting of a scorpion & the pain last for 5 months. Men will seek death but won’t find it. The 16 Judgements are separate from the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11. The Two Witnesses can release any plague at any any as often as they want. Whoever tried to kill them will be killed in the same way. The antichrist does eventually kill them & the world leaves them in streets & the people party & exchange gifts because the 2 witnesses cause so much pain & suffering to those in the NWO & to those who took the Mark of the beast (Computer Chip inserted in hand or forehead & worshipped the antichrist. They leave the two witnesses in the streets for 3.5 days & GOD raises them from the dead & they ascend into Heaven! Then you have the Vials, which are the 7 last plagues. The sun is so hot that men are scorched to death, painful & noisome sores break out all over men, 100 pound hailstones fall on them, the seat of the beast Papal Rome & the Vatican are struck with darkness & they naw their tongues due to their pain & Finally, the last Plague & last Vial is an earthquake so violent every city, mountain & island are thrown down. After this, JESUS returns & destroys the armies @ Megiddo (Armageddon) The blood flows from the horses bridle for 200 miles (5ft high), it takes 7 months to bury the dead & 7 years to get rid of the armament! The False Prophet, Antichrist are thrown alive into the Lake of Fire. Satan is bound with a huge chain for 1000 years! This starts the Millennium with JESUS! I’m sharing this with you because we are in the Tribulation! The Rider on The White Horse (Antichrist is Riding) First Seal... The Rider on the Red Horse, Second Seal is on the clock! He was given a Great sword so Peace would be taken from the Earth & So men would Slay Each Other! Romans 10:9 If You Confess with Your Mouth The LORD JESUS & Believe in Your Heart GOD Raised Him from the Dead, You Shall Be Saved! JESUS said, If You Confess ME Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before MY FATHER & HIS Angels. If You’re ashamed of ME & MY Words, I’ll be Ashamed of You When You Stand Before My Father & His Angels! GOD Bless You!
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Cant have a thread about the Black Lives Matter protest on the the WEZ but a conspiracy theory thread continues to add pages

All lives matter. Take a trip over the the BLM website and look at what you find. It’s a corporate / political group and you can even see where the money is going on their website. They do not care about black, white, Hispanic, Asian people etc . They only care about money and agendas.
Irrefutable? Don’t think I’d go that far.

What would the point be to blow the towers up? Even if it was a false flag the planes were enough to justify war. Why kill the rest?
Absolutely irrefutable. The building came straight down.....Pulverized! From the bottom! Literally turned to dust! If the building was going to collapse because the structural integrity was compromised, the top 1/3 of the building that was above where the plane hit would have toppled over in some haphazard fashion and there should have been a good majority of the towers standing, at the very least the inner structure of the tower’s core.

Again, buildings like that don’t come down in that manner unless it’s a controlled demo. There are dozens, if not hundreds of witnesses who were there and heard all the explosive charges go off.

As for the “who” and “why” ........I don’t know that. All I know is what I can see with my own eyes. Maybe just the planes hitting the towers would have been enough to go to war and start passing all the legislation veiled as “anti-terror acts”.......but maybe not
Not to bring that much steel down, straight down, and not tip over.

Does it really matter who is right, either way it sucked and a lot of people died needlessly.

I really want to be disproved though, so you show me exactly how hot jet fuel would need to burn to topple 2 buildings in almost the same manner when it hit only the top 1/5 of the building.

it’s not physically possible.

why is it the bombers always place bombs in the bottom of buildings anyway, not the top?

why don’t they use jet fuel in controlled demolitions of major buildings if that is such an effective way to bring buildings straight down????

And now the thread is complete.
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No links Brother! Read Revelation 6 & following! Everything I said will come to pass! The Bible is 100% Accurate, 100% of the time! Our REAL enemy is Papal Rome, the antichrist, the false prophet & The NWO! They started the KKK! Some Republicans & Many Democrats make up the NWO! They are responsible for all wars, racism, the drug epidemic, mass shootings, 9/11, all stock market crashes, the Great Depression, Global Warming, the Mark of the beast (won’t be able to buy or sell if you don’t receive it) the Aides Virus, Coronavirus, Ebola Virus, worship of the antichrist (will kill you if you don’t), they will tell you where you can & can’t live & will impose a Global Climate Change Tax & Carbon Footprint Tax.... They don’t about anyone but themselves! They think they’re going to have a Utopia here on earth after the kill all the Christians. But, what they don’t realize is the Christians still being alive on earth is why GOD hasn’t poured out his wrath on them. But, when the Christians are being executed In the FEMA Camps (800+ in the US), and while their hiding in their underground cities (Under Denver Airport... etc) The Sixth Seal in Revelation 6 will be opened & they will be allowed to see JESUS sitting on HIS Throne & they will call for the mountains & rocks to fall on them & hide them from the Lamb who sits on the Throne! This is when they know they’re toast! In this sixth Seal, there is an Earthquake so powerful, all islands & mountains are moved out of their places. This is the start of GOD’s wrath on those in the NWO, Those who take the Mark of The Beast & Worship the Antichrist & the antichrist & false prophet. One judgement down, fifteen more to go. You may have heard about the Murder Hornets migrating to the US! I believe this is one of the Woes in Revelation 9. It has the sting of a scorpion & the pain last for 5 months. Men will seek death but won’t find it. The 16 Judgements are separate from the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11. The Two Witnesses can release any plague at any any as often as they want. Whoever tried to kill them will be killed in the same way. The antichrist does eventually kill them & the world leaves them in streets & the people party & exchange gifts because the 2 witnesses cause so much pain & suffering to those in the NWO & to those who took the Mark of the beast (Computer Chip inserted in hand or forehead & worshipped the antichrist. They leave the two witnesses in the streets for 3.5 days & GOD raises them from the dead & they ascend into Heaven! Then you have the Vials, which are the 7 last plagues. The sun is so hot that men are scorched to death, painful & noisome sores break out all over men, 100 pound hailstones fall on them, the seat of the beast Papal Rome & the Vatican are struck with darkness & they naw their tongues due to their pain & Finally, the last Plague & last Vial is an earthquake so violent every city, mountain & island are thrown down. After this, JESUS returns & destroys the armies @ Megiddo (Armageddon) The blood flows from the horses bridle for 200 miles (5ft high), it takes 7 months to bury the dead & 7 years to get rid of the armament! The False Prophet, Antichrist are thrown alive into the Lake of Fire. Satan is bound with a huge chain for 1000 years! This starts the Millennium with JESUS! I’m sharing this with you because we are in the Tribulation! The Rider on The White Horse (Antichrist is Riding) First Seal... The Rider on the Red Horse, Second Seal is on the clock! He was given a Great sword so Peace would be taken from the Earth & So men would Slay Each Other! Romans 10:9 If You Confess with Your Mouth The LORD JESUS & Believe in Your Heart GOD Raised Him from the Dead, You Shall Be Saved! JESUS said, If You Confess ME Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before MY FATHER & HIS Angels. If You’re ashamed of ME & MY Words, I’ll be Ashamed of You When You Stand Before My Father & His Angels! GOD Bless You!

Is that you David Koresh?
We need a big conspiracy for Post #300. And then it can retire
Absolutely irrefutable. The building came straight down.....Pulverized! From the bottom! Literally turned to dust! If the building was going to collapse because the structural integrity was compromised, the top 1/3 of the building that was above where the plane hit would have toppled over in some haphazard fashion and there should have been a good majority of the towers standing, at the very least the inner structure of the tower’s core.

Again, buildings like that don’t come down in that manner unless it’s a controlled demo. There are dozens, if not hundreds of witnesses who were there and heard all the explosive charges go off.

As for the “who” and “why” ........I don’t know that. All I know is what I can see with my own eyes. Maybe just the planes hitting the towers would have been enough to go to war and start passing all the legislation veiled as “anti-terror acts”.......but maybe not
@ the time, our country was running on a surplus, everybody & their mother wanted to go to war after allegedly seeing the planes hit the towers. Going to war put us in a huge amount of debt, which what the NWO wanted. But more importantly, it created DHS, & under the guise of protecting us from “Terror” they’ve been spying on us for the purpose of building profiles on Everyone. They want to know when we are taken over by the NWO, who is going to go along with their draconian changes such as Huge Tax Increases, telling you where you can & can’t live & visit, property confiscation, both of these under the guise of “Environmental Protection” Or “Climate Change Solution!” They are going to use what’s going on in our country now to make those changes. I was told by a Special Ops Demolition Expert, The Towers were imploded by explosives! Marvin Bush, George Bush’s brother was in charge of all 3 building! Building 7, a 47 story structure came down 7 hours after the towers! The guy who owned building 7 took out a 7 billion dollar insurance policy out on building 7.
No one was on the grassy knoll, but Oswald wasn’t acting of his own volition.
Mafia did the work, but Cuba was behind it and knew when it was happening.

Pat Tillman was killed on purpose by his team. They didn’t like him, nor the notoriety that he carried. So, they took him out.
Holy shit he was fragged? Never heard that one .... interesting to say the least.
Absolutely irrefutable. The building came straight down.....Pulverized! From the bottom! Literally turned to dust! If the building was going to collapse because the structural integrity was compromised, the top 1/3 of the building that was above where the plane hit would have toppled over in some haphazard fashion and there should have been a good majority of the towers standing, at the very least the inner structure of the tower’s core.

Again, buildings like that don’t come down in that manner unless it’s a controlled demo. There are dozens, if not hundreds of witnesses who were there and heard all the explosive charges go off.

As for the “who” and “why” ........I don’t know that. All I know is what I can see with my own eyes. Maybe just the planes hitting the towers would have been enough to go to war and start passing all the legislation veiled as “anti-terror acts”.......but maybe not

It can look like it was detonated from the bottom but that may not be what happened. When I watched the towers collapse I see a top to bottom destruction. Watching the Zapruder film can give the false impression that the kill shot was fired from the front by the movement of JFK’s head but evidence and science say otherwise. In other words, looks can be deceiving.

So a general question for the conspiracists , and what I will focus on tonight’ reading of conspiracy sites, is how somebody knew the attacks were coming with enough notice to plant demolition charges and have the ability to set them at some predetermined time after the jets hit.
No links Brother! Read Revelation 6 & following! Everything I said will come to pass! The Bible is 100% Accurate, 100% of the time! Our REAL enemy is Papal Rome, the antichrist, the false prophet & The NWO! They started the KKK! Some Republicans & Many Democrats make up the NWO! They are responsible for all wars, racism, the drug epidemic, mass shootings, 9/11, all stock market crashes, the Great Depression, Global Warming, the Mark of the beast (won’t be able to buy or sell if you don’t receive it) the Aides Virus, Coronavirus, Ebola Virus, worship of the antichrist (will kill you if you don’t), they will tell you where you can & can’t live & will impose a Global Climate Change Tax & Carbon Footprint Tax.... They don’t about anyone but themselves! They think they’re going to have a Utopia here on earth after the kill all the Christians. But, what they don’t realize is the Christians still being alive on earth is why GOD hasn’t poured out his wrath on them. But, when the Christians are being executed In the FEMA Camps (800+ in the US), and while their hiding in their underground cities (Under Denver Airport... etc) The Sixth Seal in Revelation 6 will be opened & they will be allowed to see JESUS sitting on HIS Throne & they will call for the mountains & rocks to fall on them & hide them from the Lamb who sits on the Throne! This is when they know they’re toast! In this sixth Seal, there is an Earthquake so powerful, all islands & mountains are moved out of their places. This is the start of GOD’s wrath on those in the NWO, Those who take the Mark of The Beast & Worship the Antichrist & the antichrist & false prophet. One judgement down, fifteen more to go. You may have heard about the Murder Hornets migrating to the US! I believe this is one of the Woes in Revelation 9. It has the sting of a scorpion & the pain last for 5 months. Men will seek death but won’t find it. The 16 Judgements are separate from the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11. The Two Witnesses can release any plague at any any as often as they want. Whoever tried to kill them will be killed in the same way. The antichrist does eventually kill them & the world leaves them in streets & the people party & exchange gifts because the 2 witnesses cause so much pain & suffering to those in the NWO & to those who took the Mark of the beast (Computer Chip inserted in hand or forehead & worshipped the antichrist. They leave the two witnesses in the streets for 3.5 days & GOD raises them from the dead & they ascend into Heaven! Then you have the Vials, which are the 7 last plagues. The sun is so hot that men are scorched to death, painful & noisome sores break out all over men, 100 pound hailstones fall on them, the seat of the beast Papal Rome & the Vatican are struck with darkness & they naw their tongues due to their pain & Finally, the last Plague & last Vial is an earthquake so violent every city, mountain & island are thrown down. After this, JESUS returns & destroys the armies @ Megiddo (Armageddon) The blood flows from the horses bridle for 200 miles (5ft high), it takes 7 months to bury the dead & 7 years to get rid of the armament! The False Prophet, Antichrist are thrown alive into the Lake of Fire. Satan is bound with a huge chain for 1000 years! This starts the Millennium with JESUS! I’m sharing this with you because we are in the Tribulation! The Rider on The White Horse (Antichrist is Riding) First Seal... The Rider on the Red Horse, Second Seal is on the clock! He was given a Great sword so Peace would be taken from the Earth & So men would Slay Each Other! Romans 10:9 If You Confess with Your Mouth The LORD JESUS & Believe in Your Heart GOD Raised Him from the Dead, You Shall Be Saved! JESUS said, If You Confess ME Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before MY FATHER & HIS Angels. If You’re ashamed of ME & MY Words, I’ll be Ashamed of You When You Stand Before My Father & His Angels! GOD Bless You!

You cannot be Clemson educated after posting this wall of text. Do you not understand paragraphs, commas and general sentence syntax? Do better.
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@ the time, our country was running on a surplus, everybody & their mother wanted to go to war after allegedly seeing the planes hit the towers. Going to war put us in a huge amount of debt, which what the NWO wanted. But more importantly, it created DHS, & under the guise of protecting us from “Terror” they’ve been spying on us for the purpose of building profiles on Everyone. They want to know when we are taken over by the NWO, who is going to go along with their draconian changes such as Huge Tax Increases, telling you where you can & can’t live & visit, property confiscation, both of these under the guise of “Environmental Protection” Or “Climate Change Solution!” They are going to use what’s going on in our country now to make those changes. I was told by a Special Ops Demolition Expert, The Towers were imploded by explosives! Marvin Bush, George Bush’s brother was in charge of all 3 building! Building 7, a 47 story structure came down 7 hours after the towers! The guy who owned building 7 took out a 7 billion dollar insurance policy out on building 7.

I can’t breath from laughing so hard.
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Why would I be trolling about that? It was almost 2 decades before I was born. I’ve honestly never heard of it

because you are an idiot. Do NOT insult us with this BS You are "not aware" of things 20 years before you were born. That is Critical Mass DEFCON 4 Grade A BullShit "But I don't know what this 1972 thing was" No really, what is that? You don't know. Wow. Not buying it, but at the same time maybe you ARE that ignorant.

It's because you are among the instant celebrity age. For you to even admit you don't know about a SIGNIFICANT event in modern history proves it. I guess you have never heard of JFK, MLK, Vietnam, Korea, 1979 Iran, Watergate, 1982 Wargame Mishap. Did you know that we were involved in 2 world wars? You worship the TMZ gods. Which means your attention span is NOW -24 Hours. I seriously doubt you are as old as you say you are. So 1992, not buying it. You have troll poon job spoiled shit bird millennial born 2007 written all over you.

now go study some history, Holmes. Pathetic you are. My 12 year old nephew and I talk about the 1972 Olympic massacre and the issues around it THEN and how it relates to TODAY. GTFO with your nonsense. I wonder if you even knew what happened on Dec 31, 1954. At midnight it became 1955, but you probably wouldn't know that because it was way before you were born.
because you are an idiot. Do NOT insult us with this BS You are "not aware" of things 20 years before you were born. That is Critical Mass DEFCON 4 Grade A BullShit "But I don't know what this 1972 thing was" No really, what is that? You don't know. Wow. Not buying it, but at the same time maybe you ARE that ignorant.

It's because you are among the instant celebrity age. For you to even admit you don't know about a SIGNIFICANT event in modern history proves it. I guess you have never heard of JFK, MLK, Vietnam, Korea, 1979 Iran, Watergate, 1982 Wargame Mishap. Did you know that we were involved in 2 world wars? You worship the TMZ gods. Which means your attention span is NOW -24 Hours. I seriously doubt you are as old as you say you are. So 1992, not buying it. You have troll poon job spoiled shit bird millennial born 2007 written all over you.

now go study some history, Holmes. Pathetic you are. My 12 year old nephew and I talk about the 1972 Olympic massacre and the issues around it THEN and how it relates to TODAY. GTFO with your nonsense. I wonder if you even knew what happened on Dec 31, 1954. At midnight it became 1955, but you probably wouldn't know that because it was way before you were born.
Jimmies are quite rustled.
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because you are an idiot. Do NOT insult us with this BS You are "not aware" of things 20 years before you were born. That is Critical Mass DEFCON 4 Grade A BullShit "But I don't know what this 1972 thing was" No really, what is that? You don't know. Wow. Not buying it, but at the same time maybe you ARE that ignorant.

It's because you are among the instant celebrity age. For you to even admit you don't know about a SIGNIFICANT event in modern history proves it. I guess you have never heard of JFK, MLK, Vietnam, Korea, 1979 Iran, Watergate, 1982 Wargame Mishap. Did you know that we were involved in 2 world wars? You worship the TMZ gods. Which means your attention span is NOW -24 Hours. I seriously doubt you are as old as you say you are. So 1992, not buying it. You have troll poon job spoiled shit bird millennial born 2007 written all over you.

now go study some history, Holmes. Pathetic you are. My 12 year old nephew and I talk about the 1972 Olympic massacre and the issues around it THEN and how it relates to TODAY. GTFO with your nonsense. I wonder if you even knew what happened on Dec 31, 1954. At midnight it became 1955, but you probably wouldn't know that because it was way before you were born.

This is a lot to take in, but are you implying that all generations prior to Millennials have attention spans longer than 24 hours?

No wonder you guys managed to oversee the greatest period of wealth-generation in human history and yet leave it concentrated in the hands of so few while also saddling the country with an unbearable debt load.
Laugh all you want, that’s the Truth! Name 3 goals of the NWO! What are the top 3 entities of the NWO?

I don’t believe in the NWO, at least not like you do, and I certainly don’t believe that denominations performing gay marriages is evidence that the “great Falling Away” has begun. God loves all and I believe gay people getting married and being happy is way down his list of worries.

But hey, you do you bro. Armageddon and all that....
This thread is like a crackhead. Not matter what you do to it, it won’t die.
@88MechEng i have a question for you. What are your thoughts on building 7 collapse? Not hit by a plane, but collapsed at free fall speed. To me, that seemed crazy, regardless of the Enron stuff being in that building.

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