These are NOT conspiracy theories, they are fact..., JFK was killed for saying he would expose The Shadow Government (NWO) before he left office! 9/11 The Towers were demolitioned by explosives, the plane over PA was shot down & a missile was used on the Pentagon! At the time of 9/11, our country was running on a surplus, we were not in debt! After the alleged attack, the country wanted to go to war, which put us in debt. But more importantly, DHS was formed & under the guise of “protecting us from Terror,” they have been spying on us for the purpose of building profiles on us. This is done to discern who will side with the NWO by taking “The Mark Of The Beast & Worshipping The Antichrist & who will oppose them! That’s the Truth! Yes, some are after Dabo due to his Faith & the fact he instills values into his players contrary to what the NWO professors teach Those same student athletes! Those who don’t believe this, I encourage you to check out the 21 Goals of the NWO & in particular, the 21st goal!