Conspiracy Theories? (GOAT Thread)

@88MechEng i have a question for you. What are your thoughts on building 7 collapse? Not hit by a plane, but collapsed at free fall speed. To me, that seemed crazy, regardless of the Enron stuff being in that building.

Yeah, great question. I spent some time last night on the AE911Truth website to get a fresh review of the conspiracy side of things. I will say this, I have some new things (like the issue of the insulation coming off the framework) to consider and they have some compelling credentialed experts that are contributing to their side. However, at this point my mind is unchanged. One of the deficiencies in the conspiracy side, and it’s a common theme in any government related conspiracy, is the focus on actions and statements made at the time of an event and have those things carry too much weight as evidence going forward.

To answer your question, I didn’t get time to spend on WTC 7 last night, but to me that does seem suspicious, to a degree. I’ll spend more time on it tonight.
It can look like it was detonated from the bottom but that may not be what happened. When I watched the towers collapse I see a top to bottom destruction. Watching the Zapruder film can give the false impression that the kill shot was fired from the front by the movement of JFK’s head but evidence and science say otherwise. In other words, looks can be deceiving.

So a general question for the conspiracists , and what I will focus on tonight’ reading of conspiracy sites, is how somebody knew the attacks were coming with enough notice to plant demolition charges and have the ability to set them at some predetermined time after the jets hit.
Several different sections/floors of the WTC buildings were closed off in the weeks leading up to 9/11 due to “construction/renovations/maintenance.” Then just a few days before 9/11, the bomb sniffing dogs that were always there for security were taken out and not brought back.

Now.....does this prove anything? No. But it leaves the door open to the possibility that the charges were planted under the disguise of routine maintenance
yah but if we are talking about the entire rivals network... the gypsy thread is the GOAT. Lebanon is 2nd. I will always love yabodabodoodog thread as well for its historic significance.
I do not recall the Gypsy thread. Cliffs?
No links Brother! Read Revelation 6 & following! Everything I said will come to pass! The Bible is 100% Accurate, 100% of the time! Our REAL enemy is Papal Rome, the antichrist, the false prophet & The NWO! They started the KKK! Some Republicans & Many Democrats make up the NWO! They are responsible for all wars, racism, the drug epidemic, mass shootings, 9/11, all stock market crashes, the Great Depression, Global Warming, the Mark of the beast (won’t be able to buy or sell if you don’t receive it) the Aides Virus, Coronavirus, Ebola Virus, worship of the antichrist (will kill you if you don’t), they will tell you where you can & can’t live & will impose a Global Climate Change Tax & Carbon Footprint Tax.... They don’t about anyone but themselves! They think they’re going to have a Utopia here on earth after the kill all the Christians. But, what they don’t realize is the Christians still being alive on earth is why GOD hasn’t poured out his wrath on them. But, when the Christians are being executed In the FEMA Camps (800+ in the US), and while their hiding in their underground cities (Under Denver Airport... etc) The Sixth Seal in Revelation 6 will be opened & they will be allowed to see JESUS sitting on HIS Throne & they will call for the mountains & rocks to fall on them & hide them from the Lamb who sits on the Throne! This is when they know they’re toast! In this sixth Seal, there is an Earthquake so powerful, all islands & mountains are moved out of their places. This is the start of GOD’s wrath on those in the NWO, Those who take the Mark of The Beast & Worship the Antichrist & the antichrist & false prophet. One judgement down, fifteen more to go. You may have heard about the Murder Hornets migrating to the US! I believe this is one of the Woes in Revelation 9. It has the sting of a scorpion & the pain last for 5 months. Men will seek death but won’t find it. The 16 Judgements are separate from the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11. The Two Witnesses can release any plague at any any as often as they want. Whoever tried to kill them will be killed in the same way. The antichrist does eventually kill them & the world leaves them in streets & the people party & exchange gifts because the 2 witnesses cause so much pain & suffering to those in the NWO & to those who took the Mark of the beast (Computer Chip inserted in hand or forehead & worshipped the antichrist. They leave the two witnesses in the streets for 3.5 days & GOD raises them from the dead & they ascend into Heaven! Then you have the Vials, which are the 7 last plagues. The sun is so hot that men are scorched to death, painful & noisome sores break out all over men, 100 pound hailstones fall on them, the seat of the beast Papal Rome & the Vatican are struck with darkness & they naw their tongues due to their pain & Finally, the last Plague & last Vial is an earthquake so violent every city, mountain & island are thrown down. After this, JESUS returns & destroys the armies @ Megiddo (Armageddon) The blood flows from the horses bridle for 200 miles (5ft high), it takes 7 months to bury the dead & 7 years to get rid of the armament! The False Prophet, Antichrist are thrown alive into the Lake of Fire. Satan is bound with a huge chain for 1000 years! This starts the Millennium with JESUS! I’m sharing this with you because we are in the Tribulation! The Rider on The White Horse (Antichrist is Riding) First Seal... The Rider on the Red Horse, Second Seal is on the clock! He was given a Great sword so Peace would be taken from the Earth & So men would Slay Each Other! Romans 10:9 If You Confess with Your Mouth The LORD JESUS & Believe in Your Heart GOD Raised Him from the Dead, You Shall Be Saved! JESUS said, If You Confess ME Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before MY FATHER & HIS Angels. If You’re ashamed of ME & MY Words, I’ll be Ashamed of You When You Stand Before My Father & His Angels! GOD Bless You!

Just curious, do you ever leave your Mom's basement?
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Covid 19 was overblown and a mass confusion and disinformation scheme was put together by China in cahoots with the WHO to try and damage the American economy. All in hopes it gets Trump booted from office.

Change my mind.
I believe you yo! I dont know why but I do.
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I do not recall the Gypsy thread. Cliffs?
People talked about their interactions and experience with the 'Irish travellers'. Interesting topics such as assigned marriage, marrying while extremely young, dressing like ... solicitors at a young age, living in neighborhoods with huge mansions but actually living in a trailer out back and not residing in the home. etc
Got a good earful of this one last night sipping bourbon at my local bar. I've heard similar before, but not to this level of detail.

The Chinese have been so threatened and hurt economically by Trump that they systematically engineered COVID-19 and then timed it's release/escape to impact the 2020 election. They were already in contact with the Bilderberg Group and prominent liberals like George Soros, who also had prominent parts of the plan. Epstein was a target due to having knowledge of this. With the #metoo stuff around Epstein, he was threatening to release his known info. Thus, killed in his jail cell.

The Chinese did not understand how infectious the virus was. They didn't anticipate that a country with the worst air quality on the planet and 350-400MM smokers would be impacted so harshly. The rest of the world was slow to react due to China's either trickle of information or blatantly not releasing information.

Fauci and others are/were plants in this process as well. All to smear the presidency and the USA. All in all, a true attack by China on the Western World and the USA.
People talked about their interactions and experience with the 'Irish travellers'. Interesting topics such as assigned marriage, marrying while extremely young, dressing like ... solicitors at a young age, living in neighborhoods with huge mansions but actually living in a trailer out back and not residing in the home. etc
isnt Aiken and surrounding areas a hot bed for these people?
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because you are an idiot. Do NOT insult us with this BS You are "not aware" of things 20 years before you were born. That is Critical Mass DEFCON 4 Grade A BullShit "But I don't know what this 1972 thing was" No really, what is that? You don't know. Wow. Not buying it, but at the same time maybe you ARE that ignorant.

It's because you are among the instant celebrity age. For you to even admit you don't know about a SIGNIFICANT event in modern history proves it. I guess you have never heard of JFK, MLK, Vietnam, Korea, 1979 Iran, Watergate, 1982 Wargame Mishap. Did you know that we were involved in 2 world wars? You worship the TMZ gods. Which means your attention span is NOW -24 Hours. I seriously doubt you are as old as you say you are. So 1992, not buying it. You have troll poon job spoiled shit bird millennial born 2007 written all over you.

now go study some history, Holmes. Pathetic you are. My 12 year old nephew and I talk about the 1972 Olympic massacre and the issues around it THEN and how it relates to TODAY. GTFO with your nonsense. I wonder if you even knew what happened on Dec 31, 1954. At midnight it became 1955, but you probably wouldn't know that because it was way before you were born.

You ok man?
Several different sections/floors of the WTC buildings were closed off in the weeks leading up to 9/11 due to “construction/renovations/maintenance.” Then just a few days before 9/11, the bomb sniffing dogs that were always there for security were taken out and not brought back.

Now.....does this prove anything? No. But it leaves the door open to the possibility that the charges were planted under the disguise of routine maintenance
based on what? where is that information from?
Great thread. Late to the party, and this is more of a strange story than a conspiracy, but always thought the story of teleporting Spanish soldier Gil Perez was very interesting..
yah but if we are talking about the entire rivals network... the gypsy thread is the GOAT. Lebanon is 2nd. I will always love yabodabodoodog thread as well for its historic significance.

North Augusta Gypsy thread def top 1-2 for me. This one is challenging for the No 1 spot. need to go back and re-read the Lebanon one. This is like SEC Championship where the winner comes out "GYPSY!!!!!", then along comes this gem and breaks shvt. We are in 4th and inches right now, keep it coming @areeves.
People talked about their interactions and experience with the 'Irish travellers'. Interesting topics such as assigned marriage, marrying while extremely young, dressing like ... solicitors at a young age, living in neighborhoods with huge mansions but actually living in a trailer out back and not residing in the home. etc

Yes. They build their shitty mansion, then have to wait somw time period (I forgot how long) for all the evil spirits to leave the new home. They put up tin foil in the windows. The reflection will scare the spirits away.
Yes. They build their shitty mansion, then have to wait somw time period (I forgot how long) for all the evil spirits to leave the new home. They put up tin foil in the windows. The reflection will scare the spirits away.

I was driving somewhere near Greer a few weeks back going to an estate sale. Got into the neighborhood somewhere way off Wade Hampton, wasn't really paying attention. seemed normal. Then GPS was right, right, left, right and before you know it I'm driving past this massive what had to be 6000 ft Victorian monstrosity among some average size homes. With 10 cars parked out front. And then another, but the house looked like a modern barn with nice windows. More cars. All on this dinky little lake. For some reason, I started to think about the North Augusta Thread. Then I saw tinfoil in the windows on the first strange looking Vic. And that's when I got the FUDGE outtah there. Sorry Honey, we ain't gonna go estate pick'n today. Not here. I will take NOPE for $800 Alex.
I will not call him out on the board but a member here impregnated a gyspy girl for 2k. Ha bet he is looking back and wondering
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no, not possible, research how hot it would have needed to be to drop them straight down.

The fuel could have lopped them off at the entry point but not brought them straight down.

they even have photos from the wreckage showing how the steel appeared to be sliced like they do in demolisions

Can you post those? I’d love to see them
Cant have a thread about the Black Lives Matter protest on the the WEZ but a conspiracy theory thread continues to add pages

wrong thread... take the racist stuff to the round table...

People talked about their interactions and experience with the 'Irish travellers'. Interesting topics such as assigned marriage, marrying while extremely young, dressing like ... solicitors at a young age, living in neighborhoods with huge mansions but actually living in a trailer out back and not residing in the home. etc

they pay big money to sleep with their daughters if you have blonde hair and blue eyes... fact

These have always kinda fascinated me as well.
Sounds exactly like someone cutting timber lol
Hwy 25 north of North Augusta in Belvedere. After that thread, buddy and I took a "tour" on the way down to the hunt club in Waynesboro GA. Those inbreeds can throw bricks with the best of them. My F250's left door can testify

when the Amish put up a white sheet outside the homes in predominantly inbred sects, it is an open invitation to come in and breed their daughter. There is a hole cut in the sheet and the father watches while planting seed in the daughter. Had a cousin in Wisconsin take a poke in one back in the 90’s.
Yeah, great question. I spent some time last night on the AE911Truth website to get a fresh review of the conspiracy side of things. I will say this, I have some new things (like the issue of the insulation coming off the framework) to consider and they have some compelling credentialed experts that are contributing to their side. However, at this point my mind is unchanged. One of the deficiencies in the conspiracy side, and it’s a common theme in any government related conspiracy, is the focus on actions and statements made at the time of an event and have those things carry too much weight as evidence going forward.

To answer your question, I didn’t get time to spend on WTC 7 last night, but to me that does seem suspicious, to a degree. I’ll spend more time on it tonight.

regardless it’s wild stuff... especially for engineers

If it was the spooks, on behalf of daddy Bush, who was former CIA Director, then it was planned and perfectly executed to begin our WAR on Terror, our invisible fight against the bomber boogie men and man more of our soldiers died thereafter in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Benghazi, amongst other places.
regardless it’s wild stuff... especially for engineers

If it was the spooks, on behalf of daddy Bush, who was former CIA Director, then it was planned and perfectly executed to begin our WAR on Terror, our invisible fight against the bomber boogie men and man more of our soldiers died thereafter in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Benghazi, amongst other places.
It is wild stuff, especially if you go down the rabbit holes that conspiracies force you to go down.
Who is in the NWO?
I can’t name goals bc I don’t understand what it is.

New World Order, some folks need to understand not everyone has watched every video and read every article on the Internet regarding the Deep State, Rothschild dynasty, it’s another loop one can get themselves in...

I like everyone to take a look into The Panama Papers which truly exists and will connect a lot of the financial dots as it is all public record and amazing when you get into it.
Who is in the NWO?
I can’t name goals bc I don’t understand what it is.

It’s a conglomerate of entities that rule the world. The top level of the NWO consists of The Black Nobility (Run Hollywood & the music industry), The Illuminati, which is made up of 13 Power Families... Rockefeller’s, Dupont’s, Kennedy’s, Onassis’s, Li’s, Freeman’s, Rothchild’s-Run the Illuminati. These are a handful of companies who make the Illuminati. The Committee of 300 is on the same level & the Queen of England runs the Committee of 300.

One level down, you have the 33 Degree Masons... Mitt Romney & Obama are 33 Degree Masons, Knights of Malta... some of the entertainers & professional athletes are knights of Malta.

The banking industries, Big Oil, Big Pharma, The FBI, CIA, Masad, The Bilderbergers, UN, Media, Vatican, NATO, Council on Foreign Relations, Secret Science, Microchipping, The Tavistock Institute, Insurance Companies, WHO, UFO Technology, are some of the other entities involved.

I encourage you to read Daniel 7 in the Bible to understand how dreadful, terrible & powerful the NWO is. The 4th Beast in Daniel 7 is the NWO. The 10 horns on the beast represents 10 global leaders who will rule with the antichrist. The 7 heads represents the 7 mountains Papal Rome & The Vatican sit on. The little horn is the antichrist/Vatican! I also encourage you to read Revelation 6 & following. The first 5 plagues are what the antichrist & the NWO will do to us. The next 16 Plagues are what GOD does to them & the people who worship the antichrist & or his image & those who take the “Mark of the Beast” (Have computer chip in right hand or forehead.)
It’s a conglomerate of entities that rule the world. The top level of the NWO consists of The Black Nobility (Run Hollywood & the music industry), The Illuminati, which is made up of 13 Power Families... Rockefeller’s, Dupont’s, Kennedy’s, Onassis’s, Li’s, Freeman’s, Rothchild’s-Run the Illuminati. These are a handful of companies who make the Illuminati. The Committee of 300 is on the same level & the Queen of England runs the Committee of 300.

One level down, you have the 33 Degree Masons... Mitt Romney & Obama are 33 Degree Masons, Knights of Malta... some of the entertainers & professional athletes are knights of Malta.

The banking industries, Big Oil, Big Pharma, The FBI, CIA, Masad, The Bilderbergers, UN, Media, Vatican, NATO, Council on Foreign Relations, Secret Science, Microchipping, The Tavistock Institute, Insurance Companies, WHO, UFO Technology, are some of the other entities involved.

I encourage you to read Daniel 7 in the Bible to understand how dreadful, terrible & powerful the NWO is. The 4th Beast in Daniel 7 is the NWO. The 10 horns on the beast represents 10 global leaders who will rule with the antichrist. The 7 heads represents the 7 mountains Papal Rome & The Vatican sit on. The little horn is the antichrist/Vatican! I also encourage you to read Revelation 6 & following. The first 5 plagues are what the antichrist & the NWO will do to us. The next 16 Plagues are what GOD does to them & the people who worship the antichrist & or his image & those who take the “Mark of the Beast” (Have computer chip in right hand or forehead.)
So who in your estimation are the ten leaders? Explanation for each please.
Laugh all you want, that’s the Truth! Name 3 goals of the NWO! What are the top 3 entities of the NWO?

Not sure what their goals are, but contrary to your post, I think it doubtful that they created racism.
New World Order, some folks need to understand not everyone has watched every video and read every article on the Internet regarding the Deep State, Rothschild dynasty, it’s another loop one can get themselves in...

I like everyone to take a look into The Panama Papers which truly exists and will connect a lot of the financial dots as it is all public record and amazing when you get into it.

What exactly is it you think the Panama Papers tell us?
It’s a conglomerate of entities that rule the world. The top level of the NWO consists of The Black Nobility (Run Hollywood & the music industry), The Illuminati, which is made up of 13 Power Families... Rockefeller’s, Dupont’s, Kennedy’s, Onassis’s, Li’s, Freeman’s, Rothchild’s-Run the Illuminati. These are a handful of companies who make the Illuminati. The Committee of 300 is on the same level & the Queen of England runs the Committee of 300.

One level down, you have the 33 Degree Masons... Mitt Romney & Obama are 33 Degree Masons, Knights of Malta... some of the entertainers & professional athletes are knights of Malta.

The banking industries, Big Oil, Big Pharma, The FBI, CIA, Masad, The Bilderbergers, UN, Media, Vatican, NATO, Council on Foreign Relations, Secret Science, Microchipping, The Tavistock Institute, Insurance Companies, WHO, UFO Technology, are some of the other entities involved.

I encourage you to read Daniel 7 in the Bible to understand how dreadful, terrible & powerful the NWO is. The 4th Beast in Daniel 7 is the NWO. The 10 horns on the beast represents 10 global leaders who will rule with the antichrist. The 7 heads represents the 7 mountains Papal Rome & The Vatican sit on. The little horn is the antichrist/Vatican! I also encourage you to read Revelation 6 & following. The first 5 plagues are what the antichrist & the NWO will do to us. The next 16 Plagues are what GOD does to them & the people who worship the antichrist & or his image & those who take the “Mark of the Beast” (Have computer chip in right hand or forehead.)

Have you ever been committed to a mental institution?
I was driving somewhere near Greer a few weeks back going to an estate sale. Got into the neighborhood somewhere way off Wade Hampton, wasn't really paying attention. seemed normal. Then GPS was right, right, left, right and before you know it I'm driving past this massive what had to be 6000 ft Victorian monstrosity among some average size homes. With 10 cars parked out front. And then another, but the house looked like a modern barn with nice windows. More cars. All on this dinky little lake. For some reason, I started to think about the North Augusta Thread. Then I saw tinfoil in the windows on the first strange looking Vic. And that's when I got the FUDGE outtah there. Sorry Honey, we ain't gonna go estate pick'n today. Not here. I will take NOPE for $800 Alex.
If there was foil then it probably wasn’t Russians but there is a huge Russian presence in Greer, Lyman, and Inman, and many of them have massive families and massive houses.

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