Conspiracy Theories? (GOAT Thread)

And the Queen is in her mid 90s.

the Queen is 94. Soros is 89.. the clock has to be winding down for them.

It certainly is and this is why they are unloading everything they’ve got. Someone is pulling the strings behind them and someone will replace them but ultimately it’s about the man of sin. The one who is intended to rule over 10 nations. They are hell bent on bringing this to reality in what’s left of their lives. I guess they think he will extend their lives somehow. They are in for a rude awakening
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Adam Weiskauph started writing the Illuminati in 1770 & finished it in 1776. Thirteen Power Families funded it. Some of those families include the Rockefeller’s, Freeman’s, Dupont’s, Kennedy’s, Onassis’s, JP Morgan’s & Rothchild’s, who run the Illuminati.

This is confusing, since the Rockefellers...were a poor family until John D. made his fortune in the late 1890s and early 1900s ... over a hundred years later.
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This is confusing, since the Rockefellers...were a poor family until John D. made his fortune in the late 1890s and early 1900s ... over a hundred years later.
All I can tell you is they are founding member
So there is a list floating around of members to this supposedly shadow group? Something about that doesn’t make sense.
I don’t sit in a bomb shelter. I’m just passing along to the board the prophecies that will be fulfilled soon. Hopefully, some will take heed, accept JESUS as their Savior & have their names written in the Lambs Book Of Life. Revelation 20:15 “Whosoever’s name was NOT written in the Lambs Book Of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire. There are decisions we’re going have to make in the coming years which will determine where we spend eternity, either Heaven or Hell. We will be required to receive a “Mark“ “Computer Chip” in our hand or forehead to be able to Buy or Sell (Revelation 13) We will also be required to Worship the Antichrist. Those who don’t will be terminated. (Revelation 13) Those who take the Mark/Computer Chip in their hand or forehead & or Worship the Antichrist will be the recipient of one or more of 16 Plagues from GOD & they will spend Eternity in The Lake of Fire. I’m telling y’all before it comes, so when it does, hopefully, there will be some who heed what I’ve passed along. Because it’s The Truth & it’s right around the corner. Read it for yourselves, Revelation 6-22!
It certainly is and this is why they are unloading everything they’ve got. Someone is pulling the strings behind them and someone will replace them but ultimately it’s about the man of sin. The one who is intended to rule over 10 nations. They are hell bent on bringing this to reality in what’s left of their lives. I guess they think he will extend their lives somehow. They are in for a rude awakening[/QUOTE

True, but I believe GOD will keep them both alive so they’ll go through the Tribulation because of all the lives they’ve destroyed.

This is confusing, since the Rockefellers...were a poor family until John D. made his fortune in the late 1890s and early 1900s ... over a hundred years later.

Pretty much all of those families made their money after the Illuminati of Bavaria no longer existed. The earliest was the du Pont de Nemours with their gunpowder mill/plant in 1802. The Rothschilds saw the majority of their early wealth grow out of the Napoleonic wars and the bullion trade in the early 19th century. Ari Onassis wasn’t even born until 1922, IIRC. And, Joseph Morgan was running a coffee house until the 1820s - about 50 years after the Illuminati had ceased to exist.
I don’t sit in a bomb shelter. I’m just passing along to the board the prophecies that will be fulfilled soon. Hopefully, some will take heed, accept JESUS as their Savior & have their names written in the Lambs Book Of Life. Revelation 20:15 “Whosoever’s name was NOT written in the Lambs Book Of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire. There are decisions we’re going have to make in the coming years which will determine where we spend eternity, either Heaven or Hell. We will be required to receive a “Mark“ “Computer Chip” in our hand or forehead to be able to Buy or Sell (Revelation 13) We will also be required to Worship the Antichrist. Those who don’t will be terminated. (Revelation 13) Those who take the Mark/Computer Chip in their hand or forehead & or Worship the Antichrist will be the recipient of one or more of 16 Plagues from GOD & they will spend Eternity in The Lake of Fire. I’m telling y’all before it comes, so when it does, hopefully, there will be some who heed what I’ve passed along. Because it’s The Truth & it’s right around the corner. Read it for yourselves, Revelation 6-22!

None of the above will happen in your lifetime.
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Saw this on another social media page

What conspiracy theory do you believe might be true?

CIA killed JFK? 9/11 was an inside job? Moon landing was fake?

Anybody any?

Flat Earth theory...


How can anyone look at the round moon, the round sun, round Mars, Venus and Jupiter, and believe that we are the only one who is flat??? Not to mention dismissing all of the pictures from space and satellites?


Why not the Banana Earth theory?

Flat Earth theory...


How can anyone look at the round moon, the round sun, round Mars, Venus and Jupiter, and believe that we are the only one who is flat??? Not to mention dismissing all of the pictures from space and satellites?


Why not the Banana Earth theory?

The Bible says GOD sits on the Circle of the earth... that’s all you need to know
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Absolutely irrefutable. The building came straight down.....Pulverized! From the bottom! Literally turned to dust! If the building was going to collapse because the structural integrity was compromised, the top 1/3 of the building that was above where the plane hit would have toppled over in some haphazard fashion and there should have been a good majority of the towers standing, at the very least the inner structure of the tower’s core.

Again, buildings like that don’t come down in that manner unless it’s a controlled demo. There are dozens, if not hundreds of witnesses who were there and heard all the explosive charges go off.

As for the “who” and “why” ........I don’t know that. All I know is what I can see with my own eyes. Maybe just the planes hitting the towers would have been enough to go to war and start passing all the legislation veiled as “anti-terror acts”.......but maybe not

What? The air between each floor was compressed very quickly and it only looked like an explosive discharge. You can see the glass panels exploid outward due to the sudden pressure of the floors above falling. Think about all of the logistics of setting 1000's of charges to make a huge building fall like that. Would take miles of wire and 1000s of construction workers many months. Don't forget the witnesses who saw Bin Ladin come out of the cave four times. After each plane crashed he held up his finger counting the planes before each hit. After the 4th plane hit he did not come out again. No way that could be coordinated.
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None of the above will happen in your lifetime.
You’re out of your mind, it’s right around the corner! 1st Seal has been opened, Rider on the White Horse (Antichrist Pope Francis) Second Seal is Rider on The Red Horse, he was given authority to take peace from the earth. He was also given a Great Sword so men would slay each other. This speaks of Anarchy & or Civil War.

Third Seal is Rider on the Black Horse & he has a pair of scales in his hand. A days wage for a loaf of bread. This speaks of hyper inflation.

The 4th Seal is the Rider on The Pale Horse, he was given authority over 1/4 part of mankind to kill with the sword, famine, pestilence & Wild beasts. I believe this is when the shuttle full of enriched plutonium, launched by the Obama Administration on December 13th, 2012, will be released over the U.S. & a handful of our cities will simultaneously be hit with tactical nukes, including Washington D.C. The NWO will blame it on China, Russia, Iran or North Korea or a combination of the four. Martial Law will be implemented, authorities will come to your door & demand you go with them to a facility (FEMA Camps) to receive medical attention, food, water, clothing & protection. They will promise you can go home in a reasonable timeframe. Once @ these FEMA Camps, you will be told the Truth. You will be given a choice to be re-Educated. You will be asked to Worship The Antichrist. Those who DON’T will be Terminated. Those who DO worship the antichrist or his image will be slaves to the NWO.

**** It is unclear to me at this point if the “Mark OF The Beast is administered @ The FEMA Camps or Before. In Revelation 13, The Mark of the Beast & The Worship of the Antichrist are both talked about in this chapter. Taking The “Mark/Computer Chip & or Worshipping the Antichrist will bring the Plagues of God down on those people. They will spend ETERNITY in The Lake Of Fire!

The good news is we only go through the Tribulation once. I encourage each of you to receive JESUS as Your Lord & Savior!

Romans 10:9 says, “If you confess with your mouth the LORD JESUS & Believe in Your Heart GOD raised HIM from the dead, you shall be Saved!

John 3:3 says, “Unless a Man is Born Again, he cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

JESUS said, “If you confess ME Before men, I’ll Confess You Before MY FATHER & HIS Angels, But, If You’re Ashamed of Me & MY Words, I’LL be Ashamed of You when You Stand Before My Father & HIS Angels!”

JESUS said, “Anyone who would follow me must take up his cross daily & follow ME. For whoever seeks to Save His Life Will Lose It But Whoever Loses His Life for MY sake Will Find It.”

JESUS said, I’m The Way, The Truth & The Life, No One Comes To The Father But Through Me.

Let me say, I Don’t Enjoy sharing with Y’all this Bleak Message about The Antichrist, NWO & The Prophecy that Must be Fulfilled. Believe Me, I Don’t Take Any Pleasure in it. But, There are those on this board that need to hear this message so that IF you take heed to what I’m passing along, GOD will Save You, You Won’t Go Through These Awful Plagues & most importantly, You will spend Eternity in Heaven & Not in the Lake of Fire. (Revelation 15)

When one Accepts JESUS as their SAVIOR, The HOLY SPIRIT comes & resides in that person. One of the functions of the HOLY SPIRIT is to Lead You & Guide You & Show You Things To Come. Through much Prayer & Study in GOD’s WORD, HE has shown me what I’ve been sharing with ya’ll & I care about y’all, even the ones who persecute me. Persecution is part of being a Christian. Many of the things I’ve shared with you, Time will show you I’m being Truthful with You! GOD Bless Ya’ll!

Those who worship the antichrist or his image will partake in 16 Plagues of GOD including, an earthquake so powerful, every island & mountain are moved out of their places.

Raging Wild Fires
An asteroid which destroys a third of the sea life in the ocean it strikes as well as 1/3 of the ships.

another asteroid called Wormwood which will turn fresh water bitter & Many die from the bitter water.

Locust with the sting of a scorpion & the pain lasts for 5 months. I believe these are the Asian Killer Hornets.

War ... many will die from War

More earthquakes

Men & woman breaking out in painful boils all over their bodies

The Sun so hot, men are scorched with Great Heat (This is because of the NWO Chemtrails, which they have been spraying us for almost 80 years.

GOD strikes the Seat of The Beast (Papal Rome & The Vatican) with Darkness & they naw their tongues in pain.

An Earthquake so powerful EVERY Mountain, City & Island are thrown down.

100 pound hail stones falling on men

* This does NOT include the two witnesses who arrive in the last 3.5 years of The Tribulation. They are given the authority to release whatever plague they want to release on humanity as often as they want. If anyone tries to kill them they are killed the same way. After their purpose on earth has been served, the antichrist does kill them. Humanity leaves them in the streets for 3.5 days. The whole world sees them through Satellite TV & humanity sends gifts to each other because the two witnesses have caused humanity so much suffering. After 3.5 days, they are raised from the dead & ascend into Heaven. (Revelation 11)

JESUS comes back after the Plague of the Hailstones & Destroys the armies who have gathered @ Megiddo (Armageddon).

Eighty-two percent of the armies gathered against Israel are destroyed. The blood flows from the horses bridle for 200 miles. It takes 7 months to bury the dead & 7 years to get rid of all the armament.

JESUS sets up HIS Throne in Jerusalem & Those that did not receive the mark of the beast & did not worship the antichrist will rule & reign 1000 years with JESUS. Things will be Peaceful & Prosperous!

After The 1000 years are finished, Satan will be released for a short time to deceive the nations once more. The nations will once again be gathered against Jerusalem & GOD will reign Fire & Brimstone down from Heaven to destroy them! Satan will be thrown alive into the Lake Of Fire! Those who did not participate in the Millennium will be raised to stand before the Great White Throne Judgement. The Books will be opened, (what we’ve done in our lives) & another Book will be opened, The Lambs Book Of Life & Whoever’s Name was NOT Found Written in The Lambs Book Of was Cast Into The Lake Of Fire. (Revelation 20:15)

After this event, A New Heaven will come down & those who are found written in the Lambs Book Of Life Will Reign With GOD & JESUS For Ever!

The False Prophet & Antichrist are thrown alive in the Lake of Fire. Satan is bound in the abyss with a Great Chain for 1000 years.
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It certainly is and this is why they are unloading everything they’ve got. Someone is pulling the strings behind them and someone will replace them but ultimately it’s about the man of sin. The one who is intended to rule over 10 nations. They are hell bent on bringing this to reality in what’s left of their lives. I guess they think he will extend their lives somehow. They are in for a rude awakening

They are but I’m skeptical about “Q” Daniel 7 clearly says JESUS crushes the 4th Beast NWO not man! GOD can make these wicked people last as long as he wants.
You do know there were like 20-some members when it was founded, and their identities are known, right? And, the entire organization was founded on the principle of protecting people from despotism...
False, there are 13 founding members of the Illuminati. Turn your dollar bill over & count the arrows the Phoenix is holding. Those 13 arrows represent the 13 founding families of the Illuminati. I encourage you to check out the 21 goals of the NWO. Not one of them is favorable to humanity. Also, I encourage you to read Daniel 7, the 4th beast is the NWO!
Pretty much all of those families made their money after the Illuminati of Bavaria no longer existed. The earliest was the du Pont de Nemours with their gunpowder mill/plant in 1802. The Rothschilds saw the majority of their early wealth grow out of the Napoleonic wars and the bullion trade in the early 19th century. Ari Onassis wasn’t even born until 1922, IIRC. And, Joseph Morgan was running a coffee house until the 1820s - about 50 years after the Illuminati had ceased to exist.
They exist today, Brother! They’re on the top Tier of The NWO along with The Black Nobility & The Committee of 300
The Bible says GOD sits on the Circle of the earth... that’s all you need to know

Yes you are absolutely right. It's just those who believe in the 'Flat Earth Theory' do not believe in the bible. If God had created the earth flat, He would have probably mention He had first made it to be His Frisbee.

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You’re out of your mind, it’s right around the corner! 1st Seal has been opened, Rider on the White Horse (Antichrist Pope Francis) Second Seal is Rider on The Red Horse, he was given authority to take peace from the earth. He was also given a Great Sword so men would slay each other. This speaks of Anarchy & or Civil War.

Third Seal is Rider on the Black Horse & he has a pair of scales in his hand. A days wage for a loaf of bread. This speaks of hyper inflation.

The 4th Seal is the Rider on The Pale Horse, he was given authority over 1/4 part of mankind to kill with the sword, famine, pestilence & Wild beasts. I believe this is when the shuttle full of enriched plutonium, launched by the Obama Administration on December 13th, 2012, will be released over the U.S. & a handful of our cities will simultaneously be hit with tactical nukes, including Washington D.C. The NWO will blame it on China, Russia, Iran or North Korea or a combination of the four. Martial Law will be implemented, authorities will come to your door & demand you go with them to a facility (FEMA Camps) to receive medical attention, food, water, clothing & protection. They will promise you can go home in a reasonable timeframe. Once @ these FEMA Camps, you will be told the Truth. You will be given a choice to be re-Educated. You will be asked to Worship The Antichrist. Those who DON’T will be Terminated. Those who DO worship the antichrist or his image will be slaves to the NWO.

**** It is unclear to me at this point if the “Mark OF The Beast is administered @ The FEMA Camps or Before. In Revelation 13, The Mark of the Beast & The Worship of the Antichrist are both talked about in this chapter. Taking The “Mark/Computer Chip & or Worshipping the Antichrist will bring the Plagues of God down on those people. They will spend ETERNITY in The Lake Of Fire!

The good news is we only go through the Tribulation once. I encourage each of you to receive JESUS as Your Lord & Savior!

Romans 10:9 says, “If you confess with your mouth the LORD JESUS & Believe in Your Heart GOD raised HIM from the dead, you shall be Saved!

John 3:3 says, “Unless a Man is Born Again, he cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

JESUS said, “If you confess ME Before men, I’ll Confess You Before MY FATHER & HIS Angels, But, If You’re Ashamed of Me & MY Words, I’LL be Ashamed of You when You Stand Before My Father & HIS Angels!”

JESUS said, “Anyone who would follow me must take up his cross daily & follow ME. For whoever seeks to Save His Life Will Lose It But Whoever Loses His Life for MY sake Will Find It.”

JESUS said, I’m The Way, The Truth & The Life, No One Comes To The Father But Through Me.

Let me say, I Don’t Enjoy sharing with Y’all this Bleak Message about The Antichrist, NWO & The Prophecy that Must be Fulfilled. Believe Me, I Don’t Take Any Pleasure in it. But, There are those on this board that need to hear this message so that IF you take heed to what I’m passing along, GOD will Save You, You Won’t Go Through These Awful Plagues & most importantly, You will spend Eternity in Heaven & Not in the Lake of Fire. (Revelation 15)

When one Accepts JESUS as their SAVIOR, The HOLY SPIRIT comes & resides in that person. One of the functions of the HOLY SPIRIT is to Lead You & Guide You & Show You Things To Come. Through much Prayer & Study in GOD’s WORD, HE has shown me what I’ve been sharing with ya’ll & I care about y’all, even the ones who persecute me. Persecution is part of being a Christian. Many of the things I’ve shared with you, Time will show you I’m being Truthful with You! GOD Bless Ya’ll!

Those who worship the antichrist or his image will partake in 16 Plagues of GOD including, an earthquake so powerful, every island & mountain are moved out of their places.

Raging Wild Fires
An asteroid which destroys a third of the sea life in the ocean it strikes as well as 1/3 of the ships.

another asteroid called Wormwood which will turn fresh water bitter & Many die from the bitter water.

Locust with the sting of a scorpion & the pain lasts for 5 months. I believe these are the Asian Killer Hornets.

War ... many will die from War

More earthquakes

Men & woman breaking out in painful boils all over their bodies

The Sun so hot, men are scorched with Great Heat (This is because of the NWO Chemtrails, which they have been spraying us for almost 80 years.

GOD strikes the Seat of The Beast (Papal Rome & The Vatican) with Darkness & they naw their tongues in pain.

An Earthquake so powerful EVERY Mountain, City & Island are thrown down.

100 pound hail stones falling on men

* This does NOT include the two witnesses who arrive in the last 3.5 years of The Tribulation. They are given the authority to release whatever plague they want to release on humanity as often as they want. If anyone tries to kill them they are killed the same way. After their purpose on earth has been served, the antichrist does kill them. Humanity leaves them in the streets for 3.5 days. The whole world sees them through Satellite TV & humanity sends gifts to each other because the two witnesses have caused humanity so much suffering. After 3.5 days, they are raised from the dead & ascend into Heaven. (Revelation 11)

JESUS comes back after the Plague of the Hailstones & Destroys the armies who have gathered @ Megiddo (Armageddon).

Eighty-two percent of the armies gathered against Israel are destroyed. The blood flows from the horses bridle for 200 miles. It takes 7 months to bury the dead & 7 years to get rid of all the armament.

JESUS sets up HIS Throne in Jerusalem & Those that did not receive the mark of the beast & did not worship the antichrist will rule & reign 1000 years with JESUS. Things will be Peaceful & Prosperous!

After The 1000 years are finished, Satan will be released for a short time to deceive the nations once more. The nations will once again be gathered against Jerusalem & GOD will reign Fire & Brimstone down from Heaven to destroy them! Satan will be thrown alive into the Lake Of Fire! Those who did not participate in the Millennium will be raised to stand before the Great White Throne Judgement. The Books will be opened, (what we’ve done in our lives) & another Book will be opened, The Lambs Book Of Life & Whoever’s Name was NOT Found Written in The Lambs Book Of was Cast Into The Lake Of Fire. (Revelation 20:15)

After this event, A New Heaven will come down & those who are found written in the Lambs Book Of Life Will Reign With GOD & JESUS For Ever!

The False Prophet & Antichrist are thrown alive in the Lake of Fire. Satan is bound in the abyss with a Great Chain for 1000 years.

You’re interpretation couldn’t be more insane or wrong.
False, there are 13 founding members of the Illuminati. Turn your dollar bill over & count the arrows the Phoenix is holding. Those 13 arrows represent the 13 founding families of the Illuminati. I encourage you to check out the 21 goals of the NWO. Not one of them is favorable to humanity. Also, I encourage you to read Daniel 7, the 4th beast is the NWO!

You probably need to read up on the Bavarian Illuminati considering you keep posting incorrect stuff about them.
You probably need to read up on the Bavarian Illuminati considering you keep posting incorrect stuff about them.
Aren’t you the same individual that said, “None of this will happen in my lifetime!” You need to do some research pal!
You seem to think the Bible and the book of revelations only pertains to America. This thought alone proves your ignorance and insanity.
No I don’t but we are the The Lamb with the two horns in Revelation 13 & we do start speaking like a dragon, which means we’re under the authority of a draconian dictator. There are 800+ FEMA Camps in America & the Obama Administration did launch a shuttle full of enriched plutonium on December 13th 2012. Everything I said would come to pass will come to pass right in front of your face.
No I don’t but we are the The Lamb with the two horns in Revelation 13 & we do start speaking like a dragon, which means we’re under the authority of a draconian dictator. There are 800+ FEMA Camps in America & the Obama Administration did launch a shuttle full of enriched plutonium on December 13th 2012. Everything I said would come to pass will come to pass right in front of your face.
People like you scare me. No wonder many people are running away from Christianity at this time.
People like you scare me. No wonder many people are running away from Christianity at this time.
I’m not trying to scare you, I’m just being Truthful about what coming in the near future. I don’t take pleasure in passing this information along but it is a reality. For those who don’t know, try & shed some light on what to do & what not to do when these things do come to pass.
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You seem to think the Bible and the book of revelations only pertains to America. This thought alone proves your ignorance and insanity.

None of this has anything to do with the Book of Revelation. I have been studying eschatology since 1992. I have a book shelf full of books written by adherents who wrote about all five (5) of the major views (and sub-views) of Revelation. Plus books written by all of the early church fathers (Fathers of the Church) and even historians during the early centuries of the church. I have been sitting on my own book outline for a few years that I was going to call "The Five W's of Revelation, bused on the principle/concept of the Five W's of Literature, Who, What, Why, Where, and When. I coded all of my notes and books with this concept, W1 (Who), W2 (What), W3 (Why), W4 (Where), and W5 (When). You could understand the meaning and symbols of Revelation even if you got just three of the W's.

The Five (5) main eschatological views of the Book of Revelation are Futurist (the most common and written about), Idealist (or Spiritualist), Continuous Historical (that view mostly went by the wayside when predictions failed), Historical Background, and Preterist. There are several sub-views within some of these views, like Futurist (Pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, post-tribulation, premillennialists, and post millennialists), and Preterists (Full and Partial), etc.

Understanding symbolism of the Old Testament and how it relates to the New Testament. Plus my studies in Greek (Koine Greek) has been helpful. But it all boils down to the facts of understanding symbolism (hermeneutics), and biblical exegesis with an open mind. My studies in ancient history (particularly early Christian and Roman, and Jewish) has helped me as well.

So to boil this thing down, after reading MANY books, years of study and conferences on eschatology, it is my belief that the Book of Revelation pertains to the destruction of Jerusalem and the Jewish state and religion (temple) by the Romans in 70 AD. This was what Jesus said on the Mount of Olives (Matt 24, Mark 13, Luke 21), Matt 24:34 Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.

Rev. 1:1 The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. The word 'soon' here is from the Greek word τάχος (tachos), meaning quickness, speedily, hastily, immediately. This word is used in other places in the NT, such as when Paul says (Phil 2:19) I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon..The word 'soon' here is the same word as in Revelation 1:1. Certainly Paul was indicating to the Philippians that Timothy may be stopping by in 2000 years???

Regarding the same even(s) and context, in Rev. 1:3 Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.

Now the Greek word 'near' here is ἐγγύς (eggus), meaning near (in place or time), at hand, ready (be ready for something happening soon). Used in Matt 24:32 know that summer is near. Matt 24:33 know that it is near, even at the doors. There are many examples where this word clearly shows that it means something is about to happen, or be seen and witness by those that is being spoken to.

Of course biblical eschatology is the most written about and preached about than any subject in the bible, and therefore is the most debated, argued, and contentious subject. Most people don't take the time to dig and research, they just listen what other people say is fact. They believe that the symbology of the Old Testament is magically changed in the New Testament without our Lord telling us it is changed, so leaving up to the people (and church) to interpret. That is NOT so. If in Isaiah (14:12) he say that a star falling from the sky represented a ruler or nation falling (i.e. King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylonia), it means the same thing in the NT unless otherwise told to us a different meaning.
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People like you scare me. No wonder many people are running away from Christianity at this time.

Actually this isn’t true in regards to why they’re running away. The churches in general have been preaching a water down, feel good, prosperity form of Christianity for a long time. But this isn’t why some are running away.

The Bible clearly states there will be great falling away. That could be interpreted as the churches in general. I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I do not go to church and haven’t in over 15 years. My mother always took me to church growing up. But the Joel osteen type of ministry won’t cut it then or now. There are still a few good preachers out there but they’re becoming harder to find.
I believe the Russian government made a massive concerted effort to aid Trump's election campaign in 2016 and it did help the move the needle a bit (perhaps 1 or 2%?).

I believe the Main Stream Media colluded with the Democrat party to aid Hillary's election campaign in 2016 and it did help the move the needle a bit (perhaps 3 or 4%).