None of the above will happen in your lifetime.
You’re out of your mind, it’s right around the corner! 1st Seal has been opened, Rider on the White Horse (Antichrist Pope Francis) Second Seal is Rider on The Red Horse, he was given authority to take peace from the earth. He was also given a Great Sword so men would slay each other. This speaks of Anarchy & or Civil War.
Third Seal is Rider on the Black Horse & he has a pair of scales in his hand. A days wage for a loaf of bread. This speaks of hyper inflation.
The 4th Seal is the Rider on The Pale Horse, he was given authority over 1/4 part of mankind to kill with the sword, famine, pestilence & Wild beasts. I believe this is when the shuttle full of enriched plutonium, launched by the Obama Administration on December 13th, 2012, will be released over the U.S. & a handful of our cities will simultaneously be hit with tactical nukes, including Washington D.C. The NWO will blame it on China, Russia, Iran or North Korea or a combination of the four. Martial Law will be implemented, authorities will come to your door & demand you go with them to a facility (FEMA Camps) to receive medical attention, food, water, clothing & protection. They will promise you can go home in a reasonable timeframe. Once @ these FEMA Camps, you will be told the Truth. You will be given a choice to be re-Educated. You will be asked to Worship The Antichrist. Those who DON’T will be Terminated. Those who DO worship the antichrist or his image will be slaves to the NWO.
**** It is unclear to me at this point if the “Mark OF The Beast is administered @ The FEMA Camps or Before. In Revelation 13, The Mark of the Beast & The Worship of the Antichrist are both talked about in this chapter. Taking The “Mark/Computer Chip & or Worshipping the Antichrist will bring the Plagues of God down on those people. They will spend ETERNITY in The Lake Of Fire!
The good news is we only go through the Tribulation once. I encourage each of you to receive JESUS as Your Lord & Savior!
Romans 10:9 says, “If you confess with your mouth the LORD JESUS & Believe in Your Heart GOD raised HIM from the dead, you shall be Saved!
John 3:3 says, “Unless a Man is Born Again, he cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
JESUS said, “If you confess ME Before men, I’ll Confess You Before MY FATHER & HIS Angels, But, If You’re Ashamed of Me & MY Words, I’LL be Ashamed of You when You Stand Before My Father & HIS Angels!”
JESUS said, “Anyone who would follow me must take up his cross daily & follow ME. For whoever seeks to Save His Life Will Lose It But Whoever Loses His Life for MY sake Will Find It.”
JESUS said, I’m The Way, The Truth & The Life, No One Comes To The Father But Through Me.
Let me say, I Don’t Enjoy sharing with Y’all this Bleak Message about The Antichrist, NWO & The Prophecy that Must be Fulfilled. Believe Me, I Don’t Take Any Pleasure in it. But, There are those on this board that need to hear this message so that IF you take heed to what I’m passing along, GOD will Save You, You Won’t Go Through These Awful Plagues & most importantly, You will spend Eternity in Heaven & Not in the Lake of Fire. (Revelation 15)
When one Accepts JESUS as their SAVIOR, The HOLY SPIRIT comes & resides in that person. One of the functions of the HOLY SPIRIT is to Lead You & Guide You & Show You Things To Come. Through much Prayer & Study in GOD’s WORD, HE has shown me what I’ve been sharing with ya’ll & I care about y’all, even the ones who persecute me. Persecution is part of being a Christian. Many of the things I’ve shared with you, Time will show you I’m being Truthful with You! GOD Bless Ya’ll!
Those who worship the antichrist or his image will partake in 16 Plagues of GOD including, an earthquake so powerful, every island & mountain are moved out of their places.
Raging Wild Fires
An asteroid which destroys a third of the sea life in the ocean it strikes as well as 1/3 of the ships.
another asteroid called Wormwood which will turn fresh water bitter & Many die from the bitter water.
Locust with the sting of a scorpion & the pain lasts for 5 months. I believe these are the Asian Killer Hornets.
War ... many will die from War
More earthquakes
Men & woman breaking out in painful boils all over their bodies
The Sun so hot, men are scorched with Great Heat (This is because of the NWO Chemtrails, which they have been spraying us for almost 80 years.
GOD strikes the Seat of The Beast (Papal Rome & The Vatican) with Darkness & they naw their tongues in pain.
An Earthquake so powerful EVERY Mountain, City & Island are thrown down.
100 pound hail stones falling on men
* This does NOT include the two witnesses who arrive in the last 3.5 years of The Tribulation. They are given the authority to release whatever plague they want to release on humanity as often as they want. If anyone tries to kill them they are killed the same way. After their purpose on earth has been served, the antichrist does kill them. Humanity leaves them in the streets for 3.5 days. The whole world sees them through Satellite TV & humanity sends gifts to each other because the two witnesses have caused humanity so much suffering. After 3.5 days, they are raised from the dead & ascend into Heaven. (Revelation 11)
JESUS comes back after the Plague of the Hailstones & Destroys the armies who have gathered @ Megiddo (Armageddon).
Eighty-two percent of the armies gathered against Israel are destroyed. The blood flows from the horses bridle for 200 miles. It takes 7 months to bury the dead & 7 years to get rid of all the armament.
JESUS sets up HIS Throne in Jerusalem & Those that did not receive the mark of the beast & did not worship the antichrist will rule & reign 1000 years with JESUS. Things will be Peaceful & Prosperous!
After The 1000 years are finished, Satan will be released for a short time to deceive the nations once more. The nations will once again be gathered against Jerusalem & GOD will reign Fire & Brimstone down from Heaven to destroy them! Satan will be thrown alive into the Lake Of Fire! Those who did not participate in the Millennium will be raised to stand before the Great White Throne Judgement. The Books will be opened, (what we’ve done in our lives) & another Book will be opened, The Lambs Book Of Life & Whoever’s Name was NOT Found Written in The Lambs Book Of was Cast Into The Lake Of Fire. (Revelation 20:15)
After this event, A New Heaven will come down & those who are found written in the Lambs Book Of Life Will Reign With GOD & JESUS For Ever!
The False Prophet & Antichrist are thrown alive in the Lake of Fire. Satan is bound in the abyss with a Great Chain for 1000 years.