He’s friends with the Clinton’s (Committee of 300 Members) & Obama (33 Degree Mason) both of these individuals know all the secrets, including who organized JFK’s Assassination. I would not say his Music Career is a front but he is friends with people who don’t have humanities best interest @ heart & that’s putting it mildly. He could possibly be a Knight of Malta, which some of our entertainers are, including Robert De Nero. Some entertainers are in the Illuminati @ a lower level than the 13 founding families. There is one former member of the 33 Degree Masons, if I mentioned his name your jaw would Hit the floor or you would call me blasphemous. This person was friends with George Bush & many other presidents who were involved in the Cabol/NWO. Some of you who doubt & persecute, @ no fault of your own, have been duped & blinded. As Americans, we expect the Media to be honest & unbiased. There was time, when this was the case, but it has not been that way for a long time. In 1991, David Rockerfellar said, “I want to Thank The NY Times, Washington Post & Time Magazine. Without their help, (concealing the Truth from the American people) we would have never gotten this far.” What an indictment on those 3 Media Outlets!