Conspiracy Theories? (GOAT Thread)

I have, numerous times. Again, the symbols used in Revelation is what is used in the Old Testament, and this was symbolic there and it is symbolic in Revelation. If you do not have a grasp and understand the symbolic language in the Old Testament, you will never truly understand the Book of Revelation. You must have one heck of a time believing that the symbolic language in Isaiah is literal???

Many that teach eschatology cannot even grasp what Isaiah 14:12 means. They jump all over the Lucifer (Latin) translation and preach that it is referring to Satan falling from heaven! That is NOT the case. For one Lucifer is the Latin translation for morning star, or star of the morning. When you see language in this type of context referring to a star falling from the sky, it means 'star' (ruler or leader) falling (being deposed or brought down), as in this case King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon being brought down, or punished, or judged. If people would just read the preceding verses (or chapter) as well as sometimes the following verses, they would understand what was being referred to. But many just take the one verse (Isaiah 14:12) and roll around on the floor like they got's Satan!!!

Like in Isaiah and Jeremiah (and others), when you see the language (in this eschatological context) of an earth quake it usually means the shaking of a nation, or a leader being shaken, or punished. As in Isaiah and Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, as well as in Revelation, when God or Jesus is seen coming in the clouds, it is a coming in judgement. It does not mean that you or anyone else at the time it was being referred to was going to see God or Jesus riding a cloud in the sky like a wave on the Hawaiian beach.

Unless I totally missed it, and I have read the New Testament numerous times, I did not see Jesus or the apostles give us the list of the 'new' meanings of the 'old' symbols that we are to use in the New Testament. If you can show me that, then I can realistically look at your physical, literal interpretations. My God is not a God of confusion...
The stars , a 1/3 of them that were flung out of Heaven in Revelation 12, represent The angels who followed Satan/Lucifer & were kicked out of Heaven with Satan/Lucifer.
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we find out if you are right when you end up mysterious missing or dead.

example would be just eating lunch one day at a park and you decide to shoot yourself in the head.

it really could happen

Yea unfortunately that’s a risk I decided to take. If we don’t we all end up dead sooner rather than later. There are way worse ways to go than by a bullet.
"he will return in the clouds" decipher?????

so some countries air force will be involved?

or maybe a majick carpet?


big human male form in a robe just appears in the clouds?

I’m not an expert on revelation. But I believe the unseen world around us will be revealed in an instant. God blocked our ability to see into other dimensions for a lack of better words. That’s a good thing until the end because we wouldn’t be able to cope with what we would see. Science would back this. See the hydrogen collider and what they’re doing.
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Yea unfortunately that’s a risk I decided to take. If we don’t we all end up dead sooner rather than later. There are way worse ways to go than by a bullet.
They’ll threaten first & if that doesn’t do the trick, they’ll turn the heat up. Glen Beck experiences this first hand when he worked for Fox. He was talking about FEMA Camps & The Federal Reserve. They threatened him & his family. Fox, who is owned by Rupert Murdoch (owns 61%), a Committee of 300 Member, let him go!
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I’m not an expert on revelation. But I believe the unseen world around us will be revealed in an instant. God blocked our ability to see into other dimensions for a lack of better words. That’s a good thing until the end because we wouldn’t be able to cope with what we would see. Science would back this. See the hydrogen collider and what they’re doing.
Yep, Luke 21, “men’s heart’s failing them for Looking after those things coming on the earth!”
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They’ll threaten first & if that doesn’t do the trick, they’ll turn the heat up. Glen Beck experiences this first hand when he worked for Fox. He was talking about FEMA Camps & The Federal Reserve. They threatened him & his family. Fox, who is owned by Rupert Murdoch (owns 61%), a Committee of 300 Member, let him go!
Yea that’s what I would expect. I’ll have a problem trying to keep my cool at that point if in person. But I need to wait and fight for a bigger problem. They don’t play fair. I don’t expect a gun fight where I have a pretty good chance. They would likely go after my family. Or blow up my vehicle when I fire it up. No pun intended
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Yea that’s what I would expect. I’ll have a problem trying to keep my cool at that point if in person. But I need to wait and fight for a bigger problem. They don’t play fair. I don’t expect a gun fight where I have a pretty good chance. They would likely go after my family. Or blow up my vehicle when I fire it up. No pun intended
Yep, but on this forum, they’ll mock you or let you know they know where you are! Now, if you got on a News Broadcast, they’d threaten you! I got on Messenger & talked about the NWO, Chemtrails, FEMA Camps etc... & that afternoon, They wrote JESUS Loves You,” to mock me & let me know they know where I live. My wife said, “How sweet, they wrote JESUS Loves You over our house!” I told her we were being mocked! I’ll send you some pics!
Yep, but on this forum, they’ll mock you or let you know they know where you are! Now, if you got on a News Broadcast, they’d threaten you! I got on Messenger & talked about the NWO, Chemtrails, FEMA Camps etc... & that afternoon, They wrote JESUS Loves You,” to mock me & let me know they know where I live. My wife said, “How sweet, they wrote JESUS Loves You over our house!” I told her we were being mocked! I’ll send you some pics!
Wow! I would love to see them.
No, You’re Arrogant & Deceived! What I’ve passed along Will Happen in Front of Your Face! Time Will Prove Me Right! Not Believing Isaiah 14:12 is Speaking of Lucifer Shows Your Ignorance! Wake Up!

You can call me what you want, but that still doesn't make you right. Have you noticed that you have not ONCE addressed to timing issues (words) that surround all of the predictions you are making. You know why??? I do. It is because you will look foolish trying to do so!

Here is a little parable type of story (situation) for you:

You are awoken and realize that your house is on fire. So you immediately get to the phone and call the fire department. You say, "help, my house is on fire!!! Hurry, please come quickly!!!" The fire department says, "OK we will be there soon."

The next morning as you sit on a crate while your burned ashes of your house are still smoldering behind you. Then you hear sirens rapidly approaching. Then you see the fire trucks speeding down the road in a tizzy, and stop in front of your house. So you say:

"What took you so long? Where were you? My house is burned down!!! You said you would be here soon!!!

The Fired Department Captain said, "Oh, we didn't mean we were coming immediately. When we said "soon" we meant when we came we would come quickly."

This is the interpretation problems that you have with your proposed doomsday scenario with timing words like 'soon' and 'near'. This is how the proponents of your view deal with the timing issue. I just thought that I should tell you since it seems that you didn't know. Now that I explained it to you, does it make sense???

In life words mean everything...In the bible the Word is Life...

Or, if this is not what you believe with the timing words that Jesus and the apostles used, I will hang on the phone waiting for your reply and answer.
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  • Look
You can call me what you want, but that still doesn't make you right. Have you noticed that you have not ONCE addressed to timing issues (words) that surround all of the predictions you are making You know why??? I do. It is because you will look foolish trying to do so!

Here is a little parable type of story (situation) for you:

You are awoken and realize that your house is on fire. So you immediately get to the phone and call the fire department. You say, "hurry, please come quickly!!!"

The next morning as you sit on a crate while your burned down house is still smoldering behind you, you hear sirens rapidly approaching. Then you see the fire trucks speeding down the road and stop in front of your house. So you say:

"What took you so long? Where were you? My house is burned down!!! You said you would be here soon!!!

The Fired Department Captain said, "Oh, we didn't mean we were coming immediately. We meant when we came we would come quickly."

This is the interpretation problems that you have with your proposed doomsday scenario with timing words like 'soon' and 'near'. This is how the proponents of your view deal with the timing issue. I just thought that I should tell you since it seems that you didn't know. Now that I explained it to you, does it make sense???

Or, if this is not what you believe with the timing words that Jesus and the apostles used, I will hang on the phone waiting for your reply and answer.
Bro, let’s revisit
You can call me what you want, but that still doesn't make you right. Have you noticed that you have not ONCE addressed to timing issues (words) that surround all of the predictions you are making You know why??? I do. It is because you will look foolish trying to do so!

Here is a little parable type of story (situation) for you:

You are awoken and realize that your house is on fire. So you immediately get to the phone and call the fire department. You say, "hurry, please come quickly!!!"

The next morning as you sit on a crate while your burned down house is still smoldering behind you, you hear sirens rapidly approaching. Then you see the fire trucks speeding down the road and stop in front of your house. So you say:

"What took you so long? Where were you? My house is burned down!!! You said you would be here soon!!!

The Fired Department Captain said, "Oh, we didn't mean we were coming immediately. We meant when we came we would come quickly."

This is the interpretation problems that you have with your proposed doomsday scenario with timing words like 'soon' and 'near'. This is how the proponents of your view deal with the timing issue. I just thought that I should tell you since it seems that you didn't know. Now that I explained it to you, does it make sense???

Or, if this is not what you believe with the timing words that Jesus and the apostles used, I will hang on the phone waiting for your reply and answer.

What timing issues, Don’t You Know One Day To The LORD Is 1000 Years & 1000 Years is As A Day. GOD Doesn’t Look @ Time The Way We Do. What’s A Few Thousand Years To HIM When He’s Always Been & Always Will Be. Just because something was prophesied thousands of years ago, doesn’t mean the prophecy is going to happen when the prophecy was given.

Understanding prophecy takes discernment by the HOLY SPIRIT because as John 15 states, one of the functions of the HOLY SPIRIT is to show us things to come.

Take Daniel 7 as an example, The the 4th beast in Daniel 7 is Papal Rome, The Beast/AntIchrist & The NWO. How do we know this? Because in Revelation 17,18, the 7 heads & the 10 horns are the same beast in Daniel 7 & Revelation 17,18. Both Beasts are described as having 7 heads & 10 horns. The 7 heads are the 7 mountains on which the beast sits. (Papal Rome & The Vatican) The 10 Horns are 10 Kings (Global Leaders) who rule & reign With the Beast/Antichrist for a short time (1Hr which represents 15 days in Bible Prophecy) The NWO has divided the world up into 10 Regions with a King (Global Leaders) over each Region. Google 10 Regions designated by the NWO & you’ll see what I’m talking about! Revelation 17 says the Beast is clothed in Scarlet & Purple. The Beast is full of the blood of the Martyrs (Papal Rome killed between 60 & 100 Million Christians because they refused to convert to Catholicism during The Dark Ages). They took out the second Commandment, “Thou Shalt Have No Graven Images.” The word Pope Means Vicar OF CHRIST. Vicar of CHRIST means replacement of CHRIST on Earth. There IS & Will Never Be A Replacement For CHRIST On Earth or Anywhere Else. If You Read Revelation 17 & 18, You Will See These 10 Kings (Global Leaders will Burn Papal Rome & The Vatican because The Beast/Antichrist Pope Does NOT Live Up To His End Of The Bargain. The Great Whore Who Sits On Many Waters Is Papal Rome, The Vatican & The Catholic Church. Why do you think John The Revelator said, “Come Out of Her My People So You Don’t Share In Her Plagues.”

So why are my saying if Trump does NOT get Elected, we’re going into Bondage? Because The 112th & Final Pope is here based on Saint Malachi’s Prophecy, which was Prophecied In 1139 AD. GOD told Saint Malachi, a Godly Arch Bishop in the Catholic Church, There will be 112 more Popes, the Last Pope would Be a Destroyer, He Would Be The Only Pope To Not Take A Symbol & He Would Be Called Peter The Roman. Well, Jorge Bergoglio is The 112th & Final Pope, He’s The ONLY Pope To Not Take A Symbol & He Took The Name Saint Francis Of Assisi. Saint Francis of Assisi was a Patriarch in the Catholic Church who Founded The Franciscans. But his Real Name Was Petri De Bernardone, which Means Peter The Roman. By The Way, GOD gave Saint Malachi Every Symbol Of Every Pope Leading Up To The 112th & Final Pope. And “The Prophecy Of The Popes Was Hidden Away In The Vatican Archives For Over 900 Years. They Didn’t Want People To Know Who The Final Pope Would Be. Because It Would Be Much Easier To Deceive People.

The Preferred Government Type Of The Beast/Antichrist is Socialism. There are Two Beasts in Revelation 13, The First Beast is Papal Rome, The Beast/Antichrist & The NWO. The Second Beast is America & The False Prophet. The Second Beast is Described As A Lamb Having Two Horns. The Two Horns Represents Civil & Religious Liberty. But it says The Lamb Starts Speaking Like A Dragon. This Means The United States @ Some Point Will Be Ruled By A Draconian Dictator. I Know That Dictator Is NOT Trump Because If He Were, The NWO Homers Would Not Try To Push Him Out. He Would Not Be Exposing The Media Who Is Part Of The NWO. Also, He Would NOt Have Been a Major Contributor In Moving The Capital Of Israel From Tel Aviv To Jerusalem. So, Because The Final Beast/Antichrist Pope is Here & has been in Power Since 2013, He & His Beast System NWO is Waiting To Turn America Into A Draconian Socialist Country.

The Current Pope Is The Rider On The White Horse In Revelation 6, The First Seal. He Comes With A Bow, Conquering & To Conquer! If You Read Daniel 11:37 & Following, it says “With The Help Of A Foreign god Otherwise Known As The GOD Of Forces, Many Nations Are Overthrown. There’s an Observatory On Mount Graham in AZ & There Are Three Huge Multi Million Dollar Telescopes There. One is Owned By The Vatican, One is Owned By The U.S. & One is Owned By Germany. When Chris Putnam & Tom Horn Wrote The Book Petrus Romanus, They Spent 14 Hours With Guy Cosmonolgo, The Chief Astronomer For The Vatican & He Told Horn & Putnam With The Infrared Telescope Owned By Germany, They See UFO’s & Aliens (Fallen Angels) All The Time. The Name of The German Telescope Is Called Lucifer! They Are Looking For This Alien/Demon god To Assist The Beast Antichrist as Recorded In Daniel 11:37 & Following. At Some Point, You Will Hear This Current Pope Say, “We Need An Alien god!” He’s Already Said, “We Would Baptize A Martian.”

If GOD is Going To Tarry As Far As The Tribulation Goes, I Think Trump Is Re-Elected. However, If GOD Is Going To Expedite The Tribulation, Trump Loses The Election & We Are Ruled By A Draconian Dictator Who Will Implement Draconian Laws. This Is The Most Important Election In The History Of Our Country. I Believe The NWO Democrats & Some Republican Democrats will Try & Fix The Election. I Believe Due To The Fabricated Coronavirus, They will Try & Make As Many Precincts As Possible, Mail In Their Ballots. I Believe There Is A Very Good Possibility Of Having Anarchy & Possibly Civil War In Our Country Which Speaks To The Second Seal In Revelation 6, The Rider On The Red Horse. The Rider On The Red Was Given Authority To Take Peace From The Earth & Was Given A Great Sword So Men Would Slay Each Other.

The NWO Has Been Working On A One World Government Since 1776 When The 13 Power Families Funded The Illuminati, Written By Adam Weiskauph in 1776. If You Saw All The Entities In The NWO, You Would Understand Why It Took So Long For Them To almost Achieve Their Goal.

Goal #19 of The NWO States... “To Infiltrate & Subvert All Governments & Work From Within Them To Destroy The Sovereign Integrity Of The Nations Represented By Them.” This Is What People Call The Cabol, Deep State Or The Swamp.

You are Witnessing The 2nd Goal Of The NWO Right Before Your Eyes... “To Completely & Utterly Destroy All National Pride & National Identity, Which Was A Primary Consideration If A One World Government Was To Work.”

Goal #11... “To Keep People Everywhere From Deciding Their Own Destinies By Means Of One Created Crisis After Another & Then Managing Such Crisises.”

Goal #20 .., To Create a Terrorist Apparatus (ISIS, Al Queda, ISIL etc) & Negotiate With Terrorist Whenever Possible.

Goal 21... “To Utterly & Completely Destroy The Education System In America By Teaching Out Based Education.” They’ve Been Doing This Since The 80’s!
This is Why 50-70% of Our Young People Will Vote For A Socialist President.

Like I’ve said Many Times, The 4th Beast In Daniel 7 Is Papal Rome, The Beast Antichrist & The NWO! Daniel Describes The 4th Beast As Exceedingly Powerful, Dreadful & Terrible. He Says It Devours The Whole World & Stamps Out The Residue. It Devours The Whole Because All Global Leaders Are Involved With Them Except For A Few, Including Trump, That’s Why They Hate Him & Want Him Out. If A Global Leader Does Not Play Ball With Them, They Will Destroy Them. Ask Sadaam Hussein.
Ezekiel 37-39 Speaks of The Battle Of Armageddon As Does Zechariah 12-14 & of Coarse, Revelation 19!
"Don’t You Know One Day To The LORD Is 1000 Years & 1000 Years is As A Day."

Yep, it is to God and the angels, but it is not to us. God was speaking of (regarding) spiritual things. The bible was written for man. Just like in Revelation where it said the measurements of man was to be used. If God treated us with that timing statement then just about everything would have been irrelevant to those in the 1st century, and for us to for that matter.

What I am asking you to address is the usage of really mainly three words that nearly all eschatological interpretation hangs from, the Greek word ἐγγύς (eggus), meaning 'near', the Greek word τάχος (tachos), meaning 'soon', and the Greek word μέλλω (mello), meaning meaning about to; about to be; be on the point. I can get into the usages of these Greek words, i.e. tenses, etc., but that may be somewhat deep for here.

What I will say is your proponents (those that teach your Futurist View) do to these words what I call 'rubber-banding', stretching them, and using your above statement "One Day To The LORD Is 1000 Years & 1000 Years is As A Day". All that does is give them an equation (one that doesn't even add up to a solution!) and a method to make a timing word amount to whatever they want it to be. This amounts to improper exegesis and bad hermeneutics.

As crazy as the wild theories that you see them propose of the show 'Ancient Aliens', some of what you are saying here may be on that level.

When Paul said to the Philippian Church (Philippians 2:19) that he hoped to send Timothy to them soon (τάχος; tachos), I will bet my blueberry farm with you that he (Paul) or the Philippian Church were not thinking (or thought) it could be 1000 years!!! It is the same word (in the same tense) that you see in Revelation 1:1 and Revelation 22:6 in which you think can mean 1000 years (actually now 2000 years)!!! The people that Jesus and the apostles were teaching and speaking to had to be as confused as Keystone Cops trying to figure out then when on everything that was spoken to them.

Luke 18:7-8 (7) "And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? (8) I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly (τάχος [tachos], meaning 'soon'). However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”

So here he asks "Will he (God) keep putting them off?" He basically says no, and they (His chosen ones) will get justice 'soon'. If they knew that this 'justice' may be 1000 years I doubt that would have made them fell real good? What do you think??

I could take just the meanings of these three words ἐγγύς (eggus) 'near', τάχος (tachos) 'soon', μέλλω (mello), 'about to'; 'about to be', and peel away your Futurist View like peeling an onion.

But, you got your 'One Day To The LORD Is 1000 Years & 1000 Years is As A Day' to lean on. So I guess I will have to speak with you later on this, and yes, I do NOT mean in a '1000' year!!!
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"Don’t You Know One Day To The LORD Is 1000 Years & 1000 Years is As A Day."

Yep, it is to God and the angels, but it is not to us. God was speaking of (regarding) spiritual things. The bible was written for man. Just like in Revelation where it said the measurements of man was to be used. If God treated us with that timing statement then just about everything would have been irrelevant to those in the 1st century, and for us to for that matter.

What I am asking you to address is the usage of really mainly three words that nearly all eschatological interpretation hangs from, the Greek word ἐγγύς (eggus), meaning 'near', the Greek word τάχος (tachos), meaning 'soon', and the Greek word μέλλω (mello), meaning meaning about to; about to be; be on the point. I can get into the usages of these Greek words, i.e. tenses, etc., but that may be somewhat deep for here.

What I will say is your proponents (those that teach your Futurist View) do to these words what I call 'rubber-banding', stretching them, and using your above statement "One Day To The LORD Is 1000 Years & 1000 Years is As A Day". All that does is give them an equation (one that doesn't even add up to a solution!) and a method to make a timing word amount to whatever they want it to be. This amounts to improper exegesis and bad hermeneutics.

As crazy as the wild theories that you see them propose of the show 'Ancient Aliens', some of what you are saying here may be on that level.

When Paul said to the Philippian Church (Philippians 2:19) that he hoped to send Timothy to them soon (τάχος; tachos), I will bet my blueberry farm with you that he (Paul) or the Philippian Church were not thinking (or thought) it could be 1000 years!!! It is the same word (in the same tense) that you see in Revelation 1:1 and Revelation 22:6 in which you think can mean 1000 years (actually now 2000 years)!!! The people that Jesus and the apostles were teaching and speaking to had to be as confused as Keystone Cops trying to figure out then when on everything that was spoken to them.

Luke 18:7-8 (7) "And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? (8) I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly (τάχος [tachos], meaning 'soon'). However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”

So here he asks "Will he (God) keep putting them off?" He basically says no, and they (His chosen ones) will get justice 'soon'. If they knew that this 'justice' may be 1000 years I doubt that would have made them fell real good? What do you think??

I could take just the meanings of these three words ἐγγύς (eggus) 'near', τάχος (tachos) 'soon', μέλλω (mello), 'about to'; 'about to be', and peel away your Futurist View like peeling an onion.

But, you got your 'One Day To The LORD Is 1000 Years & 1000 Years is As A Day' to lean on. So I guess I will have to speak with you later on this, and yes, I do NOT mean in a '1000' year!!!
Let me ask you a couple of questions... 1. Do You Believe in the Beast/Antichrist
2. Do you believe in the implementation of the Mark Of The Beast?
3. Do You Believe Satan & a1/3 of the angels were kicked out of Heaven
4. Do You believe in the Tribulation & The 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets & 7 Vials in Revelation 6 & following.
5. What Specific Pr
"Don’t You Know One Day To The LORD Is 1000 Years & 1000 Years is As A Day."

Yep, it is to God and the angels, but it is not to us. God was speaking of (regarding) spiritual things. The bible was written for man. Just like in Revelation where it said the measurements of man was to be used. If God treated us with that timing statement then just about everything would have been irrelevant to those in the 1st century, and for us to for that matter.

What I am asking you to address is the usage of really mainly three words that nearly all eschatological interpretation hangs from, the Greek word ἐγγύς (eggus), meaning 'near', the Greek word τάχος (tachos), meaning 'soon', and the Greek word μέλλω (mello), meaning meaning about to; about to be; be on the point. I can get into the usages of these Greek words, i.e. tenses, etc., but that may be somewhat deep for here.

What I will say is your proponents (those that teach your Futurist View) do to these words what I call 'rubber-banding', stretching them, and using your above statement "One Day To The LORD Is 1000 Years & 1000 Years is As A Day". All that does is give them an equation (one that doesn't even add up to a solution!) and a method to make a timing word amount to whatever they want it to be. This amounts to improper exegesis and bad hermeneutics.

As crazy as the wild theories that you see them propose of the show 'Ancient Aliens', some of what you are saying here may be on that level.

When Paul said to the Philippian Church (Philippians 2:19) that he hoped to send Timothy to them soon (τάχος; tachos), I will bet my blueberry farm with you that he (Paul) or the Philippian Church were not thinking (or thought) it could be 1000 years!!! It is the same word (in the same tense) that you see in Revelation 1:1 and Revelation 22:6 in which you think can mean 1000 years (actually now 2000 years)!!! The people that Jesus and the apostles were teaching and speaking to had to be as confused as Keystone Cops trying to figure out then when on everything that was spoken to them.

Luke 18:7-8 (7) "And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? (8) I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly (τάχος [tachos], meaning 'soon'). However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”

So here he asks "Will he (God) keep putting them off?" He basically says no, and they (His chosen ones) will get justice 'soon'. If they knew that this 'justice' may be 1000 years I doubt that would have made them fell real good? What do you think??

I could take just the meanings of these three words ἐγγύς (eggus) 'near', τάχος (tachos) 'soon', μέλλω (mello), 'about to'; 'about to be', and peel away your Futurist View like peeling an onion.

But, you got your 'One Day To The LORD Is 1000 Years & 1000 Years is As A Day' to lean on. So I guess I will have to speak with you later on this, and yes, I do NOT mean in a '1000' year!!!

Futuristic???? Haven’t You Heard Of Bible Prophecy? Twenty-Five Percent of The Bible Is Bible Prophecy! Not Futuristic!!! I know when Paul said, “He hoped to send Timothy to them soon.” He wasn’t a thousand years. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure that out.

I forgot I was talking to the guy who doesn’t think it’s talking about Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12.
It’s the same Lucifer/Devil/Satan that was kicked out of Heaven in Revelation 12, along with a third of the angels (Stars) who followed him. Wake Up!!! What I’ve said on this Board is well documented & the things I’ve passed will come to pass in Time. Like I’ve said before, let’s revisit this conversation in 4-5 years.
Let me ask you a couple of questions... 1. Do You Believe in the Beast/Antichrist
2. Do you believe in the implementation of the Mark Of The Beast?
3. Do You Believe Satan & a1/3 of the angels were kicked out of Heaven
4. Do You believe in the Tribulation & The 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets & 7 Vials in Revelation 6 & following.
5. What Specific Pr

Futuristic???? Haven’t You Heard Of Bible Prophecy? Twenty-Five Percent of The Bible Is Bible Prophecy! Not Futuristic!!! I know when Paul said, “He hoped to send Timothy to them soon.” He wasn’t a thousand years. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure that out.

I forgot I was talking to the guy who doesn’t think it’s talking about Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12.
It’s the same Lucifer/Devil/Satan that was kicked out of Heaven in Revelation 12, along with a third of the angels (Stars) who followed him. Wake Up!!! What I’ve said on this Board is well documented & the things I’ve passed will come to pass in Time. Like I’ve said before, let’s revisit this conversation in 4-5 years.
The 5Th question I was going to ask you is, What Specific Prophecy that Ive shared with the Board do you have an issue with?
Let me ask you a couple of questions... 1. Do You Believe in the Beast/Antichrist
2. Do you believe in the implementation of the Mark Of The Beast?
3. Do You Believe Satan & a1/3 of the angels were kicked out of Heaven
4. Do You believe in the Tribulation & The 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets & 7 Vials in Revelation 6 & following.
5. What Specific Pr

Futuristic???? Haven’t You Heard Of Bible Prophecy? Twenty-Five Percent of The Bible Is Bible Prophecy! Not Futuristic!!! I know when Paul said, “He hoped to send Timothy to them soon.” He wasn’t a thousand years. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure that out.

I forgot I was talking to the guy who doesn’t think it’s talking about Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12.
It’s the same Lucifer/Devil/Satan that was kicked out of Heaven in Revelation 12, along with a third of the angels (Stars) who followed him. Wake Up!!! What I’ve said on this Board is well documented & the things I’ve passed will come to pass in Time. Like I’ve said before, let’s revisit this conversation in 4-5 years.

The 5Th question I was going to ask you is, What Specific Prophecy that Ive shared with the Board do you have an issue with?

Have you not read what I posted earlier? Nero is the beast (666).

"Futuristic???? Haven’t You Heard Of Bible Prophecy?" This is bizarre, since all prophesy is 'future' at the time it is made!!! :confused:

Most of the questions you stated were address in my 'Olivet Discourse' reply, i.e., Matt. 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, and this applies to the timing question, particularly when Jesus said they would see it in their generation (γενιά; geniá). And in the Hebrew culture at that time a generation was considered 40 years.

But it is obvious that you are NOT going to address the words ἐγγύς (eggus) 'near', τάχος (tachos) 'soon', μέλλω (mello), 'about to'; 'about to be', that surround the argument on your view of eschatology (Revelation), and I absolutely understand why you won't. It will undermine your argument. You see Futurist's can't stand the bibles timing words when it comes to eschatology and prophesy. They run from them as quickly as possible.

But at this point I am done with this debate, because you keep repeating the same thing(s) over and over again, somewhat similar to the 1940's Fascists point, "if you say things enough they will believe." If you wanted me to believe what you believe you should at least try to answer my questions. You just keep asking me to answer yours, and I have already addressed most of them in prior posts!

I know you won't, but try to listen to the Don K. Preston point (link) that I had provided. He is one of the bests on the AD 70 viewpoint.

Have you not read what I posted earlier? Nero is the beast (666).

"Futuristic???? Haven’t You Heard Of Bible Prophecy?" This is bizarre, since all prophesy is 'future' at the time it is made!!! :confused:

Most of the questions you stated were address in my 'Olivet Discourse' reply, i.e., Matt. 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, and this applies to the timing question, particularly when Jesus said they would see it in their generation (γενιά; geniá). And in the Hebrew culture at that time a generation was considered 40 years.

But it is obvious that you are NOT going to address the words ἐγγύς (eggus) 'near', τάχος (tachos) 'soon', μέλλω (mello), 'about to'; 'about to be', that surround the argument on your view of eschatology (Revelation), and I absolutely understand why you won't. It will undermine your argument. You see Futurist's can't stand the bibles timing words when it comes to eschatology and prophesy. They run from them as quickly as possible.

But at this point I am done with this debate, because you keep repeating the same thing(s) over and over again, somewhat similar to the 1940's Fascists point, "if you say things enough they will believe." If you wanted me to believe what you believe you should at least try to answer my questions. You just keep asking me to answer yours, and I have already addressed most of them in prior posts!

I know you won't, but try to listen to the Don K. Preston point (link) that I had provided. He is one of the bests on the AD 70 viewpoint.

In Mathew 24, Mark 13 & Luke 21... He’s talking about the Generation that witnesses The Parable Of The Fig Tree (Israel recognized as a nation in 1948) & witnesses the escalation in earthquakes, Famines, Pestilences, Wars & Rumors of wars, False Prophets, The Gospel preached to the whole world.... that Generation, NOT The Generation he was talking to!!! Wake Up!!! He’s talking about The Tribulation Period, which is now! Everything I passed along to the board is well documented & it will ALL to to pass even if you’re too Ignorant & Deceived to Believe It.
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In Mathew 24, Mark 13 & Luke 21... He’s talking about the Generation that witnesses The Parable Of The Fig Tree (Israel recognized as a nation in 1948) & witnesses the escalation in earthquakes, Famines, Pestilences, Wars & Rumors of wars, False Prophets, The Gospel preached to the whole world.... that Generation, NOT The Generation he was talking to!!! Wake Up!!! He’s talking about The Tribulation Period, which is now! Everything I passed along to the board is well documented & it will ALL to to pass even if you’re too Ignorant & Deceived to Believe It.
You’re Out Of Your Mind if You Think Nero Was The Beast!!!! You Just Told Me Everything I Need To Know About How Deceived You Are! I told You, Everything I Passed Along to The Board Is Well Documented & It Will Come To Pass Right In Front Of Your Face! That’s A Guarantee! I’ll tell you what, if the things I said DON’t Come To Pass In The Next 10 Years, I’ll Work On Your Blueberry Farm For A Week, For Free. I’ll Look For You, You Won’t Have To Look For Me! And Sooner Than Ten Years If Trump Doesn’t Get Re-Elected.
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In Mathew 24, Mark 13 & Luke 21... He’s talking about the Generation that witnesses The Parable Of The Fig Tree (Israel recognized as a nation in 1948) & witnesses the escalation in earthquakes, Famines, Pestilences, Wars & Rumors of wars, False Prophets, The Gospel preached to the whole world.... that Generation, NOT The Generation he was talking to!!! Wake Up!!! He’s talking about The Tribulation Period, which is now! Everything I passed along to the board is well documented & it will ALL to to pass even if you’re too Ignorant & Deceived to Believe It.

"In Mathew 24, Mark 13 & Luke 21... He’s talking about the Generation that witnesses..."

That's absurd!!! It is the same generation as these people:

~ Matt. 16:27,28 (27) "For the Son of Man is going to come (Greek word μέλλω (mello), 'about to'; 'about to be') in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done. (28) “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”

~ Mark 8:38-9:1 (38) "If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.” (9:1) And he said to them, “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see that the kingdom of God has come with power.”

~ Luke 9:26,27 (26) "Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. (27) “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God.

Now if you can show me any of some who are standing here who are still walking around to this day, then I will believe you and your view, and offer an apology!!!

This is the same coming (parousia) with the same language that you see in Matthew 24:29-34 (29)
“Immediately after the distress of those days

“‘the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light;
the stars will fall from the sky,
and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’

(30) “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory (see Mark 9:1). (31) And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. (32) “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near (ἐγγύς; eggus) (Exact same word used in Rev. 1:1 and 22:6). (33) Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near (ἐγγύς; eggus) (Exact same word used in Rev. 1:1 and 22:6), right at the door. (34) Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.

Listen man, I don't know how many times I have to keep listing this, and how many times you have to keep denying it. Every time you just come back with a theory (conspiracy theory) rambling on what is supposed to happen some 2000 years from when these very words were spoken (spoken by HE who is the Word). Why do you believe some person's theory and deny the very words used to describe it in the bible, and basing it (in part) on what Donald Trump does?

You keep insinuating that what I am saying is foolish and heretical, yet I am quoting the bible? You are quoting John Hagee or someone else?

Please at least before this ends, explain to me your interpretation of Matt. 16:27-28, Mark 8:38-9:1, and Luke 9:26-27, or say uncle, or something...

In life words mean everything...In the bible the Word is Life...
"In Mathew 24, Mark 13 & Luke 21... He’s talking about the Generation that witnesses..."

That's absurd!!! It is the same generation as these people:

~ Matt. 16:27,28 (27) "For the Son of Man is going to come (Greek word μέλλω (mello), 'about to'; 'about to be') in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done. (28) “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”

~ Mark 8:38-9:1 (38) "If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.” (9:1) And he said to them, “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see that the kingdom of God has come with power.”

~ Luke 9:26,27 (26) "Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. (27) “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God.

Now if you can show me any of some who are standing here who are still walking around to this day, then I will believe you and your view, and offer an apology!!!

This is the same coming (parousia) with the same language that you see in Matthew 24:29-34 (29)
“Immediately after the distress of those days

“‘the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light;
the stars will fall from the sky,
and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’

(30) “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory (see Mark 9:1). (31) And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. (32) “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near (ἐγγύς; eggus) (Exact same word used in Rev. 1:1 and 22:6). (33) Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near (ἐγγύς; eggus) (Exact same word used in Rev. 1:1 and 22:6), right at the door. (34) Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.

Listen man, I don't know how many times I have to keep listing this, and how many times you have to keep denying it. Every time you just come back with a theory (conspiracy theory) rambling on what is supposed to happen some 2000 years from when these very words were spoken (spoken by HE who is the Word). Why do you believe some person's theory and deny the very words used to describe it in the bible, and basing it (in part) on what Donald Trump does?

You keep insinuating that what I am saying is foolish and heretical, yet I am quoting the bible? You are quoting John Hagee or someone else?

Please at least before this ends, explain to me your interpretation of Matt. 16:27-28, Mark 8:38-9:1, and Luke 9:26-27, or say uncle, or something...

In life words mean everything...In the bible the Word is Life...
"In Mathew 24, Mark 13 & Luke 21... He’s talking about the Generation that witnesses..."

That's absurd!!! It is the same generation as these people:

~ Matt. 16:27,28 (27) "For the Son of Man is going to come (Greek word μέλλω (mello), 'about to'; 'about to be') in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done. (28) “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”

~ Mark 8:38-9:1 (38) "If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.” (9:1) And he said to them, “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see that the kingdom of God has come with power.”

~ Luke 9:26,27 (26) "Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. (27) “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God.

Now if you can show me any of some who are standing here who are still walking around to this day, then I will believe you and your view, and offer an apology!!!

This is the same coming (parousia) with the same language that you see in Matthew 24:29-34 (29)
“Immediately after the distress of those days

“‘the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light;
the stars will fall from the sky,
and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’

(30) “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory (see Mark 9:1). (31) And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. (32) “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near (ἐγγύς; eggus) (Exact same word used in Rev. 1:1 and 22:6). (33) Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near (ἐγγύς; eggus) (Exact same word used in Rev. 1:1 and 22:6), right at the door. (34) Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.

Listen man, I don't know how many times I have to keep listing this, and how many times you have to keep denying it. Every time you just come back with a theory (conspiracy theory) rambling on what is supposed to happen some 2000 years from when these very words were spoken (spoken by HE who is the Word). Why do you believe some person's theory and deny the very words used to describe it in the bible, and basing it (in part) on what Donald Trump does?

You keep insinuating that what I am saying is foolish and heretical, yet I am quoting the bible? You are quoting John Hagee or someone else?

Please at least before this ends, explain to me your interpretation of Matt. 16:27-28, Mark 8:38-9:1, and Luke 9:26-27, or say uncle, or something...

In life words mean everything...In the bible the Word is Life...
I’m Not Quoting John Hagee or anyone else! I’m basing what I say on GOD’s Word & what I know about Saint Malachi’s Prophecy & Where we are in Bible Prophecy. I told You, The Last Pope is Here based on Saint Malachi’s Prophecy. The NWO has all its pieces in place for a Takeover. I know what Revelation 13 says. America Starts Speaking As A Dragon, Which Tells me America has a Draconian Dictator in Power. I believe This Current Pope is The Antichrist Based On Saint Malachi’s Prophecy.
"In Mathew 24, Mark 13 & Luke 21... He’s talking about the Generation that witnesses..."

That's absurd!!! It is the same generation as these people:

~ Matt. 16:27,28 (27) "For the Son of Man is going to come (Greek word μέλλω (mello), 'about to'; 'about to be') in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done. (28) “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”

~ Mark 8:38-9:1 (38) "If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.” (9:1) And he said to them, “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see that the kingdom of God has come with power.”

~ Luke 9:26,27 (26) "Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. (27) “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God.

Now if you can show me any of some who are standing here who are still walking around to this day, then I will believe you and your view, and offer an apology!!!

This is the same coming (parousia) with the same language that you see in Matthew 24:29-34 (29)
“Immediately after the distress of those days

“‘the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light;
the stars will fall from the sky,
and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’

(30) “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory (see Mark 9:1). (31) And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. (32) “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near (ἐγγύς; eggus) (Exact same word used in Rev. 1:1 and 22:6). (33) Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near (ἐγγύς; eggus) (Exact same word used in Rev. 1:1 and 22:6), right at the door. (34) Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.

Listen man, I don't know how many times I have to keep listing this, and how many times you have to keep denying it. Every time you just come back with a theory (conspiracy theory) rambling on what is supposed to happen some 2000 years from when these very words were spoken (spoken by HE who is the Word). Why do you believe some person's theory and deny the very words used to describe it in the bible, and basing it (in part) on what Donald Trump does?

You keep insinuating that what I am saying is foolish and heretical, yet I am quoting the bible? You are quoting John Hagee or someone else?

Please at least before this ends, explain to me your interpretation of Matt. 16:27-28, Mark 8:38-9:1, and Luke 9:26-27, or say uncle, or something...

In life words mean everything...In the bible the Word is Life...
What he’s talking about in Mathew 16:27-28, Mark 8:38-9:1 & Luke 9:26-27 is One or More of the following events... The Mount Of Transfiguration, where Peter, James & John witnessed Elijah’s& Moses’s return... The Resurrection Of JESUS.... The Day Of Pentecost! I believe JESUS was speaking of one or more of these events!

By The Way, I Do Not Base What I Pass Along To The Board & Other People On John Hagee Or Anyone Else. I Base It On The Bible, What The HOLY SPIRIT is Showing Me & What I’ve Studied In The Bible. My Knowledge Of Papal Rome & The NWO & The 21 Goals Of The NWO.

Trump Does Play A Huge Roll In What Happens To America. I’ve Stated Many Times On This Board, If Trump Is Not Re-Elected, Our Country Is Going Into Bondage. Have You Not Heard, The Left Wants To Turn America Into a Socialist Nation? Why Now? Because Anti-Christ Pope Francis is in Power & He Is The Rider On The White Horse In Revelation 6, The First Seal & The First Horseman Of The Apocalypse.

The Second Beast In Revelation 13 is America, Which Is Described As A Lamb With
Two Horns, Representing Civil & Religious Liberty. The Lamb (America) Starts Speaking Like A Dragon. This is Because During The Beast/Antichrist Reign, America Starts Speaking Like A Dragon. This is Due to A Draconian President/Government, Who Passes Draconian Laws. Socialism is The Preferred Government Of The Beast/Antichrist. I’ve listed a Handful Of The Draconian Laws That Will Be Implemented.
Like I Mentioned In Numerous Previous Posts,
What I’ve Passed Along To The Board Well Documented. Time Will Prove Me Right! And I Meant What I Said Regarding Working On Your Blueberry Farm For Free, If The Things I’ve Passed Along To The Board, Don’t Come To Pass In the Next 10 Years & Sooner Than That If Trump Is Not Re-Elected!
You said:

"What he’s talking about in Mathew 16:27-28, Mark 8:38-9:1 & Luke 9:26-27 is One or More of the following events... The Mount Of Transfiguration, where Peter, James & John witnessed Elijah’s& Moses’s return... The Resurrection Of JESUS.... The Day Of Pentecost! I believe JESUS was speaking of one or more of these events!"

That absolutely makes NO sense, and quite frankly is bad exegesis.

James 5:8 Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. 8 You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming (Greek: παρουσία, ας, ἡ; Transliteration: parousia; meaning: a presence, a coming, an arrival, advent, especially of the second coming of Christ.) is near (Greek [verb]: ἐγγίζω; Transliteration: eggizó; to make near, to come near. The verb form of ἐγγύς; eggus).

James, the Lord's brother, wasn't waiting on the transfiguration of Jesus! He was waiting on Jesus' parousia (coming, 2nd coming).

1 Pet 4:5-7 (5) "But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. (6) For this is the reason the gospel was preached even to those who are now dead, so that they might be judged according to human standards in regard to the body, but live according to God in regard to the spirit. (7) The end of all things is near (Greek [verb]: ἐγγίζω; Transliteration: eggizó; to make near, to come near. The verb form of ἐγγύς; eggus). Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.

You can keep denying what the words say, and their imminent context. I once had your viewpoint (well, mainly). I am glad that the Lord through His Holy Spirit allowed me to examine all the points of view, and discern the truth. Many still have scales on their eyes, unwilling to look at other points of view to at least examine the scripture and further their understanding. I always believed that by examining other points of view that, even if my mind was not changed, I at least know what others might believe.
I’m not
You said:

"What he’s talking about in Mathew 16:27-28, Mark 8:38-9:1 & Luke 9:26-27 is One or More of the following events... The Mount Of Transfiguration, where Peter, James & John witnessed Elijah’s& Moses’s return... The Resurrection Of JESUS.... The Day Of Pentecost! I believe JESUS was speaking of one or more of these events!"

That absolutely makes NO sense, and quite frankly is bad exegesis.

James 5:8 Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. 8 You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming (Greek: παρουσία, ας, ἡ; Transliteration: parousia; meaning: a presence, a coming, an arrival, advent, especially of the second coming of Christ.) is near (Greek [verb]: ἐγγίζω; Transliteration: eggizó; to make near, to come near. The verb form of ἐγγύς; eggus).

James, the Lord's brother, wasn't waiting on the transfiguration of Jesus! He was waiting on Jesus' parousia (coming, 2nd coming).

1 Pet 4:5-7 (5) "But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. (6) For this is the reason the gospel was preached even to those who are now dead, so that they might be judged according to human standards in regard to the body, but live according to God in regard to the spirit. (7) The end of all things is near (Greek [verb]: ἐγγίζω; Transliteration: eggizó; to make near, to come near. The verb form of ἐγγύς; eggus). Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.

You can keep denying what the words say, and their imminent context. I once had your viewpoint (well, mainly). I am glad that the Lord through His Holy Spirit allowed me to examine all the points of view, and discern the truth. Many still have scales on their eyes, unwilling to look at other points of view to at least examine the scripture and further their understanding. I always believed that by examining other points of view that, even if my mind was not changed, I at least know what others might believe.
denying anything! The Scriptures you asked me to give my interpretation on are talking about one or more of the events I mentioned, not his second coming! JESUS Obviously hasn’t returned yet, and the ones HE said, “Would not taste death” died many, many, many years ago. So There’s No Way He Was Talking About The Second Coming Here, He Was Talking About One Of The Events I Mentioned.

You Believe Nero Was The Beast/Antichrist!
Nero Was NOT Thrown Alive Imto The Lake Of Fire. The Real Beast/Antichrist will be (Revelation 19)

You Don’t Believe In The Implementation Of The Mark Of The Beast. I Do (Revelation 13)

You Do Not Believe in That Everyone Will Be Forced To Worship The Beast/Antichrist. I Do, & Those Who Don’t Will Be Beheaded (Revelation 13)

You Don’t Believe It’s Talking About Lucifer In Isaiah 14:12. I Do, Because It’s The Same Lucifer/Devil/Satan Cast Out Of Heaven In Revelation 12 Along With 1/3 Of The Angels (Stars)

Like I’ve Said a Million Times, We Are In The Tribulation (Revelation 6) Everything I Said Will Happen! & My Offer Still Stands! You Believe What You Believe & I Believe What I Believe & We Are Worlds Apart. So Sit Back & Watch What Ive Passed Along Come To Pass! GOD Bless & I Hope You Feel Better!
I’m not

denying anything! The Scriptures you asked me to give my interpretation on are talking about one or more of the events I mentioned, not his second coming! JESUS Obviously hasn’t returned yet, and the ones HE said, “Would not taste death” died many, many, many years ago. So There’s No Way He Was Talking About The Second Coming Here, He Was Talking About One Of The Events I Mentioned.

You Believe Nero Was The Beast/Antichrist!
Nero Was NOT Thrown Alive Imto The Lake Of Fire. The Real Beast/Antichrist will be (Revelation 19)

You Don’t Believe In The Implementation Of The Mark Of The Beast. I Do (Revelation 13)

You Do Not Believe in That Everyone Will Be Forced To Worship The Beast/Antichrist. I Do, & Those Who Don’t Will Be Beheaded (Revelation 13)

You Don’t Believe It’s Talking About Lucifer In Isaiah 14:12. I Do, Because It’s The Same Lucifer/Devil/Satan Cast Out Of Heaven In Revelation 12 Along With 1/3 Of The Angels (Stars)

Like I’ve Said a Million Times, We Are In The Tribulation (Revelation 6) Everything I Said Will Happen! & My Offer Still Stands! You Believe What You Believe & I Believe What I Believe & We Are Worlds Apart. So Sit Back & Watch What Ive Passed Along Come To Pass! GOD Bless & I Hope You Feel Better!

T believe that you are wrong. The very words that I'm illustrating here, and the people that were being address, you are denying, by making it ill-relevant to them, and relevant to only you and us and whoever, whenever, you think it might occur. Those people back them might as well threw sand on those telling them these things and said, "liar, liar, pants on fire!!! (LOL!). I'm done here, and maybe one day I can greet you at the Pearly Gate and say, "see, I told you!!!" (LOL!)

T believe that you are wrong. The very words that I'm illustrating here, and the people that were being address, you are denying, by making it ill-relevant to them, and relevant to only you and us and whoever, whenever, you think it might occur. Those people back them might as well threw sand on those telling them these things and said, "liar, liar, pants on fire!!! (LOL!). I'm done here, and maybe one day I can greet you at the Pearly Gate and say, "see, I told you!!!" (LOL!)

No, My Friend. It Will Be The Other Way Around! When You see Me, It Will Be In Heaven, Not On Your Blueberry Farm!!! GOD Bless & I Sincerely Hope You Feel Better!
Absolutely fascinating thread. It took me a full week to get though all of it, taking it in spurts and going down rabbit holes every now and then.

I do find it rather curious that well over half of the 26 pages of this Conspiracy Theory thread centered on religion.
Absolutely fascinating thread. It took me a full week to get though all of it, taking it in spurts and going down rabbit holes every now and then.

I do find it rather curious that well over half of the 26 pages of this Conspiracy Theory thread centered on religion.
The ones I shared are NOT Conspiracy Theories, They Are Fact. The Bible is 25% Prophecy! Things that were Prophecied Thousands Of Years Ago That Have Come To Pass, Are Coming To Pass & Will Come To Pass With 100% Accuracy. As Time Goes On, Prophecies Will Continue To Be Fulfilled! We’re In The Tribulation Right Now. When You Have an Opportunity, Check Out Revelation 6-22! It’s Fascinating. The First 5 Seals are what they (Beast/Antichrist/NWO will Do to us. The Following 16 Judgements Are What GOD Will Do To Them & Those Who Worship The Beast/Antichrist & Take The Mark Of The Beast/Computer Chip! It’s All Coming Down To A Battle Between The Followers Of GOD & Followers Of Satan. GOD & JESUS Kick Their ass in the End. See Revelation 14, 19 & 20
Absolutely fascinating thread. It took me a full week to get though all of it, taking it in spurts and going down rabbit holes every now and then.

I do find it rather curious that well over half of the 26 pages of this Conspiracy Theory thread centered on religion.

every religion around the world is a conspiracy until proven.

only on the day that jesus returns is Christianity proven.

all religions tho speak of aliens and most say the aliens created us or gods

gods versus aliens

all the same right
Buddy’s wife has him chasing rabbits. Told him about this thread. He mentioned some of the things ITT.
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i have absolutely no idea what that means.


translation please?
Adrenochrome farming.... This Is One Of The Most The sickest, Disgusting Things I’ve Ever Heard. When A Child Is Severely Traumatized, They release a Chemical That is Extracted From The Base Of The Spinal Cord & Used As A Recreational Drug For The Global Elite! So Not Only Are These Children Being Used For Sex, They are be Used To Extract This Drug For Recreational Use For The Global Elite! Is There ANY Doubt We Are In The Tribulation? When You Have A Chance, Please Read Revelation 6 & Following, Starting With The 6Th Seal To See What GOD Is Going To Do To These Demonic, Reprobate Scumbags!
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