Conspiracy Theories? (GOAT Thread)

I am a Christian and Christ is my Lord. I believe the Bible is 100% accurate and true. I don’t know of any Bible believing Christian that believes everything in the Bible is “Literal”. When Christ says “if your eye causes you to lust/sin then pluck it out”.....that’s not to be taken literal. It means that God doesn’t wink at sin and he takes it very seriously (that’s why Christ had to die). What HE is saying is to be aggressive and deal radically with your sin (don’t make peace with your with it). That being said.....I believe in a young earth. The THEORY of evolution is taught as fact so the world can discount the creation account and the Creator. Darwinian/Macro evolution is a lie. This world didn’t evolve from nothing. If anything currently exist (and we all do lol) then something has ALWAYS existed. If there was ever a time when nothing existed....then nothing would still exist. You can’t get something out of nothing. There has to be a self existent eternal being that has always existed. That being is the God of the Bible. He created and sustains all things. That’s what I believe.
By the way Ive thoroughly enjoyed this thread. There are brilliant theologians who have studied eschatology for years who don’t always agree on the issue of end times and the prophecies in revelation. I’m not yet certain how all of that will shake out. But I know Christ is King and will return some day at the end of time. He will return in Glory and in judgement.
Just another false flag that didn’t work. Yes there was shooting taking place but it was a drop in an ocean and wasn’t really effective in the large picture.
My wife & I were in VegaA 2 months After the shooting. The driver who picked us up from the airport said she had clients @ the concert. They made it back to the car safely & they told her there were “Multiple Shooters on the ground!” The former GM @ the place where I purchase my “Hardware” said he listened to the audio of the shooting multiple times. He said those “Were Not Bump Stock,” they were “Multiple Automatic Weapons.” The authorities & media both said Bump Stocks were used. Not long after the shooting, Bump Stocks were Outlawed.
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I have information that it already is and has been for awhile. Now the pace is picking up. Remember those two ships that docked at NY and San Diego?

They weren’t there for COVID patients. They were there to receive the children that had been rescued already. There’s no level of torture I can think of good enough for the people in involved in this. None. A bullet is far to merciful.
I want Every One of Them to Experience The Full Onslaught of the Tribulation. I’d pay big bucks to see those idiots suffer beyond comprehension. They’re Toast!
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I have information that it already is and has been for awhile. Now the pace is picking up. Remember those two ships that docked at NY and San Diego?

They weren’t there for COVID patients. They were there to receive the children that had been rescued already. There’s no level of torture I can think of good enough for the people in involved in this. None. A bullet is far to merciful.
As Gus said in Better Call Saul when talking to Mike about stopping him from killing Hector, “a bullet to the head would have been far to humane.”
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Ohhhhh. Got two new ones off r/conspiracy:

China is harvesting organs

China has imprisoned millions of uighers and killed hundreds of thousands (this one is basically true).

Highly recommend r/conspiracy. Lots of good stuff.
Ohhhhh. Got two new ones off r/conspiracy:

China is harvesting organs

China has imprisoned millions of uighers and killed hundreds of thousands (this one is basically true).

Highly recommend r/conspiracy. Lots of good stuff.
China Harvesting Organs is NOT a Conspiracy, it’s a fact.
As Gus said in Better Call Saul when talking to Mike about stopping him from killing Hector, “a bullet to the head would have been far to humane.”
I know you have already but read Revelation 6 , starting with the 6th Seal & ending with the 7th Vial in Revelation 16. That’s what these scumbags have to look forward to. And for some, Revelation 19 after that & then they get roasted in the Lake of Fire. (Revelation 14 & Revelation 20:15
yes. Chris was worried you were getting too close to revealing him as a Level 33 mason and outing the entire conspiracy. that's why they moved the thread to the roundtable.
LOL! Was it you that bitched to him?
areeves is telling you the most important thing anyone could ever tell you. Hell isn't temporary. It’s eternal.
By the way Ive thoroughly enjoyed this thread. There are brilliant theologians who have studied eschatology for years who don’t always agree on the issue of end times and the prophecies in revelation. I’m not yet certain how all of that will shake out. But I know Christ is King and will return some day at the end of time. He will return in Glory and in judgement.

My friend, I challenge you to look at the Greek timing words used in those eschatological passages that I noted, and give me reason, as if I had no understanding, why those words really don't mean what they say. :rolleyes:
I don’t know how you made it this far in life without meeting someone who believed that the Bible is literal, that earth is approx 7,000 years old, and that dinosaurs and man were on the planet at the same time and Dinos were all killed in the great flood because I guess there just wasn’t enough room on the ark for them.

Obviously the dinosaurs are MUCH older that 7,000 years! Nuclear Carbon dating proves that. The creation of man account (and start) is replacing something else. The Hebrew word in the Genesis passage saying to go and populate the word has a meaning of 'repopulating', or replacing something else, similar to what Noah was told after the flood. It has been sometime since this study for me so I cannot remember the passages.

But also, taking this thread back to conspiracies and theories, their is also the 'Ancient Alien' theory. That is from the History Channel's Ancient Aliens.
i mean, you also believe that I'm going to spend the rest of eternity in a lake of fire with satan. so...

If Anyone, me included, Takes The Mark of the Beast, Worships The Beast/Antichrist & Their name is NOT written in the Lambs Book Of Life, WILL Spend ETERNITY in The Lake of Fire. (Revelation 14 Revelation 20:15)
I don’t condemn people to The Lake Of Fire, I warn people what to do & what NOT to do to achieve Eternal Life. GOD does NOT want Anyone to Perish but wants All people to come to the Saving Knowledge of JESUS CHRIST. The Bible is 100% Accurate. It was Written by Man but Inspired By GOD. I I put a pen in your hand & told you to write “Iceheart is Great!” Who wrote it, me or you? You wrote it but I told you to write it. Same way with
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If Anyone, me included, Takes The Mark of the Beast, Worships The Beast/Antichrist & Their name is NOT written in the Lambs Book Of Life, WILL Spend ETERNITY in The Lake of Fire. (Revelation 14 Revelation 20:15)
I don’t condemn people to The Lake Of Fire, I warn people what to do & what NOT to do to achieve Eternal Life. GOD does NOT want Anyone to Perish but wants All people to come to the Saving Knowledge of JESUS CHRIST. The Bible is 100% Accurate. It was Written by Man but Inspired By GOD. I I put a pen in your hand & told you to write “Iceheart is Great!” Who wrote it, me or you? You wrote it but I told you to write it. Same way with
The Bible.
Please read Revelation 14 & Revelation 20

I have, numerous times. Again, the symbols used in Revelation is what is used in the Old Testament, and this was symbolic there and it is symbolic in Revelation. If you do not have a grasp and understand the symbolic language in the Old Testament, you will never truly understand the Book of Revelation. You must have one heck of a time believing that the symbolic language in Isaiah is literal???

Many that teach eschatology cannot even grasp what Isaiah 14:12 means. They jump all over the Lucifer (Latin) translation and preach that it is referring to Satan falling from heaven! That is NOT the case. For one Lucifer is the Latin translation for morning star, or star of the morning. When you see language in this type of context referring to a star falling from the sky, it means 'star' (ruler or leader) falling (being deposed or brought down), as in this case King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon being brought down, or punished, or judged. If people would just read the preceding verses (or chapter) as well as sometimes the following verses, they would understand what was being referred to. But many just take the one verse (Isaiah 14:12) and roll around on the floor like they got's Satan!!!

Like in Isaiah and Jeremiah (and others), when you see the language (in this eschatological context) of an earth quake it usually means the shaking of a nation, or a leader being shaken, or punished. As in Isaiah and Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, as well as in Revelation, when God or Jesus is seen coming in the clouds, it is a coming in judgement. It does not mean that you or anyone else at the time it was being referred to was going to see God or Jesus riding a cloud in the sky like a wave on the Hawaiian beach.

Unless I totally missed it, and I have read the New Testament numerous times, I did not see Jesus or the apostles give us the list of the 'new' meanings of the 'old' symbols that we are to use in the New Testament. If you can show me that, then I can realistically look at your physical, literal interpretations. My God is not a God of confusion...
I have, numerous times. Again, the symbols used in Revelation is what is used in the Old Testament, and this was symbolic there and it is symbolic in Revelation. If you do not have a grasp and understand the symbolic language in the Old Testament, you will never truly understand the Book of Revelation. You must have one heck of a time believing that the symbolic language in Isaiah is literal???

Many that teach eschatology cannot even grasp what Isaiah 14:12 means. They jump all over the Lucifer (Latin) translation and preach that it is referring to Satan falling from heaven! That is NOT the case. For one Lucifer is the Latin translation for morning star, or star of the morning. When you see language in this type of context referring to a star falling from the sky, it means 'star' (ruler or leader) falling (being deposed or brought down), as in this case King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon being brought down, or punished, or judged. If people would just read the preceding verses (or chapter) as well as sometimes the following verses, they would understand what was being referred to. But many just take the one verse (Isaiah 14:12) and roll around on the floor like they got's Satan!!!

Like in Isaiah and Jeremiah (and others), when you see the language (in this eschatological context) of an earth quake it usually means the shaking of a nation, or a leader being shaken, or punished. As in Isaiah and Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, as well as in Revelation, when God or Jesus is seen coming in the clouds, it is a coming in judgement. It does not mean that you or anyone else at the time it was being referred to was going to see God or Jesus riding a cloud in the sky like a wave on the Hawaiian beach.

Unless I totally missed it, and I have read the New Testament numerous times, I did not see Jesus or the apostles give us the list of the 'new' meanings of the 'old' symbols that we are to use in the New Testament. If you can show me that, then I can realistically look at your physical, literal interpretations. My God is not a God of confusion...
Time will prove me right! You DON’T know what you’re talking about. Everything I said is coming right in front of your face. Let’s re-convene in 4-5 years. You are going to have a totally different outlook.
I have, numerous times. Again, the symbols used in Revelation is what is used in the Old Testament, and this was symbolic there and it is symbolic in Revelation. If you do not have a grasp and understand the symbolic language in the Old Testament, you will never truly understand the Book of Revelation. You must have one heck of a time believing that the symbolic language in Isaiah is literal???

Many that teach eschatology cannot even grasp what Isaiah 14:12 means. They jump all over the Lucifer (Latin) translation and preach that it is referring to Satan falling from heaven! That is NOT the case. For one Lucifer is the Latin translation for morning star, or star of the morning. When you see language in this type of context referring to a star falling from the sky, it means 'star' (ruler or leader) falling (being deposed or brought down), as in this case King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon being brought down, or punished, or judged. If people would just read the preceding verses (or chapter) as well as sometimes the following verses, they would understand what was being referred to. But many just take the one verse (Isaiah 14:12) and roll around on the floor like they got's Satan!!!

Like in Isaiah and Jeremiah (and others), when you see the language (in this eschatological context) of an earth quake it usually means the shaking of a nation, or a leader being shaken, or punished. As in Isaiah and Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, as well as in Revelation, when God or Jesus is seen coming in the clouds, it is a coming in judgement. It does not mean that you or anyone else at the time it was being referred to was going to see God or Jesus riding a cloud in the sky like a wave on the Hawaiian beach.

Unless I totally missed it, and I have read the New Testament numerous times, I did not see Jesus or the apostles give us the list of the 'new' meanings of the 'old' symbols that we are to use in the New Testament. If you can show me that, then I can realistically look at your physical, literal interpretations. My God is not a God of confusion...
You are so far off, it is SCARY!!! You better Wake Up!!! Let’s reconvene in 4-5 years. No sense in arguing about it.
wonder how putin is doing on his re election?

I understand that the hillary2016 campaign and the DNC are trying to run a propaganda campaign to make putin have a hard time getting re elected.
Knowledge is power and it also comes with a great burden. One must be careful now days because “they” know and I know this for a fact. Saying the wrong thing on the wrong platform will get you killed. I don’t believe this to be a platform of such, but I assure you a wrong post here will bring attention to ones door and life. So yea there are things that you leave your phone behind and meet in a church or graveyard at night to discuss. It’s not just in the movies. That’s what “they” would like people to believe. Dabadass is right in what he says. Just knowing someone with a certain level of knowledge can draw unwanted attention.

we find out if you are right when you end up mysterious missing or dead.

example would be just eating lunch one day at a park and you decide to shoot yourself in the head.

it really could happen
My friend, I challenge you to look at the Greek timing words used in those eschatological passages that I noted, and give me reason, as if I had no understanding, why those words really don't mean what they say. :rolleyes:
For the most part I agree with your interpretation (that the vast majority of prophecies were fulfilled with the destruction of Rome and the temple in 70 AD, Nero was the beast/Antichrist) etc. I’m just not a full preterist I guess. I tend to believe the rapture of the church is in the future. And I believe that Christ will still make a final return. So you believe that Christ has already made his final return?
You are so far off, it is SCARY!!! You better Wake Up!!! Let’s reconvene in 4-5 years. No sense in arguing about it.
JESUS is COMING in the Clouds with Power & Great Glory. Why do you think HE said in Mathew 24, “If anyone says I’m in the inner Chamber or I’m in the Desert, don’t believe them!” That’s because the NWO is going to Fake The Coming Of JESUS using a Hologram. A Thirty Second Degree Mason told me that.

When the disciples asked JESUS, “what will be the sign of your coming?” JESUS replied, “Don’t be Deceived, there will be False Christ’s, Earthquakes in Divers Places, Wars & Rumors Of Wars, Famines, Pestilences, You will be delivered up to Tribulation by Family Members & Friends, The Gospel will be preached to All the World & then the end will come. HE also said Jerusalem would be surrounded by armies. This is also found in Revelation 19 when JESUS returns & Destroys the Armies @ Megiddo (Armageddon) It also talks about it Ezekiel 37-39 & Zechariah 12-14. Eighty-Two percent of the armies gathered @ Megiddo (Armageddon) will be destroyed. The blood will flow from the horses bridle for 1600 Furlongs (200 Miles) up to the Horses Bridle (5 Feet High) It will take 7 months to bury the dead & 7 years to get rid of the armament. The False Prophet & Beast/Antichrist will be Thrown Alive In The Lake Of Fire. Satan will be Bound with a Great Chain For 1000 Years. Those Who Overcame & Did NOT Worship The Beast/Antichrist or Take His “Mark” & were Martyred Will Reign With JESUS for 1000 Years (Revelation 20:4)

From 1960-1970, There were 13 earthquakes that rated 6.0 on the Richter Scale, in 1994, there were 247, in 2013, there were over 3000.

Famines...Two Thirds of The World is Starving, Even in Our Country

Pestilences.., Need I Say More

Wars & Rumors Of Wars... Nuclear War is Imminent

False Christ’s & False Prophets.... There all Over The Place Including Whole Denominations Who Accept Homosexuality
Without requiring Them to Repent.

Relatives & Friends Delivering Each Other To Tribulation.... This is Coming When We Become A Socialist Nation. Friends & Relatives Will Turn Each Other In To Authorities.

The Gospel Preached To All Nation.... Through Satellite TV

The Parable Of The Fig Tree.... Israel Recognized By The UN as a Nation On May 14, 1948.

All These Signs Let Us Know The Tribulation IS @ Hand & JESUS’s Return Is Imminent.

The Fact The Last Pope Is Here Based on Saint Malachi’s Prophecy, (The Prophecy Of The Popes) Which Was Hidden Away In The Vatican Archives For Over 900 Years, Tells Us We Are In The Very End Times. The Beast/Antichrist, The Rider On The White Horse Is Riding (Symbolism) He Has a Bow In His Hand & He Goes Out Conquering & To Conquer. The Rider On The White Red Horse (Symbolism) Is On The Clock (Revelation 6)

Like I said, Time Will Prove Me Right! No Sense Arguing about It. Let’s Have This Conversation In 4-5 Years! You’re Going To Have A Different Outlook! GOD Bless & I Sincerely Hope You Feel Better!
For the most part I agree with your interpretation (that the vast majority of prophecies were fulfilled with the destruction of Rome and the temple in 70 AD, Nero was the beast/Antichrist) etc. I’m just not a full preterist I guess. I tend to believe the rapture of the church is in the future. And I believe that Christ will still make a final return. So you believe that Christ has already made his final return?
Read Revelation 19, The Beast/Antichrist & False Prophet are Thrown Alive InThe Lake Of Fire. This After JESUS Returns & Destroys The Armies Gathered @ Megiddo (Armageddon) The Beast/Antichrist is The Current Pope... See Saint Malachi’s Prophecy, Which was Hidden Away In The Vatican Archives for Over 900 Years.
If Jesus does return, he will do so through the life of a British Royal Family Member?????
He will Return in The Clouds With Power & Great Glory To Destroy The Armies Of The World That Have Come Against Jerusalem, Israel Check it out in (Revelation 19, Ezekiel 37-39 & Zechariah 12-14)
could Hillary be the anti Christ?

remember in college she use to sleep with that demonic cult leader.
This Current Pope Francis is The Antichrist based on Saint Malachi’s Prophecy, which was hidden away in the Vatican Archives for over 900 years.
He will Return in The Clouds With Power & Great Glory To Destroy The Armies Of The World That Have Come Against Jerusalem, Israel Check it out in (Revelation 19, Ezekiel 37-39 & Zechariah 12-14)

"he will return in the clouds" decipher?????

so some countries air force will be involved?

or maybe a majick carpet?


big human male form in a robe just appears in the clouds?

I have, numerous times. Again, the symbols used in Revelation is what is used in the Old Testament, and this was symbolic there and it is symbolic in Revelation. If you do not have a grasp and understand the symbolic language in the Old Testament, you will never truly understand the Book of Revelation. You must have one heck of a time believing that the symbolic language in Isaiah is literal???

Many that teach eschatology cannot even grasp what Isaiah 14:12 means. They jump all over the Lucifer (Latin) translation and preach that it is referring to Satan falling from heaven! That is NOT the case. For one Lucifer is the Latin translation for morning star, or star of the morning. When you see language in this type of context referring to a star falling from the sky, it means 'star' (ruler or leader) falling (being deposed or brought down), as in this case King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon being brought down, or punished, or judged. If people would just read the preceding verses (or chapter) as well as sometimes the following verses, they would understand what was being referred to. But many just take the one verse (Isaiah 14:12) and roll around on the floor like they got's Satan!!!

Like in Isaiah and Jeremiah (and others), when you see the language (in this eschatological context) of an earth quake it usually means the shaking of a nation, or a leader being shaken, or punished. As in Isaiah and Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, as well as in Revelation, when God or Jesus is seen coming in the clouds, it is a coming in judgement. It does not mean that you or anyone else at the time it was being referred to was going to see God or Jesus riding a cloud in the sky like a wave on the Hawaiian beach.

Unless I totally missed it, and I have read the New Testament numerous times, I did not see Jesus or the apostles give us the list of the 'new' meanings of the 'old' symbols that we are to use in the New Testament. If you can show me that, then I can realistically look at your physical, literal interpretations. My God is not a God of confusion...
The stars , a 1/3 of them that were flung out of Heaven in Revelation 12, represent The angels who followed Satan/Lucifer & were kicked out of Heaven with Satan/Lucifer.
"he will return in the clouds" decipher?????

so some countries air force will be involved?

or maybe a majick carpet?


big human male form in a robe just appears in the clouds?

No Sir, Please read Revelation 19, it DeScribes in Great Detail how He returns & what he does when he returns!
The stars , a 1/3 of them that were flung out of Heaven in Revelation 12, represent The angels who followed Satan/Lucifer & were kicked out of Heaven with Satan/Lucifer.

No Sir, Please read Revelation 19, it DeScribes in Great Detail how He returns & what he does when he returns!

wonder if




will have anything to do with it?
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I have, numerous times. Again, the symbols used in Revelation is what is used in the Old Testament, and this was symbolic there and it is symbolic in Revelation. If you do not have a grasp and understand the symbolic language in the Old Testament, you will never truly understand the Book of Revelation. You must have one heck of a time believing that the symbolic language in Isaiah is literal???

Many that teach eschatology cannot even grasp what Isaiah 14:12 means. They jump all over the Lucifer (Latin) translation and preach that it is referring to Satan falling from heaven! That is NOT the case. For one Lucifer is the Latin translation for morning star, or star of the morning. When you see language in this type of context referring to a star falling from the sky, it means 'star' (ruler or leader) falling (being deposed or brought down), as in this case King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon being brought down, or punished, or judged. If people would just read the preceding verses (or chapter) as well as sometimes the following verses, they would understand what was being referred to. But many just take the one verse (Isaiah 14:12) and roll around on the floor like they got's Satan!!!

Like in Isaiah and Jeremiah (and others), when you see the language (in this eschatological context) of an earth quake it usually means the shaking of a nation, or a leader being shaken, or punished. As in Isaiah and Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, as well as in Revelation, when God or Jesus is seen coming in the clouds, it is a coming in judgement. It does not mean that you or anyone else at the time it was being referred to was going to see God or Jesus riding a cloud in the sky like a wave on the Hawaiian beach.

Unless I totally missed it, and I have read the New Testament numerous times, I did not see Jesus or the apostles give us the list of the 'new' meanings of the 'old' symbols that we are to use in the New Testament. If you can show me that, then I can realistically look at your physical, literal interpretations. My God is not a God of confusion...
I have, numerous times. Again, the symbols used in Revelation is what is used in the Old Testament, and this was symbolic there and it is symbolic in Revelation. If you do not have a grasp and understand the symbolic language in the Old Testament, you will never truly understand the Book of Revelation. You must have one heck of a time believing that the symbolic language in Isaiah is literal???

Many that teach eschatology cannot even grasp what Isaiah 14:12 means. They jump all over the Lucifer (Latin) translation and preach that it is referring to Satan falling from heaven! That is NOT the case. For one Lucifer is the Latin translation for morning star, or star of the morning. When you see language in this type of context referring to a star falling from the sky, it means 'star' (ruler or leader) falling (being deposed or brought down), as in this case King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon being brought down, or punished, or judged. If people would just read the preceding verses (or chapter) as well as sometimes the following verses, they would understand what was being referred to. But many just take the one verse (Isaiah 14:12) and roll around on the floor like they got's Satan!!!

Like in Isaiah and Jeremiah (and others), when you see the language (in this eschatological context) of an earth quake it usually means the shaking of a nation, or a leader being shaken, or punished. As in Isaiah and Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, as well as in Revelation, when God or Jesus is seen coming in the clouds, it is a coming in judgement. It does not mean that you or anyone else at the time it was being referred to was going to see God or Jesus riding a cloud in the sky like a wave on the Hawaiian beach.

Unless I totally missed it, and I have read the New Testament numerous times, I did not see Jesus or the apostles give us the list of the 'new' meanings of the 'old' symbols that we are to use in the New Testament. If you can show me that, then I can realistically look at your physical, literal interpretations. My God is not a God of confusion...
Isaiah 14:12 Is Absolutely taking about Lucifer/Satan... Read Revelation 12, The 1/3 of the “Stars” that were flung down are the 1/3 of the angels who followed Lucifer/Satan & were kicked out of Heaven along with Lucifer/Satan! Why do you think it says in Revelation 12 “Woe to the inhabitants of the earth for Satan comes down to you with much Wrath, for he knows that his time is short! (before he is tossed in the Lake of Fire!) Revelation 20

A Star, representing an Angel is also mentioned in Revelation 9.
Isaiah 14:12 Is Absolutely taking about Lucifer/Satan... Read Revelation 12, The 1/3 of the “Stars” that were flung down are the 1/3 of the angels who followed Lucifer/Satan & were kicked out of Heaven along with Lucifer/Satan! Why do you think it says in Revelation 12 “Woe to the inhabitants of the earth for Satan comes down to you with much Wrath, for he knows that his time is short! (before he is tossed in the Lake of Fire!) Revelation 20

A Star, representing an Angel is also mentioned in Revelation 9.

I honestly believe that you will never get it. It's a case of you can't see the forest for the trees thing.
I honestly believe that you will never get it. It's a case of you can't see the forest for the trees thing.
No, You’re Arrogant & Deceived! What I’ve passed along Will Happen in Front of Your Face! Time Will Prove Me Right! Not Believing Isaiah 14:12 is Speaking of Lucifer Shows Your Ignorance! Wake Up!