COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?

Both clips are excellent from Senator Ralph Babet.

“The Australian people were initially told that mRNA injections would stop them getting infected with Covid, would stop them spreading it, and most importantly would stop them dying from it. We were told that we were selfish if we were not willing to be vaccinated and that we could kill grandma or kill grandpa. Around 97.5% of Australians over 16 followed the government advice and have had at least one dose of mRNA injection, yet the only data that accurately identifies the vaccination status of those who got Covid showed quite clearly that the vaccinated are more likely to be infected, hospitalized, and die of Covid.”

“The fact that Australia is now experiencing its highest mortality rate in over 80 years, must be a cause for concern and it must be a priority for everyone in this place. It should be front page news.”


Estimated 2022 US Vaccine Damage Report Shows $148 Billion in Economic Damage, Over 26 Million Injured​

By Jim Hoft Mar. 30, 2023 7:45 am

According to an analysis conducted by Phinance Technologies, the COVID-19 vaccine in the United States in 2022 caused over 26 million injuries, costing the economy nearly $150 billion, Epoch Times reported.
The purpose of the research dubbed the Vaccine Damage Project, was to calculate the economic impact and human cost of the COVID-19 vaccine’s damage.

Estimate the human cost.
This includes deaths caused or hastened by the vaccines, which will be shown using our methodology for estimating excess deaths, as well as increases in disability rate, and other vaccine injuries. We will need to consider carefully the impact of the vaccine rollout alongside other factors such as lockdown and Long-Covid, by looking at both the timing and magnitude of any increases in disabilities and deaths.
Estimate economic impact.
Once the human impact is properly measured, we will have the knowledge to estimate the economic impact. Each aspect of the vaccine damage investigation will have economic agents that will benefit and others that will suffer. For instance, it seems obvious that mortuary companies would benefit from excess mortality and life insurers will be harmed. This will lead to a reallocation of resources and re-pricing of risk by the different economic agents.
A broader approach is to estimate the impact on the overall economy of each aspect of the vaccine damage. A drop in the number of working age individuals would lead to a drop in GDP. We believe this impact is negligible for now. A greater impact will likely arise from an increase in disabilities in the labour force in the medium to long term.
Phinance Technologies, a global macro investment company co-founded by former BlackRock portfolio manager Edward Dowd, reveals the shocking numbers.
According to Edward Dowd, around 26.6 million people were injured (Estimated Economic Cost: 89.9 billion), 1.36 million had disabilities (Estimated Economic Cost: 52.2 billion) and 300,000 excess deaths (Estimated Economic Cost: $5.6 Billion).
“Pfizer & Moderna in 2022 had combined C-19 vaccine revenues in US of $11.5 billion so… For every $1 dollar they made it cost the US economy $13 dollars,” Dowd wrote on Twitter.
“Quite the negative societal ROI. Largest crime scene in history. Multiply this across the globe,” he added.

Below is the data for the Vaccine Damage Report – Human Cost


We summarised the human cost of the Covid-19 inoculations by identifying three broad groups of people who suffered varying levels of damage. We obtained estimates for the pool of individuals within the population who belong to each of these vaccine-damaged groups, using the US population as an example.
We investigated the human cost in relatively young and healthy age groups as these are the most representative for the productive population (workforce). For absences, we estimated the injured pool of individuals by using the full time workers aged 25-54, while for disabilities we use the employed workers aged 16-64 and for excess deaths we use the population aged 25-64.
Our results are summarised below:
Group 4: The most extreme damage (death).
  • Excess deaths are estimated to have occurred at an absolute rate of about 0.1% of the 25-64 population for 2021 and 2022 combined (upper limit).
  • This represents a about 23% excess mortality for 2021 and 2022, relative to the expected baseline.
  • In absolute numbers, this represents about 310,000 excess deaths.
Group 3: With severe damage (disabilities).
  • The rise in disabilities in the Civilian Labor Force population since the start of 2021 was about 0.93%, corresponding to a 24.6% rise.
  • In absolute numbers, an estimated 1.36 million individuals aged 16-64 that are actively engaged in the labour market, became disabled.
Group 2: With mild to moderate damage (injuries).
  • About 18% of the Employed Labor Force aged 16-64 is estimated to have suffered injuries due to the Covid-19 vaccine rollout program that started in 2021.
  • In absolute numbers, an estimated 26.6 million individuals have been injured by the inoculations.
  • This corresponded to a 28.6% rise in absence rates in 2022 relative to 2019, and a 50% rise in lost worktime rates.
Below is the data for the Vaccine Damage Report – Economic Impact


  • The total estimated economic cost for 2022 due to vaccine damage is around $148 Bn.
  • For each group, the economic cost for 2022 was: $5.6 Bn due to excess deaths, $52.2 Bn due to loss of productivity due to excess disabilities, and $79.5 Bn due to excess lost worktime.
  • Milder damage is associated with larger economic cost, as it affects a larger portion of the population.
  • We need to monitor the longer-term impact of the vaccine damage as they amount to an important economic impact.
“Our economic damage estimates are what we can measure. The knock effects such as lost productivity due to a worker being present but working at say 50%-75% of capacity is missed plus burn out from those picking up slack. Also supply chain delays are not captured etc and etc. The multiplier effects are massive,” said Dowd.

pfizer being taken to court in south africa. where the covidians at? ready to apologize yet or does it need to get uglier?
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International research suggests masks better at causing 'long COVID' than stopping virus​

"Mask-induced exhaustion-syndrome" resembles long COVID symptoms, Swiss peer-reviewed study finds. London hospital that made surgical masks optional after NHS ended mandate sees no change in infection rate.
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one of the biggest pieces of sht on the planet. sure you never "forced" anyone, you just destroyed their lives until many were forced to comply. if there's any karma in this world he deserves to suffer unimaginably for everything he's done as pm.

public officials are all trying to rewrite history and their part in covid protocols now that the damage of lockdowns and the vaccine is undeniable.

unfortunately nothing they did is forgotten, and it will never be forgiven.

one of the biggest pieces of sht on the planet. sure you never "forced" anyone, you just destroyed their lives until many were forced to comply. if there's any karma in this world he deserves to suffer unimaginably for everything he's done as pm.

public officials are all trying to rewrite history and their part in covid protocols now that the damage of lockdowns and the vaccine is undeniable.

unfortunately nothing they did is forgotten, and it will never be forgiven.

So since you feel this way, I assume you are done with Donald Trump since he is the one responsible for the shut down and expediting the vaccines?
So since you feel this way, I assume you are done with Donald Trump since he is the one responsible for the shut down and expediting the vaccines?
Fact check: Nonsense. Trump shut down for 2 weeks as advised by Fauci et al.

The next 2 years of lockdowns, masks, anti-science, forced vaxes, are owned by the democrats.

So expediting the vaccines was a bad thing now?

You guys can’t keep any of your stories straight. That’s what happens when you ignore the truth.
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Fact check: Nonsense. Trump shut down for 2 weeks as advised by Fauci et al.

The next 2 years of lockdowns, masks, anti-science, forced vaxes, are owned by the democrats.

So expediting the vaccines was a bad thing now?

You guys can’t keep any of your stories straight. That’s what happens when you ignore the truth.

Wrong and wrong. You guys try so damn hard to somehow excuse Trump for being an absolute disaster as a president. Tucker Freaking Carlson even sai Trump's presidency was a disaster.
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Wrong and wrong. You guys try so damn hard to somehow excuse Trump for being an absolute disaster as a president. Tucker Freaking Carlson even sai Trump's presidency was a disaster.
And yet, he is Infiniti times better than the current shit show.

Trump, while imperfect, was the best president since Reagan.

Under Trump, great economy, low inflation, no mutilation of children allowed, we exited the Pris climate agreement, slashed regulations. On and on

another day another attempt at revising history from the covidians. still waiting for the fact checkers on the lies from this revolting blob though.

another day another attempt at revising history from the covidians. still waiting for the fact checkers on the lies from this revolting blob though.

They’re so full of shit.

I love that they’re still talking about the “terror” of COVID as if it were some Godzilla monster tearing down buildings.

Perhaps they should have just looked at the extremely clear and obvious data that showed:

-Kids are fine
-Parents of the age where they have kids in school are fine (outside of those with significant comorbidities)

The decisions would have been obvious. But one side, yes one side, made this thing seem far worse than it was and punished children and families unnecessarily for political gain.
Times are a changing when even CNN will let the Truth speak

Dude that's a Republican ex-Congressman and I've been trying to tell you people that CNN has changed. That's not uncommon at all since Licht took over as there are Republicans on most of their shows. And unlike Fox, they let them speak without talking over them and treat them respectfully.
Spelled out from a cardiac heart surgeon for everyone to see.


Fake news response to real news. Why are you doubting science from a heart doctor? Bow to real science lib.
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And yet, he is Infiniti times better than the current shit show.

Trump, while imperfect, was the best president since Reagan.

Under Trump, great economy, low inflation, no mutilation of children allowed, we exited the Pris climate agreement, slashed regulations. On and on
The best president since Reagan? Sweet shit on a stick now I’ve heard it all!
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Fake news response to real news. Why are you doubting science from a heart doctor? Bow to real science lib.
Fake news

  • Dr Steven Gundry - Quack Selling Harmful Supplements -
    "Gundry is flagged as a high risk scammer!"
    "He has branded himself as a "cardiologist" but this is a lie, he is actually a cardiothoracic surgeon, which is totally different. In 2019, Gundry published a book named Diet Evolution where he made the statement that he mainly flexed his "survival muscles" being a heart surgeon/ researcher in order to keep his heart cells healthy & alive even under stress. Until 2004, Dr. Gundry had some respect in the community as a cardiac surgeon, but it's been a downward spiral for him ever since. That's when he started selling bizarre books on dieting and wasteful supplements online. We can say, that's when he became an absolute quack."
Fake news

  • Dr Steven Gundry - Quack Selling Harmful Supplements -
    "Gundry is flagged as a high risk scammer!"
    "He has branded himself as a "cardiologist" but this is a lie, he is actually a cardiothoracic surgeon, which is totally different. In 2019, Gundry published a book named Diet Evolution where he made the statement that he mainly flexed his "survival muscles" being a heart surgeon/ researcher in order to keep his heart cells healthy & alive even under stress. Until 2004, Dr. Gundry had some respect in the community as a cardiac surgeon, but it's been a downward spiral for him ever since. That's when he started selling bizarre books on dieting and wasteful supplements online. We can say, that's when he became an absolute quack."
Fake news. He is being attacked due to his viewpoints.

Undeniable Confirmation of the High (Positive) Correlation between the mRNA Injection Rate and the Mortality Rate​

Third Country, Same Result​

MAY 17, 2023

In previous posts I showed that most of the Variations in a country’s All-Cause-Mortality-Rate can be accounted for by Variations in the mRNA Injection
Rate. This was previously shown for:

Today I did this analysis for Canada using using DATA
for All-Cause-Mortality and Injections provided on the Internet from the Canadian Government

Description of Analysis Technique
The Correlation between the weekly All-Cause-Mortality and Injection rates was calculated over a 16 week period. The Mortality rate was then delayed by 1, 2, … 16 weeks and the Correlation again calculated for each delay.
The above calculation was then repeated 8 more times beginning each subsequent calculation 4 weeks later in time using DATA spanning the range from 10/9/21 to 12/31/22.
This analysis is summarized below in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. The “signed” R-Square Value for Mortality and Injection Rates in Canada as a function of the delay in the Mortality Rate with respect to the Injection Rate. At least 60% of the variation in the Canadian Mortality Rate is due to variations in the Injection Rate. See footnote
below for discussion of Correlation and R-Squared.

  • Consistent with previous findings, the peak in death due to injections is in the first 8 weeks after injection.
  • This analysis will not show deaths occurring after a long time period which also probably have large variations in the time between injection and death.
  • If (BIG IF, I hope) there is ever again a large scale worldwide injection program, the rate of injection should be mandated to be modulated at about 3 different frequencies to be able to easily detect the positive (or negative) effects of the injections using synchronous detections techniques that I have used here using random variations
  • I’m uncertain of the quality of these data — noise and inaccuracies in these data probably obscure the findings, as stark as they are.
  • These are the best DATA available (100’s of millions of people and billions of injections) and the findings are robust. I have estimated that these injections have killed at least 1 Million American and 20 Million others around the world.
PLEASE, share this work widely. These injections are now part of the CDC recommendations for our children aged 6 months and older.

I am careful to discriminate between “numbers” (from models or just made up) and DATA (numbers coming from measurements). For example, about the only “numbers” from the CDC that I think are DATA are the counting of death certificates (All-Cause-Mortality []) and number of mRNA-Doses given []. A few people make a lot money from these injections, so I conjecture that these numbers might be reasonably-well tracked.
I refuse to call the mRNA-injections a “vaccine”, since it has been shown by the Cleveland Clinic that the more one is injected, the higher is one’s chance of getting CoVid. But of course, that was meaningless result: who cares whether you contract a disease with a >99.9% survival rate? The question the Cleveland Clinic should have asked is, “What is the All-Cause-Mortality-Rate as a function of the number of Injections?”. That is the only metric one should look at (e.g., Vioxx). The U.K. ONS data show that the mortality rate of those injected is about a factor of 2 higher than those not injected, regardless of age. I conjecture we would see a similar result in the U.S. if these data were made available.
Wonder how much longer these DATA will be there …
The R-Squared Value (the Correlation Value squared) denotes the percentage of the dependent variable (Mortality) caused by the independent variable (Injection). The R-Squared value, however, is always positive, whereas the Correlation also tells whether it is a positive or negative correlation. I consequently plot the (Sign of the Correlation Value) times the (R-Squared [Correlation Squared]) value. The absolute value of the Correlation Value is always higher than that of the R-Squared value.
Maybe I shouldn’t have said this … beware of any mass injection program in the future, ESPECIALLY if the injection rate is very constant over time (e.g., “the injections you are all clamoring for are limited …”. This will be noted, I’m sure.

Justice Neil Gorsuch Voices Opposition to Lockdowns and Mandates: “Greatest Intrusion on Civil Liberties”

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