Covid Vaccines.....

I have had COVID 19 . Just for understatement I’ll say it ain’t fun ! Seven weeks later I’m still trying to regain strength . If I could have , if I can in the future , I would take the vaccine . Seriously , what is there to loose .
You’re a sheep. You embrace tyranny because you are scared.
I have a suggestion: Blame the actual virus rather than the human reactions to it. Realize that the VIRUS is causing all the things. We are all reacting to the VIRUS. Work it out from there, maybe you'll find some compassion and empathy along the way.
I'm surprised at the rational takes in this thread. Kudos. Figured there would be a lot of anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theories in here.

I trust vaccines. Generally speaking, I don't know anyone in my immediate or extended family (15aunts and uncles, grandparents, 40+ cousins) who has not gotten the CDCs vaccine schedule. No one has autism (common anti-vaxx claim); maybe two of my cousins have genetic disorders (unrelated obviously). And I've never heard of anyone getting any of the diseases those vaccines prevent. So I'm sold on vaccines being effective and reliable as my anecdotal experience matches the statistics presented by science.

That said, I'm leery of being in the first round of any medical treatment. I am going to try and avoid the vaccine for as long as possible while we observe the side effects.

On the flip side, the side effects of COVID can be pretty severe so you're kind of screwed either way I suppose. If anything I'll get it first and wait a few months to let my family take it.

a: to exercise restraining or directing influence over : to regulate
b: to have power over

just something to think about
Good point. We'd all like to exert control over the VIRUS. What tools do we have to do so, so we can exit this nightmare?
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Good point. We'd all like to exert control over the VIRUS. What tools do we have to do so, so we can exit this nightmare?
Every living person will be exposed to and/or get this virus.
Just like a common cold or the flu.

Vaccine, sure.... Like the Flu vaccine has wiped that out.
Common cold virus? Come on.

It is a serious virus.
But we are killing a lot more things that this virus is killing people.

And 'they', whoever, are learning more how to control the masses with fear.
People don't even question the stupidity of some of it. (See the Pitt/VaTech info)

There are things 'out of' on Grocery store shelves, and all kind of businesses, that have no correlation to sanitizing wipes or toilet paper.
Continuing the 'fear', reminding people of the dire straits we are in.

And we are in dire straits. But, it's not so much this virus.
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Every living person will be exposed to and/or get this virus.
Just like a common cold or the flu.

Vaccine, sure.... Like the Flu vaccine has wiped that out.
Common cold virus? Come on.

It is a serious virus.
But we are killing a lot more things that this virus is killing people.

And 'they', whoever, are learning more how to control the masses with fear.
People don't even question the stupidity of some of it. (See the Pitt/VaTech info)

There are things 'out of' on Grocery store shelves, and all kind of businesses, that have no correlation to sanitizing wipes or toilet paper.
Continuing the 'fear', reminding people of the dire straits we are in.

And we are in dire straits. But, it's not so much this virus.
You're issue is you are scared of people while a VIRUS is running crap. People are dumb and do dumb things, smart people look at the root issue and try to get a plan of attack to address it. People will settle in and do the right things if they don't act scared. Facts.
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You're issue is you are scared of people while a VIRUS is running crap. People are dumb and do dumb things, smart people look at the root issue and try to get a plan of attack to address it. People will settle in and do the right things if they don't act scared. Facts.
Have no idea what you're saying, but I understand we come at this from different perspectives. I certainly am not scared of people.......or this virus. No reason to be.

You said: "People will settle in and do the right things if they don't act scared."

I hope you are right, in that people will do the right things.
However, far too many are scared. They are willing to listen to crazy things.
Believe crazy things.
Scared people listen to dumb ideas all the time because they are desperate.

This virus will have to run it's course.
You can run, but you can't hide.

If things all fall down while you're hiding.........well, the virus will be there when you come out of hiding.
...........with maybe nothing.
I will gladly take the vaccine. Nurse/teacher here. I am ready to hug my 84 year old parents again. I am ready for Clemson football. I am ready for normal. Therefore, I will do my part, and get vaccinated.

You haven’t hugged your parents? I cannot imagine being that big of a pvssy. I mean seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?
There is a 100% chance some people in the country will have a super bad reaction to the vaccine (death or severe neurologic issues).

There is a 100% chance that a delusional class of americans who have a large propensity to believe in conspiracy theories will use that vaccine reaction as evidence to not get vaccinated while ignoring the lives it saves. The same people who are clamoring to lift restrictions because the the deaths from the virus are acceptable loses.

There is a 100% chance that this thread is full of those people.

The problem isnt that people arent thinking for themselves or not thinking independently. It's the lack of self awareness and ones own limitations.
Not even sure the chance of a severe reaction is 100%. But great points.
Not trying to argue but I'm genuinely curious what side effects you are worried about when it comes to this vaccine? Or is it just the unknown for you?
The vast unknown of modifying ribosomes via mRNA to manufacture basically a mutated protein to treat a virus with such a low death rate in healthy adults. That is my concern. It seems like a risky proposal., Or at least to me it does.
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the other factor in favor of vaccines ( in addition to the well documented science behind the vaccines) is the virtual certainty that to attend concerts, sporting events ( and I am sure Clemson games) you will have to demonstrate that you have had both doses of one of the vaccines or a very recent negative Covid test. Seems much simpler to get the vaccine. I am a physician and I will be at the front of the line as soon as I am able to get the vaccine.
Give me examples of long term well documented studies done on mRNA delivery vaccines like the ones in question. The Flu has just about the same mortality rate as COVID. Are we making Flu shots mandatory now?And where does it stop? It seems a little George Orwell 1984ish to me.
I think eventually they’ll require everyone to have been vaccinated or prove they are negative for COVID to go anywhere. Seems much easier to just get the vaccine
The master plan
As a Phase III vaccine tester for the Moderna vaccine, hell yeah I'm taking it.

I"m still PO'ed I got the placebo instead of the real thing.

I will say that other people who got the real thing say the second booster shot -- a month after the first -- can pack a punch. Compared to a stronger version of the flu shot.
When people start dropping like flies from this vaccine, it will be the biggest coverup in history.
Do you vaccinate your children against measles, chicken pox, mumps? Were you old enough to take the polio vaccine on a sugar cube? Go ahead and use “independent thought” but don’t expect anyone to feel sorry for you when you are refused the opportunity to fly on a plane, attend a sporting event or a wedding or funeral because you lack proof of being vaccinated.

Our Master Plan
Interesting plan you have there.
Of course I would. I trust science and I'd like to go out in public again without worry of spreading a pandemic. I was reading the other day about a healthy man who caught it in Texas and he ended up having a double lung replacement because his immune system went haywire with the viral infection.
I just want to go back into the office and move on with my life. So yes.
link to that story please. I’m calling bullshit on it.
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That’s true about most medications. We don’t know if ADHD medicine messes up your heart, but everyone is taking it these days. I’ve been on it since I was 8 and I’m in my 20s. Does that mean I’m going to stop taking it out of fear? No.
Is your bipolar schizophrenia still under control also? You have been posting less so I figure it is.
Every living person will be exposed to and/or get this virus.
Just like a common cold or the flu.

Vaccine, sure.... Like the Flu vaccine has wiped that out.
Common cold virus? Come on.

It is a serious virus.
But we are killing a lot more things that this virus is killing people.

And 'they', whoever, are learning more how to control the masses with fear.
People don't even question the stupidity of some of it. (See the Pitt/VaTech info)

There are things 'out of' on Grocery store shelves, and all kind of businesses, that have no correlation to sanitizing wipes or toilet paper.
Continuing the 'fear', reminding people of the dire straits we are in.

And we are in dire straits. But, it's not so much this virus.

just FYI....not everything out on store shelves Is out because of “fear” or “panic.” Not only did grocery stores see business volume jump dramatically (restaurants volume down), but supply chains have had new challenges worldwide.

Also, not everyone will get the virus. That is simply just not true.

There are plenty of examples of how vaccines have completely eradicated viruses worldwide.

And I’d be willing to argue the ones who are being “controlled” are the millions of Americans being mislead by conspiracy theory BS. Just look in the mirror and tell me what emotion is coming from the person telling us just how dire of straights we are in...
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Hilarious troll

Just go and Google lung covid transplants. There's quite a few
So it is true, you’re just another liberal not wasting a crisis to get an overreaction.

That’s pretty good of you to show evidence of truth. Check this out your friends could use some help.
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In your original post yes you were. All part of y’all’s plan
I'll be sure to make the communists aware of your investigations. we will be unleashing the soy boy vengence squad if you do not cease your investigations. I've warned you, now I have to go bake a bean pie and make kool aid for the commie hippie meeting.
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