You seem to be forgetting about the public health reasons for vaccination. It's not just about personal protection from illness. This is why individualistic arguments against vaccination campaigns don't really make much sense. Or, another way to think about it is that you can either "mind your own business" or you can have public health, but you can't entirely have both. We have pretty good precedent for vaccines as public health tools, though, and we've used them in relatively non-intrusive ways by requiring them for participation in some things, rather than blanket mandates.Simple question.
If you are vaccinated, WTF do you care if someone is not?
You are good right? Their decision impacts them and other unvaccinated folks right?
Also, since no vaccine is 100% effective, the larger the proportion of unvaccinated people, the more likely it is that there will be breakthrough infections. Plus, everyone has to shoulder the burden of care for unvaccinated people, and everybody has to deal with harsh public health measures if there's an outbreak. It's much easier to just get vaccinated than to try and roll the dice and have to go through emergency measures periodically.
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