Democrat Corruption

This is BS related to the census and should be done away with in light of the bombardment of illegal invasion we are under. The blue states should not be rewarded for this disaster.


I have some very interesting information, you’ll want to hear this. This whole time I thought the Democrats were going to cause a 9/11 type event to cancel elections or possibly start a civil war for the same purpose. I thought they might assassinate Trump or steal the election with another virus.

We now have a pretty good idea of what’s actually going to happen.

We saw it in California & Vermont this past Tuesday.

On Super Tuesday, the Democrats did a dry run for a new vote tabulation algorithm. This algorithm allows a certain percentage of precincts to report before it begins to work. It needs to see how many votes it might need to change to not look like a totally implausible & ridiculous win. Below are photos of 89% of voting precincts reporting in the Republican primary in Vermont at 10:13pm. Trump was closing in on Haley with her lead at only 2.5 points, then 4 minutes later at 10:17pm, it changes to 76% reporting with her now having a much bigger lead at 3.7 points & eventual win. How, you ask, can her lead go up at 76% reporting when at 89% it was a lot less of a lead? Why did the reporting precincts go down & her lead go up?

If you go to my X page & scroll down, you’ll see the video of Steve Garvey beating Adam Schiff in the California Senate. Then, in real time, you can see thousands of votes leave Garvey & go to Schiff.

These were dry runs, meant not to call too much attention, which is why they were done in a small state primary & a senate primary in CA.

We now believe, as a very good hypothesis, that the Democrats are importing illegals because they plan on stealing the election with such an algorithm & if it starts an uprising, 10 million military age males with no allegiance to America & contempt for Americans, will be all too happy to help squash it for citizenship.

You can believe this or not but one thing I can guarantee you is that something big WILL happen, it WILL have to do with the election & it WILL cost thousands, if not millions, of Americans their lives.

California Is Running Towards Full Blown Communism

“Hate Hotline” Report Your Neighbors To The State

“Governor Gavin Newsom established a no hate hotline in California that will cost taxpayers a $110,000,000”

Residents Can Report A “Hostile act or expression against somebody's gender identity, gender expression, race, sexuality, all these different things.

They're also creating staff that will help people deal with trauma in over 200 languages.”

What’s Worse Is You Can’t Even Vote These People Out Because Of Voter Fraud
Poor China Joe and establishment leaders in DC can't track those billions of dollars sent to Ukraine but still want more.

I guarantee anyone millions and millions are coming back here as kickbacks. Exactly how are dems and rinos able to outspend MAGA 5 to 1 in most races?? I'm getting an idea of it.


300 federal employees were on this Signal Zoom Call coordinating efforts to control the process and defeat Trump.

At a minimum, they violated the Hatch Act; at worst, they committed Treason.

I predict there will be at least 300 vacancies opening in agencies ranging from DHS, CIA, Agriculture, Education, Defense.

Then again, at this time next year, most of these agencies will be terminated, so the Private Sector will have lots of applicants.

I’ll republish my Part 3 blog post later today to remind you of how the USG will be restructured.
Here is the Entheos post confining this same idea.
It’s going to be BIBLICAL
Here is the rumble showing the zoom of the federal employees CAUGHT plotting the coup!!!!
Great catch @SpookdBlog
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"For each of the four cases against Trump, Americans are more likely to say that he should be convicted than to say that he will be. In the federal-election and Jan. 6 case, 45% think he should be convicted but just 30% think he will be. 44% think he should be convicted in the classified-documents case, while 30% think he will be. 43% of Americans say he should be convicted of a crime in the Georgia election case; 30% think he will be convicted. In the hush-money case, 39% think he should be convicted and 27% think he will be convicted."



Here’s Why Mainstream Journalists Become Propagandists:

Reporter Says Senior White House Officials Contact & Threaten Them Over Running Stories

The Barack Obama Administration Had The Justice Department Seized Phone Records From AP Reporters

“A very senior person makes me very uncomfortable to have the White House telling reporters, you're gonna regret doing something that you believe in”

“I think the effect on the media has already been felt. I mean, you have sources that are being shut down, doors just being shut in people's faces. Now, that was probably the intention”

“No negotiations. The government government just simply came in, got the subpoenas, took the phone logs, and then notified the AP after the fact. And the AP calls this a, quote, massive and unprecedented intrusion.”

“It's being called an unprecedented government intrusion. The Justice Department secretly collected 2 months of telephone records from the Associated Press and its reporters”

“Associated Press CEO Gary Prewitt says, quote, these records potentially reveal communications with confidential sources across all of the news gathering activities undertaken by the AP during a 2 month period, provide a roadmap to AP's news gathering operations, and disclose information about AP's activities and operations that the government has no conceivable right to know.”

I can’t transcribe it all due to X’s text limits but this is full of great information

Consider the timeline:

The Biden regime just deployed every asset to stop Trump from being on the ballot, and they failed. Trump is projected to win.

Now swamp rats want to pass a bill that would give Biden the power to control the flow of information on social media.

The Deep State are in desperation mode. They are looking for any angle to alter the calculus before November. The only way they can get away with stealing the election, is if they cut out our tongues like they did last time. They have to regain their monopoly of the narrative and public perception.

They are coming for X. Make no mistake. You think they really care about China getting our data? They let China fly surveillance balloons over us without consequence. They sell our State secrets to foreign adversaries. Hillary had State secrets on a server in her bathroom… Joe Biden had State secrets in his garage…

This is not about Tik Tok or China. This is about election interference and the power struggle to control the flow of information. Don’t take the bait.

MAGA GOP should not be passing anything until Trump is back in office. All we have to do is maintain the status quo, hold our position, and Trump wins.

Hold the damn line.

Truly outrageous.

Peter Navarro was the White House trade director to the President of the United States.

We’ve had constitutional executive privilege for 250 years, going back to George Washington.

So Presidents can get candid advice from their aides without fear they will get hauled before Congress—and especially not get thrown in prison.

The destruction of constitutional executive privilege—by Biden, his Justice Department, House Democrats, and these hyper-partisan 4 DC Democrat judges—to get Trump is short-sighted and highly destructive to the presidency.

Especially as they ignore Biden’s blatant foreign corruption and Hunter’s own blatant contempt of Congress.

Truly shameful.

Hope Biden (and Obama) White House officials understand they are now fair targets under a Trump 47 Justice Department.

Below are pictures of the 4 hyper-partisan DC Obama judges who are destroying the presidency--and the legitimacy of the federal judiciary.

Left to Right:
1. Amit Priyavadan Mehta, DC District Judge
2. Robert Leon Wilkins, DC Circuit Judge
3. Cornelia (Nina) Pillard, DC Circuit Judge
4. Patricia Ann Millett, DC Circuit Judge

Truly outrageous.

Peter Navarro was the White House trade director to the President of the United States.

We’ve had constitutional executive privilege for 250 years, going back to George Washington.

So Presidents can get candid advice from their aides without fear they will get hauled before Congress—and especially not get thrown in prison.

The destruction of constitutional executive privilege—by Biden, his Justice Department, House Democrats, and these hyper-partisan 4 DC Democrat judges—to get Trump is short-sighted and highly destructive to the presidency.

Especially as they ignore Biden’s blatant foreign corruption and Hunter’s own blatant contempt of Congress.

Truly shameful.

Hope Biden (and Obama) White House officials understand they are now fair targets under a Trump 47 Justice Department.

Below are pictures of the 4 hyper-partisan DC Obama judges who are destroying the presidency--and the legitimacy of the federal judiciary.

Left to Right:
1. Amit Priyavadan Mehta, DC District Judge
2. Robert Leon Wilkins, DC Circuit Judge
3. Cornelia (Nina) Pillard, DC Circuit Judge
4. Patricia Ann Millett, DC Circuit Judge

The Biden regime is sending Peter Navarro, one of Trump’s top advisors with a PhD from Harvard, to prison for defying a subpoena from the illegitimate J6 Committee

Democrats might be cheering, but I hope they realize the Pandora’s box they’ve opened

The pendulum will swing back sooner than they think and it won’t just be pervert luggage stealers being put in handcuffs

Justice Alito: "The government is treating social media platforms like their subordinates."

You CANNOT outsource censorship and call it constitutional.

You CANNOT have the FBI harassing Facebook and not call it coercion.

You CANNOT suspend the Constitution because you say COVID is a once in a lifetime event.

Free Speech is our inheritance paid for by the blood of Patriots over generations, and Democrats want to kill it.

Here’s The Truth About Bidenomics

Senate Budget Committee Breakdown:

- 2% Increase in US Population
- 66% Budget Increase
- $434,000 in New Spending PER PERSON

“Expecting the American taxpayer to spend 36% of their income. 36% to pay for this budget.”

“Here's what's actually happening to the American public. So first, since 2019, the population is up 2%. So your budget increases spending by 66%. That's a lot. American public says, okay.

“So what do we get for that? 66% increase when population's up 2%. If you look at the numbers, your spending per American or that's not yours, it's president Biden's, but spending is $21,695. The average American income is only $59,430. That's yours you're expecting the American taxpayer to spend 36% of their income.

36% in to pay for this budget. The increase, um, per person and spending for every new person is $434,000. So the revenues are not up in this last year, they're down. The federal revenues are down 9%, so that's not working. So I cut taxes a 100 times, my revenues went up.

Inflation so if you think about both of us grew up and, you know, families didn't have a lot of money. So think about what's impacting families like ours, groceries are up 21% in 3 years. Gas is up 40%. Shelter's up 20%. Car payments are up 26%.

If You want to try buy a house today Biden took office, the cost now is just skyrocketed with with what's happened to interest expense. Median household income has gone from $77,800 to $74,755. It's down 5%. So it's not so you look at it, people inflation's up, their wages are down. You're projecting a corporate tax rate, or not you.

President Biden's projecting a corporate tax rate of 28%. I cut taxes when I was governor because I wanted every company to come to Florida. What we're telling people is don't come to America. You should go to well, communist China has lower corporate tax rates. If our if our tax rates are higher, we're in a global economy, what's the company gonna do?

They're gonna go where the taxes are lower, and they should, whether we like it or not. Now you just look at jobs. In the last 4 months, we've lost 1,780,000 full time jobs. We've only added part time jobs. We've added 909,000 part time jobs.

Just look at look at, um, the employment numbers that just came out. Immigrants, legal and illegal, in the month of February added 1,000,000 jobs. People born in America lost 500,000 jobs. Wow. This is not this is if when I go back to Florida, people don't think this economy is set in the right direction.

Then you look at debt. Debt to GDP. Since Joe Biden took office, the debt has grown faster than GDP. And if you look at these proposed budgets, the debt is gonna continue to grow faster than GDP. How do we ever how is this ever sustainable?

You can't do that. You can't do it in business. You can't do it personally. You can't do it as a country.”

One, flood the country with untold millions of illegals by land, sea, and air from all over the world — enough to eclipse the populations of 36 individual U.S. states, so far.

Two, prioritize the needs of these millions of non-citizens over the needs of the American citizen, with free flights, busses, hotels, meals and phones — ensuring their loyalty to the political party that imported them.

Three, keep them in the country at all costs, even when they commit violent crime like murder and rape. Attack the language used to describe the criminals, as opposed to the criminals themselves. Slander critics as racist.

Four, ensure their privileges are made irrevocable with city and state sanctuary laws that act as a population magnet, codify their permanent status and ensure non-cooperation with ICE.

Five, count the non-citizens in the census that will determine congressional apportionment in the House of Representatives — as of now, that would equal thirteen extra congressional districts; a tremendous amount of electoral power.

Six, wage a massive, heavily funded lawfare campaign to change state voting laws that legalize mass mail-in ballots, no signature verification, and no proof of citizenship requirements — making it nearly impossible to prove voter fraud.

Seven, lock in the permanent voting majority with campaign promises of lavish benefits and permanent privileges, enshrining generational fealty to the Democrat party.

Eight, win elections.

Nine, entrenched single-party rule has been achieved.

Follow: @WesternLensman
This is one example showing that the minds of a lot of rank and file Democrats have been corrupted and controlled by their communist leaders.

Just two years ago, 30% of Democrats believed that children should be taken away from unvaccinated parents.

60% of Democrats believed that the unvaccinated should be locked in their home and not allowed to leave.

Nearly 50% of Democrats believed that the unvaccinated should be sent to camps.

And nearly 50% of Democrats believed that simply criticizing the vaccine should lead to imprisonment.

This is what a totalitarian ideology looks like.
Everybody better wake up fast.

A 47-year-old New York City woman, Adele Andaloro, has been arrested for attempting to remove squatters from her own Flushing, Queens home.

While in the process of trying to sell the $1 million home left to her by her parents, squatters moved in and refused to leave.

And because this is New York where tenant rights are given after 30 days of illegal occupation, the squatter called the police on the home owner and took her away in handcuffs.

In New York, you are now considered a criminal if you pay back your loans, defend innocent bystanders on the subway, or dare to be inside your own home.

New York is a total dystopian clown show.

NEW: Biden's Justice Department shatters historical precedent imprisoning Trump Trade Advisor Peter Navarro for contempt of Congress, destroying a 250-year tradition of honoring executive privilege.

Obama's DOJ didn't prosecute Eric Holder and Lois Lerner following contempt referrals after they invoked executive privilege.

Bush's DOJ didn't prosecute Josh Bolten and Harriet Miers following contempt referrals after they invoked executive privilege.

The Justice Department hasn't prosecuted executive officials who were instructed by the president to invoke executive privilege until now.

The last time anyone was sentenced for contempt of Congress was in 1948.

Navarro, a Harvard-educated economist known for his efforts to restore American manufacturing, will serve four months in prison.

He will turn 75 in July behind bars as a martyr of the regime.

NAVARRO: "When I walk into that prison today, the justice system will have done a crippling blow to the constitution's separation of judicial powers and executive privilege."

Video: @JackPosobiec


Mark Zuckerberg is avoiding paying taxes on his new $300 MILLION mega yacht that he bought for Himself as a birthday gift, which is is currently docked in Fort Lauderdale with a foreign flag, which I have just identified as the flag of the Marshall Islands.

His yacht was originally being built for a Russian oligarch and then Zuckerberg bought it because it was sanctioned.

This is hypocritical for many reasons, because Zuckerberg directed Meta to BAN Russian backed media at the beginning of the Ukraine-Russia war, but then he bought a Russian oligarch’s yacht.

I have identified the flag on the yacht as the flag of the Marshall Islands. This means Zuckerberg registered his yacht in the Marshall Islands, and he did so to avoid paying taxes in the US.

So not only is Zuckerberg a hypocrite for burning so much Diesel while he and his wife fund “climate change activism”, but he’s also a hypocrite for dodging taxes. Zuckerberg also funded leftist groups that stole the 2020 election from Trump, and many of the activists supported by Zuckerberg said Trump didn’t pay his fair share in taxes.

Talk about hypocrisy from Zuckerberg, who has his boat flagged in the MARSHALL ISLANDS to avoid paying taxes.

I will try to have my friend send me more pics of Zuckerberg’s yacht today with the Marshall Islands flag. If I wasn’t sick today I’d go take the pics myself.

Zuckerberg must be in town for the Boat show, which is currently taking place in Palm Beach, FL.

Receipts. 👇🏻

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