Pre-pandemic the wealth gap, particularly for minorities, was at the lowest point in multiple decades under Trump. That is evidently not what people wanted.
Part of the problem with jobs/wages is the massive increase in dependency on the govt for income/support that was not there decades ago. Social security, for example, was never meant to be long term income. Roosevelt himself said explicitly this. It was supposed to be a temporary, short term program to help get past the devastation of the great depression. These govt handouts are not market forces, but they certainly impact the labor market.
Today's generation of people under 40ish are the most spoiled, entitled group to ever walk the earth. If you ever get up off your couch and stop watching cable on your 50+ inch TV, get in your less than 20 yr old car while talking on your iphone , wearing name brand clothes/shoes to drive to get you some fast food, please don't expect me to like it when the govt takes the $$$ I worked for from me and gives it to you.
Part of the problem today, is we have redefined what "poor" is. Poor people in America are in the elite wealth category worldwide. Based on your "share the wealth" comments, I assume you give away most of your income to the less fortunate. Talk is cheap.