Can you look at a born endomorph the same way you look at an ectomorph? I'm closer to the ecto, and can eat anything I want, anytime I want and not gain a thing. So it would be easy for me to support OP's viewpoint.
But I was in grade school with an endo who was big from the get go. He later committed suicide. Who knows if it was bc of his condition.
I'm usually a hard line conservative on issues, but I've seen a few people in life that could never be thin, no matter how hard they dieted or worked out.
But I was in grade school with an endo who was big from the get go. He later committed suicide. Who knows if it was bc of his condition.
I'm usually a hard line conservative on issues, but I've seen a few people in life that could never be thin, no matter how hard they dieted or worked out.