God Bless Our Great Nation

And you realize that his little bitch ass is not wishing he hadn't made that statement because he realizes that he conceded? You do realize he knows he lost right?
No need to force feed me on this. I don’t think this is over, but I will play along
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No need to force feed me on this. I don’t think this is over, but I will play along

So are you buying the idea that he is dumping pence and his cabinet and replacing and staying president. That that was what he meant?

I honestly don't think Trump is smart enough for that.
I will be leaving the republican party and going independent unless its cleansed of rino's and under Trump's leadership. Alternatively, I would love to see a new party composed of Trump's core base....lets call it the Patriot Party.

I mean you know what this will do right? Solid democratic control. The “patriot” party can’t win a national majority and neither can a fractured Republican Party.

But I bet the bud heavys will go down extra smooth as you and the boys brag about sticking it to the white collar pansies.
I mean you know what this will do right? Solid democratic control. The “patriot” party can’t win a national majority and neither can a fractured Republican Party.

But I bet the bud heavys will go down extra smooth as you and the boys brag about sticking it to the white collar pansies.

You know nothing about me or my demographic butthead. I am most definitely out of repub party unless Trump reforms and cleanses it somehow. The fix is in on the elections anyway if this stands and you are still living in the fantasy world that all is well and that repubs can dump Trump supporters and still be a force. Also a fantasy that Trump supporters will let this go and forget it. Long-term dem control on the way unless something big happens.
You know nothing about me or my demographic butthead. I am most definitely out of repub party unless Trump reforms and cleanses it somehow. The fix is in on the elections anyway if this stands and you are still living in the fantasy world that all is well and that repubs can dump Trump supporters and still be a force. Also a fantasy that Trump supporters will let this go and forget it. Long-term dem control on the way unless something big happens.

I continue to laugh at this idea that Trump will save the republican party from the RINOs. Dude! Trump isn't a republican. His calling long-term republicans RINOs is freaking funny. You continue to prove your ignorance and frankly cluelessness.
You know nothing about me or my demographic butthead. I am most definitely out of repub party unless Trump reforms and cleanses it somehow. The fix is in on the elections anyway if this stands and you are still living in the fantasy world that all is well and that repubs can dump Trump supporters and still be a force. Also a fantasy that Trump supporters will let this go and forget it. Long-term dem control on the way unless something big happens.

You can thank yourself and those that think like you for that.
You know nothing about me or my demographic butthead. I am most definitely out of repub party unless Trump reforms and cleanses it somehow. The fix is in on the elections anyway if this stands and you are still living in the fantasy world that all is well and that repubs can dump Trump supporters and still be a force. Also a fantasy that Trump supporters will let this go and forget it. Long-term dem control on the way unless something big happens.

What aren’t you getting though? A hardcore Trump party isn’t winning. Republicans aren’t winning if a faction splits off. You are self-destructing out of spite and making it easier for the other side to win.

How is that helpful? How does that help your beliefs?

I agree the GOP needs reform. But it doesn’t need to come in the form of fringe conspiracy folks that can in no way, shape or form direct a party that can win nationally.
What aren’t you getting though? A hardcore Trump party isn’t winning. Republicans aren’t winning if a faction splits off. You are self-destructing out of spite and making it easier for the other side to win.

How is that helpful? How does that help your beliefs?

I agree the GOP needs reform. But it doesn’t need to come in the form of fringe conspiracy folks that can in no way, shape or form direct a party that can win nationally.

You are talking in a tone like your avatar looks...sad. I am still a free American at this point and can choose to vote how I please. Traitorous GOP is more than likely finished. Its not about spite at all. I just see traitorous liars and I am not supporting that.
There was no principled stand. Very little was said and a lot of empowering messages were sent. Nothing was done and I'd love to hear about the underlying facts.

You say you like facts, so here are some for you. Several states directly circumvented their legislature in how they conducted the voting this time. We can argue that Covid called for different measures but the reality is, it was all built around trying to alter election results. Now I don't happen to believe the election was stolen. Trump ran a horrible campaign and he made this election about himself (which all things have to be with that guy) and that is a big no-no in politics. You make the election about the other person.

Did you know that a majority of Democrats thought the 2016 election was stolen? Can you please link me to the post you made calling those people nutbars for that view? The Democrats actually objected on the floor of Congress just as the Republicans were trying to do this week. No one said a word.

The Russians hacked that election and the proof was a fake dossier carried by all of the media as "fact" which was found to be paid for by the Clinton campaign and washed through our government via our Justice Department and illicitly granted FISA warrants. None of this is disputable. The moment Trump won it was all about #Resist. The investigated this President from the time he took office over something that was a totally false pretense. Did you say anything about that?

What about in 2000-2008 when the majority of Democrats viewed Bush as an "illegitimate" president? The same was said about Trump during his term. Stacy Abrams was introduced as the rightful governor of Georgia by Democrats at the DNC. There are many people who have called that election here illegitimate and stolen while in their next breath they fought for the integrity of elections in Georgia. They have literally played both sides and never been held accountable.

All I ever ask for is one standard. One consistent viewpoint that marks our activities regardless of outcome. The absence of that and the total hypocrisy we see in the media and with our government is why we have such vile and disgusting fringes to our parties. Both have been empowered by our ridiculous and partisan behavior. Want to see things get better? Stand on principle at all times and stop being such a damn hypocrite.

There's a lot to address here but some of it is simply non-factual spin.

There was no principled stand. Very little was said and a lot of empowering messages were sent. Nothing was done and I'd love to hear about the underlying facts.

I wasn't posting that much at the time of the protests but I have definitely let it be known a couple times that I disagreed strongly with the burning and looting, especially in my circle of influence. I was enraged every time I turned on the tv and saw that it was happening again and couldn't understand why they couldn't stop it. It was ridiculous and wrong and I said so.

Several states directly circumvented their legislature in how they conducted the voting this time. We can argue that Covid called for different measures but the reality is, it was all built around trying to alter election results.

The Pennsylvania House and Senate are majority Republican and it easily cleared. The voters followed the law so their votes were legitimate regardless.
"The bill cleared the state House on Oct. 29 by a vote of 138-61. In the House, 105 Republicans and 33 Democrats voted in favor of the bill. The Senate followed suit the same day, approving the bill by a vote of 35-14, with 27 Republicans and eight Democrats voting in favor".

Did you know that a majority of Democrats thought the 2016 election was stolen? Can you please link me to the post you made calling those people nutbars for that view? The Democrats actually objected on the floor of Congress just as the Republicans were trying to do this week. No one said a word.

A majority you say? That's hogwash. I am a Democrat and I never heard one single person say they thought the actual votes were fraudulent. At the time, I worked at the Home Depot corporate office, where there are 6000 people and 75% Democrat and I never heard anyone say the votes were fraudulent. They expressed their disgust about the outcome but didn't doubt that the votes were real. Never heard friends or family say it either. However, they did think they were fraudulently "influenced" but that's different than saying the votes were manufactured. The story you attached actually makes my point for me. A few congressmen objected but Joe Biden, coincidentally, continually shut them down and barked "It's Over"

The Russians hacked that election and the proof was a fake dossier carried by all of the media as "fact" which was found to be paid for by the Clinton campaign and washed through our government via our Justice Department and illicitly granted FISA warrants. None of this is disputable. The moment Trump won it was all about #Resist. The investigated this President from the time he took office over something that was a totally false pretense. Did you say anything about that?

Mueller expressly stated that the dossier had nothing to do with the genesis of the investigation. But besides that, at that time, there was a lot of smoke and it was determined that they had good cause to start the investigation. I would quibble with you that they found nothing but you'd argue the opposite, so I'll let that lie. But Trump was a piece of shit and demonstrated he was unfit, so I did not protest the investigation. Trump wouldn't sit for a deposition so we never heard from the horse's mouth anyway, because he can't open his mouth without lying. Without that, it was hard to prove but that doesn't mean there was nothing there.

I too dislike hypocrisy but the never ending search for moral equivalency by your side is maddening. Everything we said about the President that got you riled over that four year term turned out to be TRUE. I know you felt guilt for supporting such a charlatan, but that doesn't mean that Biden or the Democrats were just as bad. They weren't and they aren't no matter how badly you want it to be true. Your side has repeatedly tried to equate unproven allegations on our side with the facts on yours. He is the worst President in American history and he incited one of the biggest, malicious insurrections against our own government for a fvcking lie, so he deserves every bit of the scorn he receives. That doesn't mean that Biden deserves the same just because you're mad about it.
Only a new administration go rewatch

A peaceful transition of power. Transition: the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.

You can't have a transition if it is the same administration.

IQ points not clicking this morning I see...

Still waiting on the Pope...tik tok.

Insurrection act, yet? Q is a liar.
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What do you think makes them traitorous?

I think you know the answer to that and I also am sure that you will disagree with the reasoning. Thats ok. We can disagree. I see your point related to a 3rd party without a doubt, but at this point I no longer believe sticking with these inept republicans is the lesser of two evils. That thought process helped get us where we are at. I think if a Patriot Party filled with the Trump base will end up replacing republican party anyway if it happens. Republican party would die on the vine at that point. Whether you like it or not related to the man on the street, Trump is the republican party.
I think you know the answer to that and I also am sure that you will disagree with the reasoning. Thats ok. We can disagree. I see your point related to a 3rd party without a doubt, but at this point I no longer believe sticking with these inept republicans is the lesser of two evils. That thought process helped get us where we are at. I think if a Patriot Party filled with the Trump base will end up replacing republican party anyway if it happens. Republican party would die on the vine at that point. Whether you like it or not related to the man on the street, Trump is the republican party.

If that's the case, the Dems will win all national elections moving forward. Most of America,outside of your friends have lost their taste for Trumpism
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I think you know the answer to that and I also am sure that you will disagree with the reasoning. Thats ok. We can disagree. I see your point related to a 3rd party without a doubt, but at this point I no longer believe sticking with these inept republicans is the lesser of two evils. That thought process helped get us where we are at. I think if a Patriot Party filled with the Trump base will end up replacing republican party anyway if it happens. Republican party would die on the vine at that point. Whether you like it or not related to the man on the street, Trump is the republican party.

Look I understand your position. I’m just trying to help you see the reality. You just had the most people in the history of our country - over 80 million - vote AGAINST Donald Trump. Very few people were excited for Biden, but distaste for Trump was so strong, it drove record turnout for the opposing candidate.

And that was BEFORE the election fraud stuff and especially the capitol riot, which further eroded his support and further entrenched his opposition.

There is absolutely no possible way he - or a party based around him - can win nationally. It just can’t. It’s math. It’s logic. You need to accept it.

The best you can hope for is for the Republican Party to put together a better platform that actually addresses major policy areas, refine some of the America first policies that energized the trump base and clearly articulate the value of limited government and conservative principles. And you will need a charismatic and likable candidate to effectively carry the torch.

But that isn’t happening if you have a faction of the party rioting, marching with confederate flags, building bunkers, resisting logical policies and generally alienating everyone in the middle who will swing an election. Because the focus will be on division and all media coverage will be about the crazies still clinging to Trump.
Look I understand your position. I’m just trying to help you see the reality. You just had the most people in the history of our country - over 80 million - vote AGAINST Donald Trump. Very few people were excited for Biden, but distaste for Trump was so strong, it drove record turnout for the opposing candidate.

And that was BEFORE the election fraud stuff and especially the capitol riot, which further eroded his support and further entrenched his opposition.

There is absolutely no possible way he - or a party based around him - can win nationally. It just can’t. It’s math. It’s logic. You need to accept it.

The best you can hope for is for the Republican Party to put together a better platform that actually addresses major policy areas, refine some of the America first policies that energized the trump base and clearly articulate the value of limited government and conservative principles. And you will need a charismatic and likable candidate to effectively carry the torch.

But that isn’t happening if you have a faction of the party rioting, marching with confederate flags, building bunkers, resisting logical policies and generally alienating everyone in the middle who will swing an election. Because the focus will be on division and all media coverage will be about the crazies still clinging to Trump.

I don't know that I would consider them charismatic, but if you want a lot of crossover Dem votes, your party would need to elect someone young and likeable, like Kinzinger or Sasse. Hopefully that's the track your party takes because if they elect Ted Cruz, consider the lesson not learned.
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Anybody know what the tally of international leaders has left office, resigned, or gone missing?

looks like Myanmar is most recent.

You may know it as Myanmar

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Was on BBC... must be true
They elude to some connections to the Clinton Foundation and using Myanmar as a hub to traffic children, like Haiti, but seems far fetched, must be another hair brained conspiracy theory.

Johnny Depp was really enjoying that Adrenochrome in Fear & Loathing, where’s the stuff come from anyway? Made up story by Hollywood I’m sure.
Wait I remembered I know where they make the Adrenochrome in the US.

Again my opinion doesn’t matter, I’m not calling the shots. Some things are not mutually exclusive.

why can’t y’all chill out and let things play out.

if you believe Trump is bad, just sit this one out. You will not change the minds of so many on a message board pedestal, 75 million votes.

after all this info gets dripped out I will expect formal apologies for the slander that has taken place on this board. Y’all are dragging Sconny’s good name through the mud.

all is good though, I’m just a looney toon. Nothing to see hear folks, move along.
That aged well...
They elude to some connections to the Clinton Foundation and using Myanmar as a hub to traffic children, like Haiti, but seems far fetched, must be another hair brained conspiracy theory.

Johnny Depp was really enjoying that Adrenochrome in Fear & Loathing, where’s the stuff come from anyway? Made up story by Hollywood I’m sure.

So you are still on the Q train eh? Is this the beginning fo the storm? when will Biden be arrested? Be specific.
Anybody know what the tally of international leaders has left office, resigned, or gone missing?

looks like Myanmar is most recent.
If you're including Myanmar into your warped Q craziness it shows how far off you are.
They elude to some connections to the Clinton Foundation and using Myanmar as a hub to traffic children, like Haiti, but seems far fetched, must be another hair brained conspiracy theory.

Johnny Depp was really enjoying that Adrenochrome in Fear & Loathing, where’s the stuff come from anyway? Made up story by Hollywood I’m sure.
How about a link to something from the BBC where this info you claim is being reported on. Especially where the Clinton's and child sex trafficking are 'eluded' to.
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Im posting this just to give you sleeping lib hens something to cackle about...oh and its a good song!
Thinking Myanmar has something to do with the pathetic Q nonsense you're still desperately clinging to shows just how clueless/deluded you are and that you have no knowledge of Myanmar's history and the history of Aung San Suu Kyi in the country.
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At some point even the clueless in this thread got to start wondering how many occurrences of conspiracy is mathematically impossible globally all at the same time in history.
Making money on GME and AMC was gravy, now gonna ride BTC to 100k and ETH to 20k
Thinking Myanmar has something to do with the pathetic Q nonsense you're still desperately clinging to shows just how clueless/deluded you are and that you have no knowledge of Myanmar's history and the history of Aung San Suu Kyi in the country.

I didnt say that dipstick.
You posted a video full of your regular Q nonsense that included video of KYI and Myanmar!?!? What exactly were you trying to say?

The same thing he's always trying to say. Real things are fake and fake things are real.
You posted a video full of your regular Q nonsense that included video of KYI and Myanmar!?!? What exactly were you trying to say?

I just posted the video. Nothing more or less. Mission accomplished. 😂
God Bless Our Great Nation Indeed! He has blessed us so much and I pray that He will continue to. We are dealing with so much division right now. Our country has lost our focus and the only way back is a Great Awakening and I believe that is happening. We shall see what happens but we all know the Truth.
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