God Bless Our Great Nation

I work my way around in web searches, but search outside of normal criteria.

example: use Google and type in “election fraud Italy”, then use DuckDuckGo and type in the exact same.

the Google search produces nothing of worth or links to election fraud being debunked

the DuckDuckGo search produces local articles from Italian news outlets explaining how it all went down. The outlets are credible and the information is credible and fits after applying Occams Razor.

the media continues to suppress information and our country will never trust these results unless there is a true open and transparent public audit. If there is nothing to hide, why not let everyone see.

additionally the printer used for the ballets put a watermark in al the original ballets, so they can tell if there is a fraudulent ballet. I digress, but the info is out there, if you care enough to find it and weed through all the bull shit

so you go hunting for articles that confirm the crazy conspiracy theories you want to believe, regardless of the credibility of the source. Got it.
You conspiracy guys need to know that you are hurting the Republican party. The party needs to rebuild after this debacle and even when policy ideas resonate, some folks will still think, "wait, isn't that the party with pizzagate conspiracy whackos?" Unfortunately yes.

The GOP needs to put some distance between it and this stuff, and come back to the table with clear, logical platform positions - including in areas like healthcare and climate that have been completely ignored other than "repeal Obamacare!!" and "drill baby drill!!"
GOP needs a facelift, it’s getting one. Currently both parties are full of actors. GOP has gotten plenty of my $$$ but I’m out. My support will be libertarian moving forward.

good luck rebuilding when the base is saying take a hike.
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So to you, which is more probable?

1) That President Trump is waging a secret war against elite Satan-worshipping pedophiles in government, business, and the media; or...

2) That some entrepreneur is making bank at the expense of some gullible albeit well-meaning folks; or...

2A) That some foreign adversaries are trying to manipulate the American public to cause civil unrest.

Think about that rationally before answering...
Again my opinion doesn’t matter, I’m not calling the shots. Some things are not mutually exclusive.

why can’t y’all chill out and let things play out.

if you believe Trump is bad, just sit this one out. You will not change the minds of so many on a message board pedestal, 75 million votes.

after all this info gets dripped out I will expect formal apologies for the slander that has taken place on this board. Y’all are dragging Sconny’s good name through the mud.

all is good though, I’m just a looney toon. Nothing to see hear folks, move along.
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Thank you! Yes--absolutely! But lets make that an actual line in the sand, ok? Either Q is an insider or you were lied to, right?

I will come here and apologize to you if I am wrong, but I want you to also commit to rejecting and letting go of Q if I am right. Deal?

If nothing happens and Biden assumes POTUS power, then it will be self evident that either Q was a fake or that the Q group failed in its mission. I will come on here and address it either way though.
Bahaha glad to see you conveniently selected my sarcastic sentence and ignored the facts in the rest of my post. But hey, I’ll play along and answer your follow-up question.

Which side in America today is doing things that more closely mimic what the nazis did in the rise to power?

Well, official documents now show that the Nazis were the ones behind the the burning of the Reichstag (Germany’s equivalent to the US Capitol) in 1933. The Nazi regime framed a Dutch Communist as a lone-wolf arsonist as an excuse to pass the Reichstagsbrandverordnung, which was the first key step in dismantling the parliamentary democratic institutions of the Weimar Republic and establishing a single-party Nazi State, with Hitler as the dictator. Establishment conservatives like President von Hindenburg had little love for a commoner like Hitler, but he went along with it because he thought Hitler was controllable and therefore less of a threat to conservative control than the SPD or Communist parties of the time. (He was also dependent on the support of Hitler’s supporters to maintain his position.) That decree was passed in February 1933, less than a few months after Hitler was elected Chancellor. Dachau Concentration Camp was established a month later to house political prisoners from the left, and it began housing German/Austrian Jews and Gypsies 2 years later upon passage of the Nuremberg Laws that institutionalized racial discrimination. Note that this was several years before the annexation of Austria, the Sudetenland, and Poland, the last of which precipitated the outbreak of WWII.

Fast-forward to January 6, 2021, and you had a mob of white supremacists storm the US Capitol to demand that democratic processes be set aside so that their charismatic and demagogic leader could maintain power. They literally pulled down the American flag and replaced it with a flag of said leader, all the while wearing T-shirts that said “6 million was not enough” and brandishing a battle flag of a former enemy state. (The Confederate battle flag — not even the national flag, but then again, most of the folks in that mob probably wouldn’t recognize the actual Confederate national flag if it was sitting right in front of them.)

And all the while, some Republican lawmakers went right along with the madness, demanding that the electoral college results be set aside in favor of President Trump because their fear of the “big-bad left” and their fear of losing support from Trump-devotees exceeded their love for their country and its democratic institutions. But of course, when the public backlash came in, suddenly these same folks were blaming Antifa and far-left protesters for perpetuating a false flag operation by storming the Capitol disguised as Trump supporters. The parallels are truly unnerving.

Thankfully, though, we’re not a fledgling democracy like Germany was in 1932-33. Thankfully, our conservative establishment leaders like Mike Pence and Mitch McConnell proved to have more of a backbone and more respect for their country’s constitution than Paul von Hindenburg did for his some 9 decades ago. For all that I’ve disagreed with them over the years, I applaud them for standing up against fascism and treason when it mattered most. You could draw parallels between their actions and what the British Royal Family did when they exiled former King Edward VIII — their own flesh and blood — after his collaborative plots with the Nazis were discovered. If those plots had been successful, Edward — the king who had abdicated for his brother — would have displaced his brother as king of a Nazi-friendly Britain, constitution be damned.

So yeah, there’s my answer to your question. The parallels between what President Trump and his mob of supporters attempted (and failed) to do this past week and what the Nazis attempted (and succeeded) to do with the Reichstag fire in 1933 are crystal clear to anyone who is not willfully blind, and those parallels are quite damning.

I strongly disagree with your analysis in spite of your fancy degree.

My take

- January 6th US Capital Event was a false flag orchestrated by Dems/establishment repubs/deep state players. designed to demonize Trump and his base and deflate the electoral college challenge primarily.
- Antifa dressed as Trump supporters working with certain embedded members of capital police started the trouble.
- The fact that many house reps and senators withdrew their objection to the electors after the event was pre ordained and part of the show.
- Trump only was shown asking for peaceful protest and then asked his supporters to go home, but now less than a week later all big social media members are censoring POTUS totally at the moment.....pre planned response known before the planned capital event took place.
- Damage/death related to the capital event is very small compared to previous events this past summer and yet those events are called peaceful protest and then you have 95+ percent of the people that walked into the capital only touring and taking selfies, but media and you liberal numb nuts are calling this an insurrection....over magnification and projection.
- Dem and estab repub movement to impeach/remove and/or invoke 25th amendment part of the script.
- Crushing social media lockdown on conservatives. Apple/Google/Amazon conspiring to take Parler down to censor all major conservative voices. Part of the script.
- Other influential conservative voices such as Rush Limbaugh taken down for no reason but to censor. Will they try and take Rush off the radio too?


The left faked the capital event just like the nazis faked reichstag. The left leadership in America will be shown to have committed treasonous activity against the country while working directly with China and other foreign nations is what I think will be shown to have happened.
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I strongly disagree with your analysis in spite of your fancy degree.

My take

- January 6th US Capital Event was a false flag orchestrated by Dems/establishment repubs/deep state players. designed to demonize Trump and his base and deflate the electoral college challenge primarily.
- Antifa dressed as Trump supporters working with certain embedded members of capital police started the trouble.
- The fact that many house reps and senators withdrew their objection to the electors after the event was pre ordained and part of the show.
- Trump only was shown asking for peaceful protest and then asked his supporters to go home, but now less than a week later all big social media members are censoring POTUS totally at the moment.....pre planned response known before the planned capital event took place.
- Damage/death related to the capital event is very small compared to previous events this past summer and yet those events are called peaceful protest and then you have 95+ percent of the people that walked into the capital only touring and taking selfies, but media you liberal numb nuts are calling this an insurrection....over magnification and projection.
- Dem and estab repub movement to impeach/remove and/or invoke 25th amendment part of the script.
- Crushing social media lockdown on conservatives. Apple/Google/Amazon conspiring to take Parler down to censor all major conservative voices. Part of the script.
- Other influential conservative voices such as Rush Limbaugh taken down for no reason but to censor. Will they try and take Rush off the radio too?


The left faked the capital event just like the nazis faked reichstag. The left leadership in America will be shown to have committed treasonous activity against the country while working directly with China and other foreign nations is what I think will happened.

WHAT SINGLE SHRED OF EVIDENCE DO YOU HAVE OF A FALSE FLAG? You don't have any evidence for anything you just said in your post. None.

Here is a boatload of EVIDENCE to the contrary.

Did 6 ELECTED Republicans FAKE getting elected as republicans, all so they could LIVESTREAM themselves taking the Capitol?? Of the 120 something people arrested so far--they are clear Trump supporters. Was the entire crowd that went to the rally and then walked up to the Capitol shouting 'Stop the Steal' staged?

Was it all a false flag that FOR MONTHS this was all planned by Q leadership and on 8chan and on Parlor and Dlive and every other site to march on the Capitol? Was Trump in on the false flag too as he told everyone he would march up there too??

Baked Alaska is now a false flag? Did MAGA's fake years of Trump and QAnon support--YOUR FREAKING Q-SHAMAN--listen to yourself...dude.

How is this a false flag if Parlor and QAnon and EVERY corner of the MAGA internet is talking about coming to DC to do the exact same thing again on the 20th?

I hope anyone reading these posts can see--THIS IS THE DELUSION OF QANON and MAGA.

False flag? Why--because you can't accept the fact that the right is full of violent people who want to overthrow democracy. This defense is the most cowardly--you try and absolve yourself of all culpability, constantly blame the other side, it is disgusting, frankly.

Everyone that has been arrested so far is not a crisis actor--they are individuals who have been radicalized and/or duped--just like you. Have you seen the video of Trump MAGAs dragging that police officer into the crowd and beating him with the American flag to his death? You can't false flag that away.
If nothing happens and Biden assumes POTUS power, then it will be self evident that either Q was a fake or that the Q group failed in its mission. I will come on here and address it either way though.

I'm super frustrated with the false flag--that post is more emotional than I want it to be and I should probably edit it but when I see that cop getting

But I really respect that you would come here and post this. See you on the other side...
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Here you go liberal lapdogs, these people are your new masters, enjoy the “peace and harmony”
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Or you could do us all a favor and just ban yourself regardless of the outcome.
Haha, no one asked for your opinion and going back to my original post I only said to enjoy the show. Was not asking for a debate, but got one. No one asked you to read this thread, in fact no one truly cares about any opinion unless it fits their non critical thought.
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WHAT SINGLE SHRED OF EVIDENCE DO YOU HAVE OF A FALSE FLAG? You don't have any evidence for anything you just said in your post. None.

Here is a boatload of EVIDENCE to the contrary.

Did 6 ELECTED Republicans FAKE getting elected as republicans, all so they could LIVESTREAM themselves taking the Capitol?? Of the 120 something people arrested so far--they are clear Trump supporters. Was the entire crowd that went to the rally and then walked up to the Capitol shouting 'Stop the Steal' staged?

Was it all a false flag that FOR MONTHS this was all planned by Q leadership and on 8chan and on Parlor and Dlive and every other site to march on the Capitol? Was Trump in on the false flag too as he told everyone he would march up there too??

Baked Alaska is now a false flag? Did MAGA's fake years of Trump and QAnon support--YOUR FREAKING Q-SHAMAN--listen to yourself...dude.

How is this a false flag if Parlor and QAnon and EVERY corner of the MAGA internet is talking about coming to DC to do the exact same thing again on the 20th?

I hope anyone reading these posts can see--THIS IS THE DELUSION OF QANON and MAGA.

False flag? Why--because you can't accept the fact that the right is full of violent people who want to overthrow democracy. This defense is the most cowardly--you try and absolve yourself of all culpability, constantly blame the other side, it is disgusting, frankly.

Everyone that has been arrested so far is not a crisis actor--they are individuals who have been radicalized and/or duped--just like you. Have you seen the video of Trump MAGAs dragging that police officer into the crowd and beating him with the American flag to his death? You can't false flag that away.
Clearly you are gonna have a hard time when you allow the media to form opinions for you.

IQ points lost.
If nothing happens and Biden assumes POTUS power, then it will be self evident that either Q was a fake or that the Q group failed in its mission. I will come on here and address it either way though.

Will you though? The people behind Q will just move the goal posts again after Biden becomes president. You will be on here to passionately defend the new conspiracies. I guarantee it.
Imagine a world where you wake up every day with 1 job to do, work.

go to work, come home and watch the news, news that everything is good and peaceful because everyone is wearing their masks, doing what they are told to protect each other. Everyone got their vaccinations on Monday at work so life is good. We no longer have football, baseball, many sports because that distracts people from working.

to have a job and make your electronic currency you must admit your privilege and agree that you will only have 2 children. You also agree you have no need to fly because airplanes are polluting our environment and this privilege should be held for the people in our illustrious government. This government protects us and makes us safe from Covid and conservative people that are unaccepting of change. Our government taught them a lesson and they no longer threaten our way of life. They have been silenced, but to do so, we had to give up our guns, our computers, and our cell phones at home. We see no need, time home should be spent with family, computers and phones are for working and available at work. This is so nice because I never have to argue with those dumb conservative neo nazis on social media anymore.

our groceries, Amazon packages, everything comes to our house so we never have to leave except for work. We don’t need cars either because the government was so nice to build these really badass high rise complexes with restaurants and other people just like us. Our life is truly amazing and we can just take a pill and it keeps us skinny, we never have to exercise ever again.

if you read this and said “huh, that doesn’t sound too bad”, you are an enemy of america, you are lazy, you do not belong in this blue collar country.

for all you that think you are smarter than me, there might be a few but the vast majority of you are not. Remember this when you think you will be above the doxing, like for some reason because you spoke out to those nasty conservative people, you are not. You will be doxed, they will further divide you, and some day you will thank us for taking your verbal abuses and standing for liberty and freedom.

without us you have no voice, no one to debate and no one to keep the spotlight from you.

you are lucky people like me are not afraid to speak up and give up. The world would be really boring if we all had to agree. Now piss off
Come on now. Trump claimed widespread fraud on the election two months before the election. It was widely reported months in advance that Trump's strategy was going to be to claim victory on election night (when he would be up because of that day voters) and then claim it was being stolen from him after the mail in votes started being counted. This was all telegraphed. It was all part of the plan. To suggest that the states allowing more transparency would have stopped Trump and his enablers from lying their asses off the last few months is plain wrong.

Just imagine in four years, NJ goes republican by 12K votes. Biden proclaims, "this doesnt pass the smell test, this state was stolen from me!" After numerous court appearances being unable to produce any evidence, Biden orders the state's democratic leaders to deputize his lawyers so that they can 'find the fraud that he knows occurred" (this is what Trump proposed in his call with the GA Sec of State). The state complies, and Bidens people come in and "find" fraud. The state overturns the results and gives the state's electors to Biden.

You're cool with that right?

The only point I'm making is when I get audited by say Nasdaq over market data dissemination, they have full reign to come into my technical infrastructure and query my network to look at things like access lists and logs to ensure I'm not lying. Now, we as a company don't have the daunting task of making those results public to the world but all I 'm suggesting is that maybe a task force made up of dems and pubs could have put this to bed right after the election with transparent communication on each challenge. For example, public responses to the sworn affidavits that were filed vs a deemed "non-partisan" fact checker response. Why would I trust a self proclaimed, non-partisan fact checker given how far apart the media are on almost all issues.

To your NJ point, if the state flipped Red when it's a foregone conclusion that it would go blue in a very close race, do you not think Biden's team would have scoured the earth to understand if it was legit and evidence? With strong pressure coming from his party to do so? I mean, Hillary told him leading up to the election not to ever concede, a direct indication that Trump cheated before and would cheat again so we know outside influence would be be prevalent and I'm saying that for both sides.

Btw - NJ going red is about as feasible as my wife ever agreeing to move to Charleston. I'm stuck here until I die. :)

I do take all of your points and I do agree that changing the election result even if legit fraud occurred would create an absolute hornets nest of violence and divide so I'm not even sure I would have wanted it in the first place. The best thing we can do is spend the next few years ensuring we can give the American public faith that measures were taken to protect the fairness of the election. Perhaps that's a good new thread for debate?
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Will you though? The people behind Q will just move the goal posts again after Biden becomes president. You will be on here to passionately defend the new conspiracies. I guarantee it.
Oh like after Russian collusion? Fake impeachment? Nah dude, Q is almost finished, you will not see much more spoken of Q except from a historical perspective. In fact Q could be considered a movement of Patriots, Patriots come in all shapes, sizes and colors. You my friend are not a Patriot, and when you realize outside of your bubble and blinders, that Patriots love all and want the best for our country, maybe just maybe after your breakdown, you will be welcome in this new better country, or fight, argue on a message board if it makes you feel better. You are but .003 to me.
The only point I'm making is when I get audited by say Nasdaq over market data dissemination, they have full reign to come into my technical infrastructure and query my network to look at things like access lists and logs to ensure I'm not lying. Now, we as a company don't have the daunting task of making those results public to the world but all I 'm suggesting is that maybe a task force made up of dems and pubs could have put this to bed right after the election with transparent communication on each challenge. For example, public responses to the sworn affidavits that were filed vs a deemed "non-partisan" fact checker response. Why would I trust a self proclaimed, non-partisan fact checker given how far apart the media are on almost all issues.

To your NJ point, if the state flipped Red when it's a foregone conclusion that it would go blue in a very close race, do you not think Biden's team would have scoured the earth to understand if it was legit and evidence? With strong pressure coming from his party to do so? I mean, Hillary told him leading up to the election not to ever concede, a direct indication that Trump cheated before and would cheat again so we know outside influence would be be prevalent and I'm saying that for both sides.

Btw - NJ going red is about as feasible as my wife ever agreeing to move to Charleston. I'm stuck here until I die. :)

I do take all of your points and I do agree that changing the election result even if legit fraud occurred would create an absolute hornets nest of violence and divide so I'm not even sure I would have wanted it in the first place. The best thing we can do is spend the next few years ensuring we can give the American public faith that measures were taken to protect the fairness of the election. Perhaps that's a good new thread for debate?
Great response, you got to see though the hypocrisy would never allow that shoe to be on the other foot. I think you are where I was during the “2 weeks to flatten the curve” moment in my awakening, extremely moderate, not wanting to buy into either side and coming up with reasonable explanations to listen to the powers that be. After months of lockdowns and clear overreach of power by many politicians I realized and starting researching. One could say I was born from over-Democratism.

I do appreciate more than you know a glimpse of my previous person.
GOP needs a facelift, it’s getting one. Currently both parties are full of actors. GOP has gotten plenty of my $$$ but I’m out. My support will be libertarian moving forward.

good luck rebuilding when the base is saying take a hike.

Which base? Trump's or the Republican Party's?

The Republican party better hope they keep my type in the base, though I'm not in Trump's base. Late 30s, advanced degree, successful, high tax paying, suburban, etc. That should be the Republican wheelhouse because we appreciate hard work, are self-sufficient, don't want/need big government programs, will be the ones actually paying for those programs, enjoy our private health insurance, understand business - including small and corporate, don't want to saddle our kids with debt, etc. But guess what, that demo fled the GOP 2 months ago.

BTW, never voted for a Democrat and have no intention of doing so.

There aren't enough food insurance subscribers in the country to win elections. Conservative fiscal policy appeals to my demographic. Rabble rousing, conspiracies, lack of cogent policy on major topics, etc. does not.

But the Republicans keep my vote because of my fundamental beliefs in limited government, keeping more of what you earn, personal responsibility and the focus on pro-business and pro-private market policy. I am adamantly against the expansion of government, new entitlements, government reliance and the government taking more money from my family - which is core to the democrat platform.
so you go hunting for articles that confirm the crazy conspiracy theories you want to believe, regardless of the credibility of the source. Got it.
Got it, you now know me so well, that you can even predict what sources I read.

I read the following

rueters- because i know the CIA authors most of it
Washington Post/NY Times - because I want to know the narrative talking points so I can call you liberal nut jobs out on parroting and claiming their truth
Epoch Times - because they are against communists and have fought the CCP propaganda for years
Podcast - Tim Poole, a couple of Patriots
Independent journalists - Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, other small timers who speak the truth on both sides.

i do not watch TV except when Clemson plays, i read a lot including history on religion, Tolkien, and Game of Throwns for fiction.

now you can slander me for my sources if you like, now that you know them and can make proper argument.
Which base? Trump's or the Republican Party's?

The Republican party better hope they keep my type in the base, though I'm not in Trump's base. Late 30s, advanced degree, successful, high tax paying, suburban, etc. That should be the Republican wheelhouse because we appreciate hard work, are self-sufficient, don't want/need big government programs, will be the ones actually paying for those programs, enjoy our private health insurance, understand business - including small and corporate, don't want to saddle our kids with debt, etc. But guess what, that demo fled the GOP 2 months ago.

BTW, never voted for a Democrat and have no intention of doing so.

There aren't enough food insurance subscribers in the country to win elections. Conservative fiscal policy appeals to my demographic. Rabble rousing, conspiracies, lack of cogent policy on major topics, etc. does not.

But the Republicans keep my vote because of my fundamental beliefs in limited government, keeping more of what you earn, personal responsibility and the focus on pro-business and pro-private market policy. I am adamantly against the expansion of government, new entitlements, government reliance and the government taking more money from my family - which is core to the democrat platform.

i will never say I support Trump the person and Rhinos are the same as democrats, want big government.

I’m with you man, just know that there are more Patriots than Rhinos, so eventually either the party will change or it will splinter into multiple parties, there is no way back, bad actors like McConnell, Paul Ryan, etc have been exposed and will never get big money backing ever again for re-election.

we are likely in close to the same demographic is my guess, or at least run in the same type of country club circles.
I do take all of your points and I do agree that changing the election result even if legit fraud occurred would create an absolute hornets nest of violence and divide so I'm not even sure I would have wanted it in the first place. The best thing we can do is spend the next few years ensuring we can give the American public faith that measures were taken to protect the fairness of the election. Perhaps that's a good new thread for debate?

Even better, Republicans need to spend the next few years expressing their belief in our democracy and the election process. We need you to demonstrate that you trust the vote of the American people. Your skepticism makes the rest of Americans wary of you. You could also show good faith by publicly distancing yourself from the radical side of your party. I don't think I've ever seen you disavow or disagree with the poisonous bs spewed by the right wing freaks on this board. It seems your entire agenda revolves around finding moral equivalency between the two sides. After last week in particular, that's a losing battle. Show us you have a spine and challenge the right wing zealots on this board and maybe we'll get somewhere.
Nah, prove it, and prove to me that the election was NOT riddled with fraud.

i don’t need to prove anything, I know what kind of person I am, do you? Let’s just all take a break and let it play out.... my confidence stems from my own eyes, not media narratives and propaganda, hope someone is there to hold your hand when this finally hits home and you’re like fvck maybe I shouldn’t jump to conclusions about events and people so quickly. Cause none of us truly know wtf is going on. We can speculate but many of the men causing the shit storm at the capitol have been identified as ANTIFA. Wait for the investigation instead of making some blazon assumption based on what the “news” is telling us. I mean what have they gotten right lately to give them credibility? Nothing

That's not how it works. You have to prove fraud, it's been proven to be legitimate bu multiple counts, bipartisan c
Which base? Trump's or the Republican Party's?

The Republican party better hope they keep my type in the base, though I'm not in Trump's base. Late 30s, advanced degree, successful, high tax paying, suburban, etc. That should be the Republican wheelhouse because we appreciate hard work, are self-sufficient, don't want/need big government programs, will be the ones actually paying for those programs, enjoy our private health insurance, understand business - including small and corporate, don't want to saddle our kids with debt, etc. But guess what, that demo fled the GOP 2 months ago.

BTW, never voted for a Democrat and have no intention of doing so.

There aren't enough food insurance subscribers in the country to win elections. Conservative fiscal policy appeals to my demographic. Rabble rousing, conspiracies, lack of cogent policy on major topics, etc. does not.

But the Republicans keep my vote because of my fundamental beliefs in limited government, keeping more of what you earn, personal responsibility and the focus on pro-business and pro-private market policy. I am adamantly against the expansion of government, new entitlements, government reliance and the government taking more money from my family - which is core to the democrat platform.

And I agree with many of these points even though I typically vote democrat. I am also college educated,successful in business, man if faith and family. People like us should be able to rationally debate policy and come to compromise.

If the republican party wants to win more national elections they need to be more like @scotchtiger and @jakefest and less like @TigerGrowls and @SconnyTiger25
i will never say I support Trump the person and Rhinos are the same as democrats, want big government.

I’m with you man, just know that there are more Patriots than Rhinos, so eventually either the party will change or it will splinter into multiple parties, there is no way back, bad actors like McConnell, Paul Ryan, etc have been exposed and will never get big money backing ever again for re-election.

we are likely in close to the same demographic is my guess, or at least run in the same type of country club circles.

I'd like to point out that Trump is the original RINO. He had never been a republican and had supported democrats until he wanted to get elected. My feeling is he knew it would be easier to snow the far right and convince them. Hold a bible,be a little bit racist,scream about communism(while sucking off Putin)

What in his politics was conservative in nature? Big spending, Tariffs, Religious ignorance?
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Why would this be necessary if we had such good actors in key positions of tech?
That's not how it works. You have to prove fraud, it's been proven to be legitimate bu multiple counts, bipartisan c

And I agree with many of these points even though I typically vote democrat. I am also college educated,successful in business, man if faith and family. People like us should be able to rationally debate policy and come to compromise.

If the republican party wants to win more national elections they need to be more like @scotchtiger and @jakefest and less like @TigerGrowls and @SconnyTiger25
I don’t care about a party I care about this country as a whole first, what happens after is in the hands of God
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I'd like to point out that Trump is the original RINO. He had never been a republican and had supported democrats until he wanted to get elected. My feeling is he knew it would be easier to snow the far right and convince them. Hold a bible,be a little bit racist,scream about communism(while sucking off Putin)

What in his politics was conservative in nature? Big spending, Tariffs, Religious ignorance?
It’s because he’s a billionaire that could not be bought as the face for a military operation.

do y’all really think Trump is that smart? All these executive orders, etc?
It’s because he’s a billionaire that could not be bought as the face for a military operation.

do y’all really think Trump is that smart? All these executive orders, etc?

I truly don't think he's very smart. I also find it laughable when the Q folks claim Donald Freaking Trump is gonna be some bastian of moral decency and #savethechildren.

Trump is a scumbag of a person and always has been. He could give two shits about America or it's people. All Trump had ever cared about is Trump
Even better, Republicans need to spend the next few years expressing their belief in our democracy and the election process. We need you to demonstrate that you trust the vote of the American people. Your skepticism makes the rest of Americans wary of you. You could also show good faith by publicly distancing yourself from the radical side of your party. I don't think I've ever seen you disavow or disagree with the poisonous bs spewed by the right wing freaks on this board. It seems your entire agenda revolves around finding moral equivalency between the two sides. After last week in particular, that's a losing battle. Show us you have a spine and challenge the right wing zealots on this board and maybe we'll get somewhere.

When Hillary was telling her audiences in public speaking engagements that the election was stolen from her before going on air to tell Biden that he shouldn't concede under any circumstances, not to mention her/others POTENTIAL involvement in the Russian collusion scandal/election interference, how can it NOT be both sides that need to admit they perpetuated that voter fraud/stolen election was plausible? Hell, even Pelosi accused Trump of cheating months before the election which is out there on the internet for you to see.

So I'll ask the question you know is coming.........why is it just Republicans that need to express belief in the system when the above is further proof that both sides have done irreparable harm to said system? Republicans aren't the first to challenge the Electoral college, that has happened multiple times by both parties.

There are lawsuits each year around voter registration, voter identification, voter suppression etc etc which all play out publicly. How does that exude confidence that in 2020, we still don't have what we think is a fair system and we need lawsuits to help a specific parties agenda each year? How are we so different by state? Voting in comparison, looks a great deal like our health care systems, all disparate and antiquated so when you really need a single version of the truth, effort becomes insurmountable.

I firmly believe in moral equivalency as it brings order to most things and gets opposing sides to sympathize with the other. It caters to the middle/majority and that is where we will all win. Don't confuse that with justification, I don't have any for the Capital incident just like I don't/didn't for what happened in most major cities much of last year. You either condemn them both or you condemn neither unfortunately and if you aren't firm in that, it makes it really hard to tell either side it won't be tolerated going forward. Me personally, the person that replaced the American flag with a Trump flag would have caught a round from my own weapon and i would have also shot his buddy for not talking him out of it. That said, I would have also shot the people hurling molotov cocktails all summer long. That is slightly off topic but I want you to understand how I think about these things.

I have been pretty deliberate in my condemnation of the far right and the far left which I would have hoped included extreme views and theories. I don't believe in Q, apologies if that hasn't come through as of yet.

Know this though, conspiracy theories are often used in foreign interests as a base/starting point for counter insurgency measures. The "theories" typically cater to a group that might have specific values over another and often serve as a rally point to form up a base. You know how I know that? Because the US government uses that methodology in most hearts and minds exercises where they have interest and or threat. You start with theory, you find your followers and then you drive your message through masses to reach the opposing side. Given where we are with the distrust of media and big tech, this is going to get worse before it gets better.
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When Hillary was telling her audiences in public speaking engagements that the election was stolen from her before going on air to tell Biden that he shouldn't concede under any circumstances, not to mention her/others POTENTIAL involvement in the Russian collusion scandal/election interference, how can it NOT be both sides that need to admit they perpetuated that voter fraud/stolen election was plausible? Hell, even Pelosi accused Trump of cheating months before the election which is out there on the internet for you to see.

So I'll ask the question you know is coming.........why is it just Republicans that need to express belief in the system when the above is further proof that both sides have done irreparable harm to said system? Republicans aren't the first to challenge the Electoral college, that has happened multiple times by both parties.

There are lawsuits each year around voter registration, voter identification, voter suppression etc etc which all play out publicly. How does that exude confidence that in 2020, we still don't have what we think is a fair system and we need lawsuits to help a specific parties agenda each year? How are we so different by state? Voting in comparison, looks a great deal like our health care systems, all disparate and antiquated so when you really need a single version of the truth, effort becomes insurmountable.

I firmly believe in moral equivalency as it brings order to most things and gets opposing sides to sympathize with the other. It caters to the middle/majority and that is where we will all win. Don't confuse that with justification, I don't have any for the Capital incident just like I don't/didn't for what happened in most major cities much of last year. You either condemn them both or you condemn neither unfortunately and if you aren't firm in that, it makes it really hard to tell either side it won't be tolerated going forward. Me personally, the person that replaced the American flag with a Trump flag would have caught a round from my own weapon and i would have also shot his buddy for not talking him out of it. That said, I would have also shot the people hurling molotov cocktails all summer long. That is slightly off topic but I want you to understand how I think about these things.

I have been pretty deliberate in my condemnation of the far right and the far left which I would have hoped included extreme views and theories. I don't believe in Q, apologies if that hasn't come through as of yet.

Know this though, conspiracy theories are often used in foreign interests as a base/starting point for counter insurgency measures. The "theories" typically cater to a group that might have specific values over another and often serve as a rally point to form up a base. You know how I know that? Because the US government uses that methodology in most hearts and minds exercises where they have interest and or threat. You start with theory, you find your followers and then you drive your message through masses to reach the opposing side. Given where we are with the distrust of media and big tech, this is going to get worse before it gets better.

I feel strongly that any suggestion that the election is fraudulent or stolen is very bad for our country be if from Republican or Democrats.

I do think that there is a big difference in the behavior of Trump and his followers this election. The willful lying and spreading of misinformation is really dangerous. His call to the Republican Secretary of State in Georgia was disgusting and I would say the same if it was a democrat. He still has not acknowledged that this was a fair election. He is still saying that it was stolen from him and using that anger and lie to fire up his followers.

That is scary stuff. He will leave office saying that the election was fraudulent and his followers will believe it. You can not convince them of anything else. I still hear daily about how he was winning and then votes were counted overnight. It's maddening.
I feel strongly that any suggestion that the election is fraudulent or stolen is very bad for our country be if from Republican or Democrats.

I do think that there is a big difference in the behavior of Trump and his followers this election. The willful lying and spreading of misinformation is really dangerous. His call to the Republican Secretary of State in Georgia was disgusting and I would say the same if it was a democrat. He still has not acknowledged that this was a fair election. He is still saying that it was stolen from him and using that anger and lie to fire up his followers.

That is scary stuff. He will leave office saying that the election was fraudulent and his followers will believe it. You can not convince them of anything else. I still hear daily about how he was winning and then votes were counted overnight. It's maddening.

He isn't going to acknowledge that this was a fair election, His last words to his family before dying will be "I won that election"and I think we can all agree on that. That was my point regarding the transparency to prove it and convince his voter base so it wouldn't matter what Trump thinks. His fanbase would eventually ask him to stop. I can't think of a better way to separate his more reasonable voter base from his agenda than an onslaught of transparency.

Also, what is really different between him doing that and Hillary doing that? Hillary won the popular vote so she has her own substantial following in America. She should have also been smacked down publicly to make the point that you shouldn't challenge a fair election.

My neighbor had a Hillary sign in her front yard through THIS election, she still suggests the election was stolen.......I still love her to pieces but she's probably not much different than many people who are die hard Trumpers will be over time.
There are lawsuits each year around voter registration, voter identification, voter suppression etc etc which all play out publicly. How does that exude confidence that in 2020, we still don't have what we think is a fair system and we need lawsuits to help a specific parties agenda each year? How are we so different by state? Voting in comparison, looks a great deal like our health care systems, all disparate and antiquated so when you really need a single version of the truth, effort becomes insurmountable.

I do think this has exposed some pretty ridiculous voting practices. I mean, random bags of paper ballots, subjective signature matching, mass mailings, ballot harvesting...

I hope we are able to produce some super common sense voting policies after this:

  • Register
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  • Show ID
  • Vote
  • Absentee process for remote
  • Small early voting period with pre-registration

I voted here in Mount Pleasant, in person and on election day. It was super simple. The machine printed a paper copy of my ballot, which I walked to a scanner and inserted. My vote was electronically counted, but with a physical, auditable paper trail.

Hopefully the Republican controlled state legislatures will coordinate on a plan to make this common across the country.
He isn't going to acknowledge that this was a fair election, His last words to his family before dying will be "I won that election"and I think we can all agree on that. That was my point regarding the transparency to prove it and convince his voter base so it wouldn't matter what Trump thinks. His fanbase would eventually ask him to stop. I can't think of a better way to separate his more reasonable voter base from his agenda than an onslaught of transparency.

Also, what is really different between him doing that and Hillary doing that? Hillary won the popular vote so she has her own substantial following in America. She should have also been smacked down publicly to make the point that you shouldn't challenge a fair election.

My neighbor had a Hillary sign in her front yard through THIS election, she still suggests the election was stolen.......I still love her to pieces but she's probably not much different than many people who are die hard Trumpers will be over time.

I don't think anything could convince the Trump followers that this election was left at This point. What is troublesome to me is the attack of all levels of government republican and democrat alike. They aren't perfect,but I truly dont think there are massive amounts of people out there trying cheat at their jobs. Just watch any of the videos of the election officials in Georgia. It's sick what had been done to those folks,the vast majority who are republican. They have done 3 recounts,they have explained ad nauseum all of the conspiracy theories point by point and it still doesn't matter to the trumpeters.

I find it humorous that the party of states rights wants to enforce fedearal rules and laws on elections,which constitutionally is supposed to be a states right.
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I voted here in Mount Pleasant, in person and on election day. It was super simple. The machine printed a paper copy of my ballot, which I walked to a scanner and inserted. My vote was electronically counted, but with a physical, auditable paper trail.

FWIW, you just described in perfect detail my own voting experience in Georgia (early for the general, in-person for the runoff).
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FWIW, you just described in perfect detail my own voting experience in Georgia (early for the general, in-person for the runoff).

Amazingly simple, right? So why do we need mass mail, ballot harvesting, etc? We should seek to minimize the variables. That's 101-level stuff to ensure accuracy with any process.

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Incredibly basic.
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I don't think anything could convince the Trump followers that this election was left at This point. What is troublesome to me is the attack of all levels of government republican and democrat alike. They aren't perfect,but I truly dont think there are massive amounts of people out there trying cheat at their jobs. Just watch any of the videos of the election officials in Georgia. It's sick what had been done to those folks,the vast majority who are republican. They have done 3 recounts,they have explained ad nauseum all of the conspiracy theories point by point and it still doesn't matter to the trumpeters.

I find it humorous that the party of states rights wants to enforce fedearal rules and laws on elections,which constitutionally is supposed to be a states right.

You might be right, maybe I'm underestimating how hard it would be to convince the crazies. It's certainly possible
I do think this has exposed some pretty ridiculous voting practices. I mean, random bags of paper ballots, subjective signature matching, mass mailings, ballot harvesting...

I hope we are able to produce some super common sense voting policies after this:

  • Register
  • Show up
  • Show ID
  • Vote
  • Absentee process for remote
  • Small early voting period with pre-registration

I voted here in Mount Pleasant, in person and on election day. It was super simple. The machine printed a paper copy of my ballot, which I walked to a scanner and inserted. My vote was electronically counted, but with a physical, auditable paper trail.

Hopefully the Republican controlled state legislatures will coordinate on a plan to make this common across the country.
Can i ask why we need to change voting laws and policies? Republicans have for decades wanted to make it harder and harder to vote, without actually proving voter fraud is rampant issue. Why do you fall for that narrative?
I mean I know why they want to make it harder to vote absentee and mail in, its so people with little kids, who can't take time off of work, will have a hard time voting because of all the inconveniences. Whilst white collar salary employees like myself can take the time I need to do my civic duty.
Study after study shows there is not rampant voter fraud. Are you suggesting, without evidence that the 2020 election was stolen, or fraudulent?
I'm getting some mixed messages here. I mean at least when @Ron Munson makes this argument about taking away absentee and voter id and mail in votes he acknowledges he's just a bigot and doesn't think it should be easy to vote.
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