God Bless Our Great Nation

Q has never predicted anything. Ever.

Conspiracy lovers take supposed words and retrofit them.

Where is the rubicon, red november, great awakening, etc etc.

Why do you love being in bed with seditious traitors that have tried to trample on the constitution? Why?

TRUMPISM IS THE SWAMP. He let the worst, most corrupt people into seats of power and let them run wild as long as it fed his pocketbook and/or ego.

Stop it. Get some help.

Totally incorrect and how would you know anyway? You following Q? Go ahead and confess dipshit.

So one agents opinion that one investigation was disorganized, I believe the Trump term is witch hunt. Makes the entire FBI crooked?
Totally incorrect and how would you know anyway? You following Q? Go ahead and confess dipshit.
I have followed Q since last October and its migration from platforms, etc etc. I'm fascinated by conspiracy theories and those who are duped by them (and I'm intellectually honest--some conspiracies have a kernel of important truth).

It is completely true--Nostradamus stuff..tik tok tik tok, where people take gobbly gok random poetry and retrofit is to say---hey, hey Q was right all along! Look he said this and that but it is just hive mind bologna. The goalposts ALWAYS move. Q can never be wrong.

I get it, people like community and enjoy the thrill of following a supposed insider. But you are all being duped. Plain and simple.

And when it foments insurrection it is not patriotic, undemocratic and the fruits are evil.
I have followed Q since last October and its migration from platforms, etc etc. I'm fascinated by conspiracy theories and those who are duped by them (and I'm intellectually honest--some conspiracies have a kernel of important truth).

It is completely true--Nostradamus stuff..tik tok tik tok, where people take gobbly gok random poetry and retrofit is to say---hey, hey Q was right all along! Look he said this and that but it is just hive mind bologna. The goalposts ALWAYS move. Q can never be wrong.

I get it, people like community and enjoy the thrill of following a supposed insider. But you are all being duped. Plain and simple.

And when it foments insurrection it is not patriotic, undemocratic and the fruits are evil.
Im on old head 4chan user 2006, haven't been back there since 2010ish, when they were just 'Anonymous' hivemind people who would congregate to fight some fight for the greater good see 'Don'g F*ck with Cats' . The /pol collection was always awful and infected with Storm front (kkk, neo nazi's) They would openly be racist and it was never hidden. /pol group thought is where 8chan /pol was born except it was worse, and surprise surprise they loved 'owning da libs' no matter what trolling was the king. They invented the 'ok' hand gesture is a white supremacist hand sign, as a joke, to troll the libs. Problem was, white supremacists loved it and started using it. LOL owned the libs. Pizzagate conspiracy came from these communities and the person who went to comet pizza was a Channer.

Qanon was defintely created by these creatures. The fact it spread as far and as wide as it did, says a lot about how radicalized some people already were. It's pathetic and sad how people believe in the WORST of those who simply disagree with policy and laws. A lot of these young white men that are being radicalized are being aimed towards anarcho fascism. They want to over throw the guberment, they are gearing up for another try Jan 20th. Many of them are ex military who feel empty after the wars in the middle east and feel like society is broken. It could be said colonialism abroad has brought fascism home.

Anywho, Q is a useful tool for radicals to further radicalize others. Obviously, its all make believe.
I have followed Q since last October and its migration from platforms, etc etc. I'm fascinated by conspiracy theories and those who are duped by them (and I'm intellectually honest--some conspiracies have a kernel of important truth).

It is completely true--Nostradamus stuff..tik tok tik tok, where people take gobbly gok random poetry and retrofit is to say---hey, hey Q was right all along! Look he said this and that but it is just hive mind bologna. The goalposts ALWAYS move. Q can never be wrong.

I get it, people like community and enjoy the thrill of following a supposed insider. But you are all being duped. Plain and simple.

And when it foments insurrection it is not patriotic, undemocratic and the fruits are evil.

God Bless your right to your opinion. We will find out in short order whether you are right or not.
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God Bless your right to your opinion. We will find out in short order whether you are right or not.

Thank you! Yes--absolutely! But lets make that an actual line in the sand, ok? Either Q is an insider or you were lied to, right?

I will come here and apologize to you if I am wrong, but I want you to also commit to rejecting and letting go of Q if I am right. Deal?
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Im on old head 4chan user 2006, haven't been back there since 2010ish, when they were just 'Anonymous' hivemind people who would congregate to fight some fight for the greater good see 'Don'g F*ck with Cats' . The /pol collection was always awful and infected with Storm front (kkk, neo nazi's) They would openly be racist and it was never hidden. /pol group thought is where 8chan /pol was born except it was worse, and surprise surprise they loved 'owning da libs' no matter what trolling was the king. They invented the 'ok' hand gesture is a white supremacist hand sign, as a joke, to troll the libs. Problem was, white supremacists loved it and started using it. LOL owned the libs. Pizzagate conspiracy came from these communities and the person who went to comet pizza was a Channer.

Qanon was defintely created by these creatures. The fact it spread as far and as wide as it did, says a lot about how radicalized some people already were. It's pathetic and sad how people believe in the WORST of those who simply disagree with policy and laws. A lot of these young white men that are being radicalized are being aimed towards anarcho fascism. They want to over throw the guberment, they are gearing up for another try Jan 20th. Many of them are ex military who feel empty after the wars in the middle east and feel like society is broken. It could be said colonialism abroad has brought fascism home.

Anywho, Q is a useful tool for radicals to further radicalize others. Obviously, its all make believe.

This is the saddest part of it all up me. Some of them are just as radicalized as the suicide bomber Muslim extremists halfway around the world. And they don't even see the parallels.
Out of the woodwork they come.

president of Italy was arrested, as were numerous GOP party members in Tennessee.

I’m Ok being right.

how much do you fags donate to Clemson btw? $99/year? Gift that keeps on giving!!

likely I could find out who all of you are, FBI, they really going to run down a tip like this? Ass hats on a message board? Im

go play on Twitter where you are wanted, and when I’m right I want you ladyboys to ban yourself for a year, no posting.

I’ll put my money where my mouth is and ban myself from posting if I’m wrong. Friendly little wager, unless y’all have something to be afraid of.

right now I am up 1 President from Italy and 5 members of the state assembly/senate in Tennessee, more to come. I’ll bet $$$ also I’m right.

the projection is strong in this one
I have followed Q since last October and its migration from platforms, etc etc. I'm fascinated by conspiracy theories and those who are duped by them (and I'm intellectually honest--some conspiracies have a kernel of important truth).

It is completely true--Nostradamus stuff..tik tok tik tok, where people take gobbly gok random poetry and retrofit is to say---hey, hey Q was right all along! Look he said this and that but it is just hive mind bologna. The goalposts ALWAYS move. Q can never be wrong.

I get it, people like community and enjoy the thrill of following a supposed insider. But you are all being duped. Plain and simple.

And when it foments insurrection it is not patriotic, undemocratic and the fruits are evil.

Since last October is a short slice of time. Do you agree that Trump being banned from twitter is a solid Q proof?
Thats exactly what it means. The nazis were leftists and you guys are being suckered into it. Look at the history of that and look at the behaviour in this nation and on this little messageboard. You guys are cheering suppression of speech and viewpoints like little girl cheerleaders. and it saddens me. I have never advocated suppression of any ideas. I have always and will use my free rights to express my viewpoints. i dont mind you guys calling me names at all, but I dont like to be threatened for my viewpoints.

Yeah, no. Nazism was a branch of fascism, as evidenced by the Nazi government’s primary allies in the late interwar period (Italy, pre-Anschluss Austria, Franco-led Spain). Per the traditional political spectrum, fascism is far-right. Communism is far-left. And you need further proof that Nazis weren’t far-left? They hated the far-left so much that they built the Dachau Concentration Camp to house Communist political prisoners. That was in 1933, 2 years before they passed the Jim Crow-esque Nuremberg Race Laws stripping Jews of their citizenry and 5 years before Kristallnacht put the regime firmly on the path towards the Holocaust.

But yeah, the Nazis were a bunch of leftists. What would I know of the subject anyway? I only wrote my senior thesis at Clemson and earned a Fulbright Grant on the subject of fascism vs. monarchism in interwar Europe. But I’m sure that means nothing to you.
Yeah, no. Nazism was a branch of fascism, as evidenced by the Nazi government’s primary allies in the late interwar period (Italy, pre-Anschluss Austria, Franco-led Spain). Per the traditional political spectrum, fascism is far-right. Communism is far-left. And you need further proof that Nazis weren’t far-left? They hated the far-left so much that they built the Dachau Concentration Camp to house Communist political prisoners. That was in 1933, 2 years before they passed the Jim Crow-esque Nuremberg Race Laws stripping Jews of their citizenry and 5 years before Kristallnacht put the regime firmly on the path towards the Holocaust.

But yeah, the Nazis were a bunch of leftists. What would I know of the subject anyway? I only wrote my senior thesis at Clemson and earned a Fulbright Grant on the subject of fascism vs. monarchism in interwar Europe. But I’m sure that means nothing to you.

OK smart guy. You may have earned a Fulbright grant but @TigerGrowls reads - and believes - right wing propaganda on the internet every night until 3 am. So there.
What happened at the Capital was heart breaking. But so was the rioting, looting, burning in dozens of cities this summer. Where was the outrage then? The rhetoric from the left fanned those flames. And now say the police reaction would be different if it was BLM! You won the election, the pandering can stop.
What happened at the Capital was heart breaking. But so was the rioting, looting, burning in dozens of cities this summer. Where was the outrage then? The rhetoric from the left fanned those flames. And now say the police reaction would be different if it was BLM! You won the election, the pandering can stop.

all I’m saying is some consistency would be nice! Biden claimed its time for unity. Practice it.
Yeah, no. Nazism was a branch of fascism, as evidenced by the Nazi government’s primary allies in the late interwar period (Italy, pre-Anschluss Austria, Franco-led Spain). Per the traditional political spectrum, fascism is far-right. Communism is far-left. And you need further proof that Nazis weren’t far-left? They hated the far-left so much that they built the Dachau Concentration Camp to house Communist political prisoners. That was in 1933, 2 years before they passed the Jim Crow-esque Nuremberg Race Laws stripping Jews of their citizenry and 5 years before Kristallnacht put the regime firmly on the path towards the Holocaust.

But yeah, the Nazis were a bunch of leftists. What would I know of the subject anyway? I only wrote my senior thesis at Clemson and earned a Fulbright Grant on the subject of fascism vs. monarchism in interwar Europe. But I’m sure that means nothing to you.

But yeah, the Nazis were a bunch of leftists.

Thanks for the agreeance. I also do agree that yes the nazis and communists were at odds in Germany during that period. Now lets super impose whats happening here in America right now to what happened back then..which side in America today is doing things that more closely mimic what the nazis did in the rise to power?
But yeah, the Nazis were a bunch of leftists.

Thanks for the agreeance. I also do agree that yes the nazis and communists were at odds in Germany during that period. Now lets super impose whats happening here in America right now to what happened back then..which side in America today is doing things that more closely mimic what the nazis did in the rise to power?

Moron. Nazis were right wing. Right wing=Conservative=Republican.

Not saying that republicans are nazis,but that is the side of the policial spectrum they fall on.
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all I’m saying is some consistency would be nice! Biden claimed its time for unity. Practice it.
Is Biden launching his time machine into the past to rescue the 7-11's and Target windows?
Moron. Nazis were right wing. Right wing=Conservative=Republican.

Not saying that republicans are nazis,but that is the side of the policial spectrum they fall on.
Brah, you’re the moron

right wing = ultra doxing Christian types, think Bob Jones

left wing= antifa, BLM, cancel culture, you are dangerously close

liberal = prefer a more progressive, big government, institutional, globalist, closed market, elitism

Conservative = traditional values, nationalistic, anti-authoritarian and lean towards libertarian, free market

Republican = a party that hosts both liberals and conservatives, how one classifies themselves

demon-crat = party of global mafia, slave owners, institutional Karen’s who think they are smarter than everyone else.

a quick bit of research would help you look less stupid.
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What happened at the Capital was heart breaking. But so was the rioting, looting, burning in dozens of cities this summer. Where was the outrage then? The rhetoric from the left fanned those flames. And now say the police reaction would be different if it was BLM! You won the election, the pandering can stop.
Keep the hope, blackouts in Italy, Pakistan, coming here soon, arrests will be made. Trumps whole term is a military operation. FBI is currently getting gutted. These fruit cakes on this board are the same ones yelling at people bringing insider info about recruiting. Maybe trolls, maybe it’s just easier, but won’t be long before everyone is clamoring for info as to what the F is happening.

well we tried to tell them but they just were not ready.
Yeah, no. Nazism was a branch of fascism, as evidenced by the Nazi government’s primary allies in the late interwar period (Italy, pre-Anschluss Austria, Franco-led Spain). Per the traditional political spectrum, fascism is far-right. Communism is far-left. And you need further proof that Nazis weren’t far-left? They hated the far-left so much that they built the Dachau Concentration Camp to house Communist political prisoners. That was in 1933, 2 years before they passed the Jim Crow-esque Nuremberg Race Laws stripping Jews of their citizenry and 5 years before Kristallnacht put the regime firmly on the path towards the Holocaust.

But yeah, the Nazis were a bunch of leftists. What would I know of the subject anyway? I only wrote my senior thesis at Clemson and earned a Fulbright Grant on the subject of fascism vs. monarchism in interwar Europe. But I’m sure that means nothing to you.
Facts are great, what do you know about Hitlers family tree, was it 4 daughters?
He asks because Q predicted it in a post from 2018

First we would have to narrow down which iteration of Q--there have been multiple and no, not the same people with any coordination. Did you know that??

Q has predicted everything and anything. There are so many ridiculous 'crumbs' of the false prophet.

When things are specific--like in 2017 when 25k sealed indictments were promised in a couple days, it never happened and like everything else was kicked down the road. Goal-posts moved. Classic conspiracy theory and false prophet stuff. Same thing is used in religious cults.

I posted the word blackout back in 2016. Subscribe to my YouTube channel and give me money.

He didn't knowingly predict anything. But Jan 20th is coming...tik tok, tik tok.
Keep the hope, blackouts in Italy, Pakistan, coming here soon, arrests will be made. Trumps whole term is a military operation. FBI is currently getting gutted. These fruit cakes on this board are the same ones yelling at people bringing insider info about recruiting. Maybe trolls, maybe it’s just easier, but won’t be long before everyone is clamoring for info as to what the F is happening.

well we tried to tell them but they just were not ready.
Got a time frame on when all this will happen? Be as specific as possible if you could.
But yeah, the Nazis were a bunch of leftists.

Thanks for the agreeance. I also do agree that yes the nazis and communists were at odds in Germany during that period. Now lets super impose whats happening here in America right now to what happened back then..which side in America today is doing things that more closely mimic what the nazis did in the rise to power?

Bahaha glad to see you conveniently selected my sarcastic sentence and ignored the facts in the rest of my post. But hey, I’ll play along and answer your follow-up question.

Which side in America today is doing things that more closely mimic what the nazis did in the rise to power?

Well, official documents now show that the Nazis were the ones behind the the burning of the Reichstag (Germany’s equivalent to the US Capitol) in 1933. The Nazi regime framed a Dutch Communist as a lone-wolf arsonist as an excuse to pass the Reichstagsbrandverordnung, which was the first key step in dismantling the parliamentary democratic institutions of the Weimar Republic and establishing a single-party Nazi State, with Hitler as the dictator. Establishment conservatives like President von Hindenburg had little love for a commoner like Hitler, but he went along with it because he thought Hitler was controllable and therefore less of a threat to conservative control than the SPD or Communist parties of the time. (He was also dependent on the support of Hitler’s supporters to maintain his position.) That decree was passed in February 1933, less than a few months after Hitler was elected Chancellor. Dachau Concentration Camp was established a month later to house political prisoners from the left, and it began housing German/Austrian Jews and Gypsies 2 years later upon passage of the Nuremberg Laws that institutionalized racial discrimination. Note that this was several years before the annexation of Austria, the Sudetenland, and Poland, the last of which precipitated the outbreak of WWII.

Fast-forward to January 6, 2021, and you had a mob of white supremacists storm the US Capitol to demand that democratic processes be set aside so that their charismatic and demagogic leader could maintain power. They literally pulled down the American flag and replaced it with a flag of said leader, all the while wearing T-shirts that said “6 million was not enough” and brandishing a battle flag of a former enemy state. (The Confederate battle flag — not even the national flag, but then again, most of the folks in that mob probably wouldn’t recognize the actual Confederate national flag if it was sitting right in front of them.)

And all the while, some Republican lawmakers went right along with the madness, demanding that the electoral college results be set aside in favor of President Trump because their fear of the “big-bad left” and their fear of losing support from Trump-devotees exceeded their love for their country and its democratic institutions. But of course, when the public backlash came in, suddenly these same folks were blaming Antifa and far-left protesters for perpetuating a false flag operation by storming the Capitol disguised as Trump supporters. The parallels are truly unnerving.

Thankfully, though, we’re not a fledgling democracy like Germany was in 1932-33. Thankfully, our conservative establishment leaders like Mike Pence and Mitch McConnell proved to have more of a backbone and more respect for their country’s constitution than Paul von Hindenburg did for his some 9 decades ago. For all that I’ve disagreed with them over the years, I applaud them for standing up against fascism and treason when it mattered most. You could draw parallels between their actions and what the British Royal Family did when they exiled former King Edward VIII — their own flesh and blood — after his collaborative plots with the Nazis were discovered. If those plots had been successful, Edward — the king who had abdicated for his brother — would have displaced his brother as king of a Nazi-friendly Britain, constitution be damned.

So yeah, there’s my answer to your question. The parallels between what President Trump and his mob of supporters attempted (and failed) to do this past week and what the Nazis attempted (and succeeded) to do with the Reichstag fire in 1933 are crystal clear to anyone who is not willfully blind, and those parallels are quite damning.
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Facts are great, what do you know about Hitlers family tree, was it 4 daughters?

I don’t know anything about that, to be honest. I studied the broader political, social, economic and militaristic trends of the interwar period, not personal family trees. The latter is not at all relevant to this discussion.
What happened at the Capital was heart breaking. But so was the rioting, looting, burning in dozens of cities this summer. Where was the outrage then? The rhetoric from the left fanned those flames. And now say the police reaction would be different if it was BLM! You won the election, the pandering can stop.

I’d say the inflammatory rhetoric pouring out of the Oval Office for the past 2 months precipitated what we saw in the Capitol on January 6. It’s not just me saying that, either. Here’s an article from arguably the most respected English-language news outlet around: the BBC. They’ve even got — gasp! — facts and data to back up these assertions:
I’d say the inflammatory rhetoric pouring out of the Oval Office for the past 2 months precipitated what we saw in the Capitol on January 6. It’s not just me saying that, either. Here’s an article from arguably the most respected English-language news outlet around: the BBC. They’ve even got — gasp! — facts and data to back up these assertions:

That might be fair but I also think that more transparency would have gone a long way to quell the lack of trust in the process. For example, my company has obligations to the SEC, FINRA, CFTC, FBA and European regulators. When we have audit scenarios or request for info, we are overly transparent because we don’t want to run the risk of further audits, penalties or being blocked from markets. We even flag where we got it wrong in advance to avoid those scenarios. In a nutshell, we open our doors and let them in to poke around. I get that might be a periphery comparison but we are subjected to multiple audits a year. We don’t lawyer up for those because we firmly believe we don’t have anything to hide. If we did lawyer up and not show the math, then the assumption would be that we had a wider issue.

If I were the states in question, I would have opened up the doors for a fully fledged audit inclusive of dominion, signature verification, address verification, etc and I would have gone to great lengths to make that information public domain findable. An example is the stance from Georgia where their response was “we ran our own investigation and we didn’t find anything” ........why not make public the process/investigation, the findings, the results etc?

Where I think this all went wrong was the constant flag of disinformation, suppression and blocking of the things I mention above when that likely would have squashed the growing number of people who had doubts. If you’re someone that already had doubts, then seeing things on Twitter/FB tagged as “this article is deemed disinformation” it generates less trust not more and opens up the doors for an unhinged president to drive more distrust in the system because it’s his word against others.

This is just my opinion and also some of the sounds bites I’ve heard from buddies who identify as conservative but center. These are highly educated, well off people. It isn’t just the crazy far right who wanted more transparency into the allegations.
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That might be fair but I also think that more transparency would have gone a long way to quell the lack of trust in the process. For example, my company has obligations to the SEC, FINRA, CFTC, FBA and European regulators. When we have audit scenarios or request for info, we are overly transparent because we don’t want to run the risk of further audits, penalties or being blocked from markets. We even flag where we got it wrong in advance to avoid those scenarios. In a nutshell, we open our doors and let them in to poke around. I get that might be a periphery comparison but we are subjected to multiple audits a year. We don’t lawyer up for those because we firmly believe we don’t have anything to hide. If we did lawyer up and not show the math, then the assumption would be that we had a wider issue.

If I were the states in question, I would have opened up the doors for a fully fledged audit inclusive of dominion, signature verification, address verification, etc and I would have gone to great lengths to make that information public domain findable. An example is the stance from Georgia where their response was “we ran our own investigation and we didn’t find anything” ........why not make public the process/investigation, the findings, the results etc?

Where I think this all went wrong was the constant flag of disinformation, suppression and blocking of the things I mention above when that likely would have squashed the growing number of people who had doubts. If you’re someone that already had doubts, then seeing things on Twitter/FB tagged as “this article is deemed disinformation” it generates less trust not more and opens up the doors for an unhinged president to drive more distrust in the system because it’s his word against others.

This is just my opinion and also some of the sounds bites I’ve heard from buddies who identify as conservative but center. These are highly educated, well off people. It isn’t just the crazy far right who wanted more transparency into the allegations.

stAte secretary's of state perform their own audits before and after every election. Same with county clerks. And those bipartisan audits and election officials almost unanimously said, yep, election was good.

So, it's rich to hear trumpers demand that these audits take place, when in most instances, they have. Nevermind that the republican party blocked the money that these offices would need, even if they wanted to be more transparent than they already are, to do so.
stAte secretary's of state perform their own audits before and after every election. Same with county clerks. And those bipartisan audits and election officials almost unanimously said, yep, election was good.

So, it's rich to hear trumpers demand that these audits take place, when in most instances, they have. Nevermind that the republican party blocked the money that these offices would need, even if they wanted to be more transparent than they already are, to do so.

I'll say it again in clear plain english.......I am not a Trumper, I was anti dem candidate/dem candidate policy. It is completely logical that scenario was viable for many so perhaps it's time to acknowledge that not all conservatives are Trumpers and stop the labeling. Just a suggestion

Explain what you mean when you say Repubs blocked funding. What am I missing? Where does the funding come from, state or federal level?
I'll say it again in clear plain english.......I am not a Trumper, I was anti dem candidate/dem candidate policy. It is completely logical that scenario was viable for many so perhaps it's time to acknowledge that not all conservatives are Trumpers and stop the labeling. Just a suggestion

Explain what you mean when you say Repubs blocked funding. What am I missing? Where does the funding come from, state or federal level?

State and local governments have seen tax receipts go down and are struggling to fund basic services like education, police, etc. So, as you might imagine, county clerks are also struggling, and being asked to do more with less.

So Dems wanted to send state and local governments extra money, bail them out, as one might say, to help support the basic operations of government. Republicans blocked that funding at every turn.
State and local governments have seen tax receipts go down and are struggling to fund basic services like education, police, etc. So, as you might imagine, county clerks are also struggling, and being asked to do more with less.

So Dems wanted to send state and local governments extra money, bail them out, as one might say, to help support the basic operations of government. Republicans blocked that funding at every turn.

tax revenue is going to be a huge issue for a great many states. Going to be a struggle for Govt to solve for.

Was that meant to be part of the stimulus?
That might be fair but I also think that more transparency would have gone a long way to quell the lack of trust in the process. For example, my company has obligations to the SEC, FINRA, CFTC, FBA and European regulators. When we have audit scenarios or request for info, we are overly transparent because we don’t want to run the risk of further audits, penalties or being blocked from markets. We even flag where we got it wrong in advance to avoid those scenarios. In a nutshell, we open our doors and let them in to poke around. I get that might be a periphery comparison but we are subjected to multiple audits a year. We don’t lawyer up for those because we firmly believe we don’t have anything to hide. If we did lawyer up and not show the math, then the assumption would be that we had a wider issue.

If I were the states in question, I would have opened up the doors for a fully fledged audit inclusive of dominion, signature verification, address verification, etc and I would have gone to great lengths to make that information public domain findable. An example is the stance from Georgia where their response was “we ran our own investigation and we didn’t find anything” ........why not make public the process/investigation, the findings, the results etc?

Where I think this all went wrong was the constant flag of disinformation, suppression and blocking of the things I mention above when that likely would have squashed the growing number of people who had doubts. If you’re someone that already had doubts, then seeing things on Twitter/FB tagged as “this article is deemed disinformation” it generates less trust not more and opens up the doors for an unhinged president to drive more distrust in the system because it’s his word against others.

This is just my opinion and also some of the sounds bites I’ve heard from buddies who identify as conservative but center. These are highly educated, well off people. It isn’t just the crazy far right who wanted more transparency into the allegations.

Come on now. Trump claimed widespread fraud on the election two months before the election. It was widely reported months in advance that Trump's strategy was going to be to claim victory on election night (when he would be up because of that day voters) and then claim it was being stolen from him after the mail in votes started being counted. This was all telegraphed. It was all part of the plan. To suggest that the states allowing more transparency would have stopped Trump and his enablers from lying their asses off the last few months is plain wrong.

Just imagine in four years, NJ goes republican by 12K votes. Biden proclaims, "this doesnt pass the smell test, this state was stolen from me!" After numerous court appearances being unable to produce any evidence, Biden orders the state's democratic leaders to deputize his lawyers so that they can 'find the fraud that he knows occurred" (this is what Trump proposed in his call with the GA Sec of State). The state complies, and Bidens people come in and "find" fraud. The state overturns the results and gives the state's electors to Biden.

You're cool with that right?