Star of the debate was once again Ramaswamy.
Seems like he single handedly shut down Haley’s Presidential run. First he labeled her George Bush in 3 inch heels.
And tonight he pulls out a piece of paper labeling her corrupt. He then puts her on the spot asking about Ukraine policy and she has her bird brain moment in not being able to respond. A really bad look for her.
Vivek looking polished, smooth, and has a robust knowledge of the issues. He will be the vice presidential pick.
Just to be clear I am voting for anyone not BIDEN and would even consider Joe Kenedy as an alternative as he is nowhere near the CRAZY of the Democratic Party.
Still I would pick a Republican Candidate over a Democratic more than likely.
The sad part of that statement is I have friends who are Democratic on the local levels of government who are great
It just seems the more national the job the worse it gets.
I smile when I say that as Myorkis the border guy has to be the worse liar on earth along with the most incompetent appointed government official which means he will be promoted up to the top
At the moment Trump is so far out on the vote for scale I am sticking with him unless I see a surge by one of the better quality candidates of Haley, Swamy or De Santis. Prefer any of those three due to youth and two terms they could serve.
Crazy Christi is NOT EVEN ON THE RADAR as a viable candidate. Can he just stop with the TDR and focus on what he will do to help American be a best country.
So solid voting for Trump at this point unless the rising conservative stars can do it.
County is in crap shape due to hate mongering and race baiting along with selling America by traitors such as the Bidens Family to everyone evil and Menendez to Eygpt
Of course the resident crazy club on here will defend the shit show that is presently called the Biden Administration
Have at it you ignored guys as I save a lot of reading by not paying attention to your freak comments
Unfortunately my guilty pleasures side once and awhile unignores you to get a laugh