Harris/Trump Debate

Biden? Did he jump back in the race?

I said a year before the last debate that I did not want Biden to be the candidate.

The day after the debate I came on here and admitted that Biden got his ass kicked. I didn’t cry about moderators or questions.

victim mentality is a weakness.
You ran home crying. Forgive me for being redundant.
Yeah we know, you post about it every 3rd post between melties and personal attacks at other posters.
Calling out nonsense isn’t a personal attack. That’s a classic way of saying, “stop telling the truth and calling me out”.

The harshest thing I’ve ever called anyone on this board is “weak”.

Again.. most people hate the truth. So be it.
I see value in the US taking care of their own. Support is one thing, but let’s try holding other countries accountable in their efforts to support, as well.
That's fair, and I agree with it. I believe, being the only country in the world who is seemingly run by the military industrial complex, it's our duty to supply our allies, and countries being invaded by hostile actors, with the support they need to repel said invasion. If it ends up killing two birds with one stone, then it's even better for us.
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You try way too hard.

You realize this, no?
You think pointing out the weirdness of having a former president unwilling to say he hopes Russia loses is trying too hard? The dude tried to invoke Viktor Orban as a damn character witness for himself.

On all days of the calendar, what the hell happened to patriotism in this country of ours? Now the Republicans are the party of Putin.
It's not about personalities it's about POLICIES! You have two far left Socialists who will take this country further down the Socialist Road, open borders, bigger government, Cenral palnning (everyonre to drive a EV) Big spending by government, one world order, Income redistribution. America is second to these goals.


A cndidate that wants to turn the page BACK TO CAPITALISM which is the basis of our countries for fathers and our conisttution. They will CLOSE the borders, develop our fossil fuels and Natural gas and LNG exports, cut our taxes to encourgae development of business. We will become energy independent and utilize some of those $$$ to p;ay down our National debt which is not sustanable. Elon Musk will head up a board to find overnement inefficies to save money. We must cut the size of the federal government, we are spending beyond our means.
We will deport all criminals and Gangs back to their countries which they came from. Then we need to deport the rremaining illegals,with 20 cruise ships all along our southern border making weekly trips to diiferent ports returninjg thier illegal immigraqnts to their home country. 5000 per ship x 20 ships = 100,000 per week x 50 weeks = 5 million deportations. We pay for this by the savings of government payments to all the illegals being deported.
The approach of cutting taxes worked both for the Regan Era as well as Trump's first term which ended up with growth rates of 4--6 % and a inflation rate close to 2 % (actually 1.9%) in his last month in office. Good jobs will be created for Americans, we pay them to work, not stay at home!. Maximize our resources with America first. We don't want to buy forisgn oil or gas, that's stupid ( redistrbution of wealth ).

America first, Power through strength not appeasement.
That's fair, and I agree with it. I believe, being the only country in the world who is seemingly run by the military industrial complex, it's our duty to supply our allies, and countries being invaded by hostile actors, with the support they need to repel said invasion. If it ends up killing two birds with one stone, then it's even better for us.
I agree with this. I also believe other countries allow the US to do, what they should take a larger part in.
You think pointing out the weirdness of having a former president unwilling to say he hopes Russia loses is trying too hard? The dude tried to invoke Viktor Orban as a damn character witness for himself.

On all days of the calendar, what the hell happened to patriotism in this country of ours? Now the Republicans are the party of Putin.
Your last sentence above. I rest my case.
Maaaaaaan … Harris pulled a masterful rope a dope during the formal Immigration segment.

That fleeting comment about crowd sizes and energy during her formal answer sent Trump in an unhinged tirade defending his rallies (I.e shit that doesn’t matter) for his entire formal time on that topic …..Soooooo every other time he brought up immigration it made him look terrible because he wasn’t answering questions.

Whoever coached her to do that ….. that was brilliant strategy.

He just can’t help himself …
Maaaaaaan … Harris pulled a masterful rope a dope during the formal Immigration segment.

That fleeting comment about crowd sizes and energy during her formal answer sent Trump in an unhinged tirade defending his rallies (I.e shit that doesn’t matter) for his entire formal time on that topic …..Soooooo every other time he brought up immigration it made him look terrible because he wasn’t answering questions.

Whoever coached her to do that ….. that was brilliant strategy.

He just can’t help himself …

Agreed. People seem to forget that she was a trial lawyer. She's not stupid.

He also has zero self control and dude can't stand being laughed at.
Biden? Did he jump back in the race?

I said a year before the last debate that I did not want Biden to be the candidate.

The day after the debate I came on here and admitted that Biden got his ass kicked. I didn’t cry about moderators or questions.

victim mentality is a weakness.
Because there was nothing to cry about with moderation or questions. It was clearly obvious who Biden was. No matter what side you were on, it was obvious. So much so that the Dems had to oust him out of the presidential race.

Saying Trump got his ass kicked is a matter of opinion and what lens you are looking through. Kamala did not add any value whatsoever yesterday. She provided no answers, she wasn't transparent, and she did not own her mistakes. She was up there telling a story and trying to cast vision for a better tomorrow when she has been in office 3.5 years, and the Dems 12 of the last 16.

The mods were clearly biased. That doesn't mean they forced or coerced Trump into anything - he's ultimately responsible for what he says and how he acts. But, since when do Mods fact check candidates? Isn't it the candidates job to fact check each other. Yet they fact checked Trump on MULTIPLE occasions and never did Kamala even though she clearly lied, was not transparent or chose to omit important information. When Trump didn't fully answer a question, they tried to ask it again. When Kamala didn't answer, they kept going.

It was obvious whose side ABC was on.
Where are all the posters that said she only talks in word salads and isn't able to speak fluently without a teleprompter? She also had no notes...
You are not really smart are you?

How much prep do you think she did? I guarantee you it wasn't just 1 day. Every single question that was under hand tossed at her was everything she was expecting and knew. She doesn't need a teleprompter when you've memorized every answer. She didn't even answer most of the questions she was asked starting with the very first one.

Are you really going to try to substantiate your claim by saying she had no notes? LOL.
Because there was nothing to cry about with moderation or questions. It was clearly obvious who Biden was. No matter what side you were on, it was obvious. So much so that the Dems had to oust him out of the presidential race.

Saying Trump got his ass kicked is a matter of opinion and what lens you are looking through. Kamala did not add any value whatsoever yesterday. She provided no answers, she wasn't transparent, and she did not own her mistakes. She was up there telling a story and trying to cast vision for a better tomorrow when she has been in office 3.5 years, and the Dems 12 of the last 16.

The mods were clearly biased. That doesn't mean they forced or coerced Trump into anything - he's ultimately responsible for what he says and how he acts. But, since when do Mods fact check candidates? Isn't it the candidates job to fact check each other. Yet they fact checked Trump on MULTIPLE occasions and never did Kamala even though she clearly lied, was not transparent or chose to omit important information. When Trump didn't fully answer a question, they tried to ask it again. When Kamala didn't answer, they kept going.

It was obvious whose side ABC was on.

The candidates based on the rules were not supposed to directly question each other.

If I'm a Democratic strategist I tell her to do exactly what she did. Look calm and cool, bait him and let Trump be Trump.

The more he talks the worse it is for him. Most of America who isn't Hardcore MAGA doesn't hear him speak frequently. He does not present well or with any discipline when he does. He just rbkes and bitches about how he's been done wrong.

It is extremely off-putting and doesn't help him.
You are not really smart are you?

How much prep do you think she did? I guarantee you it wasn't just 1 day. Every single question that was under hand tossed at her was everything she was expecting and knew. She doesn't need a teleprompter when you've memorized every answer. She didn't even answer most of the questions she was asked starting with the very first one.

Are you really going to try to substantiate your claim by saying she had no notes? LOL.

What was he asked that you were surprised by? They asked her about how she had changed positions on fracking and guns.

He should have been prepared and he obviously wasn't. He still doesn't have a plan for health care? That would s mind-blowing dumb.
The candidates based on the rules were not supposed to directly question each other.

If I'm a Democratic strategist I tell her to do exactly what she did. Look calm and cool, bait him and let Trump be Trump.

The more he talks the worse it is for him. Most of America who isn't Hardcore MAGA doesn't hear him speak frequently. He does not present well or with any discipline when he does. He just rbkes and bitches about how he's been done wrong.

It is extremely off-putting and doesn't help him.
Ok....great. Good strategy. Still doesn't mean she added ANY value to any of the topics. No policy, nothing.

However, you still didn't address the mods as that was one of your major points in the previous post. Do you really believe the mods did a great job in this debate? Do you really believe they were impartial? Do you really believe it was their jobs to fact check?
You are not really smart are you?

How much prep do you think she did? I guarantee you it wasn't just 1 day. Every single question that was under hand tossed at her was everything she was expecting and knew. She doesn't need a teleprompter when you've memorized every answer. She didn't even answer most of the questions she was asked starting with the very first one.

Are you really going to try to substantiate your claim by saying she had no notes? LOL.
Stop being an ass and ignore me like I ignore you.
What was he asked that you were surprised by? They asked her about how she had changed positions on fracking and guns.

He should have been prepared and he obviously wasn't. He still doesn't have a plan for health care? That would s mind-blowing dumb.
She still didn't answer the question! They asked her how and why. And she just went on with her talking points. Never has her answer made any sense about her values not changing but her position being different. How? Why? What does that mean?

Yes, the healthcare answer was surprising - I'll give you that.
Ok....great. Good strategy. Still doesn't mean she added ANY value to any of the topics. No policy, nothing.

However, you still didn't address the mods as that was one of your major points in the previous post. Do you really believe the mods did a great job in this debate? Do you really believe they were impartial? Do you really believe it was their jobs to fact check?

I thought they did fine. I don't really know what Trump fans can bitch about? The questions he was asked weren't hard or things he shouldn't have been prepared for.

Maybe if he didnt lie everytime he opened his mouth he wouldn't get fact checked.

They let a lot of half truths go from both sides, but they fact checked him on the ridiculous.
She still didn't answer the question! They asked her how and why. And she just went on with her talking points. Never has her answer made any sense about her values not changing but her position being different. How? Why? What does that mean?

Yes, the healthcare answer was surprising - I'll give you that.

And that was smart for her, she explained it, but the truth is that she knows for a National Election you must move to the middle.

I mean, Trump was a Democrat who donated to the Clinton's and to Kamala Harris twice. Should he have to discuss his changing views?
You are not really smart are you?

How much prep do you think she did? I guarantee you it wasn't just 1 day. Every single question that was under hand tossed at her was everything she was expecting and knew. She doesn't need a teleprompter when you've memorized every answer. She didn't even answer most of the questions she was asked starting with the very first one.

Are you really going to try to substantiate your claim by saying she had no notes? LOL.
Stop being an ass and ignore me like I ignore you.

LOL and yet you still quote me. Quit being a wuss. You ignore me because I present valid points that obliterate your arguments. I present truth and being a Non Mega, you can't just throw MAGA at me all day long - doesn't work.

Donald Trump needs to do these 4 years and GTFO. Then we can have a great candidate for president. But, I'll take these next 4 years under Trump than under Harris. The emotional rhetoric about how Trump is going to dismantle democracy, throw everyone in jail, eliminate people's rights, etc, etc is just dumb.
I thought they did fine. I don't really know what Trump fans can bitch about? The questions he was asked weren't hard or things he shouldn't have been prepared for.

Maybe if he didnt lie everytime he opened his mouth he wouldn't get fact checked.

They let a lot of half truths go from both sides, but they fact checked him on the ridiculous.
Exactly what I thought you'd say. Can't see things objectively at all.

No accountability whatsoever to the role a moderator should play in this.
And that was smart for her, she explained it, but the truth is that she knows for a National Election you must move to the middle.

I mean, Trump was a Democrat who donated to the Clinton's and to Kamala Harris twice. Should he have to discuss his changing views?
Sure...but they didn't ask him that.

They asked her and she didn't explain it - at all. "the truth is that she knows for a National Election you must move to the middle" is pretty telling - so she's lying, not being transparent, and pandering all for a vote - fake as hell. Guarantee you she isn't going to be pro any of those things once she's in office.
LOL and yet you still quote me. Quit being a wuss. You ignore me because I present valid points that obliterate your arguments. I present truth and being a Non Mega, you can't just throw MAGA at me all day long - doesn't work.

Donald Trump needs to do these 4 years and GTFO. Then we can have a great candidate for president. But, I'll take these next 4 years under Trump than under Harris. The emotional rhetoric about how Trump is going to dismantle democracy, throw everyone in jail, eliminate people's rights, etc, etc is just dumb.
Lie, just last week I busted you when you said I was "clearly lying" about Biden/Harris being invited to the Arlington ceremony, which ended in a wimpy comment from you as a concession that I was right.

Donald's words are not dumb, they are clearly dangerous, especially now that he's angrier and more detached from reality than he's ever been before. And this time he'll have no guardrails so it's objectively insane for you to bury your head and act like he's not a threat AFTER you know what he did on January 6th and what he continues saying to this day. You don't get to pretend like that never happened.

No way in hell should he be allowed to sit in that office again...
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You are not really smart are you?

How much prep do you think she did? I guarantee you it wasn't just 1 day. Every single question that was under hand tossed at her was everything she was expecting and knew. She doesn't need a teleprompter when you've memorized every answer. She didn't even answer most of the questions she was asked starting with the very first one.

Are you really going to try to substantiate your claim by saying she had no notes? LOL.
You really complaining that a former prosecutor and DA had excellent debate prep, and the guy who had Matt Gaetz and Laura Loomer as his prep partners ended up looking stupid? Her team said she’s been preparing for weeks for this. Trump probably should’ve done the same instead of shitposting and reading conspiracies on Twitter.
You really complaining that a former prosecutor and DA had excellent debate prep, and the guy who had Matt Gaetz and Laura Loomer as his prep partners ended up looking stupid? Her team said she’s been preparing for weeks for this. Trump probably should’ve done the same instead of shitposting and reading conspiracies on Twitter.

He still doesn't have an answer about his health care plan. How in the world did he not have an answer prepared? They had to know that it would be asked.

Every candidate for my lifetime has always prepared for debates. It was always a big point of discussion.
He still doesn't have an answer about his health care plan. How in the world did he not have an answer prepared? They had to know that it would be asked.

Every candidate for my lifetime has always prepared for debates. It was always a big point of discussion.
You just can't expect someone to have a solution to a problem they've spent 9 years campaigning on fixing. That's totally unrealistic.
The VA governor did say some weird stuff but it was a long time ago and super pointless to bring that up.

But I’ve never understood why someone would be ok with a 16 week abortion but not ok with a 28 week abortion.
This video is current. This is a now problem.

Wow, that got censored quickly (even on X). Glad I downloaded the video.

Here one that hasn't been taken down yet
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I had to record the debate and just watched it. Trump won the debate. Its hard to lose when the truth is on your side. Yes ABC was helping scamala but Trump came out on top.
based on polls most people agree. I laugh when they tried to say Trump had a worse performance than Biden. These are also the same people that tried to claim Biden won the debate and was sharp as a tack...