Or how about this...if you weren't such a dumbass, your fat ass would have seen the cement truck coming and stayed on the sidewalk. Fat people walk down the sidewalk all the time without dying, and skinny people get hit crossing the road all the time too. The common denominator there is being an idiot, which is 100% controllable, and it certainly has nothing to do with being fat or skinny, which is also controllable.
Getting a disease or a virus is completely out of your control. Using a certified mask in the correct way, washing your hands, hand sanitizer, etc are all ways to help mitigate risk, the same as wearing a seatbelt, but ultimately, it's not up to you. Depending on your views, and I won't condemn anyone's views on their own individual health, but depending on those views, you believe that getting the virus is a matter of chance, or getting the virus is in God's hands.
I won't tell you to go out in the middle of a crowd in public if you're afraid, and you don't tell me to "social distance" if I'm not afraid. Capiche?